guidance program
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2022 ◽  

The results of this study indicate that: 1) The implementation of the supervision of the madrasah principal in developing the guidance and counseling program has been well implemented and can help, guide, and provide direction to BK teachers in compiling and developing guidance and counseling programs. The steps are carried out in several steps, including preparing a schedule and supervision instrument, notifying the BK teacher who will be supervised, carrying out supervision to the BK teacher by checking the program and monitoring its implementation, and evaluating or assessing the BK program. The technique used in the implementation of the supervision of the madrasah principal is individual and group techniques. Meanwhile, the approach to the supervision of the head of the madrasah is a direct and indirect approach. 2) Factors supporting the implementation of the supervision of the madrasah Principal in developing guidance and counseling programs are cooperation and support from all parties in the school, the existence of a program or supervision schedule, and BK tools in the form of programs and RPL. While the inhibiting factor is the existence of an agenda or schedule for the madrasa principal that coincides with the schedule for the implementation of supervision for BK teachers so that supervision can be delayed. 3) The solution to overcome obstacles in implementing the supervision of the madrasa principal in developing a counseling guidance program is to arrange or change the supervision schedule to another time and coordinate with the BK teacher so that supervision can still be carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 91-104
Ali Abdulnabi Ali ◽  
Ali Subhi Khalaf

          The research aimed at identifying the affectivity of self – organization style on improving academic achievement motivation. The researchers applied the research on (225) students of first, third and fourth year college students. Then a self – organization guidance program was constructed with 12 guidance session on physical education and sport sciences’ students who showed a low level of academic study motivation in soccer. The main subject was (20) divided into two equal groups and the results showed that the counseling program has a positive effect on self – organization style on academic studying motivation for physical education and sport sciences’ college students.   

Laura Emilia SERBANESCU ◽  
Oana Mariana CIUCHI

This paper brings to the readers' attention the theoretical dimensions and emphasizes the practical dimensions of professional counseling and career guidance - an activity complementary to the vocational training activities, but imperative in the harmonious insertion of young people on the labor market, as revealed by presenting a good practice model. Thus, the research part of the paper reveals a high level of satisfaction / self-knowledge / relationship in the social environment, obtained by students, as a result of their participation in a professional counseling and career guidance program, conducted online. This is an aspect that leads us to conclude that career counseling activities, regardless of how they are carried out (onside / online, group / individual), have a defining importance for the further professional evolution of students / young people.

Fahmi Rifaldi ◽  
Panahatan .

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan software adobe flash cs6 pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik; (2) untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran interaktif pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan (research and development). Langkah-langkah pengembangan media pembelajaran interaktif ini meliputi : (1) Analisis (Analysis); (2) Perencanaan (Design); (3) Pengembangan (Development); dan (4) Validasi. Metode pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan angket yang berisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan. Validasi media melibatkan 4 orang ahli media dan 2 orang sebagai pengguna (uji coba awal). Hasil uji awal coba oleh  pengguna berdasarkan pada indikator Panduan, indikator Materi Multimedia, indikator Evaluasi, indikator Desain dan Fasilitas Media memperoleh skor rata-rata 4,75 (Sangat Layak). Hasil validasi ahli media berdasarkan panduan informasi, kinerja program,  dan sistematika memperoleh skor rata-rata 4,69 (Sangat Layak). Berdasarkan seluruh hasil yang penelitian yang disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran interaktif sangat layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran instalasi penerangan listrik di SMK Negeri 13 Medan. Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran Interaktif, Adobe Flash CS6 AbstractEnglish translation. English translation. This aims research to: (1) develop interactive learning media using adobe flash cs6 software on electrical lighting installation subjects; (2) to find out the feasibility of interactive learning media in the subjects of electrical lighting installations. This research uses research and development methods. The steps of developing this interactive learning medium include: (1) Analysis; (2) Planning (Design); (3) Development; and (4) Validation. The data collection method in this study uses questionnaires that contain questions. Media validation involves 4 media experts and 2 people as users (initial trial). The results of the initial trial by users based on the Guide indicator, Multimedia Materials indicator, Evaluation indicator, Design indicator and Media Facility obtained an average score of 4.75 (Very Feasible). Media expert validation results based on information guidance, program performance, and systematics earned an average score of 4.69 (Very Decent). Based on all the results of the research concluded that interactive learning media is very suitable to be used as a learning medium in the subjects of electric lighting installation in SMK Negeri 13 Medan.  Keywords: Interactive Learning Media, Adobe Flash CS6

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 548-558
Abdurrahman Abdurrahman ◽  
Yusuf Hadijaya ◽  
Muhammad Latif Sipahutar

This article aims to describe the implementation of group counseling guidance management in increasing cooperative learning at SMPT IT Al Afkari Batang Kuis. This research method is descriptive qualitative using two data collection techniques: interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data display, conclusion, and data verification. The results show Principals are very supportive and have an important role in the process of BK service activities, such as providing a budget for BK activities themselves. The school principal is involved in the process of BK service activities and also motivates students. Counseling teachers in carrying out their duties play an active role in BK activities including group guidance activities. BK teachers carry out the process of group guidance services according to the conditions and needs of the students. In the process of implementing group guidance services carried out by BK teachers at SMP IT Al-Afkari, it is intended that students can improve collaboration in learning better with other students. Through the service process group guidance, a lot of changes occur in individual students, one of which is learning with the mediocre, to be better than before. Increasing student learning cooperation with other students through group guidance services with the material increasing cooperation with fellow students and improving the way students learn. In addition to providing material, researchers also provide various forms of games that are characterized by the intimacy between members in the group so that they are able to work together well in learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 223
Arditya Prayogi ◽  
Muhammad Jauhari

This article with a literature study aims to describe the implementation of marriage guidance programs, as a pre-marital program which is expected to be a systematic way to realize national family resilience. Marriage is one of the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad which is carried out as an effort to fulfill human biological needs to live together, love each other, love each other and love each other and contains a vertical dimension. The results of the discussion show that the realization of family resilience must start from the process of forming a family through legal marriage, according to religious values. The family is the main foundation in building a system and social order as the basis for national resilience. Marriage guidance is a form of revitalization to strengthen the formation of marriage institutions which is a concrete effort that is expected to be able to realize the formation of many sakinah families in Indonesia. The marriage guidance program is a form of state responsibility to be able to realize national family resilience.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-96
Suprihatin Suprihatin

 ABSTRACT: This study aims to determine and describe the teacher's ability to use the WhatsApp Voice Note application program in the distance learning process through integrated mentoring. The sample in this study was 9 teachers consisting of 6 classroom teachers and 3 subject teachers who were selected based on criteria using the WhatsApp Voice Note application program. This research was conducted in 2 cycles. Each cycle consists of 2 meetings and research procedures include; planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Meanwhile, to find out the teacher's activities at work, the researchers completed measuring instruments with observation instruments based on their ability to use the WhatsApp Voice Note application. The next aspect observed was the implementation of mentoring activities for researchers (principals). The results of the first cycle of research on the teacher's ability to use WhatsApp Voice Notes in Distance Learning obtained the lowest average score of the first cycle of 70.86%, the conversion value of 3, the "Good" category the highest average score of 77.55%, the conversion value; 3, category “Good”. The lowest average score in cycle II; 86.86%, value conversion; 4, “Very Good” category, the highest average score; 91.30%, value conversion; 4, “Very Good” category. As for the increase in the results of the first cycle to the second cycle; 13.75%. Furthermore, the results of the research cycle I the average score based on the percentage obtained the lowest average score of 82.04%, the conversion value was 3, the category "Satisfactory" while the highest average score reached 87.89%, the conversion value was 4, the category "Very Satisfactory" cycle II obtained the lowest average score of 89.72%, conversion value of 4, category "Very Satisfactory" the highest average score of 94.63%, conversion value of 4, category "Very Satisfactory". The results of the research cycle I and II there was an increase of 6.74%. The results of interviews with participants and researchers related to the implementation of the guidance program are contained in the interview transcript table for the WhatsApp Voice Note application program material considering that during the pandemic it was not only SD Negeri Borosuci Kalibawang that experienced difficulties, but every elementary school in the Kulon Progo Regency area. Research through integrative guidance is very helpful for teachers to add new knowledge about the WhatsApp Voice Note application. Furthermore, the principal also feels that it provides new experiences and is helped by all teachers who have a passion for learning to do distance learning in the era of the covid-19 pandemic.

Abdurrahman, Tien Rafida, Riswan Hadi

This study aims to explore in-depth data about the implementation of the field of academic guidance services, personal guidance services, social guidance services, and student career guidance services at Madrasah Aliyah Private Islamic Boarding School Modern Darul Ulum Asahan with qualitative research methods with data collection techniques through observation instruments, interviews. and documentation studies. The informants in this study were counseling teachers, madrasa principals, and students. The results of this study explain that: 1) The implementation of services in the field of academic guidance at the Darul Ulum Asahan Modern Private Islamic Boarding School has been carried out properly by providing COUNSELING GUIDANCE program services that lead to the student's academic field. help students solve learning problems that occur to them. The role of COUNSELING GUIDANCE teachers, school principals, and the curriculum has been carried out, but only limited time in providing guidance and counseling programs. The implementation of personal guidance in Private Madrasah Aliyah, 2) Modern Darul Ulum Asahan Islamic Boarding School, is carried out well by giving students directions to students to be able to solve personal problems that exist in themselves and develop their abilities or potentials. The role of guidance and counseling teachers is also as expected in providing services related to personal guidance. which is wherein the implementation of services in the field of personal guidance the guidance and counseling teacher efforts to develop the talents, potentials, and skills of each student by inviting students to be more creative and productive in supporting their potential, such as providing facilities and infrastructure that can generate ideas Student creativity, 3) Implementation of social guidance services in the Private Madrasah Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Modern Darul Ulum Asahan has been socially progressing properly by providing guidance and counseling program services that lead to the field of social development. The role of guidance and counseling teachers in the form of orientation, information, placement, and group guidance services where students are led to be more active in communicating, interacting, and socializing with their environment, and 4) service delivery in the field of career guidance at the Private Madrasah Aliyah Islamic Boarding School Modern Darul Ulum Asahan is carried out by providing understanding to students related to understanding, planning, choosing, adjusting and developing a career according to their interests and talents.

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