theological thinking
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-215
Yun Zhou

Abstract Amid debates and discussions on the institution of the family in Republican China, foreign missionaries and Chinese Christians played an active role in promoting an ideal Christian family. This article investigates the three waves of prominent theological thinking that underpinned changing ideals of the Christian family throughout the Republican period: Chinese society’s encounter with the gendered ethics of the Christian community in the early Republican period, discussions of domesticity by Chinese Christians amid the social gospel movements of the 1920s, and discussions of domesticity during the National Christianizing the Home Movement. An exploration of Christian publications on domesticity points to a gendered perspective on women’s domestic roles as well as a male-dominated theological construct that attempted to reconfigure the notion of the Chinese Christian family. The discourse on the ideal Chinese Christian family had both secular and spiritual dimensions, shaped by the dynamic transnational flow of ideas and the development of local theological thinking.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 183-220
Claudiu George Tuțu ◽  

The Gnomic Dimension of Human Being in the Conception of Maxim the Confessor. Writings between 628-640. It is certain that any of the patristic researches regarding the thought of St. Maximus the Confessor must explore the philosophical, biblical and patristic roots of the Maximian Corpus. This is the main purposes of the present article: to explore the theological thinking of Maximus, throughout his writings, which were drafted between 628-640. It is useful for our research to highlight the historical process of the development of his anthropological perspective, in order to better understand the concept of gnome (γνώμη). Keywords: will, gnome, anthropology, Maximus Confessor, philosophy, patristic theology.

2021 ◽  
Llewelyn Richards

<p>My thesis is that modem symbolic mathematical logics have an important contribution to make to theologies. I demonstrate this firstly in a 'theoretical section' (i) by showing what logics are and why they can be trusted; (ii) by showing how all theologies may be correctly treated as axiomatic systems; (iii) by outlining some modern logics which can assist theological thinking, including a logic I construct for this purpose called the Theologic. I demonstrate this, secondly, in an 'applied logic' section, by looking at (iv) the theology of one current branch of Christianity in detail, outlining its logical problems and the consequences of trying to avoid them; (v) 'post-modern' Christian theologies, firstly those that suggest that the word 'God' is a symbol rather than a name, and secondly at three feminist theologies two of which are logically quite radical; (vi) pantheism, in particular at Spinoza's ideas and Lovelock's Gaia; (vii) two religions, Buddhism and Confucianism, which, in their basic religious thinking, can be said to have no gods. I find that all religions I have studied - and they are representative of religions actual, proposed and imagined - have serious logical flaws, some known of old, others brought to light by the modern logics. The consequences of making the religions more logically sound are generally unacceptable to the members of the faiths. The suggestion that the gods use a different sort of logic to us is generally logically unacceptable. This does not leave abandoning religion as the only other possibility: the work of theologians in future, assisted by mathematical logic, may be (a) to bring about changes in basic beliefs, and (b) to assist in the birth of new, logically sound, religions. These investigations are carried out in the spirit of A N Prior, who came to logic through a Christian upbringing which gave him an interest in theology, a desire to make that theology more consistent, and as Professor of Philosophy at Canterbury College (as it then was) taught me. My upbringing was similar. We both, in the end, found conventional Christianity too illogical to believe. Time having past, I have been able to examine the logic of other, and newer, theologies.</p>

2021 ◽  
Llewelyn Richards

<p>My thesis is that modem symbolic mathematical logics have an important contribution to make to theologies. I demonstrate this firstly in a 'theoretical section' (i) by showing what logics are and why they can be trusted; (ii) by showing how all theologies may be correctly treated as axiomatic systems; (iii) by outlining some modern logics which can assist theological thinking, including a logic I construct for this purpose called the Theologic. I demonstrate this, secondly, in an 'applied logic' section, by looking at (iv) the theology of one current branch of Christianity in detail, outlining its logical problems and the consequences of trying to avoid them; (v) 'post-modern' Christian theologies, firstly those that suggest that the word 'God' is a symbol rather than a name, and secondly at three feminist theologies two of which are logically quite radical; (vi) pantheism, in particular at Spinoza's ideas and Lovelock's Gaia; (vii) two religions, Buddhism and Confucianism, which, in their basic religious thinking, can be said to have no gods. I find that all religions I have studied - and they are representative of religions actual, proposed and imagined - have serious logical flaws, some known of old, others brought to light by the modern logics. The consequences of making the religions more logically sound are generally unacceptable to the members of the faiths. The suggestion that the gods use a different sort of logic to us is generally logically unacceptable. This does not leave abandoning religion as the only other possibility: the work of theologians in future, assisted by mathematical logic, may be (a) to bring about changes in basic beliefs, and (b) to assist in the birth of new, logically sound, religions. These investigations are carried out in the spirit of A N Prior, who came to logic through a Christian upbringing which gave him an interest in theology, a desire to make that theology more consistent, and as Professor of Philosophy at Canterbury College (as it then was) taught me. My upbringing was similar. We both, in the end, found conventional Christianity too illogical to believe. Time having past, I have been able to examine the logic of other, and newer, theologies.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 129-133
Yu Xie

This paper attempts to provide an explanation about the concept of “Adam’s state” put forward by Walter Benjamin according to his theological thinking. Adam’s state is divided into Adam’s paradise state in the garden of Eden and Adam’s secular state after his fall. As the origin of human beings, paradise state is a harmonious, unified and perfect heaven state. The secular state is the broken exile life of mankind after Adam’s fall. The paradise state is the metaphysical basis of Benjamin’s philosophy of language, while the secular state is the background where Benjamin’s philosophy presents the fragmentary characteristics and points to the doctrine of redemption. Benjamin’s Adam state is not only an important content of Benjamin’s theology, but also one of the important logical dark lines of Benjamin’s thought. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 565-584
Anna Svendsen

Abstract Although the work of his Jesuit contemporaries Ronald Knox and Martin D’Arcy is perhaps better known today, C. C. [Cyril Charlie] Martindale’s (1879–1963) thinking about “the relationship between paganism and Christianity” in the early twentieth-century theological debates surrounding the field of “History of Religions” would have a profound effect on the unique intersection of theological thinking and artistic form in the work of the British Catholic poet and painter David Jones (1895–1974). Jones’s reading of Martindale’s short story collection The Goddess of Ghosts (1915) in 1919 would help to resolve a “religious crisis” Jones experienced in his exposure to the arguments of the skeptical scholar of “History of Religions,” James Frazer. Martindale’s presentation of his ideas in a literary form not only provided Jones with a hermeneutic (derived from the church fathers) for thinking about the relationship between paganism and Christianity, but also suggested an artistic model for exploring theological ideas with literary language.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (7) ◽  
pp. 534
Marián Ambrozy

This paper aims to examine the meaning, role, inspirations, and place of corporealism in Tertullian’s system of thought. The extent to which corporealism is a basic philosophical belief in Tertullian’s work and to what extent it is a particular element of his theological doctrine is questioned. It presents the named ontological position as a rare specificity within the range of early Christian thought, especially in Tertullian’s works De anima and De carne Cristi. This paper makes a clear distinction between corporealism and materialism, as it tries to determine the degree of influence of Stoic philosophy, especially ontology, on Tertullian, as well as the influence of Aristotle in selected areas. In this context, his traducianism is also examined. In the ontological context, the status of the soul and God in Tertullian thought is also presented. In connection with the metaphysical problem of creation, the article also touches on the question of creatio ex nihilo as a problem on which Tertullian had to take a stand. It investigates the role of corporealism in Tertullian’s polemic against Marcion, Apelles, and the Valentinian Gnosis by mapping which elements in the teachings of these representatives and Gnosis, especially (but not exclusively) Valentinian, could provoke Tertullian to controversy. This paper holds the opinion that Tertullian’s corporealism was due to his theological views and controversy with opponents, which were used as philosophical inspiration, especially stoic inspiration, but was used mainly in the service of his theological thinking and strategic needs for argumentation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (4) ◽  
Collium Banda

This research article uses the theoretical framework of doctrine as believer’s security to critique the theological framework behind the controversial activities reported amongst some South African neo-Pentecostal prophets (NPPs), which include feeding congregants with grass, spraying them with insecticides and sexual violation of women congregants. The framework of the article falls within the discipline of systematic theology by raising the importance for South African Christians to develop a critical doctrinal framework for protecting themselves from controversial NPPs. The following main question is answered by the article: from a systematic theological perspective, how can we evaluate the theological framework, which leads to the recent controversial activities reported amongst some NPPs in South Africa? Consequently, the article, firstly, describes the critical theological framework of the protective role of Christian doctrine. Secondly, it describes the South African NPPs and their controversial practices. Thirdly, this article analyses some of the theological problems in the current operative framework of NPPs. Fourthly, it argues for the need for doctrinally informed critical thinking as a safety measure against controversial NPPs. Finally, some steps that must be taken by NPPs to develop critical theological thinking in order to overcome doctrinally vacuous experientialism that promotes controversial religious activities are provided.Contribution: From a systematic theological approach, this article attempts to demonstrate the importance of critical doctrinal thinking as a defence mechanism for protecting Christians from falling prey to harmful religious practices, such as those recently reported amongst some NPPs in South Africa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (14) ◽  
pp. 76-91
Alexandru-Corneliu ARION ◽  

As a prominent Church father, mystical theologian and incisive polemicist, St. Gregory Palamas has realized a «Summa Theologica» of his epoch, but one that has surpassed not only the thinking of contemporaries, but remained, to this day, a synthesis of philosophical and theological knowledge, at least for the Eastern Christianity. He pointed out with clarity the independence of theology from philosophy or from any other field of research. One of the most important instruments with a view to knowing God is prayer and Palamas began to write under the pressure of defending the hesychastic method of prayer. He proves that true communion with God was possible through sanctification and that God's vision through prayer was a sign of this spiritual communion. In Palamas' very coherent theological thinking, Christology corresponds to his anthropology, and both to his mysticism. St. Gregory strongly depreciated the value of intellectual effort, maintaining the primacy of direct illumination over scientific reasoning. Thus, prayer and asceticism engender love, which leads to illumination by God and participation in the divine life. He tries to make sense of mystical experience in the scientific and philosophical language of his day. Paradoxically, almost every attempt arrives at establishing that the spiritual cannot be grasped by man's natural intellectual capacity, nor expressed in philosophical language. But the spiritual man can be the partaker of this experience through the experience of grace, as divine uncreated energy, the true "face" of God accessible to human contemplation. The Archbishop of Thessaloniki, who realized a synthesis of Science, Theology, and Spirituality outlines the relation between them as follows: Science explores the world and leads to technological inventions; Theology interprets reality within the Christian framework, evidencing the glory of God as reflected throughout his creation; and Spirituality is the privileged path toward personal transformation. The debate about Palamism is likely to continue for some time. His version of theosis (deification) was enshrined in Orthodox teaching as a result of his canonization, but among the intellectuals for whom it was intended it remained controversial, despite its grandeur.

Kurios ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Grant Nixon ◽  
Erastus Sabdono ◽  
Martina Novalina

Statistics show an increase in violence against women during a pandemic. Violence experienced by women is invisible and silent suffering that can be heard on humanitarian issues during a pandemic. This article intends to contribute to theological thinking as well as advocacy for women suffering during the pandemic. This theological thinking is built through a narrative analysis of Judges 19: 1-30 using a feminist perspective narrative analysis. This analysis aims to critically review the text of violence from a pro-women perspective. It is hoped that this analysis will be useful in enriching the treasures of theological thought related to the narrative of Judges 19: 1-30 and emphasizing the importance of discussing gender-based violence in theological thinking and ecclesiastical ministry. In the end, violence against women in Judges 19: 1-30 cannot be separated from the phenomenon of moral degradation among the Israelites. So contextually, the existence of gender-based violence, especially against women, can be seen as a moral crisis that must be seriously confronted during a pandemic. Abstrak Statistik menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kekerasan terhadap perempuan pada masa pandemi. Kekerasan yang dialami perempuan adalah penderitaan yang tidak kasat mata dan sunyi terdengar pada isu kemanusiaan di masa pandemi. Artikel ini hendak memberi kontribusi pemikiran teologis sekaligus advokasi terhadap perempuan yang menderita di masa pandemi. Pemikiran teologis ini dibangun melalui analisis narasi Hakim-hakim 19:1-30 dengan menggunakan analisis naratif berperspektif feminis. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk meninjau dengan kritis teks kekerasan dengan perspektif yang berpihak pada perempuan. Analisis ini diharapkan bermanfaat memperkaya khazanah pemikiran teologis terkait narasi Hakim-hakim 19:1-30 dan memberi penekanan bagi pentingnya pembahasan mengenai kekerasan berbasis gender dalam pemikiran teologis serta pelayanan gerejawi. Pada akhirnya, kekerasan terhadap perempuan dalam Hakim-hakim 19:1-30 tidak dapat dilepaskan dari fenomena degradasi moralitas di antara bangsa Israel. Sehingga secara kontekstual, eksisnya kekerasan berbasis gender, khususnya kepada perempuan, dapat dilihat sebagai krisis moralitas yang harus dikonfrontasi dengan serius pada masa pandemi.

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