Influence of normal stress on shear strength along 〈111〉{110} and 〈111〉{112} deformation paths in B2 NiTi alloy from first principles

2008 ◽  
Vol 481-482 ◽  
pp. 247-249 ◽  
P. Šesták ◽  
M. Černý ◽  
J. Pokluda
2021 ◽  
Vol 192 ◽  
pp. 110319
Muhammad Zeeshan Khalid ◽  
Jesper Friis ◽  
Per Harald Ninive ◽  
Knut Marthinsen ◽  
Inga Gudem Ringdalen ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 47 (10) ◽  
pp. 1112-1126 ◽  
Md. Akhtar Hossain ◽  
Jian-Hua Yin

Shear strength and dilative characteristics of a re-compacted completely decomposed granite (CDG) soil are studied by performing a series of single-stage consolidated drained direct shear tests under different matric suctions and net normal stresses. The axis-translation technique is applied to control the pore-water and pore-air pressures. A soil-water retention curve (SWRC) is obtained for the CDG soil from the equilibrium water content corresponding to each applied matric suction value for zero net normal stress using a modified direct shear apparatus. Shear strength increases with matric suction and net normal stress, and the failure envelope is observed to be linear. The apparent angle of internal friction and cohesion intercept increase with matric suction. A greater dilation angle is found at higher suctions with lower net normal stresses, while lower or zero dilation angles are observed under higher net normal stresses with lower suctions, also at a saturated condition. Experimental shear strength data are compared with the analytical shear strength results obtained from a previously modified model considering the SWRC, effective shear strength parameters, and analytical dilation angles. The experimental shear strength data are slightly higher than the analytical results under higher net normal stresses in a higher suction range.

RSC Advances ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (53) ◽  
pp. 47753-47760 ◽  
M. C. Righi ◽  
S. Loehlé ◽  
M. I. De Barros Bouchet ◽  
S. Mambingo-Doumbe ◽  
J. M. Martin

Sulfur reduces the adhesion and shear strength of iron more effectively than phosphorus. The surface chemistry, well described by first principles calculations, impacts macroscale tribological properties.

2004 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-205 ◽  
Yasushi UEDA ◽  
Takahiro OHRAI

2021 ◽  
Vol 187 ◽  
pp. 110058
Muhammad Zeeshan Khalid ◽  
Jesper Friis ◽  
Per Harald Ninive ◽  
Knut Marthinsen ◽  
Are Strandlie

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Rihong Cao ◽  
Wenyu Tang ◽  
Hang Lin ◽  
Xiang Fan

Binary-medium specimens were fabricated using the particle flow code, and the shear strength, dilatancy, and failure behavior of the binary-medium specimens with different bond strength ratios (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0) under different normal stresses were studied. Numerical results show that the bond strength ratio and normal stresses considerably influence the shear strengths of binary-medium interface. Shear strength increases as the bond strength ratio and normal stress increase. The dilation of interfaces with high bond strength ratios is more evident than those of interfaces with lower bond strength ratios, and the curves for the high bond strength ratio exhibit remarkable fluctuations during the residual stage. At increased normal stress and bond strength ratio, the peak dilation angle shows decreasing and increasing trends successively. In this study, the specimens exhibited three kinds of failure modes. In mode II, the sawtooth experienced shear failure, but some tensile cracks appeared on the interface of the binary-medium. In mode III, no sawtooth was cut off, indicating tensile failure on the interface. At a low bond strength ratio, damage or failure is mostly concentrated in the upper part of the model. Failure parts gradually transfer to the lower part of the model when the bond strength ratio and normal stress increase. Furthermore, evident tensile cracks occur on the interface. When the bond strength ratio reaches 1.0, the failure mode of the specimen gradually transforms from sheared-off failure to chip-off failure. The number of microcracks in the specimens indicates that the lower the bond strength ratio, the more severe the damage on the specimens.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Longqi Liu ◽  
Xuesong Mao ◽  
Yajun Xiao ◽  
Qian Wu ◽  
Ke Tang ◽  

The mechanical strength of the landslide deposits directly affects the safety and operation of the roads in the western mountainous area of China. Therefore, the research is aimed at studying the mechanisms of a landslide deposit sample with different rock particle contents by analyzing its characteristics of the stress-strain behavior, the “jumping” phenomenon, the volumetric strain, and the shear strength parameters via a large-scale direct shear test. Stress-strain results show that stress-strain curves can be divided into 3 different stages: liner elastic stage, yielding stage, and strain-hardening stage. The shear strength of SRM behaves more like “soil” at a lower rock particle content and behaves more like “rock joints” at a higher rock particle content. Characteristics of the “jumping” phenomenon results show that the “intense jumping” stage becomes obvious with the increasing rock particle content and the normal stress. However, the lower the rock particle content is, the more obvious the “jumping” phenomenon under the same normal stress is. Volumetric strain results show that the sample with a lower rock particle content showed a dilatancy behavior under the low normal stress and shrinkage behavior under the high normal stress. The dilatancy value becomes smaller with the increasing normal stress. The maximum shear stress value of the rock particle content corresponds to the maximum value of dilatancy or shrinkage. We also conclude that the intercept of the Mohr failure envelope of the soil-rock mixture should be called the “equivalent cohesion,” not simply called the “cohesion.” The higher the normal stress and rock particle content are, the bigger the equivalent cohesion and the internal friction angle is.

2019 ◽  
Baoqin Lian ◽  
Jianbing Peng ◽  
Qiangbing Huang

Abstract. Residual shear strength of soils is an important soil parameter for assessing the stability of landslides. To investigate the effect of the shear rate on the residual shear strength of loessic soils, a series of ring shear tests were carried out on loess from three landslides at two shear rates (0.1 mm/min and 1 mm/min). Naturally drained ring shear tests results showed that the shear displacement to achieve the residual stage for specimens with higher shear rate was greater than that of the lower rate; both the peak and residual friction coefficient became smaller with increase of shear rate for each sample; at two shear rates, the residual friction coefficients for all specimens under the lower normal stress were greater than that under the higher normal stress. The tests results revealed that the difference in the residual friction angle фr at the two shear rates, фr (1)–фr (0.1), under each normal stress level were either positive or negative values. However, the difference фr(1)–фr (0.1) under all normal stresses was negative, which indicates that the residual shear parameters reduced with the increasing of the shear rate in loess area. Such negative shear rate effect on loess could be attributed to a greater ability of clay particles in specimen to restore broken bonds at low shear rates.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Guizhong Xu ◽  
Ji Chen ◽  
Shenjie Shi ◽  
Angran Tian ◽  
Qiang Tang

The further development of land reclamation, port waterway, and wharf construction brings about proper treatments of dredger fill silt, while huge amounts of rice straw set aside in China argument rational disposal every year. Therefore, rice straw is bundled up as ropes, which represent as drainage body and reinforcement, to make eco-friendly treatment for dredger fill silt. This paper investigates the mechanical properties and validity of rice straw rope as certain treating material of dredger fill silt through a series of pull-out test, mass loss test, and tension test on specimens with different water contents and dry densities. The results reveal that peak value of interfacial shear strength rises with the increase of normal stress at the same immersion time, and in particular, it rises by up to 250.0% when the normal stress is 40 kPa. The tensile force of rice straw rope increases slowly with the rise of tensile displacement, and the failure mode changes from brittle to ductile with the rise of immersion time, which witnesses first rapid back slow degradation trend. The proper interfacial shear strength, tensile force, and reasonable degradation rate of rice straw rope make it ideal in drainage and consolidation of dredger fill silt.

2008 ◽  
Vol 77 (10) ◽  
Yoshitaka Umeno ◽  
Miroslav Černý

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