methodological approaches
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1354067X2110668
David R. Jones

The field of creativity studies underrepresents—even excludes—creators who have disabilities. The underrepresentation partly reflects an approach that pathologizes disability. Disability as a pathology or marker of ineligibility makes the contributions of people with disabilities invisible or illegible to creativity research. However, disability operates as a marker of membership in a larger disability culture. Considering disability and creativity as cultural phenomena locates a means for including disabled creators in creativity studies. Cultural models describe creativity in terms of groups sharing values, experiences, and resources. People with disabilities participate in subcultures (e.g., deaf communities) and/or larger cultures (i.e., disability culture). Disability cultures encapsulate shared experiences and values as well as resources. In the following article, I pair three propositions from cultural creativity models with evidence from creators with disabilities to demonstrate that (a) members of disability culture experience the world in ways that generate creative expression, (b) encountering a world designed for abled bodies incites the creativity of disabled people, and (c) disabled and abled people collaboratively create. However, not all methodological approaches effectively include creators with disabilities. Qualitative approaches suit best when the researcher practices reflexivity and allows creators with disabilities the right to manage their own representation within the project.

2022 ◽  
Abreu Isabel ◽  
Mesías Díaz Francisco Javier ◽  
Ramajo Julián

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 400-415
S. V. Mkhitaryan ◽  
Zh. B. Musatova ◽  
T. V. Murtuzalieva ◽  
G. S. Timokhina ◽  
I. P. Shirochenskaya

Purpose: to present the author's methodology and the test results for calculating integral indicators of transport accessibility on the basis of weighted normalized private indicators for three housing estates in Moscow.Methods: the study is based on the application of methods for collecting factual material, its processing, systematic, comparative historical and structural-functional analysis, which were supplemented by multivariate analysis of secondary information using content analysis of existing methods for calculating indicators of transport accessibility of capital objects. The results and conclusions of the research are based on the use of the author's methodology for calculating integral indicators of transport accessibility based on weighted normalized private indicators for three housing estates in Moscow. The analysis of a possible set of criteria for assessing transport accessibility of housing estates in Moscow metropolis was carried out on the basis of the use of a geographic information system database GIS NextGIS QGIS.Results: a review of methodological approaches to the calculation of objective quantitative indicators characterizing the transport accessibility of capital objects is carried out; the author's methodology for calculating the integral indicators of the transport accessibility of residential complexes in Moscow is presented and tested on the basis of weighted normalized private criteria / indicators. The use of the authors’ methodology for calculating integral indicators of transport accessibility based on weighted normalized private criteria / indicators made it possible to calculate the values of indicators of transport accessibility for three housing estates in Moscow, calculate an integrated score for a set of transport accessibility criteria for each housing estate, to give a comparative quantitative assessment of their transport accessibility, to conduct a rating of housing estates in terms of their transport accessibility.Conclusions and Relevance: the presented results of approbation of the author's methodology for calculating the integral indicators of transport accessibility for housing estates in Moscow allow to conduct a comparative and dynamic analysis of housing estates (or larger units) transport accessibility. The results of such an analysis can be applied in order to develop programs for transport infrastructure development of the megacity as a whole, its certain districts and city parts, as well as to assess such programs efciency. The authors see the directions for future research in the defnition and calculation of indicators based on the city dwellers perception of the transport accessibility

И. В. Покатилова ◽  
А. Ф. Лукина

Актуальность темы связана с новыми методологическими подходами в исследовании современной культуры Якутии начала 21 века. Авторы попытались применить метод междисциплинарного подхода в исследовании образной географии Якутии начала 21 века на примере проекта «Образная карта - маршрут Таттинского улуса». Город и село в 20 веке являются разными средами обитания современного человека. В первой среде зарождается креативная культура, а во второй - дольше сохраняется традиционная культура. Трансформация традиционной культуры в начале 20 века в городе Якутске привело к зарождению нового креативного типа культуры, а в конце 20 века в постсоветском пространстве формируется образная география конкретного региона или улуса, стянув пространство ландшафта и памятников культурного наследия, что ярко прослеживается на материале Таттинского улуса. The relevance of the topic is related to new methodological approaches in the study of modern culture of Yakutia in the early 21st century. The authors tried to apply the method of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of the figurative geography of Yakutia of the early 20th century by the example of the project "Figurative map - the route of Tatta ulus". City and village in the 20th century are different environments of a modern man. In the first environment, creative culture is born, and in the second, traditional culture is preserved longer. Transformation of traditional culture at the beginning of the 20th century in Yakutsk city led to the birth of a new creative type of culture, and at the end of the 20th century, in the post-Soviet space, a figurative geography of a specific region is formed, pulling together the space of the landscape and cultural heritage monuments, which is clearly seen in the material of Tatta ulus.

2022 ◽  
pp. 096394702110721
Michael Burke ◽  
Karen Coats

This article constitutes an introduction to the five articles that appear in this special issue. This framing process starts by highlighting the sparse, yet important, work that has been conducted over the past 20 years on children’s literature in the field of stylistics. The focus in the article then turns to a more general discussion on the language of children’s literature. Here, in this chronological overview of language usage in books written for children, an outline is sketched from the writers and philosophers of the enlightenment up to contemporary debates on literacy, cognition and theory of mind. In the section that follows, the five studies that appear in this special issue are briefly synopsized. What becomes apparent is the wide range of methodological approaches that have been taken by the scholars in question to analyze the texts that are under investigation, in both quantitative and qualitative ways. The article ends with a plea for more stylistic work to be conducted in the areas of both children’s literature and young adult fiction. This is especially pertinent because stylisticians possess the key linguistic and analytic skills and tools to help, in interdisciplinary settings, to address current social, emotional and cognitive challenges pertaining to child development through literacy and through reading in particular.

2022 ◽  

How social movements are rooted in specific places has been of interest to scholars of collective action, as well as geography and sociology generally. Social movements, in general, are characterized by the sustained mobilization of people sharing social or political aims. The characteristics of cities, as distinct from rural geographies, play a role in the development of urban social movements, offering concentrations and a diversity of people, resources, and power. Academic literature on the topic examines how cities are conducive to, or constrain, the development of social movements. Although the term urban social movement first appears in scholarly literature in 1972, cities have been key sites of contention at least since industrialization in the 1800s. Cities remained prominent throughout the rise of new social movements and transnational summit protests. In more recent decades, networked movements such as Occupy have renewed questions about inequalities and the right to the city. In short, cities are both a prominent focus and locus of contention. This bibliography focuses on academic literature on the city as the locus and focus of social movements, aiming to provide a selection rather than a comprehensive list. Other, not specifically urban aspects of transnational and domestic social movements are covered in other Oxford Bibliographies articles. This bibliography pays particular attention to works which impacted debates in the field, including contrasting perspectives, as well as diverse methodological approaches.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0261930
Yot Teerawattananon ◽  
Thunyarat Anothaisintawee ◽  
Chatkamol Pheerapanyawaranun ◽  
Siobhan Botwright ◽  
Katika Akksilp ◽  

Real-world effectiveness studies are important for monitoring performance of COVID-19 vaccination programmes and informing COVID-19 prevention and control policies. We aimed to synthesise methodological approaches used in COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness studies, in order to evaluate which approaches are most appropriate to implement in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). For this rapid systematic review, we searched PubMed and Scopus for articles published from inception to July 7, 2021, without language restrictions. We included any type of peer-reviewed observational study measuring COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, for any population. We excluded randomised control trials and modelling studies. All data used in the analysis were extracted from included papers. We used a standardised data extraction form, modified from STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational studies in Epidemiology (STROBE). Study quality was assessed using the REal Life EVidence AssessmeNt Tool (RELEVANT) tool. This study is registered with PROSPERO, CRD42021264658. Our search identified 3,327 studies, of which 42 were eligible for analysis. Most studies (97.5%) were conducted in high-income countries and the majority assessed mRNA vaccines (78% mRNA only, 17% mRNA and viral vector, 2.5% viral vector, 2.5% inactivated vaccine). Thirty-five of the studies (83%) used a cohort study design. Across studies, short follow-up time and limited assessment and mitigation of potential confounders, including previous SARS-CoV-2 infection and healthcare seeking behaviour, were major limitations. This review summarises methodological approaches for evaluating real-world effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines and highlights the lack of such studies in LMICs, as well as the importance of context-specific vaccine effectiveness data. Further research in LMICs will refine guidance for conducting real-world COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness studies in resource-constrained settings.

A. Stanovskaya

Currently, an important item on the global agenda is the achievement of sustainable development, which is impossible without a transition to sustainable production and consumption patterns. Effective business models for ensuring more efficient resource use are offered by the concept of a circular economy (circular economy). Indicators other than those used in linear economics are needed to monitor progress in the transition to a circular economy. The article presents the results of an analytical review and comparison of the most common methodological approaches in English and Russian-speaking scientific research to assessing the circular economy at the local level. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches, their areas of possible application are indicated. The conclusion is made about the narrowness of the interpretation of the concept of circular economy in the analyzed works and the need to develop a special tool for assessing the circular economy of an enterprise.

2022 ◽  
pp. 427-441
Monica C. Scarano

Qualitative methods are traditionally roots in the anthropological person-centered field. In a virtual and digitalized society, the presence and the agency of technology and devices need to be considered as well. The purpose of this chapter is to contribute conceptually to the reflection of a different ontological perspective in qualitative research. After presenting some qualitative methods centered on humanist ontology and its limits in a virtual and digital society, the author explains the interest to adopt relational ontologies to adapt some qualitative methods in order to overcome the previous limits. This chapter deals with emerging qualitative methods linked to relational ontologies that move away from the individualistic vision of the consumer and also focus on the technological object.

Trang T. T. Nguyen ◽  
Enyuan Shang ◽  
Mike-Andrew Westhoff ◽  
Georg Karpel-Massler ◽  
Markus D. Siegelin

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