socioeconomic profile
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2022 ◽  
Vol 155 ◽  
pp. 106934
Petteri Oura ◽  
Leena Ala-Mursula ◽  
Andrew Chamberlain ◽  
Juho-Antti Junno ◽  
Ina Rissanen

2022 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-120
Thalyta Marcílio ◽  
Bruno Alexandre Dombroski Casas ◽  
Diego Hemkemeier Silva ◽  
Vanessa Peripolli ◽  

This study characterized the socioeconomic profile of milk producers and dairy technological of farms in the southern mesoregion of Santa Catarina. Following a 6.5% sampling of total farms by municipality, 95% confidence level, 5% sampling error, and group heterogeneity, data were collected from 308 farms, 22 of which were excluded due to insufficient data. The farmers were selected randomly, and information extracted from an electronic form, addressing social, economic, technical and technological issues. The data were analyzed using factor, cluster, and discriminant analysis. As farms with the main activity of dairy farming, they have an average area of 20.79 hectares and a production of 12.18 liters per animal per day. I n the factor analysis, the first factor was related to the area and productivity of farms and the second factor to sanitary control and the feed variety of the animals. The cluster analysis formed three clusters; the first and the second were composed of larger farms and areas, and the other consisted of smaller farms, the latter involving more producers. As farms are characterized by low production, there is clearly a deficiency in technical support for producers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e34411125166
Heliton Aparecido Sitton ◽  
Matheus Janeck Araujo ◽  
Vinicius de Lima Lovadini ◽  
Gabriela Cortellini Ferreira Ramos ◽  
Itamar Souza Oliveira-Junior ◽  

In current time, it is evident the necessity of animal welfare education policies. Animal welfare is defined as the state of an individual attempting to adjust to the environment and education material can encourage dialogue inside schools. We aimed to verify the presence or absence of animal welfare related content in school books and survey the perceptions of the students about the subject, associating with the socioeconomic profile of the school district and with the overall school performance in the SARESP test.  This study was performed between July and November, with seven of the twenty-two public schools in the city of Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil. Seven books were collected for analysis from each school, totalizing 49 books, and 430 students answered a survey with 10 questions. The statistical analysis did not show relevant difference between biological gender, age, grade and socioeconomic profile and animal welfare knowledge perception. This study concluded that in most of the analyzed books, animal welfare topics are absent, and that there is no difference between the schools’ socioeconomic profile and animal welfare knowledge perception of the students.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-18
Joane Souza ◽  
Renan Almeida ◽  
Ruth Almeida ◽  
Rafael Chagas ◽  
Ian Almeida

The aim of this work is to discuss and analyzing which criteria adopted for fish consumption in the Belém, Pará State, Metropolitan Region through the analysis of the consumer socioeconomic profile, the origin of his knowledge about the theme and his preferences about their fish buying and consumption habits, based on the answers obtained through a questionnaire. The methodology was the application of a questionnaire through the Google Forms platform,composed of 16 questions related to the themes addressed in this work directed to fish consumers in the municipalities of Ananindeua, Belém, Benevides, Castanhal, Marituba, Santa Bárbara do Pará and Santa Isabel do Pará. The questionnaire reached a total of 239 people. When asked about the preference in the choice of fish the dourada appears with about 68% as the preferred species for consumption in the BMR. The survey shows that most purchase places for consumption are the neighborhood fairs with 59% of the answers. Most respondents (about 60%) prefer fresh fish as the most sought-after form of conservation. As to the reason for the choice, the main answer obtained was the taste present in 89% of the interviews. Many respondents claimed that they would consume all types of fish, on the other hand, Tamuatá was chosen as the fish that respondents would not eat because it was seen in poor hygiene environments and had a strong flavor and odor. When asked how they learned to identify the fish freshness, 67% of respondents answered that this knowledge came through family teaching, showing that preference is a personal question and is related to the consumer cultural tradition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Rogério Barroso Souza ◽  
Jonatas da Silva Castro ◽  
Rayssa de Lima Cardoso ◽  
Thiago Campos de Santana ◽  
Erivânia Gomes Teixeira

No litoral ocidental maranhense a pesca apresenta grande relevância social e econômica. Neste artigo objetivou-se caracterizar a pesca artesanal do município de Carutapera (Maranhão, Brasil), realizando aplicações de 50 questionários, voltados ao entendimento sobre o perfil socioeconômico dos pescadores e pescadoras, das estruturas de pesca e da comercialização do pescado. Os resultados revelaram que 70% eram do gênero masculino com média de idade de 43 anos. No que concerne ao nível de escolaridade dos pescadores e pescadoras entrevistados, 36% relataram ter ensino fundamental completo, dos quais 28% iniciaram o ensino médio e não terminaram; e 36% possuíam apenas o ensino fundamental incompleto. O índice de analfabetos foi de apenas 2%. A pesca era praticada com exclusividade por 52% deles, enquanto outros exerciam atividades como: construção civil (27%), conserto de redes de pesca (13%), agricultura (6%) e carpintaria (2%). Em relação à naturalidade, 60% eram naturais do estado do Maranhão e 40% do estado do Pará. O apetrecho de pesca mais utilizado nas capturas foi a rede de emalhar (24%) e os menos utilizados a zangaria (2%) e a faca (2%), esse último usado principalmente para a remoção de ostras. Quanto ao tipo de embarcação, a maioria dos pescadores e pescadoras artesanais faziam uso de canoas motorizadas e barcos de pequeno porte a motor, com comprimento variando de 8 metros a 11 metros. Entre as espécies mais capturadas está a pescada amarela (Cynoscion acoupa), espécie que tem um alto valor comercial, porém outras como a cururuca (Micropogonias furnieri) e peixe-pedra (Genyatremus luteus) são espécies capturadas durante todo o ano com boa produção. Um dos grandes problemas relatados é a falta de estrutura organizacional, evidenciando o descaso que se encontra a pesca artesanal no município.AbstractIn western coast of Maranhão, fishing has great social and economic relevance. In this article, aimed to characterize the artisanal fishing in the municipality of Carutapera (Maranhão, Brazil), using 50 questionnaires to understand the socioeconomic profile of fishermen and fisherwomen, fishing structures and fish trade. The results showed that 70% where male with an average age of 43 years. Regarding education level, 36% reported having completed elementary school, of which 28% started high school but did not complete it; and 36% had only incomplete primary education. The illiteracy rate was 2%. Fishing was practiced exclusively by 52% of them, while others had activities such as: civil construction (27%), repairing fishing nets (13%), agriculture (6%) and carpentry (2%). Regarding naturalness, 60% were from Maranhão state and 40% were from Pará state. The most used fishing tackle in the catches was the gill net (24%) and the least used were the zangraria (2%) and the knife (2%), the latter mainly used for the removal of oysters. Regarding type of vessel, most fishermen and fisherwomen used motorized canoes and small motor boats, with a length ranging from 8 meters to 11 meters. Among the most caught species is acoupa weakfish (Cynoscion acoupa), a species that has a high commercial value, but others such as whitemouth croaker (Micropogonias furnieri) and torroto grunt (Genyatremus luteus) are species captured throughout the year with suitable production. One of the major problems reported is the lack of organizational structure, showing the neglect of artisanal fishing in the municipality. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 740-756
Maria do Socorro Tavares Cavalcante Vieira ◽  
Geida Maria Cavalcanti de Sousa ◽  
José Roberto Andrade do Nascimento junior

Resumo: A autorregulação apresenta-se como um conceito extenso e vem sendo utilizado nos mais diferentes contextos e áreas de conhecimento. O estudo buscou averiguar a associação de atitudes de estudo e a utilização de estratégias de aprendizagem autorregulada por licenciandos dos cursos de Química e de Física. A amostra de 66 estudantes do Campus Petrolina do IF SertãoPE, foi analisado se o gênero e o curso podem ser associados à utilização de estratégias de aprendizado autorregulado. A pesquisa utilizou-se de questionários de escala nominal para descrição de atitudes de estudo autorreguladas e perfil socioeconômico dos voluntários. A análise dos dados ocorreu através de um software estatístico, com uso de testes descritivos e inferenciais. Os resultados apontaram correlações significativas entre memória e planejamento, controle e conhecimento processual, indicando associação linear entre as variáveis, significando que os estudantes demonstraram que fazem associação entre atitudes de estudo e a utilização de aprendizado autorregulado. Abstract: Self-regulation is an extensive concept and has been used in different contexts and areas of knowledge. The study sought to investigate the association of study attitudes and the use of self-regulated learning strategies by undergraduates of Chemistry and Physics courses. The sample of 66 students from the Petrolina Campus of the IFSertãoPE was analyzed if gender and course could be associated with the use of self-regulated learning strategies. The research used nominal scale questionnaires to describe self-regulated study attitudes and socioeconomic profile of the volunteers. Data analysis was performed using statistical software, using descriptive and inferential tests. The results showed significant correlations between memory and planning, control and procedural knowledge, indicating a linear association between the variables, meaning that students demonstrated an association between study attitudes and the use of self-regulated learning. Keywords: Self-regulation; metacognition; learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (20) ◽  
pp. 202131
Fabyanne Oliveira Montelo Ribeiro ◽  
Thelma Pontes Borges ◽  
Miguel Pacífico Filho

COVID-19 IN THE LEGAL AMAZON: the centrality of the work and its dissemination in Araguaína-TOCOVID-19 EN LA AMAZONIA LEGAL: la centralidad del trabajo y su difusión en Araguaína-TORESUMOEm 2020, o mundo foi assolado pela COVID-19, fazendo com que países se organizassem para frear a contaminação e tratar os infectados. No Brasil, o coronavírus também se espalhou, atingindo todas as regiões. Araguaína, por ser um polo de atração econômica na Amazônia Legal, foi a primeira cidade além da capital do Tocantins, Palmas, a notificar casos. Considerando a centralidade que a atividade laboral tem no tecido social, verificamos como a doença se comportou entre os trabalhadores que, em razão de suas atividades, estão mais expostos ao contágio. Para tanto, identificamos perfil socioeconômico a partir de dados de notificação de agravo ao Centro de Referência de Saúde do Trabalhador. Como resultados gerais, temos a notificação de 522 registros, em sua maioria referentes a mulheres, pardas e com até o ensino médio. A doença afetou mais profissionais menos qualificados e com menor escolaridade. Concluímos que o controle da pandemia passa por uma atenção maior às medidas de proteção aos trabalhadores, uma vez que estão expostos à mobilidade urbana e ao próprio ambiente laboral.Palavras-chave: COVID-19; Trabalho; Araguaína.ABSTRACT In 2020, the world was devastated by COVID-19, causing countries to organize themselves to curb contamination and treat the infected; in Brazil, the coronavirus has also spread to all regions. The city of Araguaína, being a pole of economic attraction in the Legal Amazon, was the first city besides the capital of Tocantins, Palmas, to notify cases. Considering the centrality that work has in the social fabric, we check how the disease behaved among workers, who, due to their activities, are more exposed to contagion; and we identified socioeconomic profile from data on notification of injury to CEREST. As general results we have the notification of 522 records, mostly referring to women, mixed race and with up to high school. The disease affected more less qualified and less educated professionals. We conclude that the control of the pandemic requires greater attention to measures to protect workers, since they are exposed to urban mobility and the working environment itself.Keywords: COVID-19; Work; Araguaína.RESUMENEn 2020, el mundo fue devastado por COVID-19, lo que provocó que los países se organizaran para frenar la contaminación y tratar a los infectados; en Brasil, el coronavirus también se ha extendido a todas las regiones. La ciudad de Araguaína, al ser un polo de atracción económica en la Amazonía Legal, fue la primera ciudad además de la capital de Tocantins, Palmas, en notificar casos. Considerando la centralidad que tiene el trabajo en el tejido social, comprobamos cómo se comportó la enfermedad entre los trabajadores, quienes por sus actividades están más expuestos al contagio; e identificamos el perfil socioeconómico a partir de los datos sobre la notificación de lesiones al CEREST. Como resultados generales tenemos la notificación de 522 registros, mayoritariamente referidos a mujeres, mestizos y con hasta bachillerato. La enfermedad afectó a profesionales más menos calificados y menos educados. Concluimos que el control de la pandemia requiere una mayor atención a las medidas de protección de los trabajadores, ya que están expuestos a la movilidad urbana y al propio entorno laboral.Palabras clave: COVID-19; Trabajo; Araguaína.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. e53784
Carlos Antônio dos Santos Silva ◽  
Waléria Cristina Lopes Joset ◽  
José de Brito Lourenço Júnior ◽  
Antônio Vinicius Corrêa Barbosa ◽  
Welligton Conceição da Silva ◽  

The objective was to identify the level of knowledge of animal protein consumers about the welfare of production animals, in Belém city, Pará State, Brazil. The survey was carried out in two supermarkets, using 401 structured questionnaires, with 10 closed questions, with a “Yes” or “No” answer, taking into consideration, for the formation of a socioeconomic profile, questions related to gender, age group, educational level and family income of the interviewees. Most consumers of animal protein from the municipality of Belém, Pará State, Brazil, recognize that these products are part of their daily diet, however, the interviewees have no knowledge about the topic, and are not willing to pay more for the product with a seal of quality, as well as showing no interest or concern with the way animals are reared or slaughtered. The age group of consumers influences the level of knowledge about the welfare of production animals, observing that consumers aged 40 to 50 years have more knowledge on the subject. Education was a decisive factor in determining the level of knowledge of animal protein consumers about the welfare of production animals, as consumers from high school had more knowledge about the subject.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 90559-90569
Gabriel Carvalho Brito ◽  
Rener Leite Sousa ◽  
Rubia Rita Marques Cardoso ◽  
Marília Carla de Melo Barbosa ◽  
Hillary Carmélia Cavalcanti Paiva Oliveira ◽  

Introduction: Infections caused by intestinal parasites are a silent disease and their high morbidity and mortality rates, especially in children, have been reported in different studies. The high prevalence of parasites in this public is directly associated with the socioeconomic profile of the population, as well as structural development and climatic conditions of the studied regions. Objective: To describe the prevalence of enteroparasitosis in students of a municipal school in southwestern Bahia in 2019. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study conducted by applying a questionnaire and collecting parasitological material from 76 Elementary students from a city in southwest Bahia. Results: Among the studied population, 46 (60.5%) were female. Regarding age, they had an average of 8.7 years (± 1.9 years), and 36 (48%) considered themselves brown. The prevalence of enteroparasitosis was 21.1%, with Endolimax Nana (4.1%), Ascaris Lumbricoides (2.0%), Iodamoeba Butshilli (2.0%), Entamoeba Coli (14.3%), Enterobius Vermiculares (4.1%), Giardia Lamblia (6.1%). Conclusion: It was observed that the prevalence of enteroparasitosis in the children analyzed was low, with a predominance in females. This low rate may be related to factors such as the consumption of treated water and the presence of a sewage system, allied to the helminth control, prevention and monitoring work promoted by the Municipal Health Department.

Lene Maria Ørts ◽  
Bodil Hammer Bech ◽  
Torsten Lauritzen ◽  
Anders Helles Carlsen ◽  
Annelli Sandbæk ◽  

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