spatial branch and bound
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Benjamin Müller ◽  
Gonzalo Muñoz ◽  
Maxime Gasse ◽  
Ambros Gleixner ◽  
Andrea Lodi ◽  

AbstractThe most important ingredient for solving mixed-integer nonlinear programs (MINLPs) to global $$\epsilon $$ ϵ -optimality with spatial branch and bound is a tight, computationally tractable relaxation. Due to both theoretical and practical considerations, relaxations of MINLPs are usually required to be convex. Nonetheless, current optimization solvers can often successfully handle a moderate presence of nonconvexities, which opens the door for the use of potentially tighter nonconvex relaxations. In this work, we exploit this fact and make use of a nonconvex relaxation obtained via aggregation of constraints: a surrogate relaxation. These relaxations were actively studied for linear integer programs in the 70s and 80s, but they have been scarcely considered since. We revisit these relaxations in an MINLP setting and show the computational benefits and challenges they can have. Additionally, we study a generalization of such relaxation that allows for multiple aggregations simultaneously and present the first algorithm that is capable of computing the best set of aggregations. We propose a multitude of computational enhancements for improving its practical performance and evaluate the algorithm’s ability to generate strong dual bounds through extensive computational experiments.

G. Liuzzi ◽  
M. Locatelli ◽  
V. Piccialli ◽  
S. Rass

AbstractIn this paper we address game theory problems arising in the context of network security. In traditional game theory problems, given a defender and an attacker, one searches for mixed strategies which minimize a linear payoff functional. In the problems addressed in this paper an additional quadratic term is added to the minimization problem. Such term represents switching costs, i.e., the costs for the defender of switching from a given strategy to another one at successive rounds of a Nash game. The resulting problems are nonconvex QP ones with linear constraints and turn out to be very challenging. We will show that the most recent approaches for the minimization of nonconvex QP functions over polytopes, including commercial solvers such as and , are unable to solve to optimality even test instances with $$n=50$$ n = 50 variables. For this reason, we propose to extend with them the current benchmark set of test instances for QP problems. We also present a spatial branch-and-bound approach for the solution of these problems, where a predominant role is played by an optimality-based domain reduction, with multiple solutions of LP problems at each node of the branch-and-bound tree. Of course, domain reductions are standard tools in spatial branch-and-bound approaches. However, our contribution lies in the observation that, from the computational point of view, a rather aggressive application of these tools appears to be the best way to tackle the proposed instances. Indeed, according to our experiments, while they make the computational cost per node high, this is largely compensated by the rather slow growth of the number of nodes in the branch-and-bound tree, so that the proposed approach strongly outperforms the existing solvers for QP problems.

B. G.-Tóth ◽  
E. M. T. Hendrix ◽  
L. G. Casado

AbstractOver the last decades, algorithms have been developed for checking copositivity of a matrix. Methods are based on several principles, such as spatial branch and bound, transformation to Mixed Integer Programming, implicit enumeration of KKT points or face-based search. Our research question focuses on exploiting the mathematical properties of the relative interior minima of the standard quadratic program (StQP) and monotonicity. We derive several theoretical properties related to convexity and monotonicity of the standard quadratic function over faces of the standard simplex. We illustrate with numerical instances up to 28 dimensions the use of monotonicity in face-based algorithms. The question is what traversal through the face graph of the standard simplex is more appropriate for which matrix instance; top down or bottom up approaches. This depends on the level of the face graph where the minimum of StQP can be found, which is related to the density of the so-called convexity graph.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Jing Zhou

This paper proposes a novel second-order cone programming (SOCP) relaxation for a quadratic program with one quadratic constraint and several linear constraints (QCQP) that arises in various real-life fields. This new SOCP relaxation fully exploits the simultaneous matrix diagonalization technique which has become an attractive tool in the area of quadratic programming in the literature. We first demonstrate that the new SOCP relaxation is as tight as the semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation for the QCQP when the objective matrix and constraint matrix are simultaneously diagonalizable. We further derive a spatial branch-and-bound algorithm based on the new SOCP relaxation in order to obtain the global optimal solution. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted between the new SOCP relaxation-based branch-and-bound algorithm and the SDP relaxation-based branch-and-bound algorithm. The computational results illustrate that the new SOCP relaxation achieves a good balance between the bound quality and computational efficiency and thus leads to a high-efficiency global algorithm.

2017 ◽  
Yuanxun Shao ◽  
Joseph Kirk Scott

This article considers nonconvex global optimization problems subject to uncertainties described by continuous random variables. Such problems arise in chemical process design, renewable energy systems, stochastic model predictive control, etc. Here, we restrict our attention to problems with expected-value objectives and no recourse decisions. In principle, such problems can be solved globally using spatial branch-and-bound (B&B). However, B&B requires the ability to bound the optimal objective value on subintervals of the search space, and existing techniques are not generally applicable because expected-value objectives often cannot be written in closed-form. To address this, this article presents a new method for computing convex and concave relaxations of nonconvex expected-value functions, which can be used to obtain rigorous bounds for use in B&B. Furthermore, these relaxations obey a second-order pointwise convergence property, which is sufficient for finite termination of B&B under standard assumptions. Empirical results are shown for three simple examples.

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