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2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Sugiyanto Sugiyanto ◽  
Wawan Lulus Setiawan

The purpose of this study is to describe the possibility to initiate Finansial Technology (Fintech) as an innovation of communication technology on the credit cooperatives in Indonesia. This study is based on the phenomenon of tremendous growth of credit / financial business by using FinTech in Indonesia . Fintech so far has grew uncontrolablely among illegal financial institutions and gave unexpected impact on lower income people in Indonesia. On the other hand, the credit cooperatives as legal financial institutions which could facilitate lower income people for financial services lag behind. This study used quantitative-desciptive method, and resulted in some findings: (1) Cooperatives can become the fintech P2PL Platform model, as an alternative business model by changing conventional savings and loan businesses into the P2PL platform. The model could also be seen as a solution to prevent moral hazard due to miss-used of this technology among illegal credit instituions, (2) Fintech as an innovation is recognized feasible to apply. It has good relative advantage due to giving more efficiency and effectiveness on mana gement, it has good trialability because it may be easily experimented with on a limited basis, and has good observability because the result is visible to others, it has less complexity since it is easy to learn and apply. This study has implications for policies that fintech flatform model could be developed for credit cooperatives in Indonesia both in rural and urban areas..

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-81
- Karomani ◽  
- Mualimin ◽  
Ryzal Perdana

Socialization is a process, in which a new member of society learns the norms and values of which he or she is a member. This socialization is done as a form of effort from universities to be able to provide information about the admission of new students. This aims that information about this can be conveyed properly in accordance with the Mandate of the Ministry of Education and Technology which expects that there is an increase in the Gross Participation Rate (APK) of Higher Education in Indonesia, especially in bandar Lampung City. The low Gross Participation Rate (APK) of Higher Education in Indonesia in 2018 showed a figure of 33.37%. This figure shows the lag when compared to some other communities in ASEAN. Seeing this, Lampung University as one of the universities also organizes socialization of new student admissions every year. The new student admission system is carried out through the test path determined by the Ministry of Education and Technology. In addition, Lampung University also held student admissions through the achievement path as a form of appreciation of Indonesian students who have ability both in the academic and non-academic fields. Socialization of new student admissions of Lampung University to increase the Gross Participation Rate of Universities in Bandar Lampung City is generally done through online and direct socialization on a limited basis while still complying with health protocols. This socialization activity is also continued with evaluation and monitoring so that the activities run well and the desired essence and objectives can be achieved.

Raden Muhammad Mihradi ◽  
Dinalara Dermawati Butarbutar ◽  
Nazaruddin Lathif ◽  
Tiofanny Marselina

The decisions of the Constitutional Court are always interesting to observe. First, the Constitutional Court's decision has a broad impact in maintaining and ensuring the guarantee of the principles of the rule of law, human rights and institutionalized democracy. Second, the decisions of the Constitutional Court are always dynamic. Not always conservative. As in the decision of the Constitutional Court, which is positive legislation, it provides a breakthrough that the Constitutional Court is no longer just a norm canceler. However, it can test or create norms on a limited basis with constitutional or conditionally unconstitutional terms. Third, it is certain that the model of the Constitutional Court's decision is positive legislation and risks causing tension with the parliament as the legislator. It is important to study and relate it to the institutionalization of substantial democracy, a democracy that brings justice and equality in the public sphere.

William W. Farris

Because Japan was overwhelmingly rural with few consumers, commerce did not play a significant role in the economy or most people’s lives during the six centuries from 600 to 1200. This period may be divided into three phases based upon the nature of commercial relations. The 8th century witnessed a construction boom led by a relatively centralized state. Besides building five capital cities and numerous other governmental and religious structures, the state minted copper cash. Low-ranking bureaucrats traded in lumber, cloth, and other commodities, often for profit. The commercially most advanced region in Japan was in and around the numerous capitals located in the Kinai (Kyoto-Osaka-Nara) region. Interregional trade bound local regions together and was a source of illegal profiteering for officials. Gift-giving and barter dominated the less developed provinces, mostly in eastern Japan. Across the ocean, Japan participated in exchange with China and Korea on a limited basis to 800. Beginning as early as 735, epidemics and famines decimated Japan’s population. The value of copper cash declined, as inflation commenced. Government revenues also dropped. Government-appointed tax farmers garnered tax items for the tiny elite at court, enriching themselves in the process. The Song Dynasty (960–1279) arose in China and began trading with the Japanese elite, providing a spur to Japan’s commercial development for the rest of period. Overseas merchants were forced by Japan’s ruling elite to stop at Dazaifu in northern Kyushu, where Chinese goods could be obtained for Japanese gold. Japan’s depopulation continued unabated, subject to particularly harsh epidemics between 990 and 1050. To reverse flight from the land, the court initiated a two-pronged land system consisting of tax-farmed provincial areas and estates cultivated by sharecroppers and paying rents to capital and local elites. The rents were paid in-kind, and to secure the value of goods such as rice, salt, lacquer, iron, tea, and many other products, values were pegged to a gold standard. Song merchants also received gold for their wares. To buy Japanese raw materials, the Chinese paid with their own copper cash, helping to remonetize the archipelago. By the 1170s, inflation took off in Japan. A Ningbo–Hakata trade route became established for Song merchants, with bulk items such as sulfur, lumber, and mercury traded from Japan to China. By the late 1100s, the warrior family known as the Ise Taira took control of overseas trade with China, bolstering the family’s power at the Kyoto court.

Titi Wahyuni

Abstrak: Wisata Syariah sebagai salah satu pilihan dalam koridor pariwisata perlu dikembangkan di masyarakat lokal. Tidak semua daerah memiliki anugerah berupa potensi lokal yang menarik untuk peruntukan pariwisata. Kondisi alam dapat dimanfaatkan untuk memunculkan ide-ide kreatif dalam upaya pengembangan ekonomi kreatif berbasis pariwisata. DIY dengan wisata budaya kearifan lokal dan Jateng dengan wisata peninggalan sejarah Islam Wali Sanga. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk melihat destinasi dan produk pariwisata yang ditawarkan di DIY-Jateng yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi pariwisata syariah, bagaimana pengelolaan pariwisata selama pandemi COVID-19, serta rekomendasi pengelolaan potensi wisata syariah yang semestinya dilakukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian deskriptif (descriptive research).  Hasilnya, (1) destinasi dan produk pariwisata yang ditawarkan di DIY dan Jateng yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi pariwisata syariah dibedakan menjadi dua secara terintegrasi dan secara terpisah; (2) pengelolaan pariwisata di tengah pandemi COVID-19 dilakukan secara terbatas, buka-tutup untuk pengunjung lokal; dan (3) saran yang dapat diterapkan dalam pengelolaan pariwisata syariah DIY-Jateng adalah adanya infrastruktur yang nyaman dan aman, promosi yang masif, sistem website yang terintegrasi, ketersediaan informasi yang memadai, serta kerjasama antar pemerintah provinsi dan masyarakat setempat dalam melestarikan destinasi wisata syariah yang ada. Kata Kunci: Wisata Syariah; Ekonomi Kreatif; DIY-Jateng; Pengelolaan Pariwisata.   Abstract: Halal Tourism is the first choice that developed by the local community. Not all regions have an interesting local gift for tourism. Natural conditions give rise to creative ideas in the efforts to develop a tourism-based creative economy. DIY has cultural tourism of local wisdom and Central Java has tourism relics of Islamic history Wali Sanga. This study intends to see tourism destinations and products offered in DIY-Jateng which are potential to result the halal tourism products, how to manage tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as recommendations for halal tourism proper management. This research used a descriptive research approach. As a result, (1) tourism destinations and products offered in DIY and Central Java that potentially to result Syariah tourism products are divided into two integrated and separated; (2) tourism management during the COVID-19 pandemic is conducted on a limited basis, open-close for local visitors; and (3) recommendations that can be applied in the management of Syariah tourism DIY-Jateng is the existence of a comfortable and safe infrastructure, massive promotion, integrated website system, availability of adequate information, as well as cooperation between provincial governments and local communities in preserving existing Syariah tourism destinations. Keywords: Syariah tourism; creative economy; DIY-Jateng; tourism management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 162-190
Agus Aris Munandar

During the Majapahit era, the Nagarakrtagama book in the form of kakawin (Old Javanese poetry) was composed by Mpu Prapanca, the kakawin was completed in 1365 AD. no longer exist because it collapsed or the location is not yet known. Using an archaeological-historical approach, this study discusses several sacred buildings mentioned in the Nagarakrtagama whose existence can still be known archaeologically. The analysis was carried out by combining the written data from Nagarakrtagama with archaeological data in the form of temples on the site, to then review some of the features of the temple building. Through the analysis carried out, it can be seen that during the Majapahit era there were at least 3 types of religious buildings based on their religious background, namely Hindu-saiwa, Bauddha, and Shiva-Buddha. The most sacred buildings erected are Hindu-saiwa, it seems that in general, the Majapahit population embraces this religion. There is also a two-religious temple, namely Shiva-Buddha and a pendharmaan temple building that was erected to glorify a deceased figure, while a rare Bauddha sacred building is found in Majapahit. It seems that Buddhism did develop on a limited basis at that time.Key words: Majapahit, Hinduism, Buddha, temple, Mahameru, gods

2021 ◽  

Diversity in Indonesia raises the tolerance problem. The research goal to find guidance and counseling services right to develop character tolerance. The goals of this research is developing of models group gudance with folklore methode as alternative developing tolerance character. This research use Research and development as an approach. Research and development steps include preliminary study, development hypothetical group guidance model-based folklore, validation of expert judgment and expert practitioners, experimental test form group guidance model- based folklore on a limited basis — descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative in research analysis. Group guidance services consisted of 8-9 students from Yogyakarta City, Bantul Regency, Sleman Regency, Kulonpogo Regency, and Gunungkidul Regency (Indonesia Country The result from this research that group guidance with folklore methode can incrase the tolerance character of students. The result of the limited trial appears that there was a change of condition before pre-test with an average of 109 and an increase of 117.9 after post-test in implementation of group guidance service with folklore method. The T-test results also reveal significant changes from before to after the significance of 0.000 (<0.05).

2021 ◽  
Jitendra Kumar

Feathers are hard waste products, mainly composed of hard β-keratin, and are produced in large quantities in commercial poultry processing plants. Therefore, their industrial utilization is important economically as well as environmentally. Feathers degradation through keratinolytic microorganisms has been considered as an important method for efficient bioconversion, nutritional enhancement and eco-friendliness. The use of crude keratinase significantly increased the amino acid digestibility of raw feathers and commercial feather meal. This enzyme increased the digestibility of commercial feather meal and could replace as much as 7% of the dietary protein for growing chicks. However, feathers are currently utilized on a limited basis as a dietary protein supplement for animal feed because feather meal production is an expensive process, requiring significant amounts of energy. This review paper explains the nutritive value of feathers which makes suitable and inexpensive animal and poultry feed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-37
Evi Rinata ◽  
M. Suryawinata ◽  
Dewi Komalasari ◽  
Isna Fitria Agustina

Abstrak : Pandemi Covid-19  memberi ancaman krisis multidimensi, mulai dari kesehatan, ekonomi, politik, sosial dan budaya. Dalam bidang kesehatan berdampak juga pada layanan kesehatan Posyandu bayi balita. Posyandu yang selama ini berperan cukup signifikan dalam pengawasan gizi, kesehatan anak, dan imunisasi sejak adanya pandemi menjadi terganggu. Kondisi ini juga terjadi di seluruh wilayah kerja Puskesmas Jabon Sidoarjo. Permasalahan yang dihadapi Mitra yaitu belum dibukanya layanan Posyandu sejak bulan Maret 2020. Layanan penimbangan dan imunisasi hanya dilakukan secara terbatas di Bidan Praktek Mandiri dan Puskesmas. Orang tua bayi dan balita masih enggan dan takut untuk keluar rumah sehingga mereka melakukan penundaan menunggu sampai situasi pandemi mereda. Pengabdian Masyarakat PPDM (Program Pengembangan Desa Mitra) ini melakukan persiapan Posyandu Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru di Desa Dukuh Sari Jabon Sidoarjo melalui kegiatan pendampingan kader Posyandu. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan antara lain pembekalan kader dan sosialisasi informasi secara komprehensif mengenai Covid-19, penyediaan sarana prasarana pendukung, pelatihan cuci tangan yang benar, serta simulasi tata cara dan Posyandu Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru. Kegiatan PPDM ini terlaksana selama 8 (delapan) bulan dengan melakukan pendekatan penyelesaikan masalah melalui pemberdayaan kader dengan target meningkatkan tata kelola masyarakat, sumber daya manusia, serta perbaikan sumber daya alam melalui tata kelola layanan Posyandu Adaptasi Kebiasaan BaruKata kunci : Pandemi Covid-19, Posyandu Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru, Bayi Balita, Imunisasi Abstract : The Covid-19 pandemic threatens a multidimensional crisis, ranging from health, economy, politics, social and culture. In the health sector, this is has also an impact on Posyandu health services for infants under five. Posyandu, which has played a significant role in monitoring nutrition, children's health, and immunization since the pandemic, has been disrupted. This condition also occurs in all working areas of the Publich Health Center Jabon Sidoarjo. The problem faced by cadres is that the Posyandu service has not opened since March 2020. Weighing and immunization services are only carried out on a limited basis at the Independent Practice Midwives and Publich Health Center. Parents of infants and toddlers are still reluctant and afraid to leave the house, so they put off waiting until the pandemic situation subsides. This PPDM Community Service prepares the New Habit Adaptation Posyandu in Dukuh Sari Village, Jabon Sidoarjo through the assistance of Posyandu cadres. Activities carried out included training for cadres and disseminating comprehensive information about Covid-19, providing supporting infrastructure, training in proper hand washing, and simulating procedures and Posyandu for New Habit Adaptation. This PPDM activity was carried out for 8 (eight) months by taking a problem-solving approach through empowering cadres with the target of improving community governance, human resources, and improving natural resources through the management of the New Habit Adaptation Posyandu services. Keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic, New Habit Adaptation Posyandu, Infant Toddlers, Immunization 

2021 ◽  
pp. 7-24
Susan E. Schopp

Chapter 1 provides a chronological overview of France’s near century and a half (1698–1842) in the Canton Trade. The Europe trade was carried out for its first two decades by private traders to whom the French East India Company leased its China monopoly on a limited basis; then, following reorganization in 1719, the Company began to exercise that monopoly itself, sending ships to Canton from 1720 to 1769. In 1769 the trade was opened to all French subjects and continued so until 1785, when the third Company was created; and when the trade was opened once and for all to all French nationals in 1790, this Company became private, in competition with other private companies before it was abolished in 1793. The intra-Asian (country) trade, in contrast, was initially in the hands of the Company, which remained involved in it to some degree before the trade went wholly private in the early 1740s. The French experience demonstrates the need for a reassessment of the traditional definitions of the terms “private” and “company,” and “Europe” and “intra-Asian,” proving that the distinctions between them are in fact far more nuanced, and indeed, often blurry, than traditionally acknowledged.

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