suitable environment
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Electronics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 230
Martin Pajpach ◽  
Oto Haffner ◽  
Erik Kučera ◽  
Peter Drahoš

The main purposes of this paper are to offer a low-cost solution that can be used in engineering education and to address the challenges that Industry 4.0 brings with it. In recent years, there has been a great shortage of engineering experts, and therefore it is necessary to educate the next generation of experts, but the hardware and software tools needed for education are often expensive and access to them is sometimes difficult, but most importantly, they change and evolve rapidly. Therefore, the use of cheaper hardware and free software helps to create a reliable and suitable environment for the education of engineering experts. Based on the overview of related works dealing with low-cost teaching solutions, we present in this paper our own low-cost Education Kit, for which the price can be as low as approximately EUR 108 per kit, for teaching the basic skills of deep learning in quality-control tasks in inspection lines. The solution is based on Arduino, TensorFlow and Keras, a smartphone camera, and is assembled using LEGO kit. The results of the work serve as inspiration for educators and educational institutions.

Aoi Koga ◽  
Takumi Yamasaki ◽  
Shuhei Hayashi ◽  
Shinjiro Yamamoto ◽  
Hitoshi Miyasaka

Abstract Purple non-sulfur bacteria (PNSB) reportedly have probiotic effects in fish, but whether they are indigenous in the digestive tract of fish is a question that requires answering. We attempted to isolate PNSB from the digestive tract of ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis) from the Kuma River (Kumamoto, Japan), and successfully isolated 12 PNSB strains. All the isolated PNSB belonged to the genus Rhodopseudomonas. Five Rhodopseudomonas strains were also isolated from the soil samples collected along the Kuma River. The phylogenetic tree based on the partial sequence of pufLM gene indicated that the PNSB from ayu and soil were similar. The effects of NaCl concentration in growth medium on growth were also compared between the PNSB from ayu and soil. The PNSB from ayu showed a better growth performance at a higher NaCl concentration, suggesting that the intestinal tract of ayu, a euryhaline fish, might provide suitable environment for halophilic microorganisms.

Catalysts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Yulin Li ◽  
Ping She ◽  
Rundong Ding ◽  
Da Li ◽  
Hongtan Cai ◽  

Polyacrylonitrile hollow nanospheres (HPAN), derived from the polymerization of acrylonitrile in the presence of polystyrene emulsion (as template), were modified by surface amination with ethylenediamine (EDA), and then used as support for loading Pd or PdCo nanoparticles (NPs). The resultant bimetallic catalyst (named PdCo0.2/EDA-HPAN) can efficiently catalyze the additive-free dehydrogenation of formic acid with very high activity, selectivity and recyclability, showing turnover frequencies (TOF) of 4990 h−1 at 333 K and 915 h−1 at 303 K, respectively. The abundant surface amino groups and cyano group as well as the hollow structure of the support offer a suitable environment for achieving high dispersion of the Pd-based NPs on the surface of EDA-HPAN, thus generating ultra-small bimetallic NPs (bellow 1.0 nm) with high stability. The addition of a small portion of Co may adjust the electronic state of Pd species to a certain extent, which can further improve their capability for the dehydrogenation of formic acid. In addition, the surface amino groups may also play an important role in synergistically activating formic acid to generate formate, thus leading to efficient conversion of formic acid to hydrogen at mild conditions.

Polymers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 4326
Ching-Cheng Huang ◽  
Ying-Ju Chen ◽  
Hsia-Wei Liu

Nano-bioscaffolds obtained from decellularized tissues have been employed in several medical applications. Nano-bioscaffolds could provide structural support for cell attachment and a suitable environment with sufficient porosity for cell growth and proliferation. In this study, a new combined method constitutes a decellularization protocol to remove the tissue and cellular molecules from porcine dermis for preparation of nano-bioscaffolds with fibrous extracellular matrix via pre- and post-treatment of supercritical fluids. The supercritical fluids-assisted nano-bioscaffolds were characterized by peptide identification, infrared spectrum of absorption, morphology, histological observations, DNA quantification, and hemocompatibility. Further, the resulting nano-bioscaffolds could be employed to obtain new cross-linked composite nano-bioscaffold containing collagen and acellular matrix.

2021 ◽  
Zhong Gui

<p>Individual piano lessons have limitations for peer interaction and cooperation, which leads to insufficient stimulation for children to achieve affective and musical understanding. This paper attempts to set up a piano chamber music program at the fundamental level in the first four years of learning piano, corresponding to children around five to nine years old) to close this gap. The program is a supplementary measure to solve problems deriving from a model of only individual lessons. It assists children in strengthening their existing knowledge as well as developing their abilities. The program is based on Piaget’s theory regarding cognitive development, and it combines theories of musical embodiment and music pedagogy. It promotes a rich musical environment and multiple opportunities for peer interaction so that children can make up for deficiencies arising from a single lesson model, using moderate stimulation from a suitable environment.</p>

2021 ◽  
Zhong Gui

<p>Individual piano lessons have limitations for peer interaction and cooperation, which leads to insufficient stimulation for children to achieve affective and musical understanding. This paper attempts to set up a piano chamber music program at the fundamental level in the first four years of learning piano, corresponding to children around five to nine years old) to close this gap. The program is a supplementary measure to solve problems deriving from a model of only individual lessons. It assists children in strengthening their existing knowledge as well as developing their abilities. The program is based on Piaget’s theory regarding cognitive development, and it combines theories of musical embodiment and music pedagogy. It promotes a rich musical environment and multiple opportunities for peer interaction so that children can make up for deficiencies arising from a single lesson model, using moderate stimulation from a suitable environment.</p>

Richard Garner

Abstract It is well established that equational algebraic theories and the monads they generate can be used to encode computational effects. An important insight of Power and Shkaravska is that comodels of an algebraic theory $\mathbb{T}$ – i.e., models in the opposite category $\mathcal{S}\mathrm{et}^{\mathrm{op}}$ – provide a suitable environment for evaluating the computational effects encoded by $\mathbb{T}$ . As already noted by Power and Shkaravska, taking comodels yields a functor from accessible monads to accessible comonads on $\mathcal{S}\mathrm{et}$ . In this paper, we show that this functor is part of an adjunction – the “costructure–cosemantics adjunction” of the title – and undertake a thorough investigation of its properties. We show that, on the one hand, the cosemantics functor takes its image in what we term the presheaf comonads induced by small categories; and that, on the other, costructure takes its image in the presheaf monads induced by small categories. In particular, the cosemantics comonad of an accessible monad will be induced by an explicitly-described category called its behaviour category that encodes the static and dynamic properties of the comodels. Similarly, the costructure monad of an accessible comonad will be induced by a behaviour category encoding static and dynamic properties of the comonad coalgebras. We tie these results together by showing that the costructure–cosemantics adjunction is idempotent, with fixpoints to either side given precisely by the presheaf monads and comonads. Along the way, we illustrate the value of our results with numerous examples drawn from computation and mathematics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 937 (3) ◽  
pp. 032013
D Krivoguz ◽  
A Semenova ◽  
S Mal’ko

Abstract Sea water temperature and water salinity one of the most important environmental factors of the marine ecosystems. Both of them plays an important role in forming suitable environment for marine living organisms and have a great impact on species biodiversity. Our goal for this paper was to identify spatial patterns of interannual variations in the salinity and temperature fluctuations to understand possibilities of future change of the Black Sea ecosystem and its impact on fisheries. We used temperature and salinity data from CMEMS for the 1992-2017 time period. All downloaded data was processed by QGIS 3.14 and R 4.0.3. We found that the temperature regime of the Black Sea in different periods of the year is determined by three main factors - the depth of the shelf zone, the influence of river runoff, and water circulation due to currents. The average salinity of the Black Sea waters is 19 ‰, areas with lower salinity are located near the west shore, due to the flows from the largest rivers (Dnieper, Dniester, Danube) bringing a large amount of fresh water to the Black Sea. The area with higher salinity is located in the south- west due to the water exchange of the Black Sea with the saltier Sea of Marmara (∼ 26 ‰) through the Bosphorus. The currents of the Black Sea pick up the salty water of the Sea of Marmara and slowly moving the water column against the clockwise, carry it across the entire Black Sea, thereby increasing its average salinity.

Laszlo Hammerl ◽  
Dennis Weber ◽  
Anh Don Ton

Due to historical, political, and cultural similarities the Central European (CE) domestic market grew to one of the closest and most integrated economic networks of the world. Sharing the necessary technological competencies and resources, industries like the au-tomotive industry arose to cross-bordering ecosystems. In contrast to the supply chains of other consumer goods, Hungary established a suitable environment to become dominant in the primary industry of manufacturing rather than a sole cost-reducing supplier. However, the analysis of current organizational framework of operating automotive enterprises in CE highlighted, that long existing concepts like Kaizen are still not tailored into the day-to-day business concept. Consequent-ly, competitors from other hemispheres might have an impactful market advantage. Thus, the purpose of this paper focuses on the barriers of implementing said organizational changes and identifying necessary steps towards internal reorganisation in Hungary while keeping the se-curity of known and long-established structures alike. By analysing the experiences of neighbouring countries which are also part of the CE supply chain, critical factors are revealed. The findings of the paper elaborate on the positive long-term effects of Kaizen for this specific industrial sector as well as drafting a recommended innovation roadmap for the Hungarian automotive innovation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 205630512110634
Axel Bruns ◽  
Daniel Angus ◽  
Timothy Graham

This special issue of Social Media + Society develops a cross-national, longitudinal perspective on the use of social media in election campaigns. Australia, where leading social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter were adopted early and widely by the general population, and where federal election cycles are unusually short (often less than 3 years), provides a particularly suitable environment for observing the evolution of social media campaigning approaches. This article extends our analysis of previous federal election campaigns in Australia by examining Twitter campaigning in the 2019 election; to allow for a direct comparison with previous campaigns, it builds on a methodological and analytical framework that we have used since the 2013 election.

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