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2022 ◽  
Sibylle Hermann ◽  
Jörg Fehr

Abstract The reuse of research software needs good documentation, however, the documentation in particular is often criticized. Especially in non-IT specific disciplines, the lack of documentation is attributed to the lack of training, the lack of time or missing rewards. This article addresses the hypothesis that scientists do document but do not know exactly what they need to document, why, and for whom. In order to evaluate the actual documentation practice of research software, we examined existing recommendations, and we evaluated their implementation in everyday practice using a concrete example from the engineering sciences and compared the findings with best practice examples. In order to get a broad overview of what documentation of research software entailed, we defined categories and used them to conduct the research. Our results show that the big picture of what documentation of research software means is missing. Recommendations do not consider the important role of developers whose documentation takes mainly place in their research articles. Moreover, we show that research software always has a history that influences the documentation.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 760
Grazia Maugeri ◽  
Agata Grazia D’Amico ◽  
Velia D’Agata

Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating Polypeptide (PACAP) is a neuropeptide with widespread distribution throughout the central and peripheral nervous system as well as in many other peripheral organs. It plays cytoprotective effects mediated mainly through the activation of specific receptors. PACAP is known to play pleiotropic effects on the eye, including the cornea, protecting it against different types of insult. This review firstly provides an overview of the anatomy of the cornea and summarizes data present in literature about PACAP’s role in the eye and, in particular, in the cornea, either in physiological or pathological conditions.

Elem Sci Anth ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Clare Paton-Walsh ◽  
Kathryn M. Emmerson ◽  
Rebecca M. Garland ◽  
Melita Keywood ◽  
Judith J. Hoelzemann ◽  

This commentary paper from the recently formed International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Southern Hemisphere Working Group outlines key issues in atmospheric composition research that particularly impact the Southern Hemisphere. In this article, we present a broad overview of many of the challenges for understanding atmospheric chemistry in the Southern Hemisphere, before focusing in on the most significant factors that differentiate it from the Northern Hemisphere. We present sections on the importance of biogenic emissions and fires in the Southern Hemisphere, showing that these emissions often dominate over anthropogenic emissions in many regions. We then describe how these and other factors influence air quality in different parts of the Southern Hemisphere. Finally, we describe the key role of the Southern Ocean in influencing atmospheric chemistry and conclude with a description of the aims and scope of the newly formed IGAC Southern Hemisphere Working Group.

2021 ◽  
pp. 181-203
Peter John

This chapter addresses media in politics, including newspapers, television, the internet, and social media. It seeks to answer the question of how influential the media is over politics, in areas such as voting behaviour. This discussion gives a broad overview of politics and the media, about the agenda of politics and its framing, and what shapes it. The chapter then covers the classic question of the influence of the media in British politics. It also considers the importance of social media, and how it is now part of all media today, especially in relation to elections and referendums. Finally, the chapter looks at media and social media campaigning in elections. It introduces the concept of chaotic pluralism as a way of characterizing today's social media-dominated and fluid political environment.

Stats ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 1091-1115
Bradley Efron

This article was prepared for the Special Issue on Resampling methods for statistical inference of the 2020s. Modern algorithms such as random forests and deep learning are automatic machines for producing prediction rules from training data. Resampling plans have been the key technology for evaluating a rule’s prediction accuracy. After a careful description of the measurement of prediction error the article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the principal methods: cross-validation, the nonparametric bootstrap, covariance penalties (Mallows’ Cp and the Akaike Information Criterion), and conformal inference. The emphasis is on a broad overview of a large subject, featuring examples, simulations, and a minimum of technical detail.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 30-46
Cori Salmerón ◽  
Nathaly Batista-Morales ◽  
Angela Valenzuela

This article explores translanguaging pedagogy through the lens of the politics of caring, subtractive schooling, and authentic cariño (composed of intellectual, familial, and critical cariño). We begin with a broad overview of translanguaging and situate it in the theoretical frameworks of the politics of caring, subtractive schooling, and authentic cariño. We ground our approach in the notion that educators must hold heteroglossic language ideologies. We draw upon examples from literacy instruction in bilingual and ESL fourth grade classrooms to argue that translanguaging pedagogy can be seen as an enactment of intellectual, familial, and critical cariño. We conclude with a call for teacher educators to consider enacting authentic cariño and translanguaging pedagogy in their university classrooms by making space for bi/multilingual pre-service teachers to use their full linguistic repertoires. In this way translanguaging pedagogy, politically aware authentic caring, and authentic cariño can be viewed as part of a broader program of preparing teachers to value authentic ways of bilingual languaging and biliteracy development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-242
Klavdiya E. Chernilevskaya

This article discusses the prospects of the Chinese renminbi (RMB) to expand its sphere of influence and become a full-scale reserve world currency. The methods used in the article are retrospective analysis and graphic analysis. The work is divided into three sections. The first section provides a broad overview of modern reserve currencies. The second part characterizes RMBs shaping as a reserve currency, as well as inner and outer factors that influence its status. The third section includes information about RMBs current status and its perspectives for being a reserve currency in the future. The article argues that currently RMB has already become a regional reserve currency in Asia-Pacific. Chinese government continues to make steps towards international expansion of RMB, yet these steps cannot make RMB one of the leading world currencies together with USD and EUR in the nearest decade.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (5(45)) ◽  
pp. 5-8
Van Khoa Vu

Quality assurance plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of higher education nowadays. Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 4, 2013, the Central Executive Committee (Session XI), on “fundamental and complete reform in education and training, serving industrialization and modernization in a socialist-oriented market economy and international integration” identified quality analyses as one of the tasks and solutions to radically and considerably renovate education and training. The paper provides a broad overview of some issues on quality control in advanced education and then suggests some measures to strengthen the quality of academic training in Vietnam ahead of the current regional and international integration trend.

2021 ◽  
Keith Bradford Critzer ◽  
Douglas Andrew Colbert

Abstract This paper presents a broad overview of the current state of the oil and gas engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contractor base following a period of challenging market conditions, subsequent owner/operator investment deferments, and the resulting financial impacts to the contractor base. These factors have caused a reduced tolerance for oil and gas volatility and a reduced appetite for lump sum contract risk. This paper identifies alternative contracting approaches to traditional competitively bid lump sum contracting. These alternative approaches result in a better understanding and assignment of risk between owner/operator and contractor, encourage continued participation by contractors in the oil and gas sector, and increase the probability of successful project outcomes.

2021 ◽  
pp. 17-39
Luca Berardi

This chapter provides a broad overview of the history and use of ethnography as a tool for studying crime and deviance. It traces the development of ethnographic methods, including participant observation, from ancient times to the present, exploring how early-twentieth-century anthropologists and sociologists, First and Second Chicago School ethnographers, and scholars from a variety of intellectual traditions have shaped, problematized, and codified ethnography—leaving us with some of the most canonical studies of crime and deviance in the process. This chapter serves as an historical steppingstone for the remainder of the handbook, highlighting some of the most influential people, places, studies, and movements that have shaped how contemporary crime ethnographers understand and practice their craft.

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