Aleksandr Andreyevich Polonnikov ◽  
Natalya Dmitriyevna Korchalova ◽  
Dmitriy Yuryevich Korol

The authors of the article focus on changes related to education. Education is considered as a communicative construct arising from the process of symbolic interaction between individuals who establish meanings when coordinating their statements. The communicative generation of situations and orders of knowledge is interpreted as educational semiosis. Analyzed is the discourse of modern humanities which are competing with each other in determining the current socio-cultural situation. Highlighted is the research tendency, asserting the point of changing the cultural morphogenesis by means of its visualization processes. Based on this, the hypothesis of a gap between culture and education is put forward. According to this hypothesis, cultural relations are increasingly mediated by figurative participation, while educational practices appeal to verbal and textual forms of the situational mediation. Within the relations between actors in education, this is reflected in the dominance of legitimate (metanarrative) samples, the transmission model of educational knowledge, the communicative preference for orderliness, the desire for unambiguity, the clarity and completeness of logocentric forms of thinking, and so on. The change of the mediation form in the organization of educational interaction and the transition from the verbocentric order to the ocular-centric one, is suggested as a step in the development of modern education. It must affect the way educational relations (educational communication) function, the way words (speech) and images (vision) are inter-related, the principles of students’ orientation in their attitudes to the sign-symbolic world, their partners in interaction, and to themselves. In the first case, the point is to organize educational communication based on the principles of paradoxicality, paralogicality, and disproportionality of statements and images of the situation. Here the most important educational objective is to make the participants of the educational interaction consider their differences in their interpretations of the world, their styles of utterance, and their discursive positioning. In the second case, the educational objective is the liberalization of vision, which emerges in the course of perceptual work emancipated from the primary procedures of interpretation and comprehension of the visible and relying on the action of the image as the context of the statement. The third case is about worldview constants, radical changes in the position of the educational subject, acquiring the experience of self-detachment in learning. In the final analysis, this provides an opportunity for differentiation and diversification of the worlds of human presence.

Александр Андреевич Полонников ◽  
Дмитрий Юрьевич Король ◽  
Наталья Дмитриевна Корчалова

Внимание авторов статьи сосредоточено на проблеме изменений в образовании, понимаемом как вариант социальной реальности. Последняя строится в ходе реализации индивидами совокупности символических актов, устанавливающих конкретные социальные значения, в результате чего социальная реальность функционирует как сложно опосредованная и всегда проблематичная. Проектируемые авторами изменения в образовании сообразуются с переопределением реальности образования, корреспондирующим с трансформацией его семиотико-символической среды. Основным конститутивным элементом этой среды выступают коммуникативные посредники: устные высказывания, письменные тексты, визуальные образы. Особенность современной образовательной ситуации определяется авторами в терминах визуального вызова культуры. Образы становятся способом регуляции отношений между визуальным и социальным пространствами, средством социальной легитимации и консолидации, социального контроля и власти. Они обеспечивают симультанную сцепленность культурных сообщений, но при этом остаются не обнаружимыми в своей посреднической и конструктивной функциях. В то время как культурные отношения все более визуализируются, образовательные практики остаются вербо- и текстоцентрированными. В отношениях участников образовательных ситуаций это находит выражение в доминировании легитимных (метанарративных) образцов, трансмиссийной модели образовательного знания, упорядоченных, стремящихся к однозначности, ясности и завершенности форм мышления и пр. Смена формы посредничества в организации образовательного взаимодействия, переход от вербоцентрированного порядка к окуляроцентрированному предлагается рассматривать как шаг развития современного образования. Он с необходимостью должен затронуть социальные отношения (образовательную коммуникацию) и способы связи слова (речи) и образа (зрения). В первом случае речь должна идти об организации образовательной коммуникации на принципах парадоксальности, паралогичности и несоизмеримости с ориентацией на практикование различий в трактовках мира, стилей высказывания, дискурсивного позиционирования. Во втором случае образовательной задачей становится либерализация зрения, появляющаяся в ходе перцептивной работы, эмансипированной от первичных процедур интерпретации и осмысления видимого, опирающаяся на действие образа как контекста высказывания. В конечном итоге это дает возможность для дифференциации и диверсификации миров человеческого присутствия. The authors of the article focus on the issue of changes in education. The subject matter is based on treating education as a specific producer of sociocultural reality structures formed as an effect of semiogenesis interactively implanted by individuals. The researchers are mainly concerned with educational reality as a locum of sociostructural actualgenesis, which is symbolically mediated in a complex way and is always problematic. The point is that the forms of the current education, due to the reproduction conditions in place, have been put into the reification processes. This means that changes in education oriented at the reorganization of educational reality are in line with semiotic-symbolic transformation, in the first place. The latter’s main constitutive element is communication mediators, such as oral utterances, written texts, and visual images whose status in this research is considered in terms of instability. The authors determine a specific feature of the current educational situation as a challenge of visual culture that claims to be visually dominant in the procedures of cultural semiosis, building group and individual identities, as well as establishing social order and regime of social control and principles of power execution. The performance of image compared to that of the word is considered as a more direct one, striving for the realization of mechanisms of cultural messages’ simultaneous cohesion. The authors suppose that while cultural relations are being increasingly visualized, educational practices remain verbal- and text-centered. With regard to the participants of educational situations, this is expressed in the dominance of legitimate (metanarrative) ways of message organization and a transmission model of educational knowledge that are structured and tend to be unambiguous, clear, and complete in terms of form of thought, etc. The authors suggest considering the change of the mediation form in the organization of educational interaction as a necessary step of its development. At the initial stage, this is about a transition from a verbal-centered communication order to an ocular-centered one. For this to take place, it is necessary to initiate changes in speech practices of education (communication) and ways of referential linking between the word (speech) and the image (vision). In the former case, this is about re-orienting educational communication from implicit and explicit objectives of accomplishing behavior synchronization and establishing a consensus of meanings to cultivating in interaction forms producing differences: paradoxicality, paralogicality, and incommensurability, which can be achieved due to practicing differences in discursive positioning. In the second case, an educational objective is vision liberalization that occurs in the course of receptive work emancipated from an apriori interpretation of what is apparent, based on a metaphoric order of the utterance organization. Both these occurrences result in the distancing and self-distancing experiences, as well as in an opportunity to look at oneself not as a natural position that is automatically shared by the other interaction participants, but as a specific and relative discursive formation, a position in the processes of educational semiosis. In the final analysis, this enables to create sustainable effects of differentiation and diversification of the worlds of the human continuum.

2018 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 292
Massimo Dell'Utri

The paper starts by highlighting that virtually nobody would object to claims such as “to regard an assertion or a belief or a thought as true or false is to regard it as being right or wrong”—a claim that shows that truth is intrinsically normative. It is well known that alethic deflationists deny this. Paul Horwich, for instance, maintains that nothing shows that TRUTH is a normative concept in the way that OUGHT is. By relying on a distinction among dimensions of normativity I will try to pinpoint the weakness of Horwich’s argument in the fact that he works with a strong, uncalled-for, interpretation of normativity, whereas a weaker interpretation is more than enough. However, the impression might persist that a different understanding of the normativity of truth on the part of deflationists could eventually show the compatibility between alethic deflationism and normativity. The remaining part of the paper is devoted to contend that this is a wrong impression. Accordingly, it is stated that the normativity exerted by truth is ascribable in the final analysis to the world, and the provocative claim is defended that alethic deflationism lacks the conceptual resources to account for the relation between language and the world.***Deflacionismo Alético e Normatividade: Uma Crítica***O artigo começa destacando que praticamente ninguém se opõe a reivindicações como "considerar uma afirmação, uma crença ou um pensamento como verdadeiro ou falso é considerá-lo como correto ou errado" - uma afirmação que mostra que a verdade é intrinsecamente normativa. Sabe-se que os deflacionistas aléticos negam isso. Paul Horwich, por exemplo, sustenta que nada mostra que a verdade é um conceito normativo da maneira que deveria ser. Ao confiar em uma distinção entre as dimensões da normatividade, tentarei identificar a fraqueza do argumento de Horwich no fato de que ele trabalha com uma interpretação de normatividade forte, desnecessária, quando uma interpretação mais fraca seria mais do que suficiente. No entanto, a impressão pode persistir de que uma compreensão diferente da normatividade da verdade por parte dos deflacionistas poderia eventualmente mostrar a compatibilidade entre o deflacionismo e a normatividade alética. A parte restante do artigo dedica-se a afirmar que esta é uma impressão errada. Por conseguinte, afirma-se que a normatividade exercida pela verdade é imputável, em última análise, ao mundo, e a reivindicação provocativa é defendida de que o deflacionismo alético não possui os recursos conceituais para explicar a relação entre a linguagem e o mundo.

1987 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 559-574 ◽  
Hanna Herzog

The paper deals with the role and significance of election campaigns through a consideration of the relevant literature in political science, communication and anthropology. The current interpretation of elections as ritual and drama is altered by focusing on V. Turner's concept of liminality. As liminal periods, it is claimed, election campaigns are an active arena for social construction of political worlds. They take an active part in moulding political cognition and thus produce long-term effects. Perceiving elections in this conceptual frame focuses the empirical concern on the different actors participating in moulding old or new social meanings, the way challenging alternatives are presented, negotiated, included or excluded, the way events as well as symbols become meaningful. It reveals the contested as well as the taken-for-granted, unquestioned and thus reinforced political symbolic world.

2018 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-349 ◽  
Felipe DAUN ◽  
Ana Maria Dianezi GAMBARDELLA

ABSTRACT Objective Produce food and nutrition education videos, post these on YouTube and evaluate their reception over a two-year period. Methods Afterward bibliographic searches, sixteen different themes were developed and explored. An educational objective was defined for each video, took into account food and nutrition aspects in Brazil. The reception of the videos was evaluated using the “YouTube Analytics” tool, which allows analysis of the number of times videos were played, average playing time, and profile of the viewers. Results Sixteen videos were produced from November 2013 to July 2015. Views for each video within two years of posting were calculated individually, giving a total of 78,546 views for all videos. Most of the videos delivered their educational message before the audience lost interest. Conclusion Videos successfully reached the YouTube users and delivered the food and nutrition education messages. Therefore, this pioneering work showed YouTube as a new setting for health promotion in Brazil, paving the way for further initiatives with this platform.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-102 ◽  
Kiera Lindsey

This article discusses a recent art project created by the Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi artist Jonathon Jones, which was commissioned to commemorate the opening of the revitalized Hyde Park Barracks in Sydney in early 2020. Jones’ work involves a dramatic installation of red and white crushed stones laid throughout the grounds of the barracks, merging the image of the emu footprint with that of the English broad convict arrow to ‘consider Australia’s layered history and contemporary cultural relations’. This work was accompanied by a ‘specially-curated programme’ of performances, workshops, storytelling and Artist Talks. Together, these elements were designed to unpack how certain ‘stories determine the ways we came together as a nation’. As one of the speakers of the Artist Talk’s programme, I had a unique opportunity to experiment with what colleagues and I have been calling ‘Creative histories’ in reference to the way some artists and historians are choosing to communicate their research about the past in ways that experiment with form and function and push disciplinary or generic boundaries. This article reflects upon how these two distinct creative history projects – one visual art, the other performative – renegotiate the complex and contested pasts of the Hyde Park Barracks. I suggest that both examples speak to the role of memory and creativity in shaping cultural responses to Australia’s colonial past, while Jones' programme illustrates how Indigenous artists and academics are making a profound intervention into contemporary understandings of how history is ‘done’ in Australia.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-2
Hamed Akhavizadegan

Appendicitis, a common disease, has different presentations. This has made its diagnosis difficult. This paper aims to present two cases of missed appendicitis with completely urologic presentation and the way that helped us to reach the correct diagnosis. The first case with symptoms fully related to kidney and the second mimicking epididymorchitis hindered prompt diagnosis. Right site of the pain, relapsing fever, frequent physical examination, and resistance to medical treatment were main clues which help us to make correct diagnosis.

1978 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-260 ◽  
Glyn Richards

I propose in this paper to examine and analyse the concept of śūnyatā as it is expressed in the Hrdaya sūtras of the Buddhist prajñā-pāramitā literature and in the Mū1amadhyamaka-kārikās of Nāgārjuna. I shall attempt to show some of the difficulties involved in seeking an objective referent or counter part for the concept and also in trying to preserve the tension implicit in the affirmation of the middle way. I hope to indicate that the via negativa approach has positive implications for the understanding of śūnyatā and that in the final analysis we may have to look for its meaning in the way it is used.

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (44) ◽  
Mattia Manica ◽  
Giorgio Guzzetta ◽  
Piero Poletti ◽  
Federico Filipponi ◽  
Angelo Solimini ◽  

A large chikungunya outbreak is ongoing in Italy, with a main cluster in the Anzio coastal municipality. With preliminary epidemiological data, and a transmission model using mosquito abundance and biting rates, we estimated the basic reproduction number R0 at 2.07 (95% credible interval: 1.47–2.59) and the first case importation between 21 May and 18 June 2017. Outbreak risk was higher in coastal/rural sites than urban ones. Novel transmission foci could occur up to mid-November.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-126
Marlène Monteiro

Abstract This essay examines the ways in which the representation of the body in painting is the starting point of a broader reflection on the plasticity of the medium in two French autobiographical films. In Histoire d’un secret (Story of a Secret, 2003) by Mariana Otero and Leçons de ténèbres (Tenebrae Lessons, 2000) by Vincent Dieutre, the body is indeed at the centre, albeit in very different ways. The first is a documentary about the director’s mother who died of the consequences of an illegal abortion in the late sixties. She was an artist and her paintings, many of which depict lascivious female nudes, pervade the film. The second is a self-fictional essay that weaves together narrated episodes of the film-maker’s story as a homosexual and drug addict with close-ups of Caravaggist paintings which tend to focus on bodies in pain. Whether prefiguring death and embodying the absent body through the latent evocation of maternity in the first case, or looking back into figural art in the second, both films point to the plasticity of the medium through the representation of matter, that is, paint and, ultimately, the body. The way in which both film-makers resort to light, the close-up, and, as far as Dieutre is concerned, the diversity of film formats, embodies what Deleuze defines as the haptic gaze to explore cinema’s own materiality. In addition, the presence of the paintings introduces the issue of intermediality which modestly points to a mise en abyme of the broader question of cinema’s shifting ontology.

2015 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-170 ◽  
V. Tokarsky

Abstract The objective laws of the natural habitat structure of European subspecies of the steppe marmot over the period of the 20–21st centuries in Rostov Region have been analyzed. Essential changes in the way of usage of nature and foremost the decrease of number of stock-raising capacities and pasture areas took place all over the territory of European subspecies of the steppe marmot natural habitat. There is no doubt that the agricultural usage of land contributed to the inhabitance of big quantity of steppe marmots, namely keeping big quantities of horses and cattle which had large territories used as pasture areas. During these periods, we can see the substantial decreases of the steppe marmot’s population despite full prohibition of hunt (since 1929 there has been no industrial hunting for steppe marmots). In first case, over a 30-year period, the steppe marmots completely disappeared from the territory of Rostov Region. The second period is not over yet. Here we can foresee two variants of the situation development. At present the period of the steppe marmot disappearance has reached its midpoint. If the quantity of cattle and horses remains the same we can surely make forecasts of continued decrease of marmot’s population. However, if a cattle breeding increases the population of steppe marmots will be able to restore its natural habitat to previous size.

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