methodological guidelines
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Thorben Simonsen ◽  
Jodi Sturge ◽  
Cameron Duff

Objectives: The purpose of this scoping review is to identify evidence on how characteristics of healing architecture in clinical contexts impact clinical practice and patient experiences. Based on these insights, we advance a more practice-based approach to the study of how healing architectures work. Background: The notion of “healing architecture” has recently emerged in discussions of the spatial organization of healthcare settings, particularly in the Nordic countries. This scoping review summarizes findings from seven articles which specifically describe how patients and staff experience characteristics of healing architecture. Methods: This scoping review was conducted using the framework developed by Arksey and O’Malley. We referred to the decision tool developed by Pollock et al. to confirm that this approach was the most appropriate evidence synthesis type to identify characteristics related to healing architecture and practice. To ensure the rigor of this review, we referred to the methodological guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews. Results: There are two main findings of the review. First, there is no common or operative definition of healing architecture used in the selected articles. Secondly, there is limited knowledge of how healing architecture shapes clinical and patient outcomes. Conclusions: We conclude that further research is needed into how healing architectures make a difference in everyday clinical practices, both to better inform the development of evidence-based designs in the future and to further elaborate criteria to guide postoccupancy evaluations of purpose-built sites.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Alessandra Durazzo ◽  
Barbara C. Sorkin ◽  
Massimo Lucarini ◽  
Pavel A. Gusev ◽  
Adam J. Kuszak ◽  

The increased utilization of metrology resources and expanded application of its’ approaches in the development of internationally agreed upon measurements can lay the basis for regulatory harmonization, support reproducible research, and advance scientific understanding, especially of dietary supplements and herbal medicines. Yet, metrology is often underappreciated and underutilized in dealing with the many challenges presented by these chemically complex preparations. This article discusses the utility of applying rigorous analytical techniques and adopting metrological principles more widely in studying dietary supplement products and ingredients, particularly medicinal plants and other botanicals. An assessment of current and emerging dietary supplement characterization methods is provided, including targeted and non-targeted techniques, as well as data analysis and evaluation approaches, with a focus on chemometrics, toxicity, dosage form performance, and data management. Quality assessment, statistical methods, and optimized methods for data management are also discussed. Case studies provide examples of applying metrological principles in thorough analytical characterization of supplement composition to clarify their health effects. A new frontier for metrology in dietary supplement science is described, including opportunities to improve methods for analysis and data management, development of relevant standards and good practices, and communication of these developments to researchers and analysts, as well as to regulatory and policy decision makers in the public and private sectors. The promotion of closer interactions between analytical, clinical, and pharmaceutical scientists who are involved in research and product development with metrologists who develop standards and methodological guidelines is critical to advance research on dietary supplement characterization and health effects.

2022 ◽  
pp. 37-40
М.Г. Ибрагимбеков ◽  
О.Р. Давлетбаева ◽  
А.Н. Ховрин

Новые сорта и гибриды лука репчатого должны обладать необходимыми рынку хозяйственно ценными признаками, поэтому приоритетно направление по созданию гетерозисных гибридов этой культуры, проявляющих повышенную жизнеспособность, высокую и стабильную урожайность и выравненность, общую устойчивость к патогенам и хорошую лежкость. Цель исследований: изучение новых гибридных комбинаций лука репчатого по основным хозяйственно ценным признакам. Исследование проводили в 2019–2020 годах в отделе селекции и семеноводства ВНИИО – филиале ФГБНУ «Федеральный научный центр овощеводства» с постановкой опытов в открытом и хранилище с регулируемыми температурно-влажностными характеристиками (Раменский район Московской области). В опыте участвовало семь новых гибридных комбинаций лука репчатого, в качестве стандарта использовали гибрид F1 Премито (Monsanto) и отечественный сорт Форвард (совместной селекции агрофирмы «Поиск» и ВНИИО – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦО). Посев проводили в III декаде апреля, из расчета 0,8 млн шт/га. В течение вегетационного периода вели фенологические учеты, биометрические измерения и проводили морфологическое описание согласно общепринятым методическим указаниям. Мероприятия по уходу за растениями проводили в соответствии с рекомендациями для зоны возделывания. Изучение морфологических признаков и биометрических показателей проводили по малой выборке (10 растений) каждого образца. Число зачатков определяли на поперечном разрезе луковицы. Интенсивность воскового налета на образцах оценивали визуально. Лук закладывали в хранилище с оборудованными холодильными установками, автоматически регулирующими температуру, влажность и циркуляцию воздуха. Для лучшей сохранности этой культуры поддерживали температуру в хранилище около 1–2 °C и относительную влажность воздуха – в пределах 75–80%. Результаты оценки новых образцов лука репчатого в условиях Московской области позволили выделить гибридную комбинацию 652/15 F1 (Шет × Ливингстон I3) с высокой урожайностью (59,5 т/га) и сохранностью в зимний период (84,7%), которая соответствует параметрам разработанной модели для условий региона и обладает конкурентными преимуществами. New varieties and hybrids of onion should have economically valuable characteristics necessary for the market, therefore, the priority is to create heterotic hybrids of this crop, showing increased viability, high and stable yield and alignment, general resistance to pathogens and good keeping quality. The purpose of the research: to study new hybrid combinations of onions according to the main economically valuable characteristics. The study was carried out in 2019–2020 in the Department of breeding and seed production of ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC with the staging of experiments in open ground and storage with adjustable temperature and humidity characteristics (Ramensky district of the Moscow region). Seven new hybrid combinations of onions participated in the experiment, the hybrid F1 Premito (Monsanto) and the domestic variety Forward (joint selection of the Poisk Agro Firm and ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSVC) were used as a standard. Sowing was carried out in the third decade of April, at the rate of 0.8 million pcs/ha. During the growing season, phenological records, biometric measurements were carried out and morphological description was carried out according to generally accepted methodological guidelines. Plant care measures were carried out in accordance with the recommendations for the cultivation zone. The study of morphological features and biometric indicators was carried out on a small sample (10 plants) of each sample. The number of rudiments was determined on a cross section of the bulb. The intensity of wax plaque on the samples was assessed visually. Onions were placed in storage with equipped refrigeration units that automatically regulate temperature, humidity and air circulation. For the best preservation of this culture, the temperature in the storage was maintained at about 1–2 °C and the relative humidity in the range of 75–80%. The results of the evaluation of new onion samples in the conditions of the Moscow region allowed us to identify a hybrid combination 652/15 F1 (Shet × Livingston I3) with high yield (59.5 t/ha) and preservation in winter (84.7%), which corresponds to the parameters of the developed model for the conditions of the region and has competitive advantages.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 37-41
Anatoly Savva ◽  
Tamara Telezhenko ◽  
Sergey Kovalev ◽  
Valeriya Suvorova

The research was carried out to assess the biological and economic effectiveness of the new two-component herbicide Hors D, KS (220 g/l dicamba (sodium salt) and 50 g/l nicosulfuron) of LLC “Agro Expert Group” on corn crops in Krasnodar Krai. The experiments were carried out in the field conditions of All-Russian Research Institute of Biological Plant Protection in 2018-2019 according to the methodological guidelines for registration tests of herbicides in agriculture. The soil is leached chernozem. The area of the plots is 25 m2, the repetition rate is 4 times, the flow rate of the working fluid is 200 l/ha. The experimental scheme included the use of the tested herbicide Hors D, KS in the application rates of 0.6; 0.8 and 1.2 l/ha. Carleone preparation was used as a standard, EC (0.3 and 0.6 l/ha) and control (without herbicides). The treatment was carried out in the phase of 3...5 leaves of the culture. The contamination of corn crops averaged 83 copies/m2. The herbicidal effect of the drugs was assessed by reducing the number and weight of weeds, as well as by the crop yield in comparison with the control. Weeds: common hedgehog, glaucous bristle, ragweed wormwood, tilted backward and Californian cocklebur showed a high sensitivity to drugs. The use of 0.6...1.2 l/ha of Hors D, KS led to an 80 ... 100% herbicidal effect. There was no negative effect of the drug for corn plants, crop yield increases were obtained, which amounted to 62.0...74.7% of the control. The obtained data for two years showed high biological and economic efficiency of the herbicide Hors D, KS against annual dicotyledonous and cereal weeds in corn crops

2022 ◽  
Nilakshi Phukan ◽  
Svitlana Volkova ◽  
Kateryna Tuliakova ◽  
Oleksandr Pasichnyk ◽  
Yuliya Kornytska

Shaping and developing communication skills in non-linguistic faculties in higher education institutions remain relevant. Thus, the theoretical and methodological guidelines for training English professionally-oriented spoken production are among significant problems. Intending to overcome some related challenges, we conducted this study to investigate the efficiency of using presentational speeches based on authentic video materials. The main aim of the research was to analyze the problem from methodological and didactic perspectives and substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles of the professional training of monolingual students through the experimental verification of the effectiveness of the proposed methodology. To achieve the objectives of this study, in the first stage, we determined the efficiency of pedagogical conditions for developing the foreign language competence of students. Then we verified the efficiency of using presentational speeches in teaching Spoken Production. At the last stage, we analyzed the effectiveness of the proposed methods of forming and developing foreign language competence (Spoken Production) by using presentational speeches. The study sample included 45 students of the Sociology and Law Faculty in the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. We obtained the results that confirmed the efficiency of the presentational speech approach in teaching spoken production. Our study revealed that the presentational speech approach facilitates enhancement in the level of students’ professional competence. These findings provide a good starting point for discussion and further research.

2022 ◽  
Vincent Taschereau-Dumouchel ◽  
Cody Cushing ◽  
Hakwan Lau

Multiple mental disorders have been associated with dysregulations of precise brain processes. However, few therapeutic approaches are currently available in order to correct such specific patterns of brain activity. Since the late 60s and early 70s, many have hoped that this feat could be achieved by closed-loop brain imaging approaches, such as neurofeedback, that aim at modulating brain activity directly. However, neurofeedback never acquired mainstream acceptance in mental health, in part due to methodological considerations. Here, we argue that, when contemporary methodological guidelines are followed, neurofeedback is one of the few intervention methods in psychology that can be assessed in double-blind placebo-controlled trials. Furthermore, using new advances in machine learning and statistics, it is now possible to target very precise patterns of brain activity for therapeutic purposes. We review the recent literature in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) neurofeedback and discuss current and future applications to mental health.

2022 ◽  
Vol 80 (1) ◽  
Romana Haneef ◽  
Mariken Tijhuis ◽  
Rodolphe Thiébaut ◽  
Ondřej Májek ◽  
Ivan Pristaš ◽  

Abstract Background The capacity to use data linkage and artificial intelligence to estimate and predict health indicators varies across European countries. However, the estimation of health indicators from linked administrative data is challenging due to several reasons such as variability in data sources and data collection methods resulting in reduced interoperability at various levels and timeliness, availability of a large number of variables, lack of skills and capacity to link and analyze big data. The main objective of this study is to develop the methodological guidelines calculating population-based health indicators to guide European countries using linked data and/or machine learning (ML) techniques with new methods. Method We have performed the following step-wise approach systematically to develop the methodological guidelines: i. Scientific literature review, ii. Identification of inspiring examples from European countries, and iii. Developing the checklist of guidelines contents. Results We have developed the methodological guidelines, which provide a systematic approach for studies using linked data and/or ML-techniques to produce population-based health indicators. These guidelines include a detailed checklist of the following items: rationale and objective of the study (i.e., research question), study design, linked data sources, study population/sample size, study outcomes, data preparation, data analysis (i.e., statistical techniques, sensitivity analysis and potential issues during data analysis) and study limitations. Conclusions This is the first study to develop the methodological guidelines for studies focused on population health using linked data and/or machine learning techniques. These guidelines would support researchers to adopt and develop a systematic approach for high-quality research methods. There is a need for high-quality research methodologies using more linked data and ML-techniques to develop a structured cross-disciplinary approach for improving the population health information and thereby the population health.

Е.В. Яковлева ◽  
А.Р. Шайдуллина

В статье раскрывается организационно-методическое сопровождение построения персонализированных образовательных треков при обучении иностранному языку в контексте цифровизации образования, которое представляет собой пошаговый алгоритм проектирования гибких персонализированных моделей изучения английского языка студентами негуманитарных направлений в электронной образовательной среде. Предлагаемые модели изучения английского языка студентами негуманитарных направлений способствуют реализации активной адаптивности как универсального механизма управления образовательным процессом на основе динамических характеристик облучающегося, с разработанным комплексом вариативных аффективных технологий (повышение уровня мотивации и снижение уровня тревожности) как средства достижения более эффективного процесса обучения. Предложенные в исследовании методические советы могут быть применены при разработке персонализированных адаптивных обучающих систем, программы, методические материалы для преподавателей, инструкции по созданию адаптивных формирующих и диагностических контрольно-измерительных материалов, методические указания для студентов вузов. The article reveals organizational and methodological support for students’ foreign language personalized learning path design in the context of digitalization of education, which is a step-by-step algorithm for designing flexible personalized models for non-language-major students’ foreign language learning in the electronic educational environment. The proposed models of foreign language learning by non-linguistic university students contribute to the implementation of active adaptability as a universal mechanism of educational process management based on the dynamic characteristics of the student, with the developed complex of varied affective technologies (increase of motivation and reduction of anxiety levels) as a means of achieving a more effective learning process. The methodological tips proposed in the study can be applied in the development of personalized adaptive learning systems, programs, methodological materials for teachers, instructions for creating adaptive formative and diagnostic control and measurement materials, methodological guidelines for university students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
pp. 2365-2384
Elizaveta E. ERMOSHINA

Subject. The article investigates the analysis of economic security of a higher education institution. It defines its directions, analytical indicators, methodological guidelines, considering the specific nature of activity, which contribute to improving the economic security and the quality of management decisions made by key executives of universities. Objectives. The purpose is to conduct a critical review and evaluate the main methods of economic security analysis of higher education institutions, taking into account the specifics of their activities. Methods. The study rests on general and specific methods of cognition (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, grouping, comparison, etc). Results. I reviewed the existing methods of analyzing the economic security of commercial organizations and higher educational institutions, systematized advantages and disadvantages of methods developed by scientists, substantiated the need to introduce diagnostic indicators to improve the quality and efficiency of analytical information for making informed management decisions. The paper offers to conduct an analysis of economic security, using indicators of intensity and productivity of labor, which consider the specifics of activities of universities in comparison with other organizations of the public sector. Conclusions. Currently, there is no unified approach to the analysis of economic security of universities. The conducted critical assessment of methodology may form a basis for further development of ideas and methodological guidelines on the analysis of economic security, and informed and effective management decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 152 (6) ◽  
pp. 46-57
Yurii V. Mishin ◽  
Aleksandr Yu. Mishin ◽  

In modern conditions, implementation of sustainable progressive movement of the country by carrying out large-scale structural changes can be realized only on the basis of a centralized identification of areas, goals, priorities of socio-economic development, as well as indicators of strategies, programs and plans interconnected at all levels of the country's national economy management. Methodologically the article is based on dialectical method of scientific knowledge, as well as systemic and institutional approaches. Scientific periodicals (monographs, scientific articles, etc.) and official documents of legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation on the issues of state strategic and long-term planning in Russia and the USSR were used as an information and analytical base. The article dwells on the following issues: 1) as a result of analysis of domestic and foreign literary sources, as well as regulatory and methodological guidelines in the field of state strategic planning, its main shortcomings were identified. According to the authors, these include: dissemination of program-targeted management methods not only into all spheres of socio-economic development, but also to the areas of budget allocations, the lack of sufficient information base of calculations; 2) methodological approach (stages, sequence of work, methods and procedures) to elaborating state programs for the economic development of the country, industries and regions is proposed; 3) application of the methods of hierarchies analysis (MHA) and network modeling (NPM) as the main methods for developing state programs is substantiated; 4) proposals on the composition and structure of the information base for calculating indicators of state programs are given.

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