rule method
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 208-215
Luky Fabrianto ◽  
Novianti Madhona Faizah ◽  
Johan Hendri Prasetyo ◽  
Bobby Suryo Prakoso ◽  
Gani Wiharso

The popular data mining methods to find the relationship between an item and another item is the association rule method using A Priori algorithm, this method is precise to generate a pattern of relationship rules between the types of items sold based on sales data. Support values ​​on frequent items and confidence in the rules obtained can be an actionable insight that can be follow up by minimarket managers, cooperatives and etc. The categorization of product types in minimarkets is much while the total number of transactions in one year is also very large, but the number of types of items sold in a transaction is very few, thus the threshold value cannot be high. In this study, the association rule method was carried out per event or certain period related to Muslim holidays, the highest rule was obtained is Makanan ringan => Sembako with 46% confidence and 16% support which occurred in the month of Ramadan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
pp. e804
Marcos Fernández Carbonell ◽  
Magnus Boman ◽  
Petri Laukka

We investigated emotion classification from brief video recordings from the GEMEP database wherein actors portrayed 18 emotions. Vocal features consisted of acoustic parameters related to frequency, intensity, spectral distribution, and durations. Facial features consisted of facial action units. We first performed a series of person-independent supervised classification experiments. Best performance (AUC = 0.88) was obtained by merging the output from the best unimodal vocal (Elastic Net, AUC = 0.82) and facial (Random Forest, AUC = 0.80) classifiers using a late fusion approach and the product rule method. All 18 emotions were recognized with above-chance recall, although recognition rates varied widely across emotions (e.g., high for amusement, anger, and disgust; and low for shame). Multimodal feature patterns for each emotion are described in terms of the vocal and facial features that contributed most to classifier performance. Next, a series of exploratory unsupervised classification experiments were performed to gain more insight into how emotion expressions are organized. Solutions from traditional clustering techniques were interpreted using decision trees in order to explore which features underlie clustering. Another approach utilized various dimensionality reduction techniques paired with inspection of data visualizations. Unsupervised methods did not cluster stimuli in terms of emotion categories, but several explanatory patterns were observed. Some could be interpreted in terms of valence and arousal, but actor and gender specific aspects also contributed to clustering. Identifying explanatory patterns holds great potential as a meta-heuristic when unsupervised methods are used in complex classification tasks.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Nuria Mollá ◽  
Alejandro Rabasa ◽  
Jesús J. Rodríguez-Sala ◽  
Joaquín Sánchez-Soriano ◽  
Antonio Ferrándiz

Data science is currently one of the most promising fields used to support the decision-making process. Particularly, data streams can give these supportive systems an updated base of knowledge that allows experts to make decisions with updated models. Incremental Decision Rules Algorithm (IDRA) proposes a new incremental decision-rule method based on the classical ID3 approach to generating and updating a rule set. This algorithm is a novel approach designed to fit a Decision Support System (DSS) whose motivation is to give accurate responses in an affordable time for a decision situation. This work includes several experiments that compare IDRA with the classical static but optimized ID3 (CREA) and the adaptive method VFDR. A battery of scenarios with different error types and rates are proposed to compare these three algorithms. IDRA improves the accuracies of VFDR and CREA in most common cases for the simulated data streams used in this work. In particular, the proposed technique has proven to perform better in those scenarios with no error, low noise, or high-impact concept drifts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 54-66
M. Hamdani Santoso

Data mining can generally be defined as a technique for finding patterns (extraction) or interesting information in large amounts of data that have meaning for decision support. One of the well-known and commonly used association rule discovery data mining methods is the Apriori algorithm. The Association Rule and the Apriori Algorithm are two very prominent algorithms for finding a number of frequently occurring sets of items from transaction data stored in databases. The calculation is done to determine the minimum value of support and minimum confidence that will produce the association rule. The association rule is used to produce the percentage of purchasing activity for an itemset within a certain period of time using the RapidMiner software. The results of the test using the priori algorithm method show that the association rule, that customers often buy toothpaste and detergents that have met the minimum confidence value. By searching for patterns using this a priori algorithm, it is hoped that the resulting information can improve further sales strategies.

Rong Yang ◽  
Yizhou Chen ◽  
Guo Sa ◽  
Kangjie Li ◽  
Haigen Hu ◽  

Abstract Background At present, numerous challenges exist in the diagnosis of pancreatic SCNs and MCNs. After the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI), many radiomics research methods have been applied to the identification of pancreatic SCNs and MCNs. Purpose A deep neural network (DNN) model termed Multi-channel-Multiclassifier-Random Forest-ResNet (MMRF-ResNet) was constructed to provide an objective CT imaging basis for differential diagnosis between pancreatic serous cystic neoplasms (SCNs) and mucinous cystic neoplasms (MCNs). Materials and methods This study is a retrospective analysis of pancreatic unenhanced and enhanced CT images in 63 patients with pancreatic SCNs and 47 patients with MCNs (3 of which were mucinous cystadenocarcinoma) confirmed by pathology from December 2010 to August 2016. Different image segmented methods (single-channel manual outline ROI image and multi-channel image), feature extraction methods (wavelet, LBP, HOG, GLCM, Gabor, ResNet, and AlexNet) and classifiers (KNN, Softmax, Bayes, random forest classifier, and Majority Voting rule method) are used to classify the nature of the lesion in each CT image (SCNs/MCNs). Then, the comparisons of classification results were made based on sensitivity, specificity, precision, accuracy, F1 score, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), with pathological results serving as the gold standard. Results Multi-channel-ResNet (AUC 0.98) was superior to Manual-ResNet (AUC 0.91).CT image characteristics of lesions extracted by ResNet are more representative than wavelet, LBP, HOG, GLCM, Gabor, and AlexNet. Compared to the use of three classifiers alone and Majority Voting rule method, the use of the MMRF-ResNet model exhibits a better evaluation effect (AUC 0.96) for the classification of the pancreatic SCNs and MCNs. Conclusion The CT image classification model MMRF-ResNet is an effective method to distinguish between pancreatic SCNs and MCNs. Graphic abstract

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Song Lifang

Today is an era of data “big bang”; Internet information technology is widely used in various fields of society. As an indispensable spiritual food in people’s daily life, books are increasing in number and scale. In order to better manage book information, people have introduced data mining technology. Based on this, this article takes the research and application of data mining technology in book copyright information management decision-making system as the theme, explores the role of data mining technology in book copyright information management, and aims to provide reference for our country’s book copyright information management and decision-making. This article first introduces the common algorithms of data mining technology and then elaborates on the advantages and effectiveness of the association rule method in data mining. Aiming at some defects of the original Apriori algorithm of the association rule method, an improved Apriori algorithm is proposed. After taking the library book information management system and database of a university in our province as the experimental research object, the performance gap between the two algorithms is compared through experiments, and it is concluded that when the number of transaction set item records is less than 1400, the Apriori algorithm performs better, and when the number of records in the transaction set is greater than 1400, the improved Apriori algorithm is obviously more advantageous. The research results show that the introduction and application of data mining technology make the information management of books more efficient and convenient, and it is more convenient for the management and decision-making of book copyright information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-59
T. Husain ◽  
Nuzulul Hidayati

Data mining is the process of finding interesting patterns and knowledge from large amounts of data. Sources of information service, especially in the library, include books, reference books, serials, scientific gray literature (newsletters, reports, proceedings, dissertations, theses, and others). The importance of this research being carried out in the library in this study aims to implement data mining with the association rule method to solve problems, especially in the placement of shelves based on the category of the printed version of the book collection. This research method uses a qualitative research approach. Data was collected using documentation techniques and deep analysis of existing weaknesses to identify user needs whose information was obtained through observation and interviews with key informants (admin, user, etc.). For example, the determination of the best book placement patterns can be done by looking at the results of the tendency of visitors to borrow books based on a combination of 2 item sets with 60 percent of confidence value every month or week and must be evaluated or take a calculate again.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Ruixue Duan ◽  
Zhuofan Huang ◽  
Yangsen Zhang ◽  
Xiulei Liu ◽  
Yue Dang

The mobile social network contains a large amount of information in a form of commentary. Effective analysis of the sentiment in the comments would help improve the recommendations in the mobile network. With the development of well-performing pretrained language models, the performance of sentiment classification task based on deep learning has seen new breakthroughs in the past decade. However, deep learning models suffer from poor interpretability, making it difficult to integrate sentiment knowledge into the model. This paper proposes a sentiment classification model based on the cascade of the BERT model and the adaptive sentiment dictionary. First, the pretrained BERT model is used to fine-tune with the training corpus, and the probability of sentiment classification in different categories is obtained through the softmax layer. Next, to allow a more effective comparison between the probabilities for the two classes, a nonlinearity is introduced in a form of positive-negative probability ratio, using the rule method based on sentiment dictionary to deal with the probability ratio below the threshold. This method of cascading the pretrained model and the semantic rules of the sentiment dictionary allows to utilize the advantages of both models. Different sized Chnsenticorp data sets are used to train the proposed model. Experimental results show that the Dict-BERT model is better than the BERT-only model, especially when the training set is relatively small. The improvement is obvious with the accuracy increase of 0.8%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 651
Riolandi Akbar ◽  
Shofwatul 'Uyun

<p>Penelitian penentuan calon bantuan siswa miskin ini di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 37 Bengkulu Selatan. Masalah yang terjadi ada ketidaksesuaian dari hasil output dalam pemberian bantuan siswa miskin, belum digunakannya metode keputusan untuk setiap kriteria dan masih menggunakan penilaian prediksi atau perkiraan untuk calon penerima bantuan. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan menggunakan Fuzzy Tsukamoto dengan perbandingan dua metode yaitu rule pakar dan Decision Tree SimpleCart. Tahapan penelitian ini dimulai dengan menganalisis output dengan melakukan seleksi dari sejumlah alternatif hasil, kemudian melakukan pencarian nilai bobot setiap atribut dari Fuzzy Tsukamoto dengan metode perbandingan rule pakar dan Decision Tree SimpleCart. Selanjutnya menentukan parameter batasan fungsi keanggotaan fuzzy meliputi kartu perlindungan sosial, nilai rata-rata raport, tanggungan, penghasilan orang tua, prestasi dan kepemilikan rumah. Analisis hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian terhadap 75 data siswa dan telah dilakukan klasifikasi menggunakan Fuzzy Tsukamoto didapatkan hasil akurasi dengan metode rule pakar sebesar 72% dan metode Decision Tree SimpleCart sebesar 76%. Hasil akurasi tersebut di simpulkan bahwa metode Decision Tree SimpleCart mempunyai tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi dari metode rule pakar sehingga lebih mampu dalam menyeleksi serta mencari nilai bobot penentuan bantuan siswa miskin. </p><p> </p><p><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em></p><p><em>Research on the determination of candidates for assistance from poor students in South Bengkulu 37 Primary School. The problem that occurs is there is a mismatch of the output results in the provision of assistance to poor students, the decision method has not been used for each criterion and is still using predictive or estimated assessments for prospective beneficiaries. The research method used was Fuzzy Tsukamoto with a comparison of two methods, namely expert rule, and SimpleCart Decision Tree. The stages of this research began by analyzing the output by selecting many alternative results, then searching for the weight value of each attribute from Fuzzy Tsukamoto with the method of expert rule comparison and the SimpleCart Decision Tree. Next determine the parameters of the fuzzy membership function limit includes social protection cards, the average value of report cards, dependents, parents' income, achievements, and homeownership. Analysis of the results obtained from testing of 75 student data and classification using Fuzzy Tsukamoto has obtained accuracy with the expert rule method by 72% and the SimpleCart Decision Tree method by 76%. The accuracy results are concluded that the SimpleCart Decision Tree method has a higher level of accuracy than the expert rule method so that it is better able to select and search for the weighting value of determining the assistance of poor students.</em></p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-124
Wida Nurul Fauziyah

An area can be shaped into a regular shape or an irregular shape. There is an area of irregular shape which is restricted by an unknown function, to determine that area must use a numerical integration. One of numerical integration methods is Trapezoidal Rule by replacing (????) with an integral approach function which can be evaluated, then let the (????) approximated by a linear polynomial in the certain interval, denoted as closed interval . This study is going to calculate the area of West Java Province by using this method with several different number of partitions in each quadrant such as, 9 partitions, 11 partitions, and 36 partitions in for different quadrants. This study provides the final result of the approximate area which will be compared with the actual area based in the error of result. The main finding is the approximate total area will be closer to the actual area followed by the increasing number of partitions.

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