conceptual research
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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 595-623
Mohammad Hasan

This article explores moderate and eclectic traditionalism beyond Kiai Haji Muhammad Hashim Ash’ari’s contribution in the shariah and Islamic jurisprudence of social politic (Fiqh al-Siyâsah al-Ijtimâ’iyah) in Indonesia. It is conceptual research referring to some of his works as well as discussion about his thought among Islamic scholars. Based on definition of moderation from the Qur’an, hadith, and some scholars’ opinion, Hashim can be best categorized as Islamic traditionalist figure who enforced both moderation and eclecticism. However, he maintained distinctive features compared to both traditionalist and modernist Islamic figures. It is mainly clear from both his thought and movement which rely on the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah in theology, four fiqh school leaders (Hanafiyah, Malikiyah, Syafi’iyah dan Hambaliyah), and thariqah sufiyah mu’tabarah. Additionally, he showed appreciation and promoted for adaptation to both local and foreign idea that later inspired distinctive religiosity in Indonesia. This particularly applies in the concept of relation between Islamic law and nationalism, jihad, political fiqh and governmental system in Islam. تستكشف هذه الورقة الوسطية التقليدية والانتقائية التي ساهمها كياهي حاجي محمد هاشم الأشعري في الشريعة الإسلامية وفقه السياسة الاجتماعية. إنه بحث مفاهيمي يشير إلى بعض أعماله وكذلك مناقشة حول أفكاره كعلماء المسلمين. بناءً على تعريف الوسطية من القرآن والحديث وبعض آراء العلماء، يمكن تصنيف هاشم بشكل أفضل على أنه الشخصية الإسلامية التقليدية التي فرضت الوسطية والانتقائية. ومع ذلك، فقد حافظ على سمات مميزة مقارنة بكل من الشخصيات الإسلامية التقليدية والحداثية. يتضح بشكل أساسي من فكره وحركته اللذين يعتمدان على أهل السنة والجماعة في العقيدة، قادة المذاهب الفقهية الأربعة (حنفية، المالكية، الشافعية والحبلية) والطريقة الصوفية المعتبرة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أظهر التقدير والترويج للتكيف مع الأفكار المحلية والأجنبية التي ألهمت لاحقًا التدين المميز في إندونيسيا. وهذا ينطبق بشكل خاص على مفهوم العلاقة بين الشريعة الإسلامية والوطنية والجهاد وفقه السياسية والنظام الحكومي في الإسلام.

Tourism being observed as a supply chain, this article describe its practices under a conceptual research framework with a special reference to education tourism. The author projects the education tourism as a continuum where both service supply chains of education and tourism are integrated. The research implication is directed towards the cross-sectoral objectives of communities involving the tourists, students and destination communities. The original thoughts and value propositions in this research are portrayed as a supply chain framework. Unlike goods supply chain management, the service supply chain of education tourism grows complex due to the coexistence of the overlapping service objectives for education and tourism. Education tourism deals with students and tourists frequently interchanging their roles; leveraging the services of the vendors and outsourced partners. The increasing complexity of education tourism demands smart technology applications to manage it as an integrated total supply chain.

2022 ◽  
pp. 263-283
Charis Vlados ◽  
Dimos Chatzinikolaou

It becomes progressively understood that the health crisis (and the deriving socioeconomic crisis) of COVID-19 drives the global system towards radical transformations. The successful adaptation of the various socioeconomic actors in this emerging reality probably constitutes the most significant challenge ahead. This chapter suggests a restructured theorization of socioeconomic development for the post-COVID-19 era, focused on the prerequisite organizational adaptation. This conceptual research examines fundamental evidence concerning current developments globally, arriving at a repositioning in evolutionary and interdisciplinary terms by adopting the strategy-technology-management synthesis to change management and innovation (Stra.Tech.Man).

Gheorghe Jurj

This paper presents the results of conceptual research on the nature and operation of visual signs in homeopathic clinical practice. Aims: to analyze the role of visual signs in homeopathy together with their specific semiotic structure in correlation with the codes leading to possible significations and then to assess the possibility of establishing coherence between the symptoms and signs of patients. Methodology: Sign-complexes are approached through a four-stage model including: 1) delimitation; 2) decomposition; 3) correlation and; 4) reintegration of signs. Data for analysis were collected along 15 years of homeopathic clinical practice and recorded by visual means; theoretical foundations derive from Jakobson’s theory of communication and Peirce’s semiotics. Results: stages of delimitation and decomposition are illustrated by a homeopathic semiology of the tongue; analysis of correlation allowed to identify 9 different possible patterns; reintegration requires a first phase of extension of the connotation and denotation of signs followed by a phase of contraction of meaning leading to decision-making. Conclusion: application of the model proposed results in highly qualified and individual visual signs that bring new elements to reconsider the role of objective signs in homeopathic practice. Keywords: Homeopathy; Semiotics; Semiology; Visual signs  Método de observação em Homeopatia: Fundamentos metodológicos do projeto “Entendendo a Homeopatia através de imagens” ResumoEste artigo apresenta os resultados da pesquisa conceitual sobre a natureza e operação de sinais visuais na prática clínica homeopática. Objetivos: analisar a função de sinais visuais na homeopatia juntamente com a sua estrutura semiótica semiótica, correlacionando-os com os códigos, conduzindo a possíveis significações e, em seguida, para avaliar a possibilidade de estabelecer coeréncia entre os sinais e sintomas dos pacientes. Metodologia: o conjunto de sinais são abordados através de um modelo com quatro fases: 1)  delimitação; 2) decomposição; 3) correlação; 4) reintegração de sinais. Os dados para análise foram coletados ao longo de 15 anos de prática clínica homeopática e registrados por recursos visuais; os fundamentos teóricos derivam da teoria da comunicação de Jakobson e semiótica de Peirce. Resultados: as fases de delimitação e decomposição são ilustradas pela semiologia homeopática da língua; a análise de correlação permitiu identificar 9 diferentes padrões; a reintegração exige uma primeira fase de interpretação da conotação e denotação de sinais, seguida por uma fase de contração do significado, levando à tomada de decisão. Conclusão: a aplicação do modelo proposto resulta em sinais visuais altamente qualificados e individualizados, que trazem novos elementos para repensar o papel dos sinais objetivos na prática homeopática. Palavras-chave: Homeopatia, Semiótica, Semiologia, Sinais visuais  Un método de observación en Homeopatía: Bases metodológicas del proyecto "Entendiendo la homeopatía por imágenes" ResumenEste artículo presenta los resultados de la investigación conceptual sobre la naturaleza y el funcionamiento de las señales visuales en la práctica clínica homeopática. Objetivos: analizar el papel de la homeopatía en los signos visuales, junto con su estructura específica semiótica en correlación con los códigos para posibles significaciones y, a continuación, para evaluar la posibilidad de establecer la coherencia entre los signos y síntomas de los pacientes. Metodología: Registro complejos se abordan a través de un modelo de cuatro etapas que incluyen: 1) delimitación, 2) descomposición; 3) correlación y, 4) reintegración de los signos. Datos para el análisis fueron recogidos a lo largo de 15 años de práctica clínica y homeopáticos registrados por medios visuales; los fundamentos teóricos se derivan de la teoría de la comunicación de Jakobson y la semiótica de Peirce. Resultados: las etapas de la delimitación y la descomposición se ilustra con una semiología homeopática de la lengua; la análisis de correlación permitió identificar 9 posibles patrones diferentes; la reinserción requiere una primera fase de ampliación de la connotación y la denotación de los signos seguidos por una fase de contracción de sentido que conducen a la toma de decisiones. Conclusión: la aplicación del modelo propuesto resulta en resultados altamente calificados y signos visuales que aportan nuevos elementos a reconsiderar el papel de los signos objetivos de la práctica homeopática. Palabras-clave: Homeopatía; Semiótica; Semiología; signos visuales  Correspondence author: Gheorghe Jurj, [email protected] How to cite this article: A Method of Seeing in Homeopathy: Methodological Foundations of Project “Understanding Homeopathy by Images”. Int J High Dilution Res [online]. 2009 [cited YYYY Month dd]; 8 (27): 53-69. Available from:  

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 551-566
Sukarmi Sukarmi ◽  
Sholahuddin Al-Fatih ◽  
Kukuh Tejomurti ◽  
Moch. Zairul Alam

Two large digital platform companies, Gojek and Tokopedia, officially merged to form a holding company called the GoTo Group that is considered to have anti-competitive behavior and potentially data monopoly. This article aimed to analyze the adequate response to potential violations of the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition Regulation and legal issues related to consumer data monopoly issues. This article uses normative legal research with the conceptual research and statute approach. The result shows that it is necessary to define “relevant markets” and the “substituted products” to determine the existence of unfair business competition in the Gojek-Tokopedia merger. It requires analyzing the consumer behavior in other marketplaces other than Tokopedia; when consumers do not "run" to Gojek, it means they are not in the same market. To prevent privacy protection failures in post-merger data integration, companies need to assess data sharing that may be carried out as part of a risk assessment. Regarding the rights of data subjects, The company needs to provide notification to the data subject regarding the Merger and Acquisition (M & A) given the data subject's right to refuse and guarantee that the M & A process will not violate the right to privacy of the customer's dataKeywords: Competition Law; Digital Platform; Merger Menilai Penggabungan Perusahaan Platform Online: Apakah Mengakibatkan Monopoli atau Hanya Ekspansi Bisnis? (Analisis Penggabungan GoTo)AbstrakDua perusahaan platform digital besar, Gojek dan Tokopedia, resmi bergabung membentuk holding company bernama GoTo Group yang dinilai memiliki perilaku anti persaingan dan berpotensi monopoli data. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respon yang memadai terhadap potensi pelanggaran Peraturan Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat serta masalah hukum terkait masalah monopoli data konsumen. Artikel ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan penelitian konseptual dan undang-undang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlunya mendefinisikan “pasar relevan” dan “produk substitusi” untuk mengetahui adanya persaingan usaha tidak sehat dalam merger Gojek-Tokopedia. Hal ini membutuhkan analisis perilaku konsumen di pasar lain selain Tokopedia; ketika konsumen tidak “lari” ke Gojek, berarti mereka tidak berada di pasar yang sama. Untuk mencegah kegagalan perlindungan privasi dalam integrasi data pasca-merger, perusahaan perlu menilai pembagian data yang mungkin dilakukan sebagai bagian dari penilaian risiko. Mengenai hak subjek data, Perusahaan perlu memberikan pemberitahuan kepada subjek data mengenai Merger dan Akuisisi (M&A) mengingat hak subjek data untuk menolak dan menjamin bahwa proses M&A tidak akan melanggar hak privasi data pelangganKata Kunci: Hukum Persaingan Usaha; Platform Digital; PenggabunganОценка слияний компаний онлайн-платформ: приведет ли это к монополии или просто к расширению бизнеса? (Анализ слияний GoTo (Gojek и Tokopedia)  АннотацияДве крупные компании, занимающиеся цифровыми платформами, Gojek и Tokopedia, официально объединили свои усилия, чтобы сформировать холдинговую компанию GoTo Group, которая, как считается, ведет антиконкурентную политику и может монополизировать данные. Данная статья направлена на анализ адекватного реагирования на возможные нарушения Положения о запрещении монополистической практики и недобросовестной конкуренции, а также на правовые вопросы, связанные с проблемой монополии на данные потребителей. В данной статье используется нормативно-правовое исследование с концептуальным и правовым исследовательским подходом. Результаты исследования указывают на необходимость определить «соответствующие рынки» и «продукты-заменители», чтобы определить наличие недобросовестной деловой конкуренции в слиянии Gojek-Tokopedia. Это требует анализа поведения потребителей на рынках, отличных от Tokopedia; когда потребители не «бегут» в Gojek, это означает, что они не находятся на одинаковом рынке. Чтобы предотвратить сбои в защите конфиденциальности при интеграции данных после слияния, компаниям необходимо оценить возможное совместное использование данных в рамках оценки рисков. Что касается прав субъекта данных, Компания должна уведомить субъект данных о слиянии и поглощении (M&A), учитывая право субъекта данных отказаться и гарантировать, что процесс M&A не нарушит права на конфиденциальность данных клиента.Ключевые слова: Закон о деловой конкуренции; цифровые платформы; слияние

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (11) ◽  
pp. 335-351
Homa Freeman ◽  
Lisa Barnes ◽  
Warrick Long

Change seems to be a constant feature of the 21st century workplace. Successful organisations embrace change and make sure the personnel are valued, and that they remain engaged and motivated. Employers do not require to formally be in charge of a group of people to be called leader, but demonstrating leadership is an important feature for employees at every level of an organization. Women face a diverse range of difficulties in today’s workplace, and therefore this study aims to focus on the phenomenon of leading change without formal authority and develop a model for women to bring about change within their working climate. This conceptual research aims to identify novel connections between the concepts of leadership and feminism and in consideration of the features of the 21st century workplace. Reviewing the relevant literature particularly around the leadership qualities (drive, motivation, honesty, self-confidence, cognitive ability, and knowledge of the business) this study proposes dedication, political skill and sincerity as qualities of leadership without formal authority. Since, male and female personalities appear to be different in a number of aspects, the basic five personality qualities (known as the Big Five) are reviewed: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Reviewing models of change as well as females’ qualities, this study suggests a model for leading change without formal authority including Identifying gaps, Connecting with emotions, and Committing to change (ICC model).

2021 ◽  
Balsam Nabil Al-Dabbagh

<p>Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the workplace are increasingly connecting employees. This ICT connectivity has mixed effects on individuals' work productivity and it raises ongoing concern in literature and in the media. The goal of this research was to investigate ICT self-discipline in this context to better explain the effect of ICT connectivity on individual work productivity.   A review of existing literature on ICTs in the workplace took place, drawing from the disciplines of Information Systems (IS), Communications, Psychology and Organisational Studies. The literature review assisted with the development of a conceptual research model, which was subsequently used to guide this research.   The conceptual research model was validated and refined through the qualitative phase of this research. This phase used semi-structured interviews to expand views on the research phenomena. The updated research model was further validated during the model refinement phase of this research. This phase consisted of two focus groups. Collectively, the literature review, the qualitative phase and the model refinement phase assisted in transforming the updated research model into a testable form.   The quantitative phase of this research consolidated key themes from relevant literature and findings from the two prior research phases to develop a survey instrument. An online survey was conducted to test the research model and address the research goal.   The statistical analysis of the survey data provided useful results. First, the indicator and construct validity showed that the survey instrument was reliable and it accurately reflected the investigated phenomena. Second, the hypothesis testing showed support for the research model when tested in different contexts. The findings from this phase helped address the research goal.  Overall, findings from this research indicated that job requirement for ICT connectivity influences an individual's level of ICT connectivity for work, ICT connectivity positively impacts individual work productivity and ICT self-discipline positively influences individual work productivity. Additionally, ICT self-discipline can positively moderate the effect of ICT connectivity on individual work productivity for employees with low-interdependent jobs and/or working in large/multi-national firms. Further, ICT self-discipline can negatively moderate the effect of ICT connectivity on individual work productivity for employees with high-interdependent jobs and/or working in small firms. Thus, for enhanced productivity, it is important to assess an employee‘s work settings prior to determining how strictly to impose ICT self-discipline.   This research addresses concerns on the effects of ICTs raised in the literature and in the media. The research drew from IS and Psychology literature to develop the notion of ICT self-discipline – an individual‘s ability to regulate their behaviors towards ICTs. The research investigated how this notion could enhance the effect of ICTs on individual work productivity. Further, a model towards theory explaining productive ICT connectivity for work is contributed. This model goes beyond existing theories in IS and contributes knowledge to the literature on IS, Communications, Psychology and Organisational Studies. Finally, this study informs practice by providing employees with insights on how to deal with communication through ICTs to ensure they are continuously productive at work.</p>

2021 ◽  
Balsam Nabil Al-Dabbagh

<p>Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the workplace are increasingly connecting employees. This ICT connectivity has mixed effects on individuals' work productivity and it raises ongoing concern in literature and in the media. The goal of this research was to investigate ICT self-discipline in this context to better explain the effect of ICT connectivity on individual work productivity.   A review of existing literature on ICTs in the workplace took place, drawing from the disciplines of Information Systems (IS), Communications, Psychology and Organisational Studies. The literature review assisted with the development of a conceptual research model, which was subsequently used to guide this research.   The conceptual research model was validated and refined through the qualitative phase of this research. This phase used semi-structured interviews to expand views on the research phenomena. The updated research model was further validated during the model refinement phase of this research. This phase consisted of two focus groups. Collectively, the literature review, the qualitative phase and the model refinement phase assisted in transforming the updated research model into a testable form.   The quantitative phase of this research consolidated key themes from relevant literature and findings from the two prior research phases to develop a survey instrument. An online survey was conducted to test the research model and address the research goal.   The statistical analysis of the survey data provided useful results. First, the indicator and construct validity showed that the survey instrument was reliable and it accurately reflected the investigated phenomena. Second, the hypothesis testing showed support for the research model when tested in different contexts. The findings from this phase helped address the research goal.  Overall, findings from this research indicated that job requirement for ICT connectivity influences an individual's level of ICT connectivity for work, ICT connectivity positively impacts individual work productivity and ICT self-discipline positively influences individual work productivity. Additionally, ICT self-discipline can positively moderate the effect of ICT connectivity on individual work productivity for employees with low-interdependent jobs and/or working in large/multi-national firms. Further, ICT self-discipline can negatively moderate the effect of ICT connectivity on individual work productivity for employees with high-interdependent jobs and/or working in small firms. Thus, for enhanced productivity, it is important to assess an employee‘s work settings prior to determining how strictly to impose ICT self-discipline.   This research addresses concerns on the effects of ICTs raised in the literature and in the media. The research drew from IS and Psychology literature to develop the notion of ICT self-discipline – an individual‘s ability to regulate their behaviors towards ICTs. The research investigated how this notion could enhance the effect of ICTs on individual work productivity. Further, a model towards theory explaining productive ICT connectivity for work is contributed. This model goes beyond existing theories in IS and contributes knowledge to the literature on IS, Communications, Psychology and Organisational Studies. Finally, this study informs practice by providing employees with insights on how to deal with communication through ICTs to ensure they are continuously productive at work.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
Yu Rozhkov ◽  

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of features of object categorization in veterinary terminology for animal diseases. The relevance of the article is due to the need to study the object categorization in the formation, structuring and functioning of the English terminology of veterinary medicine, in particular the terms for animal diseases. The analysis was performed using definitive, semantic, categorical and conceptual research methods. The purpose of the research is to study object categorization of the English terms for animal diseases. Materials and methods of research. English veterinary terms that name animal diseases, obtained by the method of continuous sampling from specialized dictionaries were chosen as the material for research Results of the research. The category OBJECT is widely used in veterinary terminology, as it is one of the basic categories for the classification of concepts that are nominated by terms for animal diseases. Terms representing the category of OBJECT are divided into three groups: 1) terms for affected anatomical objects; 2) terms for pathological objects; 3) terms to indicate the diseases of certain animals. The author represents groups of nominations that correspond to the category OBJECT. Thus, the category of OBJECT is widely used in veterinary terminology, as it is one of the basic categories that play an important role in the formation of a scientific concept, as well as in the formation of the name that reflects it. Conclusions. Object categorization is one of the principles of classification of animal diseases, on the basis of which the process of cognition of objects of veterinary medicine is realized, as well as the formation, structuring and functioning of English terminology for animal diseases. We see the prospect of research in identifying a set of language tools in English that are used to verbalize the category OBJECT in the terminology for animal diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Sebastian Knebel ◽  
Mario D. Schultz ◽  
Peter Seele

Purpose This paper aims to outline how destructive communication exemplified by ransomware cyberattacks destroys the process of organization, causes a “state of exception,” and thus constitutes organization. The authors build on Agamben's state of exception and translate it into communicative constitution of organization (CCO) theory. Design/methodology/approach A significant increase of cyberattacks have impacted organizations in recent times and laid organizations under siege. This conceptual research builds on illustrative cases chosen by positive deviance case selection (PDCS) of ransomware attacks. Findings CCO theory focuses mainly on ordering characteristics of communication. The authors aim to complement this view with a perspective on destructive communication that destroys the process of organization. Based on illustrative cases, the authors conceptualize a process model of destructive CCO. Practical implications The authors expand thoughts about a digital “corporate immune system” to question current offensive cybersecurity strategies of deterrence and promote resilience approaches instead. Originality/value Informed by destructive communication of cyberattacks, this theory advancement supports arguments to include notions of disorder into CCO theory. Furthermore, the paper explains where disruptions like cyberattacks may trigger sensemaking and change to preserve stability. Finally, a novel definition of ‘destructive CCO’ is provided: Destructive Communication Constitutes Organization by disrupting and destroying its site and surface while triggering sensemaking and becoming part of sensemaking itself.

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