deep meaning
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-24

The article considers the problem of proverb stability and modifications, and the difference between the terms modification and transformation. The author draws a conclusion that standard modifications within the national paremiological corpus can not be perceived as textual or occasional modifications. They should be taken as systemic variations within language norms that exist in the mind of native speakers, do not add another semantic meaning and are not recognized by native speakers as proverb deformations. Differences between proverbs (sayings of edifying character, which contain the centuries-old experience of the people) and anti-proverbs (the authors consider anti-proverbs to be the semantic antithesis of proverbs) are highlighted. The authors pay special attention to the study of the semantics of proverbs and their transformants to identify relevant semantic and cognitive characteristics. The productive transformation of classical proverbs convinces of the heredity of folk wisdom, the change in the deep meaning, and the formal plan of the original proverbs testifies to their adaptation to new social and historical conditions and values.

2021 ◽  
pp. 66-100
Alexander N. Shvetsov

As an object of research in the article, the phenomenon of the Russian space, taken in a long historical retrospective, appears, the subject issues of the study of which are the prerequisites, meanings and content, as well as significant cause-and-effect relationships and the dynamics of its transformations. It is shown that the processes of acquisition and development (colonization) of the country’s space took many centuries, took place in different directions, with different intensity and were initially associated with special motives, extraordinary efforts and contradictory consequences. The cornerstones of the main stages of transformation of the Russian space — pre-revolutionary, Soviet and post-Soviet — are considered. A theoretical understanding of the modern stage is proposed, the deep meaning of which the author associates with the need to remove the main contradiction of the spatial organization of life in the country, due to the abrupt transition of the country «from socialism to the market». The driving forces and limitations of the formation of a new configuration of space are highlighted, the course and content of this transition process are predicted. In the author’s understanding, the ongoing transition is characterized by a complex interweaving of reforms and counter-reforms: the market-federative reversal of the 1990s (with its well-known excesses of reformation radicalism) is opposed by a mechanistic one that ignores the realities of the established market-capitalist system, and therefore counterproductive reproduction of a number of Soviet planning and placement algorithms of public administration. The conceptual approach to the consideration of the organization of the socio-economic space as a large complex dynamic open system and to the interpretation of its transformation processes as systemic transformations is substantiated. The deep Russian features of state participation in the transformation of the socio-economic space are revealed, the requirements for the current state regional policy are formulated.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-28
Yelena Kovalenko

Introduction. Modern science, based on the abstract-logical method of cognition, is not able to comprehend the deep meaning of management culture in the organization processes of nature and society. A manager who uses a purely scientific approach will see only a part of the management object and not all its integrity and completeness. Purpose and methods. The purpose of the article is a metaphysical analysis of chaos, order, and harmony as fundamental concepts of general management culture, which will create a reliable tool for penetrating the depths of things and give not secondary interpretations, but to understand the essence of management culture yesterday, today and in the future. The methodological basis of the study is the metaphysical and dialectical principles of cognition, systemic and culturological approaches to the study of organizational phenomena and processes, as well as the fundamental provisions of the theory and history of culture. Results. The main approaches to the representation of chaos, order, and harmony in the mythopoetic picture of the world are considered. The most significant features of understanding chaos, order, and harmony in the philosophy of culture of the East are determined. The specifics of chaos, order, and harmony reflection in the philosophy of Western culture are revealed. A metaphysical synthesis of philosophical and scientific approaches to understanding chaos, order, and harmony in the context of management culture is carried out, and its deep essence is revealed. Conclusions. For the first time, a metaphysical analysis of chaos, order, and harmony in the organizational and cultural aspect was conducted, which allowed to penetrate the environment of transcendent management culture and to comprehend its deep meaning. The significance of the study is manifested in the addition of science to new theoretical provisions on the management culture metaphysics, as well as the possibility of using them in the training process of organizations’ managers.

Нина Сергеевна Болотнова

Введение. Необходимость развития культуры чтения у современного читателя, важность разработки новых методов и методик анализа художественного текста, включая выявление содержащейся в нем подтекстовой информации, неослабевающий интерес к творчеству И. А. Бунина обусловили актуальность исследования художественной прозы писателя в монографии Л. Г. Кайда. Методы исследования. Использовался описательный метод, включая приемы анализа, синтеза, сравнения и обобщения. Результаты и обсуждение. Научная новизна рецензируемой монографии обусловлена комплексным подходом автора к исследованию глубинного смысла 17 известных произведений разных жанров И. А. Бунина. Предпринятый Л. Г. Кайда комплексный характер исследования связан с многоаспектным рассмотрением содержательного плана текстов в русле философского, психологического, филологического, семиотического подходов к изучению художественной прозы классика русской литературы на основе анализа интегральной композиции художественного пространства рассматриваемых текстов. Интегральный подход и расширенная трактовка композиционной поэтики как эстетической категории позволили автору монографии выявить характерные для писателя закономерности на уровне его индивидуально-авторской манеры письма, определить особенности психологизма Бунина, его эстетическое «я», анализируя творчество писателя на основе сопоставления произведений разных лет. В отличие от других исследователей творчества И. А. Бунина автор монографии сделал акцент на разгадке «тайнописи» писателя, рассмотрении подтекстовой информации его произведений. Это было успешно реализовано на основе изучения интермедиальной композиции художественных текстов, отражающей идею синтеза искусств. Разработанная автором монографии концепция получила воплощение на практике в глубоком анализе композиционной поэтики произведений И. Бунина и детальном исследовании динамики композиционно-речевой формы текстов и их элементов. Анализируя художественное пространство творчества писателя, Л. Г. Кайда выделяет и обосновывает интегральную композицию как «новую категорию филологических исследований авторского текста». К несомненным достоинствам книги можно отнести выявление различных «затекстовых нюансов» в известных произведениях И. А. Бунина, что дает возможность нового, глубокого проникновения в творческую лабораторию автора и разгадыванию его интенций и мотивов. Заключение. Новая книга Л. Г. Кайда в силу ее актуальности, теоретической и практической значимости будет востребована специалистами в области теории и методики анализа текста, в вузовской практике преподавания стилистики декодирования и филологического анализа текста, а также всеми, кто интересуется творчеством И. А. Бунина. Предложенная автором методика комплексного анализа художественного текста в русле композиционной поэтики может быть использована для изучения текстов других авторов. The relevance of research. The requirement to develop a culture of reading among the modern reader, the importance of elaborating new methods and techniques of a literary text’s analysis, including identifying the subtextual information contained in it, an intense interest in the work of I. A. Bunin determined the relevance of the study of the writer’s fiction in the monograph by L. G. Kaida. Methods of research. A descriptive method was used, including techniques of analysis, synthesis, comparison and generalization. Results and discussion. The scientific novelty of the monograph under review is due to the author’s comprehensive approach to the study of the deep meaning of 17 well-known works of different genres by I. A. Bunin. The complex nature of L. G. Kaida’s study is associated with a multifaceted consideration of the content plan of texts in line with the philosophical, psychological, philological, semiotic approaches to the study of fictional prose of the classic of Russian literature based on the analysis of the integral composition of the artistic space of these 17 texts. An integral approach and an expanded interpretation of compositional poetics as an aesthetic category allowed the author of the monograph to identify patterns characteristic of the writer at the level of his individual author’s manner of writing, to determine the features of Bunin’s psychologism, his aesthetic “I”, analyzing the writer’s work on the basis of comparing works of different years. In contrast to other researchers of Bunin’s works, the author of the monograph focused on solving his “secret writing”, considering the subtext information of Bunin’s literary works. This was successfully implemented on basis of the study of the intermedia composition of literary texts, reflecting the idea of the synthesis of arts. The concept developed by L. G. Kaida was embodied in practice in a deep analysis of the compositional poetics of I. Bunin’s works and a detailed study of the dynamics of the compositional and speech form of texts and their elements. The analysis of the artistic space of the writer’s work allows L. G. Kaida to single out and prove integral composition as “a new category of philological studies of the author’s text”. The evident advantages of the book are the identification of various “behind-the-text nuances” in the well-known works of I. A. Bunin, which makes it possible for a new, deep penetration into the author’s creative laboratory and unraveling his intentions and motives. Conclusion. New book by L. G. Kaida, owing to its relevance, theoretical and practical significance, will be in demand by specialists in theory and methods of text analysis, in the university practice of teaching the stylistics of decoding and philological analysis of the text, as well as by everyone who is interested in the work of I. A. Bunin. The author’s method of complex analysis of a literary text towards compositional poetics can be used to study the texts of other authors.

Людмила Санжибоевна Дампилова ◽  
Надежда Романовна Ойноткинова

В данной статье рассматривается в семантическом контексте с обрядовым действом лексика в сибирских тюркских и монгольских языках, связанная с культом гор, земли и воды. Основными языками исследования являются алтайский, бурятский и якутский с привлечением монгольских, хакасских, тувинских параллелей. У тюрко-монгольских народов прослеживаются общие принципы организации сакрального пространства, концептуально схожие ритуальные действа в коллективном обряде, посвященном духам-хозяевам местности, присутствуют универсальные атрибуты и символы, характерные для шаманизма и буддизма. Впервые проведен сопоставительный анализ лексем, семантики и символики слов, связанных с обрядовыми действами и сопровождающий их вербальный контекст. Целью работы является выявление сохранности, распространения и трансформации культурных универсалий, имеющих вербальное выражение. Актуальным представляется исследование древнейших культурных кодов, сохранившихся в предметной и акциональной сферах обрядности. Понятие культурного кода в изучении обрядности позволит получить ключ к пониманию культурной картины мира и расшифровать глубинный смысл составных частей обряда (смыслов, знаков, символов, норм и т. д.). В итоге констатируем, что некогда существовала единая тюрко-монгольская традиция шаманизма, имевшая общую культурно знаковую систему, что подтверждается лексическим материалом и их обрядовым контекстом. Рассмотренные два основных ритуала жертвоприношения (кровавые и бескровные) доказывают как древние связи, так устойчивую универсальную последовательность и сохранность акциональных кодов в обрядовом событии монгольских и тюркских народов Сибири. Выявлено, что ключевые лексемы, используемые в предметном коде, имеют универсальную семантическую нагрузку в обрядовом событии. Лексические соответствия и схожие ритуальные предметы и действа, скорее всего, доказывают восхождение обряда к единым корням с последующими региональными и временными трансформациями. Установлено, что одинаковые атрибуты ритуала со схожим или разным лексическим обозначением являются архетипами, отражающими общие культурные коды тюркских народов Сибири и монгольских этносов. The authors consider the vocabulary of Siberian Turkic and Mongolian languages, related to the cult of mountains, land and water in a semantic context with the ritual action. The main languages of the study are Altai, Buryat and Yakut with the involvement of Mongolian, Khakas, and Tuvan parallels. In rites of Turkic-Mongolian people devoted to the host spirits of the area, the general principles of the organization of the sacred space, conceptually similar ritual actions are traced. There are universal attributes and symbols which are illustratory of shamanism and Buddhism. For the first time, a comparative analysis of lexemes, semantics and symbolism of words related to ritual actions and accompanying their verbal context was carried out. The purpose of the work is identifying the preservation, dissemination and transformation of cultural universals with verbal expression. A study of the oldest cultural codes preserved in the subject and actional spheres of rite seems relevant. The concept of a cultural code in the study of rite will provide a key to understanding the cultural picture of the world and allows deciphering the deep meaning of the components of the rite (meanings, signs, symbols, norms, etc.). As a result, we state that there was once a united Turkic-Mongolian tradition of shamanism, which had a common culturally significant system. It is confirmed by lexical material and their ritual context. The considered two main rituals of sacrifice (bloody and bloodless) prove both ancient ties and a stable universal sequence and the preservation of national codes in the ritual event of the Mongolian and Turkic peoples of Siberia. It is revealed that the key lexemes used in the subject code have a universal semantics in the ritual event. Lexical correspondences and similar ritual objects and actions most likely prove the ascension of the rite to single roots with subsequent regional and temporary transformations. It was established that the same attributes of the ritual with a similar or different lexical designation are archetypes reflecting the general cultural codes of the Turkic peoples of Siberia and Mongolian ethnic groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 301
Rusma Noortyani

Structure and Didactic Value in the Themed Poetry of “Online Learning” by Class X Students at SMKS Unggulan Husada Banjarmasin. The purpose of this study was to describe the structure of poetry by class X-B students at SMKS Unggulan Husada Banjarmasin and to examine the didactic value of poetry by class X-B students at SMKS Unggulan Husada Banjarmasin. Data collection was carried out from May 30 to June 30, 2021 through an online form of poetry writing performance test. The data analyzed were 18 pieces of poetry. The data collection procedures in this study were reading, identifying, codifying, and classifying according to the research focus. Data analysis uses deep meaning understanding techniques. Checking the validity of the data is done through triangulation techniques. The results of the study found that the structure that builds a poem consists of a physical structure and an inner structure. The physical structure consists of typography, rhyme, images, figure of speech, concrete words, and diction. The inner structure consists of theme, tone, and atmosphere. After analyzing the poems by class X-B students of FKK Vocational High School Husada Banjarmasin, it was found that the poems contained the entire physical and mental structure. The didactic values contained in the poem are in the form of moral and religious didactic values. Keywords: structure, didactic values, poetry, online learning, student work Abstrak Struktur dan Nilai Didaktis pada Puisi Bertema “Belajar Daring” Karya Siswa Kelas X di SMKS Unggulan Husada Banjarmasin. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan struktur puisi karya siswa kelas X-B SMKS Unggulan Husada Banjarmasin dan mengkaji nilai didaktis dari puisi karya siswa kelas X-B SMKS Unggulan Husada Banjarmasin. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan 30 Mei-30 Juni 2021 melalui daring berupa tes unjuk kerja menulis puisi. Data yang dianalisis berjumlah 18 buah puisi. Prosedur pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah membaca, mengidentifikasi, mengodifikasi, dan mengklasifikasikan sesuai dengan fokus penelitian. Analisis data menggunakan teknik pemahaman arti secara mendalam. Pengecekan keabsahan data dilakukan melalui teknik triangulasi. Hasil penelitian ditemukan struktur yang membangun sebuah puisi terdiri atas struktur fisik dan struktur batin. Struktur fisik terdiri atas tipografi, rima, imaji, majas, kata konkret, dandiksi. Struktur batin terdiri atas tema, nada, dan suasana. Setelah dilakukan analisis pada puisi karya siswa kelas X-B FKK SMKS Unggulan Husada Banjarmasin diperoleh bahwa puisi-puisi tersebut memuat keseluruhan struktur fisik dan batin. Nilai didaktis yang terdapat dalam puisi tersebut berupa nilai didaktis moral dan agama. Kata-kata kunci: struktur, nilai didaktis, puisi, belajar daring, karya siswa

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-14
Sergey G. Vorkachev ◽  

Based on the publications of Russian scientists, the notions of the symbol in the humanities are studied. The problem of the nature, essence and purpose of a symbol, raised back in Antiquity, remains quite relevant at the present time. In Russian linguistics, the "symbolic" theme occupies one of the leading places, but a clear and unambiguous definition of the symbol is still missing. It is established that a symbol is an umbrella semantic formation, covering the subject areas of several scientific disciplines, outside the context of a specific scientific field or theory; it is a pro-term and can act as a generic name for any semiotic unit. The symbolism of the exact sciences and most of the linguistic signs falls into the category of conventional signs, in which the correspondence of the plans of expression and content is arbitrary, the symbolism of the exact sciences and most of the linguistic signs, while the symbolism of all other areas of knowledge falls into the category of motivated semiotic units, in which the plan of expression is one way or another connected with the content plan, and this connection is conditioned by similarity, contiguity, or in some other way. Endowing a motivated sign with a name leads to a ―doubling‖ of the semantic structure of a new formation, when the signifier of this sign – an image or a generalized representation – turns into a signified, sending to another signified, in relation to which it acts as a signifier. A symbol in its most general form is a sign in which the primary content is used as an exponent of another, more abstract and culturally valuable content. The list of specific characteristics of a symbol, both obligatory and optional, compiled according to scientific discourse, includes: ―vector‖ – the direction of symbolization from the concrete to the abstract; transcendence – going beyond the limits of real existence; vagueness and fragility of semantic boundaries, layering and depth; interpretation – the need for active work of thought and imagination to comprehend the symbolized meaning; coded deep meaning, mystery and mysticism; ―passwordness‖, intended for the initiated; intuitiveness; emotiogenicity, mobilizing force; axiology and ideology. The optional properties of a symbol are aesthetic appeal, emphasizing its socio-cultural significance, and, for ancient symbols, ―archetypeness‖ as belonging to the number of primary ideas and images. The functions of the symbol include: generally semiotic – informative and communicative; specific – epistemological, axiological, emotive-affective, social, cultural-unifying, representative, and in some of the symbols – aesthetic and mobilizing.

Dr Nawal Al-Sheikh

The researcher in this research paper explores and explains the symbolism of the place where the events took place in Ghassan Kanafani’s novel titled The Three Letters from Palestine. The researcher adopted the qualitative approach in an attempt to examine the symbolism of the spatial element in Three Letters from Palestine and its significance and the deep meaning behind the literal meaning of these symbols. The research reveals the symbolism of place employed in Kanafani's short story, through which he explains his connection to the homeland and concepts related to the Palestinian cause such as belonging to the place, identity, and the Palestinian heritage. This narrative method is one of the methods adopted by Kanafani in his writing, which was intended to link the reader with the events of the short story and its spatial elements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-194
Dianis Izztul Yuanita ◽  
Mohamad Muchib Azhari

So far, the tendency of mathematics teachers to not optimize students' mathematical thinking skills in learning, especially higher order thinking skills. One of the higher order thinking skills is reflective thinking. Reflective thinking is a directed and precise process in which individuals analyze, evaluate, motivate, gain deep meaning, using appropriate learning strategies. The reflective thinking ability according to Surbeck, Han and Moyer has 3 phases/levels, namely reacting, comparing, and contemplating. The purpose of this study was to describe students' reflective thinking skills in solving math problems with fractions in class V-A MI Tanwirul Fuad Sumberjo. As a source of data taken 6 students from 27 students. In this study data collection techniques used, namely tests, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is qualitative data analysis with data reduction steps, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Data analysis was carried out by: 1) presenting the data, 2) comparing the test result data with interviews conducted with students, and 3) concluding the data. [Selama ini kecenderungan para guru matematika kurang mengoptimalkan kemampuan berpikir matematika siswa dalam pembelajaran, terutama kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Salah satu kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi adalah berpikir reflektif. Berpikir reflektif adalah proses terarah dan tepat dimana individu menganalisis, mengevaluasi, memotivasi, mendapatkan makna mendalam, menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat. Kemampuan berpikir reflektif menurut Surbeck, Han dan Moyer memiliki 3 fase/tingkatan yaitu reacting, comparing, dan contemplating. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir reflektif siswa dalam memecahkan masalah matematika materi pecahan di kelas V-A MI Tanwirul Fuad Sumberjo. Sebagai sumber data diambil 6 siswa dari 27 siswa. Dalam penelitian ini teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan, yaitu tes, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu analisis data kualitatif dengan langkah-langkah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara: 1) menyajikan data, 2) membandingkan data hasil tes dengan wawancara yang dilakukan terhadap siswa, dan 3) menyimpulkan data]

2021 ◽  
pp. 134-141
Ms. Rainysha Rawal ◽  
Dr. Aparna Banik

This paper explains after analysing critical aspects why J. R. R. Tolkien’s efforts are the mere reason for generating huge interests among authors in Fantasy. Among the most prominent novels of 20th century, for considering excellence in any fantasy literature his works stood as a benchmark. It also highlights about World Building. The greatest contribution belongs to Fantasy Literature is making of new worlds, providing new definition to fantasy and his esteem for different languages made him to use the Language as a constant to create the world from scratch. Tolkien may consider the creator of his own world – Middle-earth which acts as a Universe, it took around 60 years in the creation, has a deep meaning in everything which one can ever expect. He is a prolific artist and his created universe of own geography and history, flora and fauna, languages and cultures, physics and magic proved fine artist constructing the worlds.

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