scholarly journals A Atuação do Coordenador Pedagógico no Ambiente Escolar da Escola Municipal Antônio de Carvalho e Escola Estadual Professor Manuel Leite / The Performance of The Pedagogical Coordinator in the School Environment of the Municipal School Antônio de Carvalho and Professor Manuel Leite State School

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 334-350
Patrícia Alencar Gomes ◽  
Guilherme Nogueira de Carvalho ◽  
Aurenia Pereira de França

O objetivo deste artigo é destacar a atuação dos Coordenadores Pedagógicos no Ambiente Escolar. Com isso, os objetivos específicos foram: demarcar o papel do coordenador no contexto escolar; identificar as funções que são desenvolvidas pelo Coordenador Pedagógico em seu ambiente de trabalho; pontuar as questões emergentes no exercício profissional do Coordenador Pedagógico na escola. Sendo uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo exploratória e descritiva. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista, realizada com 2 (dois) Coordenadores Pedagógicos, que atuam em escolas de diferentes estruturas do ensino fundamental II, situada no Município de Parnamirim-PE e Salgueiro-PE. Com a análise dos dados, foi usada as técnicas de Análise de Conteúdo (AC). Portanto, a pesquisa apontou diversas funções desenvolvidas pelo CP na escola e sinalou que este profissional exerce prioritariamente sua função precípua, que é a formação e o acompanhamento dos docentes na escola, e que estão envolvidos burocraticamente, disciplinadamente, dentre várias funções, ficando sobrecarregado, deixando assim, de priorizar um melhor acompanhamento aos docentes na jornada dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem.---: The purpose of this article is to highlight the role of Pedagogical Coordinators in the School Environment. With that, the specific objectives were: to demarcate the role of the coordinator in the school context; identify the functions that are performed by the Pedagogical Coordinator in their work environment; punctuate as emerging issues in the professional practice of the Pedagogical Coordinator at school. Being a qualitative research, exploratory and descriptive. Data were collected through interviews, carried out with 2 (two) Pedagogical Coordinators, who work in schools from different structures of elementary education II, located in the city of Parnamirim-PE and Salgueiro-PE. With data analysis, it was used as Content Analysis (CA) techniques. Therefore, a survey pointed out several functions performed by the CP at school and indicated that this professional primarily exercises its main function, which is the training and monitoring of teachers at the school, and that they are involved bureaucratically, disciplinedly, among various functions, becoming overloaded, lacking, therefore, to prioritize a better monitoring of teachers in the journey of teaching-learning processes. 

Edenar Souza Monteiro ◽  
Claudia Botelho da Silva

Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a função do coordenador pedagógico salientando a importância da mediação no espaço escolar. O estudo realizado em uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil localizada em Cuiabá-MT. Participaram desta pesquisa cinco professores e um coordenador, que atuam na Educação infantil. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram: pesquisa bibliográfica, observação, entrevista semiestruturada. Destarte, o problema da pesquisa se concentrou em investigar em que medida o trabalho do coordenador pedagógico, como mediador no espaço escolar, contribui para a prática docente? Os resultados apontaram que o trabalho desenvolvido pela coordenação pedagógica, permeado pela mediação e diálogo na escola, contribui para a reflexão e tomada de consciência dos professores resultando na melhoria do ensino-aprendizagem. Verificou-se, também, que o coordenador como multiplicador e mediador de conhecimentos é o profissional que transita no pedagógico subsidiando os professores que por sua vez, desenvolve a sua prática, em sala de aula, promovendo uma dinâmica de interação articuladora.Palavras-chave: Coordenador Pedagógico. Ensino e Aprendizagem. Mediação.AbstractThis study aimed to investigate the role of the pedagogical coordinator highlighting the importance of the school environment mediation. The study was carried out in a Municipal Elementary School located in Cuiabá city in MT state. Five teachers and one coordinator who work in childhood education took place in this survey. The following data collection tools were used: bibliographic research, observation, semi-structured interview. Thus, the research issue focused on the following investigative question: To what extent does the pedagogical coordinator work, as the school environment mediator, contribute to the teaching practice? The results showed that the work developed by the pedagogical coordination, permeated by mediation and dialogue in the school, contributes to the teachers’ reflection and awareness resulting in the improvement of the teaching-learning process. It was also found out that the coordinator as a knowledge multiplier and mediator is the professional who wanders along pedagogical field supporting teachers who in turn, develop their practice in the classroom, promoting a dynamic and articulating interaction.Keywords: Pedagogical Coordinator. Teaching and Learning. Mediation.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-109
Tayyaba Zarif ◽  
Aziz un Nisa

The increasing diversity of cultural, ethnic, racial and tribal composition of societies in general and schools in particular signify the importance of multicultural education at all levels of education. In this context the roots of such a concept can be strengthened at school level in any community. Here the role of school leadership is imperative towards promoting intercultural harmony in the school environment in general and the curriculum and classroom practices in particular. This research sheds light on the perspectives of school leadership and the actual scenarios at school level to integrate intercultural education into mainstream curriculum and teaching-learning practices at schools. For this reason altogether 30 School leaders were selected through purposive-random sampling from a sample of 30 private schools of Karachi selected with the help of convenient sampling. The most experienced School leaders were selected for this study. The perspective of School leadership regarding Multicultural Education and their practices in everyday schooling was collected through interviews by using an open ended questionnaire so the study is completely qualitative in nature. The theme analysis of qualitative data was done. The theme analysis depicts that the principals in-general seem to possess a positive understanding of multicultural education and that they preferred a very neutral approach for multicultural education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 592-600
Sara Mariza dos Santos ◽  
Kennya De Lima Almeida

Resumo:  A educação inclusiva é conhecida como uma forma de trabalhar com crianças com necessidades especiais no ambiente escolar. Vista de forma mais ampla, ela tem o papel de acolher a diversidade e dar assistência a todos os estudantes, pois o objetivo da inclusão educacional é acabar com a exclusão social. O trabalho de pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar as dificuldades encontradas pelos professores apoiadores das salas de aula, saber qual o suporte e formação que recebe para atuar. Além disso, a pesquisa possibilita compreender a realidade da inclusão a partir de redes de ensino diferentes, a pública e a privada. A metodologia aplicada incluiu dados da observação da sala de aula no intuito de narrar e analisar o cotidiano do “professor apoiador escolar”. O trabalho foi realizado na Cidade de Salgueiro/PE, e em Umãs/PE, com apoiadores escolares de três escolas, os participantes foram apoiadores escolhidos em turmas aleatórias, em um total de 10 apoiadores de sala de aula.---Inclusive education is known as a way of working with children with special needs in the school environment. Viewed more broadly, it has the role of welcoming diversity and providing assistance to all students, as the objective of educational inclusion is to end social exclusion. The research work aims to assess the difficulties encountered by supportive teachers in the classroom, to know what support and training they receive to act. In addition, the research makes it possible to understand the reality of inclusion from different educational networks, public and private. The methodology applied included data from classroom observation in order to narrate and analyze the daily life of the “supporting school teacher”. The work was carried out in the City of Salgueiro/PE, and in Umãs/PE, with school supporters from three schools, the participants were supporters chosen in random groups, in a total of 10 classroom supporters.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 330-350
Welton Silva Ferreira ◽  
Marcos Esdras Leite

O presente estudo tem como finalidade, a investigação do conteúdo das geotecnologias no ensino médio em algumas escolas estaduais de Montes Claros-MG, com virtude na otimização e valorização desta área do conhecimento que compete ao ensino escolar, tendo em vista o avanço e acessibilidade dos meios tecnológicos aos estudantes, mas não há familiarização dos mesmos com esses meios no ambiente escolar. Aos professores, cabe considerar neste trabalho, a maneira como eles congregam o assunto proposto ao seu sistema de trabalho, analisando as possíveis dificuldades encontradas. Inicia-se o trabalho apresentando um breve histórico das geotecnologias e o seu desdobramento nos tempos vigente fazendo menção aos meios pedagógicos e de softwares voltados para a prática cartográfica. Metodologicamente serão acatadas como objeto e critério da pesquisa, cinco escolas estaduais localizadas no perímetro urbano da cidade. Posteriormente foi aplicado um formulário aos professores das referidas escolas, em modo de amostra, com intuito de acurar os entraves no processo de ensino-aprendizagem acerca da disciplina. Após a obtenção dos resultados verificou-se a capacidade de apreensão do conteúdo das geotecnologias e as arestas a serem aparadas no que tange o ensino. Palavras-chave: Geotecnologias; cartografia; ensino-aprendizagem; limitações.   GEOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGIES IN HIGH SCHOOL: a case study in public schools of Montes Claros / MG Abstract The present study has as its purpose, the investigation of the content of geotechnology in high school in some state schools in Montes Claros, MG, with virtue in optimization and enhancement of this area of knowledge that it is the responsibility of the schools, with a view to the advancement and accessibility of technological resources for students, but there are familiarization themselves with these means in the school environment. For teachers, it is considered in this work, the way they associate the subject proposed to its system of work, analyzing the potential difficulties encountered. It begins the work by presenting a brief history of geotechnology and its deployment in times legislation making mention to the training resources and software designed for the practice mapping. Methodologically speaking will be taken as an object and search criterion, five state schools located within the city limits of the city. It was later applied a form to teachers of these schools, in order to sample, with a view to enhance obstacles in the teaching-learning process about the discipline. After obtaining the results it was found that the ability to apprehend the contents of geotechnology and the edges to be trimmed edges in the teaching. Keywords: Geotechnology; cartography; teaching-learning; limitations.   TECNOLOGÍAS GEOGRÁFICAS EN LA ESCUELA SECUNDARIA: un estudio de caso en las escuelas públicas en Montes Claros / MG Resumen El presente estudio tiene como objetivo, la investigación del contenido de geotechnologies en algunas escuelas secundaria estatales de Montes Claros, MG, con la virtud en la optimización y mejora de esta área de conocimiento que es responsabilidad de las escuelas, con miras a la promoción y la accesibilidad de los recursos tecnológicos para estudiantes, pero hay que se familiaricen con estos medios en el entorno escolar. Para los profesores, es considerado en este trabajo, la manera de asociar el tema propuesto para su sistema de trabajo, analizando las posibles dificultades encontradas. Comienza el trabajo presentando una breve historia de geotechnologies y su despliegue en tiempos legislación haciendo mención a los recursos de formación y software diseñado para la práctica ha cambiado. Metodológicamente hablando será tomado como un objeto y criterios de búsqueda, cinco escuelas estatales situadas dentro de los límites de la ciudad. Posteriormente se aplicó un formulario para los maestros de estas escuelas, a fin de muestra, con miras a acurar obstáculos en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje acerca de la disciplina. Tras la obtención de los resultados se encontró que la capacidad de aprehender el contenido de geotechnologies y los bordes que va a recortar los bordes de la enseñanza. Palabras llave: Geotechnologies; cartografia; el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje; limitaciones.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 67
R. B. Bispo ◽  
L. C. Macarello

This work aimed to evaluate the perception of high school students about the importance of mathematics as well as analyze the teaching methodology that they play to be more efficient in the process of teaching learning. The research was carried out in the month of March 2019, at the Escola Estadual João Paulo I - Escola Plena, in the city of Paranaíta, MT, through the application of a questionnaire with 1st, 2nd and 3rd year high school students. 111 interviewed. The questions were about taste for math discipline, ease of learning content, how differentiated classes help in learning, what resources aid most in learning, whether discipline is important, and how it can help students change their Living conditions. We can conclude that the high school students of E. E. João Paul I like math and recognize their importance both for day-to-day use and for the future. Although students have preferences for classes outside the school context, they are aware that the theory is also important for their learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 633-661
Betina Aymone ◽  
Isadora Marcon Medina

RESUMO O estudo intencionou investigar os marcadores de gênero presentes nos processos de socialização de crianças entre seis e sete anos de idade, estudantes do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental, e seu reflexo no ambiente escolar. Para tal, foram realizadas quatro observações não participantes em duas escolas de ensino público do Município de Porto Alegre (RS). Observou-se a interação entre os estudantes entre si e com seus professores, além de seus comportamentos e atividades no cotidiano escolar. A análise dos dados sugere a presença de marcadores de gênero, estruturados em uma lógica binária, que se materializam na forma como meninos e meninas brincam, se apresentam e se expressam, além do papel mediador da instituição escolar nesse contexto. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Educação. Gênero. Relações Infantis   RESUMEN El estudio tuvo por objetivo investigar los marcadores de género presentes en los procesos de socialización de infantes de seis y siete años, estudiantes de primer año de la enseñanza básica, y su reflejo en el ámbito escolar. Se realizaron cuatro observaciones no participantes en dos escuelas públicas de la ciudad de Porto Alegre (RS). Se observó la interacción de estudiantes entre si y con sus profesores, además de sus comportamientos y actividades en la rutina escolar. El análisis de los datos sugiere la presencia de marcadores de género, estructurados en una lógica binaria, que se manifiesta en la forma como niños y niñas juegan, se presentan y expresan, además del rol mediador de la institución escolar en este contexto. PALABRAS-CLAVE: Educación. Género. Relaciones entre niños   ABSTRACT The study aimed to investigate the gender markers present in the socialization processes of children between six and seven years old, students of the first year of elementary school, and their reflection in the school environment. To this end, four non-participating observations were made in two public schools in the city of Porto Alegre (RS). The interaction between the students among themselves and with their teachers, as well as their behaviors and activities in the school routine were observed. The analysis of the data suggests the presence of gender markers, structured in a binary logic, that is manifested in the way boys and girls play, present and express themselves, in addition to the mediating role of the school institution in this context. KEYWORDS: Education. Gender. Child Relations

Sutirna Sutirna

Teachers have three roles in carrying out their duties, namely the role of educators, instructors and mentors. The role as an educator is always required to be a role model in his steps both in the school environment and in the community, then the role as a teacher always provides knowledge in accordance with his field in a humanistic manner, while the role as a supervisor is to deliver students to be able to overcome their own problems with encouragement and attention to his personality. Misperception about the task of implementing guidance and counseling services in schools is only done by guidance and counseling teachers, it seems that there needs to be an improvement in the perception of subject teachers. Therefore, to change this, universities as prospective subject teacher printers must provide guidance and counseling courses with explanatory content leading to the role of subject teachers as supervisors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Heristama Anugerah Putra

In the changing times from year to year the development process is always progressing. No exception to the construction of settlements and housing scattered in the city of Surabaya. Arrangement of a housing environment is an important factor in improving the quality of life of residents in society. The residential space pattern in Babatan Pilang still maintains the brandgang system. The function of this brandgang itself is as a fire breaker to slow down or stop fires. Apart from the two main functions, brandgang indirectly also acts as a connection path between alleys or roads. The existing condition of the brandgang in the Babatan Pilang housing complex is not neat and well maintained. In general, the brandgang should not present a tense and frightening atmosphere. The method used is extracting data again looking at the aspects of the problems that exist in relation to the existence of brandgang so far. The function and role of brandgang wherever good and their existence are not necessarily forgotten and are more important, this is because brandgang is one of the main factors of a security system in a settlement or housing. Presenting a neat and orderly brandgang will create a good impression in restoring its main function.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 123-133 ◽  
Josiane Ap de Araújo Firman ◽  
Sylvia Caroline Russi Santana ◽  
Marcos Lupércio Ramos

The present study aimed to analyze the role of the family in regard to the learning of children in the school environment to occur in their physical, cognitive and social development. It is also intended to analyze and point out the benefits of family intervention in the education of their children and the preposition of some actions to strengthen this relationship and after contribute to the integral formation of children. Through this research can be seen that the family-union school becomes essential for the proper development of the child in their school life and generates enrichment in the teaching learning since both have the same goal, for it is through good school performance of children that favors the acquisition of knowledge that provide skills and skills for citizenship

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 1017-1022
Isabel Cristina Rincón Rodríguez ◽  
Jorge E. Chaparro Medina ◽  
José Gregorio Noroño Sánchez ◽  
Marcela Garzón Posada ◽  

In the exercise of teaching, teachers give account of different forms of organization: emerging, self-managed and autonomous product of conceptions that arise from training, performance and experiences where the socio-political nature of both his being and individual that integrates and makes part of social groups, as in the exercise of professional practice. Under this horizon, the aim of this work is to analyze from the social function of the teacher the sociopolitical role of their task as far as the political vision has, ability to understand social problems and generate actions for which is part of a frame of reference where the concepts that allow to develop theoretical analysis to identify the sociopolitical expression of the teaching exercise are exposed, considering that in this practice this type of content is revealed in the teachers as actors of the teaching-learning process, both in the training in their performance based on the training they receive, the historical geographical relationship and the experiences that their activity provides them with what has framed this work. It is concluded that in the exercise of teaching work are present sociopolitical categories that affect both the understanding of social phenomena and the pretense of practical actions that transform these realities from the institution-teacher-student interaction.

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