ae counts
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2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Yan Cheng ◽  
Paul Hagan ◽  
Rudrajit Mitra ◽  
Shuren Wang ◽  
Hong-Wei Yang

In this paper, the potential of 3D acoustic emission (AE) tomography technique in demonstrating fracture development and delineating stress conditions was examined. Brazilian tests and uniaxial compression tests were monitored by 3D AE tomography. AE counts, AE source locations and 3D tomographic images of locally varying velocity distributions were analyzed along with stress and strain measurements. Experimental results revealed two distinct failure processes between Brazilian tests and uniaxial compression tests indicated by differences in AE counts, source locations and the temporal variation of velocity. Furthermore, the development of micro-cracks showed by the results correlated well with theoretical analysis and experimental observations. Additionally, stress patterns, failure modes and final failure planes were indicated by AE locations and velocity tomography. Three-dimensional velocity tomographic images indicated the anisotropy of samples caused by stresses as well. These results confirm the usefulness of AE tomography as a method to monitor stress induced failure and the potential of AE tomography for delineating stress conditions and predicting rock failure.

Minerals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 1070
Shuangwen Ma ◽  
Han Liang ◽  
Chen Cao

Acoustic emission (AE) can reflect the dynamic changes in a material’s structure, and it has been widely used in studies regarding coal mechanics, such as those focusing on the influence of loading rate or water content change on the mechanical properties of coal. However, the deformational behavior of coals with various strengths differs due to the variation in microstructure. Hard coal presents brittleness, which is closely related to certain kinds of geological disasters such as coal bursts; soft coal exhibits soft rock properties and large deformation mechanical characteristics. Therefore, conclusions drawn from AE characteristics of a single coal sample have application limitations. This paper studies the deformation patterns and AE characteristics of coals with different strengths. A uniaxial compression experiment was carried out using coal samples with average uniaxial compressive strengths of 30 MPa and 10 MPa; the SAEU2S digital AE system was used to measure the AE counts, dissipation energy, and fracturing point distributions at each deformation stage of the different coals. The results show that the bearing capacity of hard coal is similar to that of the elastic stage and plastic deformation stage, but it may lose its bearing capacity immediately after failure. Soft coal has a relatively distinct stress-softening deformation stage and retains a certain bearing capacity after the peak. The AE counts and dissipation energy of hard coal are significantly higher than those of soft media, with average increases of 49% and 26%, respectively. Via comparative analysis of the distribution and development of internal rupture points within soft coal and hard coal at 15%, 70%, and 80% peak loads, it was observed that hard coal has fewer rupture points in the elastic deformation stage, allowing it to maintain good integrity; however, its rupture points increase rapidly under high stress. Soft coal produces more plastic deformation under low loading conditions, but the development of the fracture is relatively slow in the stress-softening stage. We extracted and summarized the AE characteristics discussed in the literature using one single coal sample, and the results support the conclusions presented in this paper. This study subdivided the deformation process and AE characteristics of soft and hard coals, providing a theoretical guidance and technical support for the application of AE technology in coal with different strengths.

Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Muhammad Ali ◽  
Enyuan Wang ◽  
Zhonghui Li ◽  
Haishan Jia ◽  
Dexing Li ◽  

In terms of coal’s stability and failure, soaking time and water content play a significant role in geotechnical engineering practice. To determine the soaking time effect on the mechanical behavior of coal samples and the response of AE (acoustic emission) signal throughout loading, the samples with different soaking times (0–120 hours (h)) were prepared and tested under uniaxial compression. AE signals were continuously monitored during loading to examine the AE characteristic response via the AEwin Express-8.0 system. The results revealed that the mechanical characteristics of the coal samples decreased with an increase in soaking time. When coal samples were subjected to uniaxial compression, AE events occurred due to the formation of the cracks, which further propagated to cause coal fracture. AE counts and the accumulative counts fluctuated with time and corresponded very well to the load. Therefore, AE counts and the trend of the accumulative counts of AE qualitatively explained the rupture of the coal under stress. In addition, the variation in trends of AE counts, AE accumulative counts, and load with time at various phases of all samples were obtained. It is concluded that AE counts increase suddenly during a slow increase phase and peak at the active increase phase. During the attenuation phase, the AE counts first decrease significantly with stress drop, but also a slight increase was observed due to the initiation of secondary cracks. These research results are of great significance as a precursor in coal and rock failure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Jiliang Pan ◽  
Xu Wu ◽  
Qifeng Guo ◽  
Xun Xi ◽  
Meifeng Cai

Conjugate joint is one of the most common joint forms in natural rock mass, which is produced by different tectonic movements. To better understand the preexisting flaws, it is necessary to investigate joint development and its effect on the deformation and strength of the rock. In this study, uniaxial compression tests of granite specimens with different conjugate joints distribution were performed using the GAW-2000 compression-testing machine system. The PCI-2 acoustic emission (AE) testing system was used to monitor the acoustic signal characteristics of the jointed specimens during the entire loading process. At the same time, a 3D digital image correlation (DIC) technique was used to study the evolution of stress field before the peak strength at different loading times. Based on the experimental results, the deformation and strength characteristics, AE parameters, damage evolution processes, and energy accumulation and dissipation properties of the conjugate jointed specimens were analyzed. It is considered that these changes were closely related to the angle between the primary and secondary joints. The results show that the AE counts can be used to characterize the damage and failure of the specimen during uniaxial compression. The local stress field evolution process obtained by the DIC can be used to analyze the crack initiation and propagation in the specimen. As the included angle increases from 0° to 90°, the elastic modulus first decreases and then increases, and the accumulative AE counts of the peak first increase and then decrease, while the peak strength does not change distinctly. The cumulative AE counts of the specimen with an included angle of 45° rise in a ladder-like manner, and the granite retains a certain degree of brittle failure characteristics under the axial loading. The total energy, elastic energy, and dissipation energy of the jointed specimens under uniaxial compression failure were significantly reduced. These findings can be regarded as a reference for future studies on the failure mechanism of granite with conjugate joints.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Minbo Zhang ◽  
Li Cui ◽  
Wenjun Hu ◽  
Jinlei Du ◽  
Zhen Zhang ◽  

In this study, triaxial load failure experiments of coal samples under different strain rates and different confining pressure unloading rates were carried out using an RTX-1000 rock triaxial apparatus, and the acoustic emission characteristic parameters of a Micro-II acoustic emission imaging acquisition instrument were used to study the acoustic emission characteristics and damage deformation law of coals under different conditions. Damage models were constructed on the basis of the characteristic parameters to analyze the damage law of coal samples. Experimental results show that the acoustic emission (AE) counts and AE energy of the coal samples decrease, but the peak AE counts and peak AE energy increase with the increase in strain rates. The cumulative AE counts decrease from 9902 times to 6899 times, the peak counts increase from 209 times to 431 times, the cumulative AE energy decreases from 6986 aJ to 3786 aJ, and the peak AE energy increases from 129 aJ to 312 aJ. The overall level of the AE count rates and the AE energy of the coal samples decrease, but the peak AE counts and peak AE energy increase with the increase in unloading rates. The cumulative AE counts decrease from 18,689 times to 16,842 times, the peak AE count rates increase from 245 times/s to 535 times/s, the cumulative AE energy decreases from 9846 aJ to 7430 aJ, and the peak energy increases from 257 aJ to 587 aJ. The damage models are constructed on the basis of AE counts, and the comparative experimental and theoretical curves are analyzed to obtain a higher fitness close to 1. The damage threshold increases from 0.30 to 0.50 and from 0.34 to 0.55, and the damage amount increases from 0.50 to 0.60 and from 0.34 to 0.62 with the increase in strain rates and unloading rates. The research results have practical significance for revealing the mechanism of disaster occurrence in actual engineering excavation and proposing engineering measures to prevent coal rock damage and disaster occurrence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Huiqiang Duan ◽  
Depeng Ma

The damage and failure state of the loaded coal and rock masses is indirectly reflected by its acoustic emission (AE) characteristics. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the AE evolution of loaded coal and rock masses for the evaluation of damage degree and prediction of collapse. The paper mainly represents a numerical simulation investigation of the AE characteristics of coal specimen subjected to cyclic loading under three confining pressures, loading-unloading rates, and valley stresses. From the numerical simulation tests, the following conclusions can be drawn: (1) The final cycle number of coal specimen subjected to cyclic loading is significantly influenced by the confining pressure, followed the valley stress. With the increase in confining pressure or valley stress, the cycle number tends to increase. However, the loading-unloading rate has a little influence on it. (2) The AE counts of coal specimen subjected to cyclic loading are greatly influenced by the confining pressure and the valley stress. With the increase in the confining pressure, the cumulative AE counts at the 1st cycle tend to increase but decrease at a cycle before failure; with the decrease in the valley stress, the cumulative AE counts per cycle increase in the relatively quiet phase. However, the loading-unloading rate has a little influence on it. (3) The failure mode of coal specimen subjected to cyclic loading is significantly influenced by the confining pressure. Under the uniaxial stress state, there is an inclined main fractured plane in the coal specimen, under the confining pressures of 5 and 10 MPa, the coal specimen represents dispersion failure. The loading-unloading rate and valley stress have little influence on it. (4) The AE ratio is proposed, and its evolution can better reflect the different stages of coal specimen failure under cyclic loading. (5) The influence of confining pressure on the broken degree of coal specimen subjected to cyclic loading is analyzed, and the higher the confining pressure, the more broken the failed coal specimen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Zi-jun Feng ◽  
Yang-sheng Zhao ◽  
Peng Zhao ◽  
Zhi-jun Wan

Experiments on thermal cracking in granite sample were conducted through acoustic emission monitoring, and changes in permeability were concomitantly studied using 600°C 20 MN servo-controlled triaxial rock mechanics testing machine. Two granite samples, 200 mm in diameter and 400 mm long, from Shandong, China, were selected for these experiments. Both samples were heated up to 500°C at ambient pressure. We find that thermal cracking of large-scaled granite is discontinuous and exhibits multiple stages with temperature. In addition, the permeability exhibits the following characteristics: (a) it neither increases nor decreases monotonously with the temperature rising and it exhibits multipeak due to the multistage thermal cracking; (b) the temperature of permeability peak lags behind that of the drastic acoustic emission activities. Both AE counts and permeability dramatically increased after 300°C, which indicated serious thermal cracking occurred after 300°C. Permeability ratio is approximately linear with the ratio of AE cumulative counts. The results will be helpful for understanding the mechanism of geothermal reservoir construction and long-term evaluation of safety for nuclear waste geological disposal.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Zhi Shan ◽  
Zhiwu Yu ◽  
Xiao Li ◽  
Ying Xie

Acoustic emission (AE) is an effective nondestructive evaluation method for assessing damage in materials; however, few works in the literature have focused on one quantification method of damage in concrete under fatigue loading by using AE for characterizing the entire three main deterioration behaviors simultaneously. These deterioration behaviors include Young’s modulus degradation, fatigue total strain, and residual strain development. In this work, an AE quantification method of fatigue damage in concrete was developed, by combining AE and a fiber bundle-based statistical damage model (fiber bundle-irreversible chain model). By establishing a relationship between normalized AE counts and the damage variable based on the fiber bundle-irreversible chain model, the method was proposed. Additionally, this method was verified against the experimental results. It is able to capture the mechanisms of damage accumulation and characterize the three deterioration behaviors simultaneously.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 1595 ◽  
Xiaofei Liu ◽  
Huajie Zhang ◽  
Xiaoran Wang ◽  
Chong Zhang ◽  
Hui Xie ◽  

Rock burst is the result of the development and extension of micro-cracks during the loading process of large-scale rock mass in underground space engineering. Dynamic monitoring results by acoustic emission (AE) can accurately perceive the inner fracture evolution of rock mass and effectively warn about its induced disasters early. By contrastive testing the AE parameters in the whole fracture process of the intact and holey rock samples under graded loading, their spatiotemporal evolution rules were analyzed in this paper, and the damage model of rock samples based on AE localization events was established to analyze the relationship between rock damage and loads. The results show that: (1) Under the condition of grading loading, AE parameter increases with the increase of axial stress and show three states, respectively, which are slow-growth, stabilization and rapid increasing; meanwhile, the damage of the sample has a cumulative effect with time. (2) The AE counts and energy are highly correlated with the fracture of the sample that the more severe the damage of the sample, the faster the crack propagation as well as the higher the acoustic emission counts and the energy amplitude. The damage state of granite sample can be accurately judged by two parameters to character the damage evolution process and fracture mechanism. (3) Compared with the intact rock sample, due to the pressure relief effect of the hole, the rock sample containing the hole takes a long time in the compaction stage and with higher load stress level. Although the AE counts and energy were lower in the damage process, the general law of their response during damage and instability process still exists.

Minerals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 143 ◽  
Xuesheng Liu ◽  
Qingheng Gu ◽  
Yunliang Tan ◽  
Jianguo Ning ◽  
Zhichuang Jia

It is necessary to master the mechanical properties and failure prediction of the composite of mortar and rock block in a mined-out area. In this study, uniaxial compression and acoustic emission (AE) synchronous tests of mortar specimens with different sandwich materials and cement–sand ratios were carried out. The results showed that the compressive strength and elastic modulus of mortar specimens increased with an increase in the cement–sand ratio and the stiffness of the sandwich material. The AE counts and energy of mortar specimens with a high-stiffness sandwich material were maximum when they were destroyed. The b value, a number that reflects the extent of fracture propagation, decreased first and then increased with the increase in strain. The inflection point of the b value can be taken as the indication of the imminent failure of the mortar. A method for determining the b value at the turning point was proposed and verified.

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