2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Bunga Widiya Larashati ◽  
Martadi . ◽  
Trisakti .

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian untuk menghasilkan produk video pembelajaran teknik vokal yang layak digunakan sehingga dapat menstimulasi kecerdasan musikal siswa. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian pengembangan  dengan desain ADDIE. Model pengembangan produk disusun secara terprogram dengan urutan yang sistematis. Desain ADDIE memiliki lima tahapan, yakni: analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi Subjek penelitian siswa kelas XI SMA Maarif Nu Pandaan. Sampel penelitian 30 siswa. Instrument penelitian berupa lembar observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian; (1). Uji Ahli materi teknik vokal berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik, (2). Uji ahli desain grafis berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik, (3) uji ahli media video dan desain grafis berada pada kualifikasi sangat baik, (4). Uji coba penggunaan video teknik vokal pada kelas XI di SMA Maarif Nu Pandaan sangat baik. Disimpulkan bahwa video teknik vokal dapat menstimulasi kecerdasan musikal dengan rata-rata uji oba produk mencapai 90%  kriteria sangat baik. Kata Kunci: Kecerdasan Musikal, Media Pembelajaran Teknik Vokal  Abstract: The purpose of the research is to produce a learning video product about vocal techniques that are appropriate to use so that they can stimulate student musical intelligence. The type of research is development research with the ADDIE development model. The product development model is programmed in a systematic order. The ADDIE design has five stages, namely; analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Research subjects are XI students of SMA Maarif Nu Pandaan. The research sample is thirty students, the research instrument was in the form of an observation sheet. The data analysis technique uses mixed methods qualitative and quantitative. Research result: (1) expert tes of vocal technique material is in very good qualification, (2). The graphic design expert test is in very good qualification, (3) the video media and graphic design expert test is in very good qualification, (4) the trial of using vocal technique video in class XI at SMA Maarif Nu Pandaan was very good. It was concluded that vocal technique video can stimulate musical intelligence with by average of the trial product reached 90% very good criteria. Keywords: Musikal Intelligence, Vocal Technique Learning Media

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Benny Angga Permadi

  The Development of IPA Module based on Islamic and scientific integration to Increase the Result Study of the Students in the sixth class in MIN 2 Mojokerto. This development of IPA module based on Islamic and scientific integration in MIN 2 Mojokerto is based on gaps include; first, the IPA result studies of the sixth class students in MIN 2 shows that 30% of students have not reach KKM score which is established 70; second, the IPA teaching material which is used has not an interesting design and the concept based on Islamic and scientific integration; third, there is not a teaching material which guides the students to get IPA concept as a medium for them to increase their beliefs toward Allah SWT. According to the research problem which is explained before, so the development of IPA module based on Islamic and scientific integration becomes an important thing to do. This development is to produce the development of IPA module based on Islamic and scientific integration; to know the specification, the use of, the effectiveness, and the interesting thing of IPA module based on Islamic and scientific integration in MIN 2 Mojokerto. The development of this module uses ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation) development, model. These subject assessments for feasibility module are material expert, design expert, linguist, learning expert, and also the sixth class students in MIN 2 Mojokerto. The principal ways of this research are initial conditions analysis, the development of a planning module, a writing module, and an assessment module. The collecting data which are used include questionnaires, interview, and the result of studies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-227
Soenarto Soenarto ◽  
Muhammad Mustaghfirin Amin ◽  
Kumaidi Kumaidi

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi menggunakan model CIPPO (context, input, process, product, and outcomes) yang bertujuan mengungkapkan tingkat employability lulusan SMK 4 tahun dengan menggunakan SMK 3 tahun sebagai base line. Sampel penelitian adalah delapan SMK 4 tahun dan delapan SMK 3 tahun dengan melibatkan 544 orang sebagai subyek penelitian. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, kuesioner, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Kurikulum SMK 4 tahun dan 3 tahun menggunakan kurikulum nasional yang dikembangkan berdasarkan kebutuhan Dunia Usaha Dunia Industri (DU/DI); (2) Kompetensi lulusan SMK 4 tahun seluruhnya berkategori sangat baik, sedangkan SMK 3 tahun 64% sangat baik; (3) menurut DU/DI, lulusan SMK 4 tahun unggul dalam kedisiplin, keuletan, kemampuan teori, kemampuan praktek, rasa percaya diri, ketelitian, kreativitas, dan kepemimpinan; (4) Kompetensi guru SMK 4 tahun unggul dalam membimbing siswa, menghasilkan bahan ajar, mengembangkan bengkel, dan membangun kerja sama dengan DU/DI; (5) sarana dan prasarana SMK 3 dan 4 tahun memiliki kemiripan kondisi; (6) pembiayaan SMK 4 tahun melibatkan alumni sedangkan SMK 3 tahun tidak; (7) Kecepatan mendapat pekerjaan, jumlah lulusan yang bekerja, dan penghasilan lulusan SMK 4 tahun lebih baik dari pada SMK 3 tahun; dan (8) Kepuasan kerja lulusan SMK 4 tahun lebih baik daripada lulusan SMK 3 tahun. EVALUATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF 4-YEAR PROGRAM POLICY OF VOCATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOL IN IMPROVING GRADUATES’ EMPLOYABILITYAbstractThe aim of this research is to disclose the employability level of 4-year Vocational Secondary School (or Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)) graduates by using 3-year SMK as the base-line. This research is an evaluation research using CIPPO (context, input, process, product, and outcomes) model. The sample of the research is eight 4-year SMK and eight 3-year SMK, and it involves 544 persons as the research subjects. The data were collected by observation, questionnaire, interview and documentation, and analyzed quantitatively by using descriptive statistic analysis. The research result shows that: (1) 4-year and 3-year SMKs are using national curriculum developed based on the needs of Bussiness & Insdustrial Performer (DU/DI), (2) the competency of all (100%) the 4-year SMK graduates are ‘very good’, while only 64% 3-year SMK graduates is ‘very good’, (3) based on DU/DI’s stand point, the 4-year SMK graduates is better in 8 aspects (discipline, tenacuty, theoretical knowledge, practical skill, self-independence, carefullness,  creativity and leadership), (4) 4-year SMK teacher is better in guiding the students, producing learning material, developing workshop, and cooperating with DU/DI, (5) 4-year SMK has similiar condition of facilities with 3-year SMK, (6) 4-year SMK funding system is better than the 3-year SMK by involving the alumni, (7) 4-year SMK graduate is better in number of working graduates, income, and speed to get jobs, (8) 4-year SMK graduate are more satisfied with their job than the 3-year graduate.

Studi Arab ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Mezan Kesuma ◽  
Reni Puspita Sari

The objectives of this study are: 1) Developing the sharaf modules with the deductive approach, 2) Knowing the feasibility of the sharaf module with a deductive approach and 3) Knowing the effectiveness of the sharaf module with the deductive approach of class X students in Pondok Modern Madinah Labuhan Maringgai, East Lampung. The development model used the Borg and Gall model with seven stages, namely: preliminary study, research planning, design development, limited trials, limited revision of trial results, wider product testing, and wider revision of trial results. Observing the above statement, the results of this study show that: development of sharaf module with deductive approach is very feasible to use, the results of the material expert validation are 89% and the learning design expert validation results are 86%, the average score of the student's pretest is 54.16 and the posttest value is 84.16. Based on the results of calculations using the SPSS application 24, it is known that the value of to = 15.288 and ttable 1.69913 at a significance level of 5%, so it can be concluded that there is a difference between the pretest value t and posttest grade X students, because t0 15.288> ttable 1.69913, Ha accepted and Ho rejected

Sitti Khadijah ◽  
Sumarno Ismail ◽  
Resmawan Resmawan

Abstract:Reasoning based research generally examines the application of learning models or learning methods. So far, there are still rarely studies that examine the use of teaching materials to improve the quality of learning. This study aims to develop teaching materials related to the central angle and the circumference of the circle based on reasoning. The development model used is the ADDIE development model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. The analysis was conducted by involving students of SMPN 1 Kabila as research subjects. The results showed the quality of teaching materials was declared valid with a percentage of 75%. Practicality of teaching materials based on the results of student questionnaire responses reached very good categories with a percentage of 82.82%. This shows that reasoning based teaching materials can be used in the learning process. Abstrak:Penelitian berbasis penalaran umumnya mengkaji tentang penerapan model atau metode pembelajaran. Sejauh ini, masih jarang penelitian yang mengkaji tentang penggunaan bahan ajar untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar materi hubungan sudut pusat dan sudut keliling lingkaran berbasis penalaran. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah Model pengembangan ADDIE, yaitu Analysis (Analisis), Design (Desain), Development (Pengembangan), Implementation (Implementasi) dan Evaluation (Evaluasi).  Analisis dilakukan dengan melibatkan siswa SMPN 1 Kabila sebagai subjek penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukan kualitas bahan ajar dinyatakan valid dengan persentase 75%. Kepraktisan bahan ajar berdasarkan hasil angket respon siswa mencapai kategori sangat baik dengan persentase 82,82%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar berbasis penalaran dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.

Asliyani Asliyani ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi ◽  
Asrial Asrial

This development research is conducted at SMKN 3 Jambi, the purpose is to develop contextual based chemistry learning material for Xth grade Technological Vocational High School (SMK) with content and contex representative enough for SMKN 3 students. The model used in this research development is the type 1 development mode from Richey by adopting the development model of Dick & Carey. This development research is conducted in four important steps, they are analysis, design, development, and evaluation. The data are collected using openended questionaire. The subjects are students from class X TPM1, X TKR2, and X TKR3. These samples are taken randomly but remain to represent each student ability level, high, medium and very low. The research result shows the positif respond towards the developed  product. Based on the  collected and analyzed data, it can be concluded that the developed product is interesting, simple and easy to understand, can increase student’s positif characters such as interest, participation, responsibility, and relate to student selected skill.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (7) ◽  
pp. 131
Rosjana Chandhasa

The study aimed to analyze the Thai traditional hanging garland decoration for modeling in the pattern design adapted on a souvenir item, as well as to evaluate the souvenir pattern design result. In regard to the research process, the researcher initially applied the mixed method in learning and investigating information by using qualitative research. Additionally, the researcher used quantitative research in souvenir pattern design assessment. The area delimitation of this study was a souvenir shop in Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, as well as Suan Sunandha royal residence where Thai traditional hanging flower decoration models were gathered. Another delimiting factor was the sample which consisted of 3 design experts (post evaluation), 10 souvenir shopkeepers (post evaluation), and 100 consumers (pre- and post-questioning) using the accidental sampling method at the souvenir shop in order to evaluate the satisfaction towards souvenir design. Furthermore, the research instruments consisted of a literature review, in-depth interviews, questionnaires and evaluation formats.The research result elucidates that 10 Thai traditional suspended garland decoration motifs were collected; however, only the first motif was selected to be adapted in the pattern design since it was an original and the most-found figure. According to the pattern design development, 10 patterns were created which included: Kledgardenia net, Kra-Bueang gardenia net, Si-Dok-Si-Karn gardenia net, Jan-Krueng-Seek gardenia net, Kaew-Ching-Duang gardenia net, Daw-Kra-Jai gardenia net, Oak-Mang-Mum gardenia net, Hok-Karn-Hok-Dok gardenia net, Daw-Lom-Deaun gardenia net, as well as Lai gardenia net. Moreover, the recreated souvenir which the consumers purchase the most was a coffee mug.The evaluation result of adapting the patterns on the coffee-mug souvenirs illustrated that there was a high level of satisfaction on the beauty involving color and pattern, there was a high level of satisfaction on size and usage, and the highest level of satisfaction regarding the product was towards marketing in selling itself, as well as representing the place identity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-46
Muh Zulfikar Amar

The purpose of this study was to determine the results of the analysis of the need for PAI learning methods in grade V students at SDN 50 Bulu 'datu Palopo, to find out the validity of developing NLP-based story methods in PAI learning and assessing the effectiveness of NLP-based story methods in PAI learning. This research method is the Research & Development (R&D) method. The development model used is ADDIE which consists of five stages, namely: Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Research subjects in class V SDN 50 Bulu 'Datu Palopo amounted to 15 students. Data collection techniques are questionnaires, documentation, observation, interview, and validation. Data analysis techniques to test their validity using the Aiken's formula and student questionnaire responses using descriptive statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate that in learning PAI especially the material of the stories of the Prophet and the Apostle needed the development of learning methods namely the NLP-based story method. The NLP-based story method developed was declared valid by three validators with a recapitulation of 0.67. Learning methods have been effective in using students' questionnaire responses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. e03952719
Zulyadaini Zulyadaini

Every field of science requires media that is relevant to its field. Teaching material that used is still general, until teaching materials that are specific to the field of science are needed to be effective in their use in learning. The aim of this research is to develop of mathematics learning media materials in faculty of teaching and education in Batanghari University Jambi, this research is using research and development approach (R&D) conducted at FKIP Batanghari University Jambi. The research subjects are 6th semester students 2017/2018. Development model that used is instructional development model (IDM). After the development has been done it needed validation by design expert, material expert, media expert. Then do one to one learner test, small group, and field trial. The result of the research based on validation by the expert is experts categorized as feasible with the percentage of eligibility for design validation 92.71%, media validation 89,78% and material expert 92,5%. It continue with one to one test with percentage 97,2%, small group 93%, and field trial 88,63%. The conclusion from validation result and the test that has been done so the mathematic Learning media materials is properly to used.

Konselor ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 122
Riem Malini Pane ◽  
Mudjiran Mudjiran ◽  
Daharnis Daharnis

The aims of the research were: (1) producing prevention module of premarital sexual behavior on Senior High School students who were proper according to the experts in order to be used by guidance and counseling teachers/counselors, (2) describing the function of the module to prevent the students from premarital sexual behavior. This research was a development research which was conducted by using ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Research subjects consisted of three experts and twenty three guidance and counseling teachers/counselors. The result of the research shown that the module, the research product, is appropriate to be used to prevent the students from premarital sexual behavior and can be used by the students as well as the guidance and counseling teachers/counselors in preventing the students from premarital sexual behavior.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 52 ◽  
M. Rahmad Syalehin ◽  
Sri Hartini ◽  
Suriasa Suriasa

Learning physics only to training remember and understand aspect the causes of passive students and inhibit the development of thinking on a higher level. One reason for the development of curriculum 2013 is training critical thinking skills. Therefore, research that aims to develop critical thinking skills worksheets based on the subject matter of heat to support the implementation of curriculum 2013. The specific aims of this study describes: (1) the validity of student’s worksheet, (2) critical thinking skills of students after using the student’s worksheet, and (3) student's response to student’s worksheet. This type of research is the development of research ADDIE model includes the analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Research subjects are 30 students of class VII-F Junior High School 24 Banjarmasin. Collecting data through sheet of validity, sheet of critical thinking skills, interviews, observation,  questionnaire responses, and documentation. Data were analyzed by quantitative descriptive. Results showed (1) the validity of student’s worksheets based critical thinking skills in a very valid category and in the category high reliability, (2) critical thinking skills in the excellent category, and (3) student's response to student’s worksheet in the excellent category. Be concluded that the student’s worksheet based critical thinking skills developed in the proper category.  

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