scholarly journals Gender Equality and Equity with Mubadalah Concept and Its Implementation in Islamic Education

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 305
Wilis Werdiningsih ◽  
Ahmad Natsir

Gender equality study is the study that will continously be discussed in human life. The study of gender examines the diverse roles of women and men in community life. The concept of <em>mubadalah</em> is of the new studies in gender equality. The concept of <em>mubadalah</em> is way of looking at two relations, namely man and woman, in which both of them as dignified human beings who are able to take advantages of all aspects of life for their good. Education is an important means of educating people who are knowledgeable and have noble character. Gender-based education is the foundation in creating a gender responsive young generation. This study aims to examine more deeply the concept of <em>mubadalah</em> and its implementation in Islamic education. This study used qualitative approach and the type of this research is library research. Data were obtained from various sources relate to the concept of <em>mubadalah</em> and Islamic education. The results show that the concept of <em>mubadalah</em> is one of the concepts of gender equality which can be used as a reference for understanding gender equality and equity that seeks to see women and men as servants of Allah swt. which is the subject of the texts in Al-Qur’an as well as in their interpretation. Education in an Islamic perspective becomes a forum for teaching gender equality through the design of a gender responsive education component.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 224
Suminto Suminto

The psychological principle of education can be understood as truth which is the basis or basis for thinking, both at the planning, implementation and evaluation stages of knowledge based on theories from psychology. Therefore, it becomes essential in understanding education, that education also has principles as a place and foothold that is upright, upright in material, upright in interaction, upright in innovation, or honest in its ideals. The type of research used is library research. The content analysis is used as an analysis method in this study. The results of this study can be concluded that: (1) The concept of psychological principles in Islamic education according to Hasan Langgulung is by emphasizing the theory of the learning process and the idea of human creation according to the Islamic view, which includes the nature of creation, essential human potential, cognitive and psychological growth and development and human spirit, so that it can be understood that human beings are creatures consisting of elements of Islamic and spiritual. (2) The implication of the concept of psychological principles in Islamic education is to view learning as a process in preparing the young generation so that they can act as the next generation, transferring knowledge and Islamic values ​​so that they are aligned with the purpose of the human being created, as well as in their daily behaviour. Therefore, in the process of education must pay attention to the development of the soul, as well as the growth of the body of students by referring to the basis, objectives, curriculum, material, and evaluation that carry human functions as abid and khalifatullah which are decorated with righteous deeds.

Abjadia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Mardhiya Agustina

<p dir="RTL">التعليم في الإسلام يشمل جميع أبعاد حياة المسلم. إما الأبعاد الإلهية تتعلق بالله، أو الأبعاد الإنسانية المتعلقة بالناس، والأبعاد الكونية المرتبطة بالكون. وبالتالي فإن مادة التربية في الإسلام هي أيضا واسعة جدا تشمل جميع الأبعاد الثلاثة ، وهي بصفة عامة مواد العقيدة والعبادة والأخلاق واللغة والأدب والعلوم والتكنولوجيا. التعليم الإسلامي مصدره بالكامل يستند إلى القرآن والسنة. وبالنظر إلى أن المصدر الرئيسي هو القرآن والسنة ، فإن اللغة العربية تعلمها وفهمها هو ضروري  لأنها اللغة المستخدمة في كلا المصدرين. اللغة العربية في إندونيسيا كأكبر دولة إسلامية في العالم، هي واحدة من المواد اللازمة في المناهج الدراسية للمؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية الحكومية ، في حين أن  في المؤسسات التربوية العامة هي مواد اختيارية. ولكن بطبيعة الحال في عملية تعليم اللغة العربية واجهت العقبات والصعوبات بالإضافة إلى التحديات ، حيث اللغة العربية هي لغة أجنبية لشعوب إندونيسيا. الإشكاليات والتحديات التي تواجه المؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا متنوعة إلى حد كبير، ولكن في الواقع لا تزال هناك أوجه تشابه في  المشاكل والتحديات المواجهة بين المؤسسات التعليمية مع بعضها البعض ، بحيث يمكن تجميعها في عدة نقاط رئيسية على النحو التالي: (1) الإشكاليات السياسية؛ (2) الإشكاليات الاجتماعية. (3) الإشكاليات المنهجية. لكن على الرغم من العديد من التحديات والعقبات التي تواجهها ، إلا أن كل ذلك يمكن أن يكون فرصة لتطوير تعليم اللغة العربية في المؤسسات التربوية الإسلامية في إندونيسيا.</p><p>Education in Islam covers the entire dimension of a Muslim's life. Bothdimensions ilahiyyahrelate to their relationship to God, or the dimensions of insaniyyah in relation to other human beings, as well as the dimensions of kauniyyah in relation to the universe. So the educational material in Islam is also very broadly covering the three dimensions, which are largely the subject of Aqidah, Ibadah, Morals, Languages and Literature, Science and Technology. Islamic education is entirely sourced and based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Given that its main source is the Qur'an and the Sunnah, then a necessity to study and understand the language used by both sources is Arabic. In Indonesia as the world's largest Muslim population, Arabic is one of the mandatory subject material in the national curriculum for Islamic education institutions, while for public education institutions as the subject matter of choice. But of course in the course of learning it encounters obstacles and difficulties as well as challenges, where Arabic is a foreign language morning Indonesian people. This research is a library research (Library Research) that is equipped with data from the field. The data collected are from the literature or from the informants related to this theme. The author describes the data through the deskreptive method and then draws conclusions that the undertaking is done objectively and systematically. The results show that the obstacles and challenges faced by Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia are quite diverse, but they still have similarities between one institution and another, so they can be grouped into the following major points: (1) politically problematic ; (2) problematic in sociological terms; (3) problematic in terms of methodology. But despite the many challenges and obstacles faced, but all of that can be an opportunity to develop Arabic language learning at Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 108-121
Idi Warsah

Conflicts are unavoidable in human life. Thus, for human beings, the attitude of forgiveness is of importance to be well-embedded and sustainably constructed. Resting upon the aforesaid premises, the present study conducted a library research to reveal how forgiveness is viewed from the perspectives of positive psychology and Islam. 102 scientific works reviewed, 58 works were finally selected to be scrutinized in depth. This study revealed that the discourses in the field of positive psychology imply that forgiveness attitude is of importance to be embedded in human beings and continuously constructed by virtue of its positive natural impacts on mental health, good relationships, physical health, and positive well-being. Furthermore, as informed by Islamic teachings, the attitude of forgiveness is also suggested to be well and continuously embedded. As the best Islamic role model for the end-time people, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH already exemplified that humans are indeed to always be forgiving and even to pray for others for the sake of good things that Allah SWT will bestow to. It is worth noting that both positive psychology and Islam encourage humans to be forgiving individuals.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Sari Wulandari ◽  
Amaliyah Amaliyah ◽  
Andy Hadiyanto

This study aims to describe: 1) the objectives of Islamic Education according to Ibn Khaldun, 2) the concept of contextual learning according to Ibn Khaldun, 3) the relevance of Ibn Khaldun's educational thought to modern contextual learning. The research method used in this study is library research. While the analytical method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that, 1) the purpose of Ibn Khaldun's contextual learning is to form a perfect human person, while at the same time forming a human personality to be able to live in society, 2) the concept of contextual learning according to Ibnu Khaldun is practically realistic, namely the concept of learning oriented to experience and realistic towards the needs of human life, 3) Ibn Khaldun's educational thought is relevant to modern contextual learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Asrizal Saiin

The study in this manuscript discusses the impact on the educational equalization system of Pesantren Salafiyah and designs how Pesantren Salafiyah has always existed in the world of modern education. This research belongs to the type of qualitative study using the document analysis method. The form of data analysis used is descriptive analysis. The research approach method in this paper is library research. This study is divided into four methods, namely, the method of determining the subject, the form of the study, the method of data collection, and the method of data analysis. The result is the ability of Pesantren Salafiyah to make certain accommodations and concessions to find a pattern that they consider appropriate enough to face modernization and changes that are increasingly fast and have a broad impact without sacrificing the essence and other basic things in the existence of the pesantren, so that Pesantren Salafiyah still exists in the midst of the hustle and bustle of modernizing Islamic education

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Sudar Kajin

Grounding the transmission of knowledge by simplifying the learning process on real-world problems helps students maintain what is taught and remembers lessons learned when and when needed will have benefits and can be achieved using a variety of student-friendly teaching and learning methods that take into account interests, needs, and levels students. This article was written with the aim of studying the mechanism of knowledge transmission with the Readiness and Ability to Apply Learning Mode in the Islamic Education Perspective. The results of the discussion conclude that: 1) The concept of learning from teacher to student is popularly referred to as the 'Transmission' paradigm in learning and the process as a 'Transmission mechanism' with a different hierarchical Imperative mode; 2. In Islam, education is based on what Islamic ideals once held about educating all human beings rather than the narrow transmission of discursive knowledge. Islamic knowledge is the knowledge contained in the human body and the ways in which Muslims use it to archive, transmit, decode, and actualize religious knowledge based on a combination of imperative modes; 3) Islamic education aims to develop humans holistically, contrary to western education which focuses primarily on intellectual development. The main purpose of Islamic education is to reform and build human life and develop balanced relationships between individuals, communities and the world based on ethical concepts; 4) regardless of the frame of 'readiness to learn' or 'readiness for school', there is far more preparedness than this and far more that we can do to help everyone become more prepared to learn and overcome life.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 741-759
Alan Suud Maadi

Management of Islamic education and Sharia Economics has experienced rapid development and progress. The digital era brings significant changes to both dimensions of science in various aspects of life. In addition, Islamic Education Management and Sharia Economics is a national subsystem in direct contact with the pattern of community life. So it is necessary to get around and find solutions by looking at the various opportunities and challenges in printing golden generation is multidimensional. This paper will describe the strategies, opportunities and challenges of Islamic education management and Islamic economics in universities in the digital era with a library research approach. Furthermore, in this paper will also describe the condition of the global level to provide an overview of the Indonesian context. the results of this study that the opportunities and challenges of universities in internal and external aspects. The strategy by improving the scientific culture of digital learning trends and virtual based services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-132
Muhammad Darwis Dasopang

Education is the most important part in human life who has morals and progress. Education can be carried out by everyone in an educational institution, but the primary education should be implemented through family education which is instilled by parents towards their family members from an early age. For this paper, the author will describe the nature and understanding of education in the family; What are the hadiths about education in the family; how the methods and aspects of family education based on the hadiths. The author uses the literature review (library research), with the primary data sources from the hadiths relating to children's education in the family. Study in this paper, Islamic education requires a simultaneous process and sustainable which involves aspects of disciplinary learning and compliance to implement Islamic education towards students. Education in the family, can be found patterns that must be implemented in the family environment, for the formation of a happy family according to what was taught by the prophet Muhammad SAW, and according to the word of Allah SWT in Q.S. Lukman: 13-19

Dhikrul Hakim

Abstract. The majority of Indonesia's population embraces Islam, there are some of other religions and beliefs that are also recognized and adhered to by residents in this country, Christians, Catholics, Hindus, Buddhists and Confucians. Indonesian society is a society with a very complex level of diversity, the diversity is known as a multicultural society. This implies that without media in the form of education, plural theology will be difficult to develop in Indonesia. With education, we can have strong basics in understanding differences because essentially education is a process of "an effort to humanize humans". This method of scientific work uses qualitative methods with a library research approach. The results of this scientific work are, Religious education based multicultural that is a process of awareness based on tolerance which is intended as a comprehensive effort to prevent conflicts between religions, prevent religious radicalism, while at the same time foster the realization of positive appreciative attitudes towards plurality, inclusivism in dimensions and any perspective does not promote exclusivism. Religion should be able to be a promoter for humanity to always uphold the peace and improve the welfare of all human beings on this earth. Unfortunately, in real life, religion is often been one of the causes of humanity's violence and destruction. Thus, the fulcrum of religious education based multicultural inclusivism actually lies in the understanding and the effort to live together in the context of religious and cultural differences.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Aset Sugiana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan standar pendidikan Islam dan standar proses dalam QS. Luqman (31):12-19 dan QS. Al-Kahfi (18):60-82. Metode penelitian ini adalah menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan yang akan dianalisis atau disimpulkan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari hasil pencatatan nilai-nilai keislaman yang ditemukan dalam QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 dan QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82. Langkah-langkah pengadaan data meliputi: (1) penentuan standar pendidikan Islam dan standar proses yang terdapat dalam QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 dan QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82; (2) pencatatan; dan (3) penentuan satuan unit. Keabsahan data didiskusikan dan dikonsultasikan penemuan-penemuan data kepada para ahli dan teman sebaya.  Teknik analisis yang peneliti gunakan yaitu mengklasifikasikan, menggabungkan, menafsirkan, dan menyimpulkan. Hasil penelitian dalam QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 menunjukkan bahwa terdapat standar pendidikan, yaitu: (1) pendidikan ketauhidan; (2) pendidikan berbakti kepada kedua orang tua; (3) pendidikan disiplin dan taat terhadap hukum; (4) pendidikan pribadi mandiri dan bertanggung jawab; dan (5) pendidikan akhlaqul karimah. Dan standar proses dalam QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82, yaitu: (1)  nilai kesabaran dan tekat; (2) nilai urgenitas menyiapkan bekal; (3) sikap tawadhu’; dan (4) nilai urgensi menjelaskan materi pelajaran.Kata kunci: standar pendidikan Islam, standar proses, QS. Luqman (31): 12-19, QS. Al-Kahfi (18): 60-82.ISLAMIC EDUCATIONAL STANDARDS AND STANDARDIZED PROCESSES IN CHILDREN QS. LUQMAN (31): 12-19 AND QS. AL-CAVE (18): 60-82AbstractThis research aims to describe the standards of Islamic education and the standards process in QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82. This research method used library research to be analyzed or concluded.  Research data obtained from the results of the recording of Islamic values that are found in the QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82. The steps of procurement data include: (1) the determination of the standard of Islamic education and standards process contained in the QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82; (2) record-keeping; and (3) the determination of the unit. The validity of the data is discussed and consulted on data findings to experts and peers.  Technique of data analysis used ie classifies, combine, interpret, and conclude. Research results in QS. Luqman (31): 12-19 and indicates that there are educational standards, namely: (1) whence are education; (2) education dedicated to both parents; (3) education of discipline and obedience of the law; (4) private education independent and responsible; and (5) education akhlaqul karimah. And the standards process in respect of QS. Al-Cave (18): 60-82, namely: (1) the value of patience and determined; (2) the value of the urgenitas prepare; (3) tawadhu' attitude; and (4) the value of the urgency to explain the subject matter.

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