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T. E. Bazhenova

The article highlights the problem of the typology of dialects of the Middle Volga region. Particular attention is paid to secondary dialects with signs of South Russian dialect bases, the status of which in the Volga atlases is determined ambiguously. The area of the described dialect type is indicated. It is indicated that in the left-bank part of the Middle Volga region, in the so-called Trans-Volga region, there is a high probability of the existence of secondary Central Russian dialects with the preservation of signs of southern Russian maternal stems. The main source is data from regional atlases. The materials of dialectological expeditions to the villages of the Samara region are used. The description of the typological characteristics of the secondary dialects with a southern base, which are designated on the maps of regional atlases as Central Russian, is based on the analysis of isogloss of phonetic, grammatical and proper lexical dialect phenomena. In dialects with a completed transition to Central Russian, typologically significant South Russian features are types of yakany with the preservation of vowel dissimilation, obstruent pronunciation of g of secondary origin and other phonetic, morphological and lexical features that make up the series of two-term dialectal correspondences. According to the linguistic basis, such dialects are often polydialectal. In some dialects, the South Russian basis is not in doubt, and we can only state the beginning of the transition to the Central Russian type. The question is raised about the existence of secondary dialect types, formed as a result of the assimilation of dialects of the South Russian dialect with other dialects, not only in the Volga region, but also in other territories with favorable conditions for inter-dialectal contact. It is concluded that the presence of the Central Russian type and South Russian bases in the described dialects is possible only if there is a sufficient amount of information on typologically significant levels of the dialect language, in which systemic relations are clearly manifested and which are represented on linguistic maps by stable isoglosses. Data on secondary types of dialects should be based on the structural-typological classification of dialectal phenomena of various levels, including the lexical one.

2021 ◽  
pp. 99-112

In recent years, corpus linguistics has been mentioned in the scientific literature as the main tool for the elaboration of dictionaries and grammar manuals, the creation of corpus analysis, the practical use of corpus, as well as the statistical study of linguistic analysis using corpus. Articles, textbooks, manuals on the creation of general and special electronic corpus have been published, but as the Uzbek language is a relatively new field of corpus linguistics, there is a need for research on some issues. The development of corpus linguistics and the increasing focus on statistical methods of processing linguistic materials have led to the development of a number of techniques related to the usage of parallel or similar texts in different languages. This article is devoted to the stages of creating bilingual parallel corpus and explains the peculiarities of creating parallel corpus of texts. The creation of parallel corpus also has its own research stages. Statistical research in linguistics has a long history, especially since the advent of computers in the fifties of the twentieth century, research in this area has grown rapidly. The purpose of the study is to analyze the scientific views on the creation of the linguistic supply of the program of translation of similes on the basis of parallel texts (English-Uzbek, Uzbek-English), to study the linguistic basis and to study the lexical-semantic relationship of similes in bilingual vocabulary. This article deals with the creation of a parallel corpus of literary texts with English and Uzbek similes, analysis of lexical-semantic relations of similes, formation of a database of text segments based on translation alternatives of similes, scientific proof of linguistic models of English similes in translation and the effect of mentality is scientifically substantiated in the example of the translation of similes. A bilingual simile dictionary also plays an important role in creating a parallel corpus of similes. There is a great need for electronic dictionaries in the field of literary translation. The creation of bilingual and multilingual dictionaries, which embody the subtle nuances of the word, serves as a very important resource for translators, writers, poets, and language users.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-227
Larisa D. Bednarskaya

The article continues the series of publications on the problems of multilevel comprehension of systematics in modern educational processes. This determines the attitude to the Russian language course as a discipline of the meta-subject integrative level, which allows to integrate the acquired competencies with other subjects of the school cycle. On the basis of the assimilation of theoretical material tendency to diagnose the formation of competencies in the functional aspect is more clearly defined, when the basis of the norms of language focuses on language: a functional-communicative aspect backbone relies on a linguistic basis. Test materials for the exam on the Russian language correspond to the functional-communicative filling the content of the Programs of the GEF. Awareness of the systematic nature of the processes of studying the subject and diagnosing its assimilation allows to intensify both its assimilation and the diagnosis of the formed competencies, opens up prospects for optimizing the educational process. The article offers examples of compression of theoretical material of different volumes, which help to generalize a huge layer of speech implementations and easily learn them.

Litera ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 124-143
Qiang Ding

Internet memes and postcards as the popular carriers of Internet communications, implement new, simplified in literary and aesthetic level forms of communication. The process of creating such genres entails departure from orthographic rules, among which is the use of uppercase letters. The subject of the research is the determination of peculiarities of practical use of uppercase letters in Internet memes and postcards. The goal is to follow the observance of orthographic rules in these genres regarding the use of uppercase letters, as well as to identify the stylistic peculiarities of these two genres and characteristic use of uppercase letters. The relevance and scientific novelty of this article consists in examination of content creation for Internet memes and postcards, rather than memes themselves. Extralinguistic roots of the problem of liberal use or inobservance of uppercase letters are detected on the linguistic basis. The research leans on the content from open sources. The conclusion is made that both linguistic genres represent the examples of mass communications addressed primarily to the users with lower aesthetic demand; different linguistic gradation lead to certain departure from orthographic rules in both genres; this may not be progressive from the perspective of language development, but rather be oriented towards primitivization of content.

Elena Trapeznikova

To achieve certainty of the legal rules command content, an analysis of the linguistic basis of the disposition — the linguistic construction — is required. Using this term for the tasks of scientific research is justified. The results of systematization the main linguistic constructions expressing rights, obligations and prohibitions are presented.

Rima Bakšienė

The article analyses the linguistic basis of the Tarmynas, the database Lithuanian local language variants. The development of the database model was based on the linguistic variability of the Kaunas district as an important zone for the development of Standard Lithuanian. Until now, the territory of the Kaunas district has not been systematically studied by dialectologists; therefore, the study is relevant in assessing the interaction between Standard language and local variants; the conclusions drawn are significant for prog-nostic models of the Lithuanian language. The analysis performed by the methods of geolinguistics research showed a significant horizontal and vertical variability of the Kaunas district. Based on the characteristics of the traditional dialects and their spread in the new dialectal structures, four linguistic areas of the Kaunas district were distinguished. Their main distinguishing features are the shortening of long vowels in unaccented inflexions and the hardening of the compounds le and lė. The influence of the local Polish dialects on the current linguistic variants was also identified. The possibilities of the explication of the dialectal phonetic features in the database are also briefly presented: transcriptions of acoustic recordings and a questionnaire about the frequency of usage of the dialectal features.

Hromko T.V.

Purpose. The article considers methodological problems of mono-verbal ideographic dictionary as a separate lexicographic set of dialectal usus, built on the onomasiological principle, on the semantic relations of words from the concept to its lexical counterparts. By typology, ideographic and explanatory dictionaries are complementary, which determines the equipolent connection of the ideographic dictionary with the thesaurus of a separate language system. Methods. The monophonic ideographic dictionary proposed by the author offers a methodology for developing an ideographic dictionary of speech on a purely linguistic basis, in the direction “from the core to the periphery”, because the lexical structure of the idiom, in contrast to the common language, is narrowly accessible for speakers of the literary idiom and widely available for scientific interpretation of the lexicon of speech, and given the completeness of the presentation allows the use of quantitative methods. They ensure the objectivity of the obtained results and significantly reduce the time for their receipt and processing, which in the long run will provide objective results for further qualitative (qualitative) analysis – a monographic description of the language system of speech. Results. Monographic ideographic dictionary is a new type of dictionary – linguistic dialectological ideographic dictionary of scientific and linguodidactical purpose. Methodologically, its conclusion involves the stratification of vocabulary by functional, syntagmatic, paradigmatic and epidigmatic system parameters. Conclusions. Improving the method of parametric analysis for a one-word ideographic dictionary involves in the process of compiling the author of the “Ideographic Dictionary of the dialect of Pishchany Brid village of Dobrovelychkivsky district of Kirovohrad region” conducting various typological studies: continuing to collect natural dialect material, representation of the place of this lexical unit in its structure, etc., as well as ideographic lexicographic parameterization for component analysis of dialectal vocabulary, which will extrapolate the spoken material, and in the future will serve to solve a number of theoretical and practical problems of linguistics, and research will enter the linguistic picture of the world and give objective scientific results.Key words: dialectology, lexicography, monoidiom research, ideographic method, quantitative methods, qualitative analysis of vocabulary. Анотація.Мета. У статті розглядаються методологічні проблеми моноговіркового ідеографічного словника як окремого лексикографічного зводу діалектного узусу, побудованого за ономасіологічним принципом, за смисловими відношеннями слів від поняття до його лексичних відповідників. За типологією ідеографічні й тлумачні словники є взаємодоповню-вальними, що й визначає еквіполентний зв’язок ідеографічного словника з тезаурусом окремої мовної системи. Методи.Пропонований автором моноговірковий ідеографічний словник пропонує методологію розробки ідеографічного словника говірки за суто лінгвістичною основою, у напрямі «від ядра до периферії», оскільки лексичний склад ідіому, на відміну від загальномовного, є вузькодоступним для носіїв літературного ідіому і широкодоступним для наукової інтерпретації лексикону говірки, а з огляду на повноту представлення дозволяє використовувати квантитативні методи. Вони забезпечують об’єктивність отриманих результатів і значно скорочують час на їх отримання і обробку, що у перспективі дасть об’єктивні результати для подальшого квалітативного (якісного) аналізу – монографічного опису мовної системи говірки. Результати. Моноговірковий ідеографічний словник є новим типом словника – лінгвістичним діалектологічним ідеографічним словником наукового та лінгводидактичного призначення. Методологічно його укладання передбачає стратифікацію лексики за функціональним, синтагматичним, парадигматичним й епідигматичним системними параметрами. Висновки. Удосконалення методу параметричного аналізу для моноговіркового ідеографічного словника передбачає у процесі укладан-ня автором «Ідеографічного словника говірки села Піщаний Брід Добровеличківського району Кіровоградської області» проведення різного роду типологічних досліджень: продовження збирання польового діалектного матеріалу, проведення квалітативного аналізу лексики на предмет ядра й периферії мовної системи, наочного представлення того, яке місце посідає така лексична одиниця в його структурі тощо, а також ідеографічної лексикографічної параметризації для проведення компонентного аналізу діалектної лексики, що екстраполюватиме говірковий матеріал, а в перспективі прислужиться для вирішення низки теоретичних і практичних завдань лінгвістики, і проведені за ним дослідження увіллються в мовну картину світу та дадуть об’єктивні наукові результати.Ключові слова: діалектологія, лексикографія, моноговіркові дослідження, ідеографічний метод, квантитативний метод, квалітативний аналіз лексики.

М.Р. Милуд

Постановка задачи. Статья посвящена лингволитературоведческому анализу рассказа «Тёмные аллеи» И.А. Бунина с целью овладения методами данного вида исследования текста художественного произведения. В статье ставится задача рассмотреть лингвистическую структуру рассказа с точки зрения лексики, перевода, словообразования, морфологии и ономастики. Особое внимание обращается на лингвистическую основу и лексическую базу данного рассказа. Результаты. В данной работе выделены и описаны особенности устаревших, безэквивалентных, заимствованных и калькированных слов, с помощью которых выражается историческое пространство рассказа «Тёмные аллеи» И.А. Бунина. Проанализированы авторские средства кодирования информации, касающейся важных исторических событий. Выяснено, с помощью каких языковых средств автор выражает идейно-эмоциональные стороны своего рассказа, выявлена лингвистически значимая информация о языковых единицах, используемых для отражения реальной характерности в тексте произведения. Выводы. Анализируя рассказ И. А. Бунина, мы пришли к выводу о том, что ономастический материал рассказа играет специфическую роль: имя героя выбрано автором в честь русского офицера - Николая Алексеевича Киреева, а имя Иова - в параллель «несчастности» автора ради своей прихоти. В результате анализа доказывается, что никаким быстрым чтением текст рассказа не охватить. Данный рассказ был написан с помощью средств разных разделов языка: лексики, словообразования, морфологии и ономастики. В текст рассказа нужно вчитываться, т.к. поместив этот рассказ в сборник «Тёмные аллеи», И.А. Бунин тем самым подчёркивает, что он описывает не только любовь, но также и историю, причем не одну, а сразу две. Problem statement. The article is devoted to the linguistic and linguistic-and-literary analysis of the short story «Dark alleys» by I.A. Bunin aiming at mastering the methods of such type of analysis of an art work. The article aims to consider the linguistic structure of the story in terms of vocabulary, translation, word formation, morphology and onomastics. Special attention is paid to the linguistic basis and lexical base of this story. Results. This paper highlights and describes the features of outdated, non-equivalent, borrowed and calque words, which are used to express the historical space of the story «Dark alleys» by I.A. Bunin. The author's means of information coding concerning important historical events are analyzed. It is found out by what language means the author expresses the ideological and emotional sides of his story and linguistically significant information about the language units used to reflect the real character in the story is revealed. Conclusion. Analyzing the short story of I.A. Bunin, we came to the conclusion that the onomastic material of the story plays a specific role: the name of the main character was chosen by the author in honor of the Russian officer - Nikolai Alekseevich Kireev, and the name of Job in parallel to the "unhappiness" of the author for his whim. As a result, we prove that the text of the story cannot be covered with any quick reading. This story was written using the tools of different language sections: vocabulary, word formation, morphology and onomastics. The story should be read carefully, because placing it in the collection «Dark alleys», the author thus emphasizes that he describes not only love, but also history, and not one, but two at once.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-56
Liudmila A. Kadzhaya ◽  
Iuliia M. Kuznetsova ◽  
Vladimir A. Salimovskii ◽  
Margarita I. Suvorova ◽  

The article examines the thematic organization of instructional texts in the aspect of problems relevant to work on the creation of a cognitive assistant. The purpose of the assistant is to provide a user with the necessary information to follow the rules of a particular scenario to successfully achieve a goal according to the search query. The query containing certain keywords, further specified as the task being solved, is focused on a detailed set of topics which mark the subject areas reflected in the scenario. The authors of the article provide a review of some linguistic works devoted to the issues of theme-rhematic structuring of a produced text and its compression within the limits of keywords. The importance of the description of the text’s thematic chains, to obtain the detailed objective information on its thematic structure, is emphasized. When comparing the list of keywords identified by the automatic system TextApplianсe in a collection of Internet-extracted instructional texts retrieved from the Internet with the results of hand-held analysis of these texts, to determine the place of various nominative units in the text’s thematic organization, the authors consider the most significant characteristics of a keyword shown in different nominative units to varying degrees. This is a high indicator of a text identifier, content capacity, and communicative significance of a word or a substantive phrase as a marker of important information for a recipient. Defining keywords in whole instructional texts and in relatively independent text fragments (subtexts) that describe individual stages of the user’s goal achievement (for example, the stages of selecting a car, its inspection, making a transaction, car registration) makes it possible to improve the quality of scenario identification in the Network. Extracting keywords along with their context allows for the creation of a recommendations’ database for users automatically. The significance of the theme-rhematic text structure analysis, as a sign for its modeling in the sign picture of the world, is revealed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 5-32
Nikolay D. Golev ◽  

The article develops the idea formulated by Olga Iosifovna Blinova, professor of Tomsk State University, according to which lexicography is one of the methods of studying vocabulary. The material of the study included: (1) theoretical works by Olga Blinova, (2) her lexicographic works, (3) lexicographic experiments of the author of the article and their theoretical understanding, (4) works of other authors on related issues. The main research method used in the article is a comparison of concepts and principles of their implementation in different authors to identify the features of Blinova’s lexicographic theory and practice. The author interprets lexicographizing of a word as a specific approach to the description of its semantics, as a way of its modeling, which consists in its discretization – transformation of continuous semantic space of the language into notional quanta, clots of meaning. In the study, this method is contrasted with other methods of language modeling found in applied language descriptions: in the methods of language teaching, in translation and in compilation of computer programs on a linguistic basis in particular. Much attention is paid to the concept of lexical parameterization, which occurs in the process of lexicographic modeling of the semantic reality of the language. The most important principle of semantics modeling is the parameterization of the meaning of a word and vocabulary in general. The article discusses the features of parameterization in explanatory dictionaries against the background of their opposition to other types of dictionaries: encyclopedic, motivational dictionaries, dictionaries of everyday interpretations of words and frequency dictionaries. To identify these features, the definitions of words in explanatory and encyclopedic dictionaries are analyzed. Such important trends in modern lexicography as overcoming the absolutization of the discreteness of semantics and its simplified definition are analyzed. The article explores the tendency of lexicography to an antropocentric modeling of semantics in dictionaries, a particular manifestation of which is the representation of the content of a word as a conceptual content. In more detail, the article highlights the specifics of the motivational dictionary – one of the main lexicographic works by Blinova, who developed the concept of this type of dictionary and implemented it in practice by creating the Motivational Dialect Dictionary. The final section of the article analyzes Blinova’s idea about the possibility of implementing a project of a complex dictionary, in which the meaning of each word is considered in the mirror of a set of parameters which together give a systematic idea of the functioning, semantics and linguistic connections of the word. The article draws conclusions about the role of Blinova’s theoretical heritage for semasiology, dialectology and lexicography of the Russian language.

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