dynamical dark energy
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (01) ◽  
pp. 004
Giulio Scelfo ◽  
Marta Spinelli ◽  
Alvise Raccanelli ◽  
Lumen Boco ◽  
Andrea Lapi ◽  

Abstract Two of the most rapidly growing observables in cosmology and astrophysics are gravitational waves (GW) and the neutral hydrogen (HI) distribution. In this work, we investigate the cross-correlation between resolved gravitational wave detections and HI signal from intensity mapping (IM) experiments. By using a tomographic approach with angular power spectra, including all projection effects, we explore possible applications of the combination of the Einstein Telescope and the SKAO intensity mapping surveys. We focus on three main topics: (i) statistical inference of the observed redshift distribution of GWs; (ii) constraints on dynamical dark energy models as an example of cosmological studies; (iii) determination of the nature of the progenitors of merging binary black holes, distinguishing between primordial and astrophysical origin. Our results show that: (i) the GW redshift distribution can be calibrated with good accuracy at low redshifts, without any assumptions on cosmology or astrophysics, potentially providing a way to probe astrophysical and cosmological models; (ii) the constrains on the dynamical dark energy parameters are competitive with IM-only experiments, in a complementary way and potentially with less systematics; (iii) it will be possible to detect a relatively small abundance of primordial black holes within the gravitational waves from resolved mergers. Our results extend towards GW × IM the promising field of multi-tracing cosmology and astrophysics, which has the major advantage of allowing scientific investigations in ways that would not be possible by looking at single observables separately.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
pp. 049
Noah Sailer ◽  
Emanuele Castorina ◽  
Simone Ferraro ◽  
Martin White

Abstract An observational program focused on the high redshift (2<z<6) Universe has the opportunity to dramatically improve over upcoming LSS and CMB surveys on measurements of both the standard cosmological model and its extensions. Using a Fisher matrix formalism that builds upon recent advances in Lagrangian perturbation theory, we forecast constraints for future spectroscopic and 21-cm surveys on the standard cosmological model, curvature, neutrino mass, relativistic species, primordial features, primordial non-Gaussianity, dynamical dark energy, and gravitational slip. We compare these constraints with those achievable by current or near-future surveys such as DESI and Euclid, all under the same forecasting formalism, and compare our formalism with traditional linear methods. Our Python code FishLSS — used to calculate the Fisher information of the full shape power spectrum, CMB lensing, the cross-correlation of CMB lensing with galaxies, and combinations thereof — is publicly available.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
pp. 036
Rui-Yun Guo ◽  
Lu Feng ◽  
Tian-Ying Yao ◽  
Xing-Yu Chen

Abstract We explore a scenario of interacting dynamical dark energy model with the interaction term Q including the varying equation-of-state parameter w. Using the data combination of the cosmic microwave background, the baryon acoustic oscillation, and the type Ia supernovae, to global fit the interacting dynamical dark energy model, we find that adding a factor of the varying w in the function of Q can change correlations between the coupling constant β and other parameters, and then has a huge impact on the fitting result of β. In this model, the fitting value of H 0 is lower at the 3.54σ level than the direct measurement value of H 0. Comparing to the case of interacting dynamical dark energy model with Q excluding w, the model with Q including the constant w is more favored by the current mainstream observation. To obtain higher fitting values of H 0 and narrow the discrepancy of H 0 between different observations, additional parameters including the effective number of relativistic species, the total neutrino mass, and massive sterile neutrinos are considered in the interacting dynamical dark energy cosmology. We find that the H 0 tension can be further reduced in these models, but is still at the about 3σ level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (10) ◽  
Eoin Ó Colgáin ◽  
M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari

AbstractWe observe that the errors on the Hubble constant $$H_0$$ H 0 , a universal parameter in any FLRW cosmology, can be larger in specific cosmological models than Gaussian processes (GP) data reconstruction. We comment on the prior mean function and trace the smaller GP errors to stronger correlations, which we show precludes all well studied dynamical dark energy models. We also briefly illustrate cosmographic expansions as another model independent cosmological reconstruction. Our analysis suggests that “cosmological model independence”, especially in the statement of Hubble tension, has become a misnomer.

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150154
Roman Neomenko

In this paper, the cosmological perturbations of dynamical dark energy and dark matter, which interact non-gravitationally are studied. This dark energy–dark matter non-gravitational interaction is linearly dependent on the energy densities of dark components. However, in the interacting quintessence dark energy models with such type of interaction, the non-adiabatic instabilities of cosmological perturbations at radiation-dominated epoch arise. To avoid this problem, the model of dynamical dark energy was chosen as the basis. Here, the equation of state parameter of dark energy evolves in time but can be assumed constant at early epoch, so this model can be tuned in such a way that the non-adiabatic instabilities would not appear. The drawback of this cosmological model is that the energy densities of dark components can take the negative values for the certain range of interaction parameter, so the conditions for positivity of dark components densities were derived. Using obtained constraints on the model parameters, the impact of coupling parameter on modification of cosmological perturbations’ evolution is analyzed.

Nick E. Mavromatos ◽  
Joan Solà Peracaula

AbstractIn previous works, we have derived a Running Vacuum Model (RVM) for a string Universe, which provides an effective description of the evolution of 4-dimensional string-inspired cosmologies from inflation till the present epoch. In the context of this “stringy RVM” version, it is assumed that the early Universe is characterised by purely gravitational degrees of freedom, from the massless gravitational string multiplet, including the antisymmetric tensor field. The latter plays an important role, since its dual gives rise to a ‘stiff’ gravitational axion “matter”, which in turn couples to the gravitational anomaly terms, assumed to be non-trivial at early epochs. In the presence of primordial gravitational wave (GW) perturbations, such anomalous couplings lead to an RVM-like dynamical inflation, without external inflatons. We review here this framework and discuss potential scenarios for the generation of such primordial GW, among which the formation of unstable domain walls, which eventually collapse in a non-spherical-symmetric manner, giving rise to GW. We also remark that the same type of “stiff” axionic matter could provide, upon the generation of appropriate potentials during the post-inflationary eras, (part of) the Dark Matter (DM) in the Universe, which could well be ultralight, depending on the parameters of the string-inspired model. All in all, the new (stringy) mechanism for RVM inflation preserves the basic structure of the original (and more phenomenological) RVM, as well as its main advantages: namely, a mechanism for graceful exit and for generating a huge amount of entropy capable of explaining the horizon problem. It also predicts axionic DM and the existence of mild dynamical Dark Energy (DE) of quintessence type in the present universe, both being “living fossils” of the inflationary stages of the cosmic evolution. Altogether the modern RVM appears to be a theoretically sound (string-based) approach to cosmology with a variety of phenomenologically testable consequences.

Celia Escamilla-Rivera ◽  
A. Hernandez-Almada ◽  
Miguel A. Garcia-Aspeitia ◽  
V. Motta

Manisha Banerjee ◽  
Sudipta Das ◽  
Abdulla Al Mamon ◽  
Subhajit Saha ◽  
Kazuharu Bamba

Recently, a novel equation of state (EoS) parameter for dark energy has been introduced which deals with a special mathematical function, known as the Lambert [Formula: see text] function. In this paper, we study the effect on the growth of perturbations for the Lambert [Formula: see text] dark energy model. We perform the analysis for two different approaches. In the first case, we consider the universe to be filled with two different fluid components, namely, the baryonic matter component and the Lambert [Formula: see text] dark energy component, while in the second case, we consider that there is a single fluid component in the universe whose equation of state parameter is described by the Lambert [Formula: see text] function. We then compare the growth rates of Lambert [Formula: see text] model with that for a standard [Formula: see text]CDM model as well as the CPL model. Our results indicate that the presence of Lambert [Formula: see text] dynamical dark energy sector changes the growth rate and affects the matter fluctuations in the universe to a great extent.

Chayanika Rabha ◽  
Sanjeev Kalita

In this work, we have constructed deceleration–acceleration and future evolution of cosmic expansion with curved dynamical dark energy models. Closed and open spatial curvatures are calculated by assuming that dark energy density does not exceed 85% of the closure density and by obtaining lower bounds on the ratio of dark energy to matter density, in terms of equation of state of dark energy. The range of transition epoch [Formula: see text] realized for spatial curvature [Formula: see text] is consistent with model independent estimations coming from galactic ages, strong lensing, Type Ia supernovae and recent constraints coming from [Formula: see text] measurements in non-flat dynamical dark energy models. Two novel parametrizations of dark energy equation of state namely the logarithmic and oscillatory, which are singularity free at future point [Formula: see text] are used to study the deceleration parameter q(z). Irrespective of spatial curvature, cosmic doomsday has been found inevitable for both the parametrizations. The time evolution of logarithmic parametrization, being reminiscent of a quintom field (canonical[Formula: see text]phantom), is converted into dynamics of a canonical quintessence and a phantom field for the redshift range ([Formula: see text],[Formula: see text]) and ([Formula: see text], [Formula: see text]). It is found that irrespective of spatial curvature, the quintessence component becomes sub-dominant in future giving it’s way to the phantom component.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (02) ◽  
pp. 045-045
S. Smerechynskyi ◽  
M. Tsizh ◽  
B. Novosyadlyj

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