mutual communication
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Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 526
Erik Vavrinsky ◽  
Tomas Zavodnik ◽  
Tomas Debnar ◽  
Lubos Cernaj ◽  
Jozef Kozarik ◽  

The whole world is currently focused on COVID-19, which causes considerable economic and social damage. The disease is spreading rapidly through the population, and the effort to stop the spread is entirely still failing. In our article, we want to contribute to the improvement of the situation. We propose a tracking system that would identify affected people with greater accuracy than medical staff can. The main goal was to design hardware and construct a device that would track anonymous risky contacts in areas with a highly concentrated population, such as schools, hospitals, large social events, and companies. We have chosen a 2.4 GHz proprietary protocol for contact monitoring and mutual communication of individual devices. The 2.4 GHz proprietary protocol has many advantages such as a low price and higher resistance to interference and thus offers benefits. We conducted a pilot experiment to catch bugs in the system. The device is in the form of a bracelet and captures signals from other bracelets worn at a particular location. In case of contact with an infected person, the alarm is activated. This article describes the concept of the tracking system, the design of the devices, initial tests, and plans for future use.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (41) ◽  
pp. 84
Najoua Ghrir

Objectif.-Evaluer l’impact de l’adoption sur le fonctionnement conjugal des couples infertiles. Méthode.-L’échantillon est composé de 146 participants hétérosexuels (73 couples) répartis en un groupe avec enfant adoptif (GAEA) composé de 30 couples infertiles vivant une parentalité adoptive et deux groupes contrôles ; le groupe avec enfant biologique (GAEB) composé de 30 couples fertiles ayant accès à la parentalité biologique et le groupe sans enfant (GSE) qui comprend 13 couples infertiles sans enfants. Résultats : Le GAEA semble éviter moins la proximité que les deux groupes contrôles et apparaît plus anxieux face à l’abandon uniquement par rapport au GAEB. Il utilise significativement plus la communication mutuelle mais uniquement par rapport au GSE et rapporte davantage des comportements de "Demande-Retrait" par rapport aux deux groupes témoins. De plus, Il est plus satisfait sur le plan conjugal que les deux groupes contrôles. Conclusion: L’étude offre une meilleure compréhension des changements au sein des couples infertiles devenant parents par voie d’adoption et ouvre plusieurs pistes d’investigation.   The aim of this study is to assess the impact of adoption on the marital functioning of infertile couples. The sample is composed of 146 heterosexual participants (73 couples) divided into a group with adopted children (GWAC) made up of 30 infertile couples living in adoptive parenthood and two control groups; the group with biological child (GWBC) made up of 30 fertile couples with access to biological parenthood and the childless group (GWC) which includes 13 infertile couples without children. The GWAC seems to avoid proximity less than the two control groups and appears more anxious about abandonment only in relation to the GWBC. He used mutual communication significantly more but only in relation to the GWC and reported more "Request-Withdrawal" behaviors compared to the two control groups. In addition, he is more marital satisfaction than the two control groups. The study offers a better understanding of the changes in infertile couples becoming parents by adoption and opens several tracks of investigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-82
Anastasia Valerievna Sebeleva

This article proceeds from the fact that the problem of interaction and mutual influence is quite acute in literary studies. In this regard, the relevance of the research is due, firstly, to the correspondence to the priority direction of modern literary studies associated with the comparative analysis of the text, and secondly, to the need to disclose the deep theoretical and artistic content of creative communication of such artistic personalities of the XX century as M. Tsvetaeva and B. Pasternak, whose legacy still contains many lacunae. The methodological basis of the research is an integrated approach, including comparative-historical, historical-literary, comparative-typological, system-analytical and biographical methods, as well as the method of comparative studies, which allows to study literary analogies and connections of different national literatures, their refraction in the texts of the authors studied. Hermeneutics contributed to the mental comprehension of the analyzed texts, the mental processing of textual information. An important episode in the history of world poetry was the correspondence-dialogue of iconic poets for their time: M. Tsvetaeva and B. Pasternak. Correspondence is valuable not only because it shows us the life of poets in relation to time. The creative aspect of correspondence is very important. The rapprochement manifested in it and at the same time the repulsion was deeply creative and left deep traces in the legacy of all its participants. Poets, albeit to varying degrees, concentrated and passionately, sought to define for themselves the essence of life and poetry. In the course of the research, the author of the article comes to the conclusion that, firstly, the literary process is characterized by a systematic nature in which authors and their works are in certain relationships to each other. Secondly, the thirteen-year correspondence of M. Tsvetaeva with B. Pasternak was very significant for literature. Thanks to mutual communication, creative interaction, the poets created unique, emotionally deep works.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 364-380
Amisha Gupta ◽  

The prime mechanisms for the alteration or reshaping of common somatic gene cells into malignant tumor gene cells are transgenic or oncogene activation and tumor-suppresser gene cell dismission. Cancer genetic cells are the propulsion of growing and expansion. On the other side, they are incapable of developing them self. The wen microhabitat is thought of plays an extra energetic role in Wen improvement than merely existing as a bystander. Wen Cells dexterously enroll connective tissue cells. Through several walkways, which then supply Wen Cells with improved Signs, median metabolites, and a favorable environment for tumor expansion and metastasis. Lymphoma or tumor cells and the microhabitat environment work both will promote large expansion and metathetical potential through mutual communication. Understanding the play of the wen or tumor sensitive small environment in Wen Expansion can direct to new routes to target the Wen Small environment for more efficient anti-tumor medications or cures. In this study, we address the methods involved in Wen or tumor cells enrolling connective cells to the prime tumor place. Along with that it also explained and highlighted the small microhabitats environment and tumor development process. We also mentioned some of the possible potential treatment approaches of cancer treatment which can mighty be helpful for better results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (22) ◽  
pp. 12212
Božena Klodová ◽  
Jan Fíla

Angiosperm mature pollen represents a quiescent stage with a desiccated cytoplasm surrounded by a tough cell wall, which is resistant to the suboptimal environmental conditions and carries the genetic information in an intact stage to the female gametophyte. Post pollination, pollen grains are rehydrated, activated, and a rapid pollen tube growth starts, which is accompanied by a notable metabolic activity, synthesis of novel proteins, and a mutual communication with female reproductive tissues. Several angiosperm species (Arabidopsis thaliana, tobacco, maize, and kiwifruit) were subjected to phosphoproteomic studies of their male gametophyte developmental stages, mostly mature pollen grains. The aim of this review is to compare the available phosphoproteomic studies and to highlight the common phosphoproteins and regulatory trends in the studied species. Moreover, the pollen phosphoproteome was compared with root hair phosphoproteome to pinpoint the common proteins taking part in their tip growth, which share the same cellular mechanisms.

Laura Uzule ◽  

A multi-stage study was conducted to find out what is the role of regional media in the crisis caused by the coronavirus Covid-19, what problems do the media face, what is the opinion of consumers about the work of regional media: 1) audience surveys (1428 respondents); 2) survey of national and regional media (26 respondents); 3) analysis of the content of the regional newspaper Alūksnes un Malienas Ziņas (during the state emergency, March 12, 2020 –June 10, 2020); 4) in-depth, semi-structured interviews with regional media consumers (audience); 5) in-depth, semi-structured interviews with regional media editors. The Covid-19 crisis changed the work of regional media. The ways of obtaining media information diversified, mutual communication and the created content changed, and interaction with the audience increased. The number of subscribers and advertisers decreased significantly (up to 50 %), and therefore the total revenue, creating a serious threat to the existence of the media. The financial situation forced several media executives to reorganise the media – to reduce the number of employees and their salaries, decide on reducing the periodicity of newspapers, and raise prices. Several regional media leaders predict that the media will be shut down if the situation does not improve. The public appreciates and trusts the work of the regional media, they are happy to consume them as well, but more and more often, they cannot afford to pay for them. The results of the survey confirm that with each decade of life achieved, people’s interest in local events (news in the municipality and region, culture and sports) and, consequently, the intensity of regional media consumption increase. Local proximity increases mutual trust between regional media workers (their content) and local community residents (audience). Interactions (seeking advice and assistance, participating in content creation, recording violations of restrictions) were particularly active during the Covid-19 crisis when the doors of state and local authorities were closed (the work took place from home) throughout the emergency. The rapid spread of Covid-19 changed the traditional agenda of regional media – methods of information gathering and mutual communication (remote interviews, video conferences, and meetings, virtual meetings on electronic communication platforms), as well as the content created. The results of the content analysis confirm the priority status of the Covid-19 topic (multiplicity, intensity, location) in the content of the regional newspaper Alūksnes un Malienas Ziņas. With the materials dedicated to Covid-19, journalists informed the audience about the latest events, explained the decisions made by the government, motivated them to act responsibly, appealed to conscience, called for mutual help, condemned, comforted, and also saved. During the emergency, journalists performed not only the functions of an informant but also an educator, psychologist, and social worker (educating, explaining, reassuring, motivating, and helping), while reducing one of their main functions – the watchdog function. The regional press is the only mechanism of balance of power in the regions that exercises power control in local governments, as well as the only ones that regularly record the uniqueness of the local environment, promote the construction of local identity, create a sense of belonging, ensure objective information from reliable sources. Without receiving the necessary support from the state authorities (financial assistance, tax relief, arrangement of legislation), the existence of regional media will be endangered in the coming year, thereby a versatile media environment, diversity of opinions, availability of objective information, as well as preservation of literary Latvian language and culture will also be in danger.

Dominika Kwiatkowska ◽  
Adam Reich

Pruritus can be defined as an unpleasant sensation that evokes a desire to scratch and significantly impairs patients’ quality of life. Pruritus is widely observed in many dermatoses, including mastocytosis, a rare disease characterized by abnormal accumulation of mast cells, which can involve skin, bone marrow, and other organs. Increasing evidence highlights the role of mast cells in neurogenic inflammation and itching. Mast cells release various pruritogenic mediators, initiating subsequent mutual communication with specific nociceptors on sensory nerve fibres. Among important mediators released by mast cells that induce pruritus, one can distinguish histamine, serotonin, proteases, as well as various cytokines. During neuronal-induced inflammation, mast cells may respond to numerous mediators, including neuropeptides, such as substance P, neurokinin A, calcitonin gene-related peptide, endothelin 1, and nerve growth factor. Currently, treatment of pruritus in mastocytosis is focused on alleviating the effects of mediators secreted by mast cells. However, a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the neurobiology of this disease could help to provide better treatment options for patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 166-169
Tomohiro Yokoyama ◽  
Hiroshi Bando

Transactional Analysis (TA) has been a personality theory beneficial to mutual communication associated with the research of egogram. Tokyo University Egogram (TEG) has been a reliable psychological battery. TEG ver3 was recently introduced, which was applied to 98 university students. The results for 5 egogram factors were compared to previous standard values. Similar data were observed in Critical Parent(CP), Nurturing Parent(NP), and Adult(A). Higher tendency values (vs standard value) were found in male Free Child (FC) 12.3 vs 10.6, male Adapted Child (AC) 13.6 vs 10.0, and female AC 14.8 vs 10.8. Further study for TEG will be expected in the future.

2021 ◽  
Minh-Hoang Nguyen

The thing or action that we deem irrational can be perceived as rational by other people just because humans do not always stand on a similar viewpoint. So do the U.S. and the suicide attackers. Perhaps, mutual communication and trust-building activities are the keys to end this vicious cycle of violence.

Andrew Cottey

Against the background of increased tensions between the West and Russia, this article assesses the prospects for continued peace in Europe. The end of the East-West conflict upended the Cold War rules of the game in Europe’s east, creating an enduring source of conflict. Balanced against this, however, are a range of factors which act as powerful bulwarks against war: a European balance of power best characterised as modified bipolarity, the continued pacifying effect of nuclear weapons, energy interdependence between Russia and Europe, the deterrent effect of the likely consequences of any extended conventional war, and the continuing impact of the post-1945 satellite reconnaissance revolution. Post-Cold War Western and Russian crisis behaviour also suggests important elements of restraint and mutual communication. Despite the downturn in Russo-Western relations, one can be cautiously optimistic that the long peace in Europe will continue.

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