school life
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2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 300-316
Konstantin Y. Belousov ◽  
Marina D. Matyushkina ◽  
Maria N. Yashina ◽  
Vsevolod V. Rybakov ◽  

Introduction. The importance of parents' participation in school life is theoretically indisputable, but the existing empirical data on the relationship between parental involvement and various educational results are ambiguous, which actualizes more detailed studies. The question of how much the participation of parents and their satisfaction with the school are related to the factor of openness of the school to parents requires empirical study. The purpose of the study is to analyze the levels of their home and organizational involvement, as well as the relationship between the participation of parents in school life, their assessment of the quality of school education and the degree of openness of the school, based on the material of a survey of St. Petersburg parents. Methods. The study is a secondary analysis of data from surveys of parents of students of the 4th, 9th and 11th grades of St. Petersburg schools conducted as part of a comprehensive study of the quality of school education (N=4278). The data were processed in the SPSS program; methods of analyzing paired correlations and cross-tables, reducing the dimension of the feature space by factor analysis, correlation analysis in the space of generalized indices and the construction of correlation graphs, nonparametric criteria for comparing samples were used. The results of the study. The data analysis revealed strong differences between primary school and high school according to such criteria as helping children with homework (52.3% of parents help in primary school and 9.4% in high school every day), proactive communication with the class teacher (59.9% in primary school and 34.1% in high school), as well as parents' assessment of various aspects of the quality of the educational process (significantly higher in primary school). The correlation analysis showed that the organizational involvement of parents, as well as their educational level, do not have significant correlations with the quality assessment, while the level of communication does. The more intensively parents communicate with teachers, the higher they assess the quality of the educational process at school (the correlation is higher for senior classes; r=0.21). A significant influence of the openness of the school on the parents' assessments was also revealed. The higher the openness of the school, the higher the parents rate the quality of the educational process in it (for both primary and high schools, r≥0.3). Conclusion. The obtained conclusions and recommendations can be used in the development of regional and school programs of cooperation between families and schools, to assess the importance, risks and consequences of parents' participation in school life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 462-474
Cláudia Da Silva Costa ◽  
Silvana Da Conceição ◽  
Pedro Fernando dos Santos

 No Programa Residência Pedagógica os participantes são inseridos numa escola de Educação Básica, objetivando aproximar o futuro docente com a profissão, proporcionando-lhes a prática do cotidiano escolar. Parte-se do pressuposto de que, os estudos sobre o documento normativo da escola, na formação docente, contribuíram para superar fragmentos do trabalho pedagógico aproximando os residentes do ideal de efetivação do PPP. O objetivo desta pesquisa é a reflexão acerca das contribuições do PPP da escola-campo na formação acadêmica dos residentes pedagógicos da Faculdade de Ciências Humanas do Sertão Central. Justifica-se pela necessidade de atuar na escola de forma efetiva a partir da imersão no contexto escolar baseado no Projeto Político Pedagógico da escola. Conclui-se que, tanto o Programa de Residência Pedagógica, como o documento normativo da Escola Professora Cleuzemi Pereira do Nascimento Silva contribuem para o aperfeiçoamento de uma prática mais qualitativa, com base em sua teoria, buscando-se respeito às singularidades, as diferenças. Através da teoria e da prática deseja-se romper com modelos ineficazes de ensino, com isso objetiva-se assegurar aos residentes, habilidades e competências que lhes permitirão realizar um ensino de qualidade nas escolas de Educação Básica em que futuramente forem atuar. Tendo utilizado o método qualitativo, este estudo contempla as teorias de autores que abordam o tema para fundamentar a narrativa dos residentes. De acordo com (LIBANEO, 1990), (NÓVOA, 2009), (VASCONCELOS, 2014) e outros, foi possível confrontar conceitos elucidando questionamentos fundamentais para a realização deste artigo.  In the Pedagogical Residency Program, participants are inserted in a Basic Education school, aiming to bring the future teacher closer to the profession, providing them with the practice of everyday school life. It is assumed that studies on the school's normative document, in teacher education, contributed to overcoming fragments of the pedagogical work, bringing residents closer to the ideal of implementing the PPP. The objective of this research is to reflect on the contributions of the PPP of the field-school in the academic training of pedagogical residents at the Faculty of Human Sciences of Sertão Central. It is justified by the need to work effectively in the school from the immersion in the school context based on the School's Pedagogical Political Project. It is concluded that both the Pedagogical Residency Program and the normative document of the School Professor Cleuzemi Pereira do Nascimento Silva contribute to the improvement of a more qualitative practice, based on its theory, seeking respect for singularities and differences. Through theory and practice, the intention is to break with ineffective teaching models, with this aim to assure residents, skills and competences that will allow them to carry out quality teaching in Basic Education schools in which they will work in the future. Having used the qualitative method, this study contemplates the theories of authors who approach the theme to support the residents' narrative. According to (LIBANEO, 1990), (NÓVOA, 2009), (VASCONCELOS, 2014) and others, it was possible to confront concepts elucidating fundamental questions 

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Anna Laryssa Do Nascimento Costa ◽  
Francisca Ivoneide Benicio Malaquias Alves

Resumo: É um estudo que se justifica pela premente necessidade de abordar o tema sustentabilidade e reciclagem cada vez mais cedo no âmbito escolar, aproximando os pequenos estudantes de sua responsabilidade para com a Natureza e o Planeta Terra. O objetivo geral deste estudo é discutir o tema em pauta para aproximá-lo da realidade cotidiana da sala de aula, não só na Educação Infantil, como é a proposta, mas de todos os níveis educacionais. Quanto aos objetivos específicos lista-se: conceituar sustentabilidade e reciclagem, estudar a história da educação ambiental e analisar as forma lúdicas de ensino-aprendizagem. Traz como problema da pesquisa: De que forma aproximar as crianças da Educação Infantil da questão da sustentabilidade e da reciclagem. Sendo uma das hipóteses, despertá-las por meio de uma educação lúdica e atrativa. Em termos metodológicos trata-se de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, qualitativa, elaborada a partir de livros, artigos, periódicos e demais materiais em meio físico e eletrônico. Considera-se ao concluir o estudo que não há dúvida quanto a importância de se abordar o tema em pauta já no início da vida escolar das crianças, pois desta forma se formará cidadãos e cidadãs cônscios de suas responsabilidades e deveres para com o meio ambiente. Palavras-Chave: Sustentabilidade. Reciclagem. Meio Ambiente. Educação Infantil.  Abstract: It is a study that is justified by the pressing need to address the issue of sustainability and recycling at an earlier age in the school environment, bringing young students closer to their responsibility towards Nature and Planet Earth. The general objective of this study is to discuss the topic at hand to bring it closer to the everyday reality of the classroom, not only in Early Childhood Education,  as  proposed,  but  at    all   educational  levels.   As   for   the   specific   objectives   listed conceptualize sustainability and recycling, study the history of environmental education and analyze the playful forms of teaching-learning. It brings as a research problem: How to bring children in Early Childhood Education closer to the issue of sustainability and recycling. One of the hypotheses is to awaken them through a playful and attractive education. In methodological terms, it is a bibliographical, qualitative research, elaborated from books, articles, periodicals and other materials in physical and electronic media. When concluding the study, it is considered that there is no doubt about the importance of addressing the topic in question at the beginning of the children's school life, as this will form citizens aware of their responsibilities and duties towards the environment. Keywords: Sustainability. Recycling. Environment. Child education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 717-725
Maria Emilly Bezerra Sousa ◽  
Aurelania Maria De Carvalho Menezes

Resumo: O principal objetivo do artigo é enfatizar a indisciplina na modalidade EJA dentre suas causas e consequências. O tema traz consigo uma abordagem bastante enriquecedora sobre como observar e lidar com estas determinadas situações presentes no cotidiano escolar. A modalidade EJA é uma proposta de ensino que atende um determinado público bastante adversa, por se tratar de alunos que de uma maneira ou outra não finalizaram os estudos no tempo certo. E a indisciplina vem sendo explanada com frequência nos grupos docentes, porém sem nenhuma perspectiva de metodologias para conseguir driblar tal questão sobre o ensino. As bases teóricas para a construção do artigo discorrem de citações e argumentos em teóricos bastantes influenciadores na perspectiva abordada, vindo ao encontro de autores como FREIRE (2001), MATOS (2012), SANTOS (2012) dentre outros, além de informações com veracidade em cima das Leis educacionais como a LDB e CNE, além de afirmações de minha autoria sobre todo o estudado mediante a pesquisa. O processo metodológico para a construção discorre de estudo analítico e observação crítica acerca do conteúdo a ser pesquisado por meio de uma pesquisa de caráter qualitativo em estudo bibliográfico a respeito do tema. Os resultados apresentados no entorno do artigo surgem como possíveis respostas e hipóteses à problemática apresentada, dentre suas aquisições, uma nova perspectiva de formação para professores com problemas atuais na sala de aulas, assim como observar os diversos tipos de indisciplina escolar apresentados na modalidade EJA. Ao concluir o estudo, fica a oportunidade de querer buscar mais informações do tema a fim de aprofundar ainda mais o conhecimento e transformar em metodologias para um melhor ensino aprendizagem na EJA. Palavras-Chave: Educação; Educação de Jovens e Adultos; Indisciplina. Abstract: The main aim  of the article is to emphasize indiscipline in the EJA modality among its causes and consequences. The theme brings with it a very enriching approach on how to observe and deal with these certain situations present in everyday school life. The EJA modality is a teaching proposal that caters to a very adverse audience, as they are students who, in one way or another, did not finish their studies at the right time. And indiscipline has been frequently explained in the teaching groups, but without any perspective of methodologies to get around this issue about teaching. The theoretical bases for the construction of the article are based on citations and arguments in theorists who are quite influential in the perspective addressed, coming to the meeting of authors such as FREIRE (2001), MATOS (2012), SANTOS (2012) among others, as well as truthful information in above the educational laws such as the LDB and CNE, in addition to statements of my authorship about everything studied through the research. The methodological process for the construction is based on an analytical study and critical observation about the content to be researched through qualitative research in a bibliographical study about the subject. The results presented around the article appear as possible answers and hypotheses to the problem presented, among its acquisitions, a new perspective of training for teachers with current problems in the classroom, as well as observing the different types of school indiscipline presented in the EJA modality. Upon completing the study, there is the opportunity to seek more information on the topic in order to further deepen the knowledge and transform it into methodologies for better teaching and learning in EJA.Keywords: Education. Youth and Adult Education. Indiscipline. 

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