scholarly journals Interactive virtual 3D image reconstruction to assist renal surgery in patients with fusion anomalies of the kidney

2022 ◽  
pp. 205141582110683
Naomi Morka ◽  
Lorenz Berger ◽  
Eoin Hyde ◽  
Faiz Mumtaz ◽  
Ravi Barod ◽  

Objective: Renal fusion anomalies are rare and usually present as horseshoe kidneys or crossed fusion ectopia. The complex renal anatomy seen in patients with these anomalies can present a challenge. Pre-operative planning is therefore paramount in the surgical management of these cases. Herein we report the use of interactive virtual three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction to aid renal surgery in patients with fusion anomalies of the kidney. Materials and Methods: A total of seven cases were performed between May 2016 and October 2020. 3D reconstruction was rendered by Innersight Labs using pre-operative computed tomography (CT) scans. Results: Five patients had malignant disease and two patients had benign pathology. Robotic and open operations were performed in four and three patients, respectively. Conclusion: The use of 3D reconstruction in the cases reported in this series allowed for the identification of variations in renal vasculature, and this informed the choice of operative approach. Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine Evidence Level: 4

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 586-595 ◽  
Abbas Shokri ◽  
Mohammad Reza Jamalpour ◽  
Amir Eskandarloo ◽  
Mostafa Godiny ◽  
Payam Amini ◽  

Introduction: Cortical bone is an important anatomical structure and its thickness needs to be determined prior to many dental procedures to ensure treatment success. Imaging modalities are necessarily used in dentistry for treatment planning and dental procedures. Three-dimensional image reconstruction not only provides visual information but also enables accurate measurement of anatomical structures; thus, it is necessarily required for maxillofacial examination and in case of skeletal problems in this region. Aims: This study aimed to assess the ability of three Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) systems including Cranex 3D, NewTom 3G and 3D Promax for Three-Dimensional (3D) image reconstruction of the cortical plate with variable thicknesses. Methods: Depending on the cortical bone thickness, samples were evaluated in three groups of ≤ 0. 5 mm, 0.6 -1 mm and 1.1-1.5 mm cortical bone thickness. The CBCT scans were obtained from each sample using three systems, their respective FOVs, and 3D scans were reconstructed using their software programs. Two observers viewed the images twice with a two-week interval. The ability of each system in the 3D reconstruction of different thicknesses of cortical bone was determined based on its visualization on the scans. The data were analyzed using SPSS and Kappa test. Results: The three systems showed the greatest difference in the 3D reconstruction of cortical bone with < 0.5 mm thickness. Cranex 3D with 4×6 cm2 FOV had the highest and 3D Promax with 8×8 cm2 FOV had the lowest efficacy for 3D reconstruction of cortical bone. Cranex 3D with 4×6 cm2 and 6×8 cm2 FOVs and NewTom 3G with 5×5 cm2 and 8×5 cm2 FOVs showed significantly higher efficacy for 3D reconstruction of cortical bone with 0.6-1mm thickness while 3D Promax followed by NewTom 3G with 8×8 cm2 FOV had the lowest efficacy for this purpose. Conclusion: Most CBCT systems have high efficacy for 3D image reconstruction of cortical bone with thicknesses over 1 mm while they have poor efficacy for image reconstruction of cortical bone with less than 0.5 mm thickness. Thus, for accurate visualization of anatomical structures on CBCT scans, systems with smaller FOVs and consequently smaller voxel size are preferred.

Santosh Bhattacharyya

Three dimensional microscopic structures play an important role in the understanding of various biological and physiological phenomena. Structural details of neurons, such as the density, caliber and volumes of dendrites, are important in understanding physiological and pathological functioning of nervous systems. Even so, many of the widely used stains in biology and neurophysiology are absorbing stains, such as horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and yet most of the iterative, constrained 3D optical image reconstruction research has concentrated on fluorescence microscopy. It is clear that iterative, constrained 3D image reconstruction methodologies are needed for transmitted light brightfield (TLB) imaging as well. One of the difficulties in doing so, in the past, has been in determining the point spread function of the system.We have been developing several variations of iterative, constrained image reconstruction algorithms for TLB imaging. Some of our early testing with one of them was reported previously. These algorithms are based on a linearized model of TLB imaging.

Jose-Maria Carazo ◽  
I. Benavides ◽  
S. Marco ◽  
J.L. Carrascosa ◽  
E.L. Zapata

Obtaining the three-dimensional (3D) structure of negatively stained biological specimens at a resolution of, typically, 2 - 4 nm is becoming a relatively common practice in an increasing number of laboratories. A combination of new conceptual approaches, new software tools, and faster computers have made this situation possible. However, all these 3D reconstruction processes are quite computer intensive, and the middle term future is full of suggestions entailing an even greater need of computing power. Up to now all published 3D reconstructions in this field have been performed on conventional (sequential) computers, but it is a fact that new parallel computer architectures represent the potential of order-of-magnitude increases in computing power and should, therefore, be considered for their possible application in the most computing intensive tasks.We have studied both shared-memory-based computer architectures, like the BBN Butterfly, and local-memory-based architectures, mainly hypercubes implemented on transputers, where we have used the algorithmic mapping method proposed by Zapata el at. In this work we have developed the basic software tools needed to obtain a 3D reconstruction from non-crystalline specimens (“single particles”) using the so-called Random Conical Tilt Series Method. We start from a pair of images presenting the same field, first tilted (by ≃55°) and then untilted. It is then assumed that we can supply the system with the image of the particle we are looking for (ideally, a 2D average from a previous study) and with a matrix describing the geometrical relationships between the tilted and untilted fields (this step is now accomplished by interactively marking a few pairs of corresponding features in the two fields). From here on the 3D reconstruction process may be run automatically.

Praxis ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 91 (34) ◽  
pp. 1352-1356
Harder ◽  

Cholangiokarzinome oder cholangiozelluläre Karzinome (CCC) sind seltene Tumoren des biliären Systems mit einer Inzidenz von 2–4/100000 pro Jahr. Zu ihnen zählen die perihilären Gallengangskarzinome (Klatskin-Tumore), mit ca. 60% das häufigste CCC, die peripheren (intrahepatischen) Cholangiokarzinome, das Gallenblasenkarzinom, die Karzinome der extrahepatischen Gallengänge und das periampulläre Karzinom. Zum Zeitpunkt der Diagnose ist nur bei etwa 20% eine chirurgische Resektion als einzige kurative Therapieoption möglich. Die Lebertransplantation ist wegen der hohen Rezidivrate derzeit nicht indiziert. Die Prognose von nicht resektablen Cholangiokarzinomen ist mit einer mittleren Überlebenszeit von sechs bis acht Monaten schlecht. Eine wirksame Therapie zur Verlängerung der Überlebenszeit existiert aktuell nicht. Die wichtigste Massnahme im Rahmen der «best supportive care» ist die Beseitigung der Cholestase (endoskopisch, perkutan oder chirurgisch), um einer Cholangitis oder Cholangiosepsis vorzubeugen. Durch eine systemische Chemotherapie lassen sich Ansprechraten von ca. 20% erreichen. 5-FU und Gemcitabine sind die derzeit am häufigsten eingesetzten Substanzen, die mit einer perkutanen oder endoluminalen Bestrahlung kombiniert werden können. Multimodale Therapiekonzepte können im Einzellfall erfolgreich sein, müssen jedoch erst in Evidence-Based-Medicine-gerechten Studien evaluiert werden, bevor Therapieempfehlungen für die Praxis formuliert werden können.

Swiss Surgery ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 183-185

Die mit dem Aufkommen der elektronischen Medien einhergehende Informationsflut hat die Erwartungen an den Dokumentationsdienst (DOKDI) der Schweizerischen Akademie der Medizinischen Wissenschaften verändert: Insbesondere Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) verlangt nicht nur die Beschaffung von Information, sondern auch eine Selektion hinsichtlich Qualität und Relevanz: Die sich aus der klinischen Situation ergebende Frage fordert eine Antwort, die inhaltlich richtig ist und in der konkreten Situation auch weiterhilft. Dem Ideal, sich durch kritische Lektüre der Originalarbeiten ein Bild über die vorhandene Evidenz für die Richtigkeit eines bestimmten Prozederes zu verschaffen, stehen in der Praxis meist Zeitmangel und methodische Schwierigkeiten im Weg; man wird sich deshalb oft auf die durch andere erarbeitete Evidenz abstützen müssen und z.B. die Cochrane Library konsultieren. Der DOKDI engagiert sich sowohl bei der Erarbeitung von systematischen Übersichtsarbeiten als auch bei der Dissemination der gefundenen Evidenz, indem er seine Erfahrung in der Dokumentation mit elektronischen Medien und die entsprechende Infrastruktur zur Verfügung stellt. Als Ergänzung zu diesen Aktivitäten hat die Akademie einen Grant zur Ausbildung von EBM-Tutoren gesprochen. In einem einwöchigen Kurs in Oxford werden Kliniker zu EBM-Tutoren ausgebildet: Dies wird zukünftig ermöglichen, vermehrt EBM-Workshops in der Schweiz durchzuführen.

2003 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-11 ◽  
Ingrid Müller

Zusammenfassung. Die kinderneurologische Begleitung erfüllt zwei wesentliche Aufgaben innerhalb des interdisziplinären Konzepts der Frühförderung. Sie ist zum einen Teil des Diagnostik- und Therapieprozesses; dieser orientiert sich an der neurophysiologischen Erkenntnis, dass das Gehirn ein sich selbst organisierendes System ist und seine Funktionalität in der Interaktion mit dem Umfeld entwickelt. Heutige kinderneurologische Diagnostik basiert daher auf einem systemisch-ökologischen Ansatz. Zum anderen tragen entwicklungsneurologische Befunde, die sich zur prognostischen Beurteilung therapeutischer Maßnahmen eignen, wesentlich zur Qualitätssicherung und -kontrolle in der Frühförderung bei. In den letzten Jahren ist eine Inflation bei der Verordnung entwicklungsfördernder Maßnahmen zu beobachten. Um eine Explosion der Kosten im Gesundheitswesen zu verhindern, werden sich in Zukunft Kriterien der evidence-based medicine auch in der Frühförderung durchsetzen müssen.

2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 207-221
Wolfgang Mastnak

Abstract. Five overlapping eras or stages can be distinguished in the evolution of music therapy. The first one refers to the historical roots and ethnological sources that have influenced modern meta-theoretical perspectives and practices. The next stage marks the heterogeneous origins of modern music therapy in the 20th century that mirror psychological positions and novel clinical ideas about the healing power of music. The subsequent heyday of music therapeutic models and schools of thought yielded an enormous variety of concepts and methods such as Nordoff–Robbins music therapy, Orff music therapy, analytic music therapy, regulatory music therapy, guided imagery and music, sound work, etc. As music therapy gained in international importance, clinical applications required research on its therapeutic efficacy. According to standards of evidence-based medicine and with regard to clearly defined diagnoses, research on music therapeutic practice was the core of the fourth stage of evolution. The current stage is characterized by the emerging epistemological dissatisfaction with the paradigmatic reductionism of evidence-based medicine and by the strong will to discover the true healing nature of music. This trend has given birth to a wide spectrum of interdisciplinary hermeneutics for novel foundations of music therapy. Epigenetics, neuroplasticity, regulatory and chronobiological sciences, quantum physical philosophies, universal harmonies, spiritual and religious views, and the cultural anthropological phenomenon of esthetics and creativity have become guiding principles. This article should not be regarded as a historical treatise but rather as an attempt to identify theoretical landmarks in the evolution of modern music therapy and to elucidate the evolution of its spirit.

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