internal agreement
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2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 278-307
Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandgaard Hansen

Abstract The Scanian dialect of Middle Danish underwent a range of changes and reductions in its case system. I argue that these changes were caused neither by phonological developments nor by language contact as often assumed, but by multiple processes of grammaticalisation. The present paper focuses on one of these factors: that the relatively predictable constituent order within the Middle Danish noun phrase made case marking redundant in its function of marking noun-phrase internal agreement between head and modifier(s). This redundancy caused the case system to undergo a regrammation where the indexical sign relations changed so that the expression of morphological case no longer indicated this noun-phrase-internal agreement, leaving only topology (as well as morphologically marked number and gender agreement) as markers of this type of agreement. This factor contributed to the subsequent degrammation of the entire case system.

Languages ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Artemis Alexiadou ◽  
Vasiliki Rizou ◽  
Nikolaos Tsokanos ◽  
Foteini Karkaletsou

This paper investigates gender agreement mismatches between nominal expressions and the targets of agreement they control in two groups (adults and adolescents) of Heritage Greek speakers in the USA. On the basis of language production data elicited via a narration task, we show that USA Greek Heritage speakers, unlike monolingual controls, show mismatches in gender agreement. We will show that the mismatches observed differ with respect to the agreement target between groups, i.e., noun phrase internal agreement seems more affected in the adolescent group, while personal pronouns appear equally affected. We will argue that these patterns suggest retreat to default gender, namely neuter in Greek. Neuter emerges as default when no agreement pattern can be established. As adult speakers show less mismatches, we will explore the reasons why speakers improve across the life span.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-69 ◽  
Royce Carroll ◽  
Monika Nalepa

Conventional wisdom suggests that parties in candidate-centered electoral systems should be associated with less cohesive policy preferences among legislators. We model the incentives of party leaders to achieve voting unity accounting for the costs of discipline, showing that candidate-centered systems have the counterintuitive effect of promoting party agreement on policies and preference cohesion. These implications for cohesion derive from the degree of control over list rank held by leaders under open lists (open-list proportional representation, OLPR) and closed lists (closed-list proportional representation, CLPR). Because discipline is costlier in OLPR, owing to leaders’ lack of control over list rank, leaders seeking voting unity propose policies that promote agreement between members and leadership. Under CLPR, however, leaders can more easily achieve voting unity by relying on discipline and therefore lack incentives to promote internal agreement. We then extend the model to allow the party leader to replace members, showing that preference cohesion itself is greater under OLPR. Further, our baseline results hold when allowing legislative behavior to affect vote share and when accounting for candidates’ valence qualities. We interpret our results to suggest that candidate-centered systems result in stronger incentives for developing programmatic parties, compared with party-centered systems.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 226-231
N. Scherbina ◽  
L. Potapova ◽  
I. Scherbina ◽  
O. Lipko ◽  
O. Mertsalova

THE CURRENT STATE OF THE PROBLEM OF PERINATAL PSYCHOSOMATIC DISORDERS IN PREGNANT WOMEN Scherbina N., Potapova L., Scherbina I., Lipko O., Mertsalova O. Objective: to study the characteristics of the psychosomatic state of women during pregnancy using the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS). Materials and Methods: sixty pregnant women in the III trimester of pregnancy were tested using the EPDS questionnaire, a 10-point self-assessment scale that covers the general symptoms of depression. To determine the internal consistency and reliability of this scale, the Cronbach alpha indicator, a statistical indicator that allows evaluation of whether the features included in the questionnaire measure the same thing (high internal agreement), or different things (low internal agreement), was calculated. Results: Subjectively, all pregnant women noted  simplicity, unambiguity and clear wording of the questions, which indicated good acceptability of this questionnaire for the use in the complex of standard monitoring of pregnant women in an antenatal clinic. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was 0.775, which corresponds to a sufficient degree of consistency of the internal elements of the scale. Screening for depressive disorders using EPDS during pregnancy revealed psychosomatic problems of the perinatal period. Data obtained using this scale demonstrate high rates of depressive manifestations in pregnant women. Psychopathological disorders were detected in 40% of women, while in 23% the symptoms of the current "major" depression were identified. The frequency of development of depressive symptoms increases significantly in the presence of a high obstetric risk, characteristic of the current pregnancy (threat of premature birth, hypertensive disorders during pregnancy, intrauterine infection of the fetus, retardation of the fetus development), as well as compromised obstetric and gynecological history. EPDS can be used as a reliable diagnostic tool to prevent pregnancy-related adverse outcomes. Conclusions: identifying the risk factors of pregnancy, screening and examining psychosomatic symptoms with EPDS, and timely referral for psychiatric care are key issues for reducing the risk among women with psychosomatic disorders during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Keywords: pregnancy, psychosomatic disorders, Edinburgh postpartum depression scale.   Абстракт. СУЧАСНИЙ СТАН ПРОБЛЕМИ ПЕРИНАТАЛЬНИХ ПСИХОСОМАТИЧНИХ РОЗЛАДІВ У ВАГІТНИХ. Щербина М., Потапова Л., Щербина I., Ліпко О., Мерцалова О. Мета дослідження: вивчити особливості психосоматичного стану жінок під час вагітності з використанням Единбурзької шкали післяпологової депресії (EPDS). Матеріали і методи: проведено тестування за опитувальником EPDS 60 вагітних жінок в III триместрі вагітності. EPDS є шкалою самооцінки, складається з 10 пунктів охоплює загальну симптоматику депресії. Для визначення внутрішньої узгодженості і надійності зазначеної шкали розраховувався показник альфа Кронбаха, статистичний показник, що дозволяє оцінити вимірюють чи ознаки, що входять в опитувальник одне і те ж (висока внутрішня згода, або різні речі (низький внутрішній згоду). Результати дослідження: суб'єктивно все вагітні відзначали простоту, однозначність і зрозумілу формулювання питань, що свідчило про хорошу прийнятності даного опитувальника для застосування в комплексі стандартного спостереження за вагітними в жіночій консультації. Значення коефіцієнта альфа Кронбаха склало 0,775, що відповідає достатньому ступені узгодженості внутрішніх елементів шкали. Проведений скринінг на наявність депресивних розладів за допомогою EPDS під час вагітності дозволив виявити психосоматичні проблеми перинатального періоду. Дані, отримані на основі застосування цієї шкали демонструють високі показники присутності депресивних проявів у вагітних жінок. Психопатологічні розлади виявлено у 40% жінок, при цьому у 23% визначені симптоми поточної «великої» депресії. Частота розвитку депресивних симптомів значно підвищується при наявності високого акушерського ризику, характерного для поточної вагітності (загроза передчасних пологів, гіпертензивні порушення під час вагітності, внутрішньоутробне інфікування плода, ретардація плода), а також обтяженого акушерського і гінекологічного анамнезів. EPDS може бути використана як надійний діагностичний інструмент для попередження несприятливих наслідків, пов'язаних з вагітністю. Висновок: виявлення факторів ризику  вагітності, скринінг і вивчення психосоматичних симптомів у вагітних із використанням  EPDS, а також своєчасне направлення для надання психіатричної допомоги, є ключовими питаннями зниження ризику серед жінок з психосоматичними розладами під час вагітності та в післяпологовому періоді. Ключові слова: вагітність, психосоматичні розлади, Единбурзька шкала післяродової депресії.    Абстракт СОВРЕМЕННОЕ СОСТОЯНИЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПЕРИНАТАЛЬНЫХ ПСИХОСОМАТИЧЕСКИХ  РАССТРОЙСТВ У БЕРЕМЕННЫХ. Щербина Н., Потапова Л., Щербина И., Липко О., Мерцалова О. Цель исследования: изучить особенности психосоматического состояния женщин во время беременности с использованием Эдинбургской шкалы послеродовой депрессии (EPDS).Материалы и методы: проведено тестирование по опроснику EPDS 60 беременных женщин в III триместре беременности. EPDS является шкалой самооценки, состоит из 10 пунктов и охватывает общую симптоматику депрессии. Для определения внутренней согласованности и надежности указанной шкалы рассчитывался показатель альфы Кронбаха, статистический показатель, позволяющий оценить измеряют ли признаки, входящие в опросник одно и то же (высокое внутреннее согласие, или разные вещи (низкое внутреннее согласие). Результаты исследования: Субьективно все беременные отмечали простоту, однозначность и понятную формулировку вопросов, что свидетельствовало о хорошей приемлемости данного опросника для применения в комплексе стандартного наблюдения за беременными в женской консультации. Значение коэффициента альфа Кронбаха составило 0,775, что соответствует достаточной степени согласованности внутренних элементов шкалы. Проведенный скрининг на наличие депрессивных расстройств с помощью EPDS во время беременности позволил выявить психосоматические проблемы перинатального периода. Данные, полученныена основе применения этой шкалы демонстрируют высокие показатели присутствия депрессивных проявлений у беременных женщин. Психопатологические расстройства выявлены у 40% женщин, при этом у 23% определены симптомы текущей «большой» депрессии. Частота развитии депрессивных симптомов значительно повышается при наличии высокого акушерского риска, характерного для текущей беременности (угроза преждевременных родов, гипертензивные нарушения во время беременности, внутриутробное инфицирование плода, ретардация плода), а также отягощенного акушерского и гинекологического анамнезов. EPDSможет быть использована как надежный диагностический инструмент для предотвращения неблагоприятных исходов, связанных с беременностью. Заключение: выявление факторов риска беременности и родов, скрининг и изучение психосоматических симптомов cиспользованием EPDS, а также своевременное направление для оказания психиатрической помощи, являются ключевыми вопросами снижения риска среди женщин с психосоматическими расстройствами во время беременности и в послеродовом периоде. Ключевые слова: беременность, психосоматические расстройства, Эдинбургская шкала послеродовой депрессии.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 914-931 ◽  
Nadia Rania ◽  
Laura Migliorini ◽  
Stefania Rebora

The purpose of this research is to study acculturation strategies and attitudes in central and peripheral domains of host and immigrant couples in an Italian context. The participants were 60 dyads (30 host couples and 30 immigrant couples) who completed a questionnaire based on the Relative Acculturation Extended Model (RAEM). Based on the analysis, we found that the general acculturation attitude preferred by immigrant couples is integration, and Italian couples prefer that immigrants adopt it. Furthermore, Italian partners show moderate internal agreement, whereas immigrant couples show a high degree of agreement. In both groups, the level of agreement between dyadic members is only partially determined by their membership within a social group. The socio-cultural context has a significant role in the internal similarity of Italian couples. In contrast, there is dyadic agreement within immigrant couples.

2018 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-151
Amare Getahun

Abstract This paper analyzes the internal structure of Argobba nominal phrase in Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) formalism. Argobba is a seriously endangered Semitic language in Ethiopia. Unlike its sister languages in the Ethio-Semitic subfamily, Argobba nouns qualified by a demonstrative, possessive pronoun and genitive NP bear a definite article. It is argued in this paper that the definite article is not an independent syntactic element, but an affix, which is attached to indefinite nouns lexically. It is argued that the derivation of Argobba definite common nouns is captured by the Definite Lexical Rule (DLR). The paper also claims that the NP internal agreement of specifiers and modifiers with the head noun is accounted for by the SPEC and MOD features that impose certain constraints on the morphosyntactic features of the head noun.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 441-480 ◽  
Janne Bondi Johannessen ◽  
Ida Larsson

Previous studies on gender in Scandinavian heritage languages in America have looked at noun-phrase internal agreement. It has been shown that some heritage speakers have non-target gender agreement, but this has been interpreted in different ways by different researchers. This paper presents a study of pronominal gender in Heritage Norwegian and Swedish, using existing recordings and a small experiment that elicits pronouns. It is shown that the use of pronominal forms is largely target-like, and that the heritage speakers make gender distinctions. There is, however, some evidence of two competing systems in the data, and there is a shift towards a two-gender system, arguably due to koinéization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 82 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-312 ◽  
Mark A. Cooper ◽  
Frank C. Hawthorne

AbstractThe crystal structure of ‘minasgeraisite-(Y)’, triclinic P1, a = 9.994(4), b = 7.705(3), c = 4.764(2) Å, α = 90.042(9), β = 90.218(14), γ = 90.034(9) (°), V = 366.8(5) Å3 and Z = 1, has been refined to an R1 index of 2.86% for 4170 observed (|Fo| > 4σF) reflections. Significant observed (|Fo| > 40–60 σF) reflections violate the presence of a 21-screw axis and an a-glide plane, negating the space group P21/a previously found for minerals of the gadolinite–datolite group. Averaging of the X-ray data in Laue groups 2/m and $\bar 1$ gives the following agreement indices: 2/m (9.68%) and $\bar 1$ (5.68%). The internal agreement index from averaging of identical reflections collected at multiple positions along the diffraction vector is significantly lower than that for the Laue group $\bar 1$: Rpsi = 2.40%, where 13,109 reflections were collected, 4288 are unique for P1 symmetry, and Rpsi is based on a mean data redundancy factor of > 3. Both the data merging and an |E2–1| value of 0.773 indicate that P1 is the correct space group. The general formula for the gadolinite–datolite group is W2XZ2T2O8V2 (Z = 2) which we have expanded to 20 anions (Z = 1) to show the W-site cation ordering present in ‘minasgeraisite-(Y)’. Bismuth, Ca and REE are ordered over four W sites, with Bi dominant at W1, Ca dominant at W2, and Y dominant at W3 and W4. The dominant constituent at the X sites is a vacancy, and Ca does not occur at the X sites. Significant B and Si are assigned to the Be-dominant Z sites, and the T sites are occupied by Si. The simplified ‘minasgeraisite-(Y)’ formula (Z = 1) is BiCa(Y,Ln)2(□,Mn)2(Be,B,Si)4Si4O16 [(OH),O]4. ‘Minasgeraisite-(Y)’ should be assigned to a triclinic subgroup of the gadolinite–datolite group, and its lower symmetry suggests that Ca-substituted gadolinites and hingganites should be examined for evidence of triclinic symmetry associated with cation order at the W sites.

Orna Tal ◽  
Yaron Connelly

Introduction:Technology assessment in hospital traditionally involves parameters of safety, effectiveness and costs. The prosperity of medical innovations in an era of scarce resources requires more precisely refined methodologies to measure ‘added value’. Our aim was to reveal the added values of technologies by asking professionals to prioritize their adoption into hospitals.Methods:Twelve innovative technologies that were discussed for adoption over three years were controversial regarding their actual “added value”. Fifty-two managerial health professionals ranked these technologies on two scales: hierarchic importance (league scale) and comparative score rating (CSR), reflecting willingness-to-pay (WTP). The distribution of ranking indicates the internal agreement (IA) among the participants.Results:There was only partial correlation between the two scales. For example, glucose-monitoring was ranked ‘highly important’ on the hierarchic (league) scale with high CSR/WTP, but with low IA. This can be interpreted as “a valuable technology but with disagreement on comprehensive adoption in the entire hospital”. The surgical robot was ranked ‘highly important’ on the hierarchic scale with low CSR/WTP, but with high IA, meaning “a valuable technology but with consensus to delay adoption in the hospital”. Overall, the participants raised thirty-two “values” that can be assorted into five clusters of significance: clinical effect (6 values), social/public dimension (8 values), patient-physician interaction (9 values), technological aspect (5 values) and policy-regulatory perception (4 values).Conclusions:We identified different ‘;patterns’ for defining the ‘value’ of various technologies. Revealing these aspects can create a “set of values” of relative weights that may explain the added value considerations in prioritization of decision making. Interestingly, there were technologies that were ranked low, but achieved a high rating. This can be explained by individual personal-oriented added value perspectives. Using this innovative tool to incorporate social value-based scores can assist in understanding the determinants, beyond the current traditional rationing mechanism, that guide professionals while prioritizing medical technologies.

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