scholarly journals The loyalty of rural tourism destination

Syahmardi Yacob ◽  
Erida Erida ◽  
Ade Perdana Siregar

The tourism sector is currently developing rapidly, thereby aiding in the significant boost of Indonesia's economy. Tourist villages are among the natural tourism product portfolios provided to tourists, which the government adequately develops to become a new and attractive alternative tourist destination. For the short term, this research examines the loyalty of tourist village destinations as a perspective destination quality, satisfaction, and intentions of practice in Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province. In the long term, it is expected to increase tourist village destinations' loyalty in Jambi Province. This research was carried out in three selected villages, namely Lempur, Pendung Talang Genting, and Jernih Jaya, Kerinci Regency, Jambi Province. The findings and discussion concluded that tourist satisfaction influences tourist destination loyalty and behavioral intention. Meanwhile, the perceptions of the quality of tourism destinations influence tourists' loyalty and urge to return to the village. Tourism satisfaction also affects the loyalty of tourist village destinations. However, its perception in terms of quality can influence tourist loyalty.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 323-334
Rani Wahyuningsih ◽  
Galih Wahyu Pradana

Sektor pariwisata yang saat ini sedang banyak diminati masyarakat adalah konsep pariwisata pedesaan, seperti desa wisata. Di Gresik sendiri terdapat banyak sekali wisata yang dikembangkan oleh Pemerintah melalui Badan Usaha Milik Desa atau BUMDes seperti Desa Wisata Lontar Sewu di Desa Hendrosari. Berawal dari potensi desa yang apabila dikembangkan secara optimal dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat sekitar sehingga mampu meningkatkan perekonomian masyakat Desa Hendrosari. Sebab itu perlu untuk dilakukan penelitian lebih jauh mengenai pentingnya pemberdayaan masyarakat. Sehingga penting untuk dilakukan pemberdayaan masyarakat dimana di Desa Hendrosari terdapat sumber daya alam yang mumpuni untuk dikelola sehingga jika dikelola lebih baik bisa untuk menambah pendapatan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan fokus penelitian menggunakan teori Pemberdayaan Masyarakat oleh Tim Delivery (Totok Mardikanto, 2013: 125-127). Karena pada awalnya dahulu desa hendrosari terkenal dengan desa penghasil minuman fermentasi sehingga konotasi dari Desa Hendrosari lebih ke arah negatif. Sehingga dengan adanya program kerja tersebut mampu mengubah image masyarakat tentang desa tersebut menjadi desa wisata. Masyarakat Desa Hendrosari mempunyai peran penting untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan potensi yang ada seperti sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia. Sehingga mereka memiliki peran penting dalam tindakan pengambilan keputusan, mempengaruhi serta memberi manfaat bagi kondisi lingkungan yang ada disekitar. Pengelolaan yang baik menghasilkan tempat wisata yang dikenal dengan nama lontar sewu. Dengan adanya tempat wisata baru tersebut menghasilkan banyak pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan desa wisata lontar sewu. Kata kunci :Lontar Sewu, Desa Hendrosari, Desa Wisata, Pemberdayaan Masyarakat,   The tourism sector which is currently in great demand by the public is the concept of rural tourism, such as a tourist village. In Gresik itself, there are lots of tours developed by the Government through Village-Owned Enterprises or BUMDes such as Lontar Sewu Tourism Village in Hendrosari Village. Starting from the potential of the village which, if developed optimally, can increase the income of the surrounding community so as to improve the economy of the Hendrosari Village community. Therefore it is necessary to conduct further research on the importance of community empowerment. So it is important to do community empowerment where in Hendrosari Village there are natural resources that are qualified to be managed so that if they are managed better they can increase village income. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with a research focus using the theory of community empowerment by the delivery team (Totok Mardikanto, 2013: 125-127). Because in the beginning, Hendrosari Village was known as a village that produced fermented drinks, so the connotation of Hendrosari Village was more negative. So that the existence of this work program is able to change the image of the community about the village into a tourist village. The Hendrosari Village community has an important role to play in preserving and developing existing potentials such as natural and human resources. So that they have an important role in decision-making actions, influence and benefit the surrounding environmental conditions. Good management produces a tourist spot known as lontar sewu. With this new tourist spot, it has resulted in a lot of community empowerment through the development of the Lontar Sewu tourism village. Keywords :Lontar Sewu, Hendrosari Village, Tourism Village, Community Empowerment

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Edy Widodo ◽  
Sekti Kartika Dini ◽  
Achmad Fauzan ◽  
Novendri Isra Asriny ◽  
Muthia Citra Safira

Sektor pariwisata merupakan salah satu potensi dari kekayaan Indonesia yang menjadi sumber pemasukan devisa negara. Desa wisata menjadi salah satu tren pengembangan pariwisata di Indonesia. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta merupakan destinasi wisata paling popular di Indonesia setelah Bali. Dusun Mendiro terletak di Kelurahan Sukoharjo Kecamatan Ngaglik Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta memiliki kebudayaan lokal yang khas dan masih terjaga serta berpotensi untuk dijadikan sebagai desa wisata alternatif. Begitu banyak potensi yang dimiliki oleh kawasan desa wisata tersebut, namun masih terdapat beberapa hal yang belum dipotimalkan khusunya dalam bidang promosi. Oleh karena itu perlu dilaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat dengan target Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) Dusun Mendiro yang bertujuan optimalisasi kemampuan sumberdaya dalam manajemen media promosi desa wisata. Metode pengabdian ini dilaksanakan dalam bentuk pembelajaran dan pendampingan masyarakat yang secara detail dibagi menjadi tiga tahapan, yakni: (1) persiapan, (2) pelaksanaan, (3) evaluasi dan rencana keberlanjutan program. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi diperoleh informasi adanya peningkatan pemahaman peserta pengabdian masyarakat terkait penyuluhan Google Form sebesar 21.01% dan peningkatan sebesar 58.7% untuk penyuluhan media permainan Kahoot. Selain itu, diketahui bahwa secara keseluruhan peserta menyatakan bahwa adanya pelatihan yang diberikan oleh tim bermanfaat yang dapat digunakan oleh peserta untuk mengelola desa wisata dan perlu diadakan kembali.Kata kunci: Desa Wisata; Google Form; Kahoot; Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat.AbstractThe tourism sector is one of the potential wealth of Indonesia, which is a source of foreign exchange income for the country. Village tourism is one of the tourism developments trends in Indonesia. Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is the most popular tourist destination in Indonesia after Bali. Mendiro is located in Sukoharjo Village, Ngaglik District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta, which has a distinctive local culture and is still maintained and has the potential to be used as an alternative tourism village. The tourist village area owns so much potential, but there are still some things that have not been optimized especially in the field of promotion. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out community service targeting the Mendiro Community Groups (KSM) aimed at optimizing the ability of resources in the management of media promotion of tourism villages. This service method is implemented in the form of learning and community facilitation, which is divided into three stages, namely: (1) preparation, (2) implementation, (3) evaluation and plan for program sustainability. Based on the evaluation results obtained information that there is an increase in understanding of community service participants related to Google Form extension by 21.01% and an increase of 58.7% for Kahoot game media extension. Besides, it was known that overall the participants stated that there was training provided by a useful team which could be used by participants to manage the tourism village and needed to be held again.Keywords: The Village Tourism; Google Form; Kahoot; The Community Groups.

2021 ◽  
Vol 232 ◽  
pp. 02023
Nur Anita Yunikawati ◽  
Ni’matul Istiqomah ◽  
Magistyo Purboyo Priambodo ◽  
Fatimah Sidi

The tourism sector is one of the effective methods for reducing poverty and inequality for communities in the world. The Community Based Tourism (CBT) is a concept of participation of a community in an area to support tourism activity. The development of a tourist village using the concept of sustainable development should be developed in the Osing Tourism Village. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of CBT carried out by all related parties, namely the Kemiren Village government, the private sector and the village community in supporting Sustainable tourism. This research is a descriptive analytical study with qualitative method approach to obtain propose objective. The research held in Kemiren Village, Glagah District, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java Province. Kemiren Village represents the criteria for research, which is one of the Tourism Villages so called Osing Traditional Village, have elements of culture, environment and economy. The data collection techniques use in- depth interviews, documentation, observation and focus group discussion (FGD). The synergy between the tourism driving community of the Osing Traditional Village, the government, and the community greatly contributes to increasing sustainable tourism which is not only oriented towards the economy but also socio-culture and the environmental continuity.

2018 ◽  
pp. 105
Izza Ulumuddin Ahmad Asshofi ◽  
Artin Bayu Mukti

Troso is a village that was developed by the government of the district of Jepara to be a tourist village. It has the potential of home-based crafts such as weaving which could be developed into industrial centers. However, not all community members realize the potential. The community members don?t recognize that Troso is going to be developed as a tourist village. On the other hand, the way the community member doing their business is very ineffective. There is no coordination with other businessmen to accommodate and to control the business. Each entrepreneur is working on their tradition to enrich their own business. One entrepreneur to another is a competitor. For these reasons, the village needs to be developed in order to be efficient for the welfare of all people in Troso. Purpose of this research is to understand the existence of Tenun Ikat Troso industrial center and to evaluate development strategy of Tenun Ikat Troso industrial center as a tourist village in the district of Jepara. SWOT. The results show that (i) Strength – Opportunity strategy was focusing on digging deeper of the potency and then wrap them up in a specific brand which will impact on economic sector, (ii) Strength – Threat strategy was focusing on offering the potency of the village to investor to create added value of the village to attract tourists, (iii) Weakness – Opportunity strategy was focusing on building the community awareness of a tourist village plan and the importance of Troso weaving industry association, and (iv). Weakness – Threat strategy was focusing on identifying existing weaknesses of the Troso tourist village and then inviting other stakeholders to get involved in developing the village. Keywords: development; tenun ikat Troso; tourist village

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Eny Endah Pujiastuti ◽  
Sadeli Sadeli ◽  
Anisa Destiana

The purpose of this study is to understand the influence between Destination Image, Tourist Atraction, Tourist Satisfaction and Post Visit Behavioral Intention. In this study, a total of 115 effective questionnaires were collected which would then be processed using Structural Equating Modeling (SEM) which was operated using the AMOS application. The results of the study show that 1). Destination image has a significant effect on tourist satisfaction. 2). Tourist attraction has a significant effect on tourist satisfaction. 3). Destination image has a significant effect on the post visit behavior intention. 4). Tourist attraction has a significant effect on the post visit behavior intention. 5). Tourist satisfaction has a significant effect on the post visit behavior intention. 6). Destination image has an indirect effect on post visit intention behavior through tourist satisfaction. 7). Tourist attraction influences indirectly on post visit intention behavior through tourist satisfaction. Based on the results of the research, the research not only provides advice for the government tourism sector, but also provides direction for future research.

Subject Outlook for the tourism sector. Significance The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) expects tourism to meet or exceed 2016 targets of 2.58 trillion baht (72.3 billion dollars) in revenue and 30 million visitors. Tourism revenue grew 13% year-on-year in the first three quarters of 2016, and advanced bookings suggest that fourth-quarter growth will be equally strong. Impacts A royal transition would temporarily affect tourism due to state restrictions on celebrations. Long-term slowdown in tourism growth will require new efforts to diversify the economy, especially to create jobs. Security risks to tourism would rise substantially if a major tourist destination suffers a large-scale terrorist attack.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Abdur Rozaki ◽  
Siti Rohaya

In overcoming the problems of economic, many rural communities in Gunung Kidul Regency have switched to developing natural asset-based village tourism. The village tourism management is mostly carried out through BUMDes. The problem of developing rural tourism is the problem of tourism promotion, where the process of promoting village tourism tends to be carried out separately, especially through online promotion. It has an impact on tourists who are not easy to find tourist destination maps of villages in Gunung Kidul Regency. This study uses a combination of asset-based approach and integrated information system as an effort to provide a way out to promote the exoticism of natural assets such as beaches, hills, caves, culinary and other assets to be more explored and more heavily promoted among tourists. As a result, tourism promotion which was originally carried out separately has now been integrated, so that a new spirit is created for tourists to visit these tourist sites. The integrated information system makes easier for tourists to see the map and the beautiful charm of a tourist village in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 558-563
Darma Bakti ◽  
Rosmayati ◽  
Nini Rahmawati

Regemuk Village has the potential to be developed into a new tourist destination village. The village which is located along the coastline of Deli Serdang Regency is geographically the closest village to Medan City and the location is adjacent to Kuala Namu Airport. One of the advantages of this village is the presence of a stretch of mangrove forest which is still quite good along the 7 km coastline. The development of the village into one of the beach tourism destinations has been a long-term discourse, but until now it has not been implemented. To realize this, it is necessary to explore the development of supporting facilities in order to initiate the development of the village into a tourist destination mangrove tourism area. Seeing this reality, the USU PPM Implementation Team through the Professor Serves Program Scheme helped community problems by developing mangrove forest areas and providing supporting facilities, namely beach tourism park umbrellas. The existence of this facility is expected to help increase the carrying capacity of this newly formed tourist site. This program will encourage the spirit of the realization of mangrove tourism areas and be able to produce other downstream tourism products.

2021 ◽  
Vilia Apriliani

The management of tourist attractions is one of the main keys to increase the growth of the tourism sector. The role of the community and the government is a must in maintaining and developing tourist destinations. In this article, it will be discussed how to encourage the potential of Bali as an Indonesian tourist destination.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1077
Hammam Rofiqi Agustapraja

Economic inequality between cities and villages, this must be immediately prevented and minimized because it is an injustice in the economic field, therefore the government through village funds encourages villages to develop their existing potential, one of them is from the tourism sector, Takerharjo Village sees potential spring and spring as something more value that must be lifted and highlighted as an icon of a new tourist place managed by the village, it requires good planning, this study aims to provide recommendations on the Sendang arrangement concept in the village by using the concept of Ecotourism to plan the potential of spring and Takerharjo village springs became a village tourism icon, and also held a socialization on the importance of preserving the natural environment of the area so that the spring water source was maintained, with the aim that the spring and springs of Takerharjo Village could improve the welfare of the Takerharjo Village community.

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