KOMIK (Konferensi Nasional Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer)
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Published By Stmik Budi Darma

2597-4645, 2597-4610

Winda Permata Sari ◽  
Winda Lidyasari ◽  
Muhammad Fachrur Rozi ◽  
Yulia Andini ◽  
Agus Perdana Windarto

This study aims to determine the impact of smartphone users among the community. Smartphones also have the ability in each of its features that can help or meet the needs of its users. Smartphones have become a part of everyone's lifestyle, ranging from children, adolescents, and adults. Many people do not realize that using a smartphone has an impact on users both internally and externally. In determining the impact of smartphone users among the public, there needs to be a support system, a support system used is the Fuzzy Tsukamoto method, in the Fuzzy Tsukamoto method the writer uses 4 variables namely distance, user, time and impact to determine the impact of smartphone users.Keywords : Smartphone, Fuzzy

Muhammad Aliyul Amri ◽  
Agus Perdana Windarto ◽  
Anjar Wanto ◽  
Irfan Sudahri Damanik

Higher education is an education level that includes diplomat, undergraduate and doctoral programs. The purpose of higher education is to improve the quality of the workforce, to help improve the quality of the workforce each university must have the facilities needed in teaching and learning activities. This study discusses the Analysis of the K-Means Method in the Grouping of Universities by Province Based on the Facilities of the Village. Sources of data obtained from data collected based on documents from 2003 to 2018 through the website of the Indonesian Statistics Agency. Data is processed into 2 clusters, namely the highest facility level cluster (C1) and the lowest facility level cluster (C2). So that obtained from 34 provinces 3 provinces are grouped in high facility level clusters (C1) and 31 provinces are grouped in low facility level clusters (C2). This can be input to the government for provinces that have higher education institutions that still have inadequate facilities in each village and are of more concern to the government based on the cluster that is being conducted.Keywords: K-Means, Higher education, Grouping, Facilities

Sinta Maulina Dewi ◽  
Agus Perdana Windarto ◽  
Dedy Hartama

In the current era of globalization, developments in various fields of business are accelerating. Both in the culinary field and other fields. One of the most sought after business developments is in the field of counters or credit sales. UD.Selamat Selular was founded in 2010, which only has a small shop with no employees to date which has more than 20 employees. This business continues to develop in ever-increasing business competition. Therefore a sales strategy is needed so that it is not inferior to other trading businesses. In this research, it is necessary to test the previous data in order to find out the right sales strategy using Naïve Bayes. The data collection method was conducted by questionnaire and interview with a questionnaire of 160 respondents. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the model formed using the Naïve Bayes algorithm produces an algorithm of 0.650 so that it is classified as Excellent Classification.Keywords: Datamining, Naïve Bayes, Sales Strategy.

Muhamad Muhamad ◽  
Agus Perdana Windarto ◽  
Suhada Suhada

Students are one of the substances that need to be considered in relation to the world of education today. The difficulty of getting students makes the school have to optimize the learning system and infrastructure as well to attract the interest of new students and also make students who have gone to school not drop out or drop out. One of the factors contributing to the large number of students dropping out is because of the lack of policies and actions from the education institutions to keep their students from dropping out. The purpose of this study was to classify potentially dropout students and not have the potential to drop out with the C4.5 algorithm as a reference in making policies and actions to reduce the number of students dropping out. The classification results of the C4.5 algorithm are evaluated and validated with RapidMinerStudio to determine the accuracy of the C4.5 Algorithm in classifying potential dropouts.Keywords: Student dropout, Classification, C4.5 Algorithm

Nanda Erlangga ◽  
Solikhun Solikhun ◽  
Irawan Irawan

Corn needs are currently experiencing a fairly rapid development can be seen in terms of the domestic market, here researchers want to increase the productivity and quality of corn production. The data that will be used is the data from the Central Statistics Agency. The method in this study is the K-means clustering algorithm and the application used is Rapidminer which will be grouped into 2 clustering, namely high and low. The results of this study are 2 high level cluster provinces, 32 low level cluster provincesKeywords: Corn, Data mining, K-means Clustering c

Raimah Handayani Harahap ◽  
Nelly Astuti Hasibuan ◽  
Imam Saputra

Steganography is the science and art of hiding (embedded) information by inserting secret messages in other messages. Steganography in the field of information technology is highly developed, namely for digital devices. Information or messages that can be hidden varies, as can messages that are embedded objects. Variations of messages that are normally subject to insertion objects are text messages, picture messages, audio messages, and video messages. The steganography method used is the Modulus Function (MF) method. This method can insert more messages into pixels that have high contrast values. The research conducted is applying the Modulus Function (MF) method for inserting messages into image files. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that by using the Modulus Function (MF) method, the capacity of the image to insert a message is smaller than the image size, the processing time in this method is quite fast, the image quality after inserting a message has good quality, but this method is also still good. has disadvantages, because it is not resistant to manipulation and in some images are still detected by the matlab application.Keywords: Steganography, Implementation, Modulus Function (MF), Image file.

Ika Septi Mahdia ◽  
Solikhun Solikhun ◽  
M. Fauzan

Oil palm plants are plantation crops that are cultivated and require intensive care, oil palm seeds are a major factor in the success of oil palm plantation cultivation. Quality palm oil seedlings will provide satisfactory yields, oil palm seedlings should be obtained with superior seed selection and good maintenance, in nurseries carried out by following the existing stages, oil palm plantations are long-term business and maintenance of oil palm seeds must be be considered and managed with incentives to ensure optimal production and business results in the future. This study aims to determine quality oil palm seeds in PTPN IV Bah Jambi Plantation. In the nursery is carried out by following the existing stage, this research uses Decision Support System (SPK) Profile Matching method. This method can be used to solve semi-structured problems by calculating consistency using the Profile Matching method, if consistent values are generated consistently can be used as a reference for ranking quality oil palm seeds in PTPN IV Bahjambi Plantation. For the results of the research it can be produced that it is easier to recommend oil palm seedlings and be an input to the plantation in recommending the best oil palm seeds.Keywords: Palm oil seeds, Decision Support System, Profile Matching

Puji Hariyati ◽  
Saifullah Saifullah ◽  
M. Fauzan

Pneumonia is an infectious disease that attacks the lungs, causing air sacs in the lungs to become inflamed and swollen. This health condition is often called a wet lung. The condition of a wet lung can be experienced by anyone caused by bacteria, viruses, and fungi that are easily transmitted through the air in sneezing or coughing conditions. But pneumonia in children can be very dangerous and cause death. This study aims to create a grouping model using the K-Means algorithm. The method used is Datamining Clustering K-Means. By using this algorithm the data that has been generated can be grouped into clusters based on these data. The data is sourced from the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2017. The number of records used is 34 provinces divided into 2 clusters namely high and low clusters. From the calculation of K-Means, there were 3 provinces as the highest cluster and 31 provinces as a low cluster. The implementation process using the Rapidminer 5.3 application is used to help find accurate values. It is expected that with this research can be used as a reference to the government in tackling pneumonia especially in infants to be able to improve health services, supply drugs, and equipment for treatment and anticipate against pneumonia in provinces in Indonesia.Keywords: Pneumonia, K-Means Algorithm, Data Mining

Azlan Zulhamsyah ◽  
Saifullah Saifullah ◽  
Muhammad Ridwan Lubis

Oil palm plantations are one of the types of plantation crops that occupy an important position in the agricultural sector in general, and the plantation sector in particular ". This is because of the many plants that produce oil or fat. Production is obtained through a process that is quite long and full of risk. Here the author applies a Backpropagation method in which the method is part of supervised learning that is usually used for layers to determine the weights associated with neurons in the hidden layer. Which Backpropagation method will be virtualized into matlap program and will produce valid calculations. From the results of testing the Palm Oil Planting Year Production Report obtained in the 3-8-8-1 architecture which shows the target is reduced by the output jst that SSE 0.02976 which shows that there is an increase in the number of palm oil production as a target. From the data obtained, that the performance calculation of artificial neural networks with Backpropagation Algorithm is 67%.Keywords: Backpropagation, Oil Palm Plantations, Palm Oil Production, The Marjandi Garden Unit

Riski Yanti ◽  
Agus Perdana Windarto ◽  
Suhada Suhada

This study aims at what factors influence the value of Student GPA in StikomTunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar. Data used is obtained by giving questionnaires to students of STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar. With alternatives used, namely curriculim, intelligence, absenteeism, and value. While the criteria used are the names of respondents who answer a question. The method used in this study is Electre II. From the results of the ELECTRE II calculation, the third alternative A3 is obtained as the first rank, A2 as the second rank, A4 as the third rank, and A1 as the last alternative. It is hoped that this research can be used by the education as teaching material for the students' academic success and progress.Keywords: Students, GPA,  Decision Support System, ELECTRE II

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