square well
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Roman Perdomo-Pérez ◽  
Jaime Martínez Rivera ◽  
Norma Caridad Palmero Cruz ◽  
Miguel Angel Sandoval Puentes ◽  
Javier Alejandro Sánchez Gallegos ◽  

Abstract Competing interaction fluids have become ideal model systems to study a large number of phenomena, for example, the formation of intermediate range order structures, condensed phases not seen in fluids driven by purely attractive or repulsive forces, the onset of particle aggregation under in- and out-of-equilibrium conditions, which results in the birth of reversible and irreversible aggregates or clusters whose topology and morphology depend additionally on the thermodynamic constrictions, and a particle dynamics that has a strong influence on the transport behaviour and rheological properties of the fluid. In this contribution, we study a system of particles interacting through a potential composed by a continuous succession of a short-ranged square-well, an intermediate-ranged square-shoulder and a long-ranged square-well. This potential model is chosen to systematically analyse the contribution of every component of the interaction potential on the phase behaviour, the microstructure, the morphology of the resulting aggregates and the transport phenomena of fluids described by competing interactions. Our results indicate that the inclusion of a barrier and a second well leads to new and interesting effects, which in addition result in variations of the physical properties associated to the competition among interactions.

Miguel Gómez de Santiago ◽  
Peter Gurin ◽  
Szabolcs Varga ◽  
Gerardo Odriozola

Abstract The vapour-liquid coexistence collapse in the reduced temperature, Tr=T/Tc, reduced density, ρr= ρ/ρc, plane is known as a principle of corresponding states, and Noro and Frenkel have extended it for pair potentials of variable range. Here, we provide a theoretical basis supporting this extension and show that it can also be applied to short-range pair potentials where both repulsive and attractive parts can be anisotropic. We observe that the binodals of oblate hard ellipsoids for a given aspect ratio (κ=1/3) with varying short-range square-well interactions collapse into a single master curve in the Δ B*2--ρr plane, where Δ B*2= (B2(T)-B*2(Tc))/v0, B2 is the second virial coefficient, and v0 is the volume of the hard body. This finding is confirmed by both REMC simulation and second virial perturbation theory for varying square-well shells, mimicking uniform, equator, and pole attractions. Our simulation results reveal that the extended law of corresponding states is not related to the local structure of the fluid.

A. Ibrahim ◽  
F. Marsiglio

The notion of a double well potential typically involves two regions of space separated by a repulsive potential barrier. The ground state is a wave function that is suppressed in the barrier region and localized in the two surrounding regions. We illustrate that an attractive potential well (a quantum moat) with a finite non-zero width also acts as a barrier, using a simple square well model. We also show how the pseudopotential method both explains the role of the well as a barrier, and greatly improves the efficiency of constructing wave functions for this system using matrix diagonalization. With this simplified model we provide an introduction to the ideas typically used to simplify calculations in solids, where in place of the double well potential, multiple potentials occur in a periodic array.

2021 ◽  
Vol 136 (7) ◽  
Sina Shokri ◽  
Shahnoosh Rafibakhsh ◽  
Roghayeh Pooshgan ◽  
Rita Faeghi

2021 ◽  
Vol 84 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-407
L. D. Blokhintsev ◽  
D. A. Savin

Abstract It is shown that the Schrödinger equation for the sum of the potential of a square well and the Coulomb potential of a uniformly charged sphere admits an analytical solution for arbitrary values of the orbital angular momentum. An explicit form of this solution has been found. Using the obtained solution, the influence of the Coulomb interaction for both point and distributed nuclear charges on the values of asymptotic normalization coefficients for various nuclear systems is investigated. It is shown that taking into account the non-point distribution of the nuclear charge has little effect on the calculated values of the asymptotic normalization coefficients, provided that the binding energy of the system is assumed to be fixed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-188
Mihail Avramov ◽  
Dimitar Marvakov ◽  

Cases of a particle in a one-dimensional square well – infinitely deep and with finite depth – are also analyzed in detail. As an example, the adsorption of a hydrogen atom on a metal surface by a qualitative and accurate solution of the problem is considered.

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