learning material
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2022 ◽  
Dragana Vasilije Dimitrijević ◽  
Marija Jovanović Jovanović ◽  

One of the most current issues facing modern pedagogical theory and practice is distance learning. Since the Covid-19 virus pandemic outbreak, this specific teaching context has become the only hope for education systems globally. Given the role and importance that distance learning has today, our paper is focused on studying its barriers in immediate secondary school practice. This research is part of a broader study that involves a more thorough study of distance learning, which was conducted on a sample of 422 students and 120 secondary school teachers in Southeast Serbia. The aim of this paper is to identify the most common barriers to distance learning and answer the question of whether there are differences in the attitudes of teachers and students about the barriers they encountered during the first months of its implementation. In terms of frequency, the results of the conducted research show that evaluation-related barriers are the most common, while the learning material and technical barriers to distance learning are the least common ones. The research has shown that teachers statistically more often highlight evaluation-related, organizational/administrative and social/emotional barriers, while in practice, students more often experience learning content-related barriers. The results also confirm positive correlation in the participants’ attitudes about the analyzed barriers and directly point to the conclusion about their objective perception and critical reflection on this problem by emphasizing the importance of didactic elements such as: quality of the teaching process, level of knowledge acquired, objectivity of assessment, etc. in relation to the learning material and technical side of teaching. These conclusions point to a number of pedagogical implications by which the new, specific teaching context can be significantly improved.

Tim Weinert ◽  
Matthias Billert ◽  
Marian Thiel de Gafenco ◽  
Andreas Janson ◽  
Jan Marco Leimeister

AbstractThe increasing digitalization and automatization in the manufacturing industry as well as the need to learn on the job has reinforced the need for much more granular learning, which has not yet impacted the design of learning materials. In this regard, granular learning concepts require situated learning materials to support self-directed learning in the workplace in a targeted manner. Co-creation approaches offer promising opportunities to support employees in the independent design of such situated learning materials. Using an action-design research (ADR) approach, we derived requirements from co-creation concepts and practice by conducting focus group workshops in manufacturing and vocational training schools to develop design principles for a co-creation system that supports employees through the creation process of work-process-related learning material. Consequently, we formulate four design principles for the design of a collaborative learning and qualification system for manufacturing. Using an innovative mixed methods approach, we validate these design principles and design features to demonstrate the success of the developed artifact. The results provide insights regarding the design of a co-creation system to support learners in the co-creation of learning material with the consideration of cognitive load (CL). Our study contributes to research and practice by proposing novel design principles for supporting employees in peer creation processes. Furthermore, our study reveals how co-creation systems can support the collaborative development of learning materials in the work process.

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Charnnarong Saikaew

Purpose The purpose of this study is to develop a practical method for training students how to conduct statistical analysis and do a course project in design of experiments (DOEs) course through the Web-based virtual catapult simulation. Design/methodology/approach A step-by-step sequential DOE process for investigating the effects of controllable factors on quality characteristic responses was presented as a guideline for conducting a DOE course project. Each team was assigned to create an innovative teaching material and work on the term report by following the recommended guidelines for designing experiments through the Web-based virtual catapult simulation. Hypothesis was defined to test whether doing a course project based on this approach would impact students’ learning outcome. Findings The Web-based virtual material was an alternative technique for interactive teaching that could improve students’ understanding and achievement in DOE course projects. There was a significant difference in student learning and understanding before and after doing on the course project through the Web-based virtual catapult simulation. The students had improved communication and teamwork skills after following the recommended procedure for practicing DOEs. Practical implications Most students could effectively conduct designing experiments, carry out designed experiments, analyze data and gain valuable teamwork experience. After learning the DOE approach based on the catapult simulation, they enjoyed working on their course projects deploying to the innovative toys and other real-life situations with real measurements. Originality/value The use of Web-based virtual material, including catapult simulation, was an alternative technique for interactive DOE teaching to improve the students’ understanding and achievement in DOE course projects.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Lenka Schnaubert ◽  
Sascha Schneider

Cognitive load theory assumes effort may only lead to comprehension if the material-induced load leaves enough resources for learning processes. Therefore, multimedia materials should induce as little non-relevant load as possible. Metacognition research assumes that learners tap into their memory processes to generate a mental representation of their comprehension to regulate learning. However, when judging their comprehension, learners need to make inferences about actual understanding using cues such as their experienced mental load and effort during learning. Theoretical assumptions would assume both to affect understanding and its metacognitive representation (metacomprehension). However, the question remains how perceived effort and load are related to metacomprehension judgments while learning with multimedia learning material. Additionally, it remains unclear if this varies under different conditions of multimedia design. To better understand the relationship between perceived mental load and effort and comprehension and metacomprehension under different design conditions of multimedia material, we conducted a randomised between-subjects study (N = 156) varying the design of the learning material (text-picture integrated, split attention, active integration). Mediation analyses testing for both direct and indirect effects of mental load and effort on metacomprehension judgments showed various effects. Beyond indirect effects via comprehension, both mental load and effort were directly related to metacomprehension, however, this seems to vary under different conditions of multimedia design, at least for mental effort. As the direction of effect can only be theoretically assumed, but was not empirically tested, follow-up research needs to identify ways to manipulate effort and load perceptions without tinkering with metacognitive processes directly. Despite the limitations due to the correlative design, this research has implications for our understanding of cognitive and metacognitive processes during learning with multimedia.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Agung Setiawan Sutadi

The world of work is a place of intense competition for each college graduate. Students are faced with developing new solutions to these problems/challenges so they need to practice identifying entrepreneurial opportunities so that the problem of the difficulty of competing in the world of work can be resolved with the emergence of new jobs. In the VCD department in the Visual Study subject using design thinking method as a study material in learning material with the aim of students being able to create a visual communication design that answers existing problems, so that ultimately students have a frame of mind in solving problems in running a business or facing client problems. Based on the results of data processing, the results show that there is a positive influence between design thinking methods on entrepreneurial motivation. Therefore, the role of design thinking methods in influencing student motivation to become entrepreneurs deserves further study.   Keywords: Design, Design Thinking, Visual Study, Entrepreneur, Motivation

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Marie Weißenfels ◽  
Eric Klopp ◽  
Franziska Perels

Although the reciprocal relationship of teacher burnout and teacher self-efficacy (TSE) is well documented, the literature still lacks studies investigating their (latent) changes and interrelations of change over time. By applying a latent change regression model in our study, we aimed to contribute to this research gap by examining changes in burnout and their relations to changes in TSE during the COVID-19 pandemic—a very challenging time for teachers. As the implementation of digital learning material played a major role during the pandemic, we were also interested if attitudes and self-efficacy toward e-Learning were related to changes in burnout and TSE. Our sample consisted of 92 German in-service teachers who completed a questionnaire twice during the 2019–2020 school year. Our main findings are that the burnout components depersonalization and lack of accomplishment significantly increased from the pre- to post-COVID-19 outbreak, whereas emotional exhaustion did not. Changes in burnout were negatively correlated to changes in TSE, but we found little evidence for relations of change in burnout and TSE with variables concerning e-Learning. Our findings indicate that the challenge was not the work overload but rather a lack of resources. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Lara Tinacci ◽  
Lisa Guardone ◽  
Alice Giusti ◽  
Stefano Pardini ◽  
Claudio Benedetti ◽  

Obtaining a Veterinary Surgeon degree relies on the acquisition of “Day One Competences” (DOCs), among which professional skills related to meat inspection are acquired during visits to abattoirs. In 2020, lockdown measures due to COVID-19 pandemic limited on-site practical training. The present study describes the creation of an e-learning course on bovine and swine slaughtering as an alternative tool for compulsory DOCs achievement within the course “Inspection and control of food of animal origin” during the fourth year of the Veterinary Medicine degree program (Department of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Pisa). Academics and external professionals took part on the planning and development of the learning material. Video pills, consisting of shooting of the slaughtering coupled with trainers’ descriptive explanations, were produced. The perceived effectiveness of course contents, trainers’ communication skills and technical quality were assessed with a questionnaire. The developed e-learning platform consisted of four main sections (Introduction, Swine slaughtering, Bovine slaughtering and Additional topics), integrated by multiple-choice questions for the student’s self-assessment. According to students’ assessment, the platform, of high technical quality, effectively condensed contents on meat inspection. Despite the unique and irreplaceable role of practical training in the achievement of the professional skills included in the veterinary curriculum, the e-learning course may concur in providing DOCs and is in line with the adoption of a modern teaching model where e-learning resources engage students in deeper learning approaches.

Lira Hayu Afdetis Mana

This research is motivated by the difficulties of students in determining the topic of scientific writing, difficulties in conveying ideas and limitations of references. This study aims to develop a learning model for writing scientific papers using the guided inquiry method. This type of research is development research. This study uses a 4-D development research design. The results of this study are as follows: (1) the material for writing scientific papers is difficult because students do not understand the concept of Scientific Writing. (2) in developing scientific work students do not yet know the systematics of scientific writing and students often make ineffective sentences (3) students really need freedom in determining writing topics and ideas (4) most students need the concept of learning to write scientific papers, (5) most students need lecturer guidance in their writing, (6) most students need systematic scientific work concepts, (7) most students need lots of references to write scientific papers. Based on the analysis of student needs, it is necessary to develop a Guided Inquiry-Based Scientific Writing Textbook that provides opportunities for students to find their own concept of learning to write scientific papers. Through Guided Inquiry, students are trained to think critically with teacher guidance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-45
Faustina Roberts ◽  
Azlina Abdul Aziz ◽  
Mohd Effendi @ Ewan Mohd Matore

A textbook is an important teaching and learning material. Evaluating a textbook is essential to ensure educational goals are met. In the present study, the Malaysian English Language Textbook Evaluation Checklist (MELTEC) is developed for the purpose of materials adaptation. The lack of validity and reliability of previous textbook evaluation checklists reported by researchers in the field of ELT textbook evaluation has resulted in the need to establish the validity and reliability of the checklist developed in this study using the Rasch Measurement Model (RRM). One hundred and ten ESL secondary school teachers from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, had participated in this study. Rasch analysis was used to examine the item fit, polarity, reliability, separation index, and unidimensionality of the checklist. As a result, the finalised version of MELTEC comprises of 78 items. A total of 63 items were dropped as these items were not deemed to be suitable. The analysis performed using Rasch Measurement Model proved that the checklist has high validity and reliability. The checklist is found to be suitable to evaluate ELT secondary school textbooks in Malaysia. On that account, future researchers can consider using Rasch Measurement Model to establish the validity and reliability of the instruments developed to ensure their integrity and quality.

Owing to the importance of a subject like Mathematics in the teaching and learning of science, self-learning often poses a challenge to the educator. The objective of this study is to analyse the enhancement of the textual and the media form of self-learning modules to teach Algebra and Geometry to eighth graders considering their retention levels. A pre-test post-test single-group quasi experimental design was tested and tried out on 49 participants of a school. The 20 modules of self-learning material covering content in the topics of Algebra and Geometry in the textual and media-assisted forms of self-learning were administered over three months. The findings of the study revealed the ability of media-assisted self-learning modules to enhance achievement in the post-test when compared to the pre-test. The textual-assisted learning modules was able to enhance significant difference in the achievements in Geometry, but not of Algebra. The delayed post-test results were found to indicate an improved achievement in Mathematics.

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