Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences
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Published By World Scientific

0218-2025, 0218-2025

Nicola Bellomo ◽  
Livio Gibelli ◽  
Annalisa Quaini ◽  
Alessandro Reali

The first part of our paper presents a general survey on the modeling, analytic problems, and applications of the dynamics of human crowds, where the specific features of living systems are taken into account in the modeling approach. This critical analysis leads to the second part which is devoted to research perspectives on modeling, analytic problems, multiscale topics which are followed by hints towards possible achievements. Perspectives include the modeling of social dynamics, multiscale problems and a detailed study of the link between crowds and swarms modeling.

Matthieu Alfaro ◽  
Gwenaël Peltier

We consider a population structured by a space variable and a phenotypical trait, submitted to dispersion, mutations, growth and nonlocal competition. This population is facing an environmental gradient: to survive at location [Formula: see text], an individual must have a trait close to some optimal trait [Formula: see text]. Our main focus is to understand the effect of a nonlinear environmental gradient. We thus consider a nonlocal parabolic equation for the distribution of the population, with [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text]. We construct steady states solutions and, when [Formula: see text] is periodic, pulsating fronts. This requires the combination of rigorous perturbation techniques based on a careful application of the implicit function theorem in rather intricate function spaces. To deal with the phenotypic trait variable [Formula: see text] we take advantage of a Hilbert basis of [Formula: see text] made of eigenfunctions of an underlying Schrödinger operator, whereas to deal with the space variable [Formula: see text] we use the Fourier series expansions. Our mathematical analysis reveals, in particular, how both the steady states solutions and the fronts (speed and profile) are distorted by the nonlinear environmental gradient, which are important biological insights.

L. Beirao da Veiga ◽  
N. Bellomo ◽  
F. Brezzi ◽  
L. D. Marini

This editorial paper is devoted to present the papers published in a special issue focused on recent views, applications, and results of virtual element methods (VEM). A critical analysis of the overall contents of the issue is proposed, thus leading to a forward look to research perspectives.

Kaiyan Peng ◽  
Zheng Lu ◽  
Vanessa Lin ◽  
Michael R. Lindstrom ◽  
Christian Parkinson ◽  

During the COVID-19 pandemic, conflicting opinions on physical distancing swept across social media, affecting both human behavior and the spread of COVID-19. Inspired by such phenomena, we construct a two-layer multiplex network for the coupled spread of a disease and conflicting opinions. We model each process as a contagion. On one layer, we consider the concurrent evolution of two opinions — pro-physical-distancing and anti-physical-distancing — that compete with each other and have mutual immunity to each other. The disease evolves on the other layer, and individuals are less likely (respectively, more likely) to become infected when they adopt the pro-physical-distancing (respectively, anti-physical-distancing) opinion. We develop approximations of mean-field type by generalizing monolayer pair approximations to multilayer networks; these approximations agree well with Monte Carlo simulations for a broad range of parameters and several network structures. Through numerical simulations, we illustrate the influence of opinion dynamics on the spread of the disease from complex interactions both between the two conflicting opinions and between the opinions and the disease. We find that lengthening the duration that individuals hold an opinion may help suppress disease transmission, and we demonstrate that increasing the cross-layer correlations or intra-layer correlations of node degrees may lead to fewer individuals becoming infected with the disease.

Rémi Catellier ◽  
Yves D’Angelo ◽  
Cristiano Ricci

The propagation of chaos property for a system of interacting particles, describing the spatial evolution of a network of interacting filaments is studied. The creation of a network of mycelium is analyzed as representative case, and the generality of the modeling choices are discussed. Convergence of the empirical density for the particle system to its mean-field limit is proved, and a result of regularity for the solution is presented.

Assyr Abdulle ◽  
Doghonay Arjmand ◽  
Edoardo Paganoni

This paper aims at an accurate and efficient computation of effective quantities, e.g. the homogenized coefficients for approximating the solutions to partial differential equations with oscillatory coefficients. Typical multiscale methods are based on a micro–macro-coupling, where the macromodel describes the coarse scale behavior, and the micromodel is solved only locally to upscale the effective quantities, which are missing in the macromodel. The fact that the microproblems are solved over small domains within the entire macroscopic domain, implies imposing artificial boundary conditions on the boundary of the microscopic domains. A naive treatment of these artificial boundary conditions leads to a first-order error in [Formula: see text], where [Formula: see text] represents the characteristic length of the small scale oscillations and [Formula: see text] is the size of microdomain. This error dominates all other errors originating from the discretization of the macro and the microproblems, and its reduction is a main issue in today’s engineering multiscale computations. The objective of this work is to analyze a parabolic approach, first announced in A. Abdulle, D. Arjmand, E. Paganoni, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I, 2019, for computing the homogenized coefficients with arbitrarily high convergence rates in [Formula: see text]. The analysis covers the setting of periodic microstructure, and numerical simulations are provided to verify the theoretical findings for more general settings, e.g. non-periodic microstructures.

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