scholarly journals Hubungan Kecerdasan Emosional dengan Kenakalan Remaja pada Remaja Madya: Literature Review

Bella Pratiwi ◽  
Ichsan Budiharto ◽  
Suhaimi Fauzan

Latar Belakang : Remaja adalah sosok yang mudah terpengaruh karena masih dalam pencarian identitas diri. Remaja khususnya remaja madya berada di fase kebingungan identitas yang rentan terhadap kekacauan jika tidak berhasil dilewati dengan baik. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kegagalan perkembangan remaja adalah kontrol diri yang rendah. Kecerdasan emosional yang tidak memadai merupakan salah satu hal yang dianggap sebagai penyebab rendahnya kontrol diri remaja sehingga mereka cenderung melakukan berbagai kenakalan. Tujuan: Mengetahui bagaimana hubungan antara kecerdasan emosional dan kenakalan yang dilakukan oleh remaja madya. Metode: Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelusuran literatur dari tiga database elektronik yaitu Google Scholar, Pubmed dan ScienceDirect. Penelitian ini berdasarkan pengkajian dari 24.840 artikel klinis dan penelitian yang dipublikasikan antara tahun 2011 hingga 2020. Hasil: Dari delapan artikel yang dipakai dalam literature review ini tujuh diantaranya menunjukan terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kecerdasan emosional dengan delinkuensi pada remaja madya. Kesimpulan: Kecerdasan emosional adalah salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi penyimpangan pada remaja madya. Kata Kunci: Kecerdasan Emosional, Perilaku Delinkuensi, Kenakalan Remaja ABSTRACT Background: Adolescents are easily influenced because there are still in search of self-identify. Adolescents, especially middle adolescents, are in phase of identity confusion which is prone to chaos if it is not passed properly. One remarkable factor affecting the failure of adolescents development is low self-control. Inadequate emotional intelligence considered as one of several causes of low self-control in adolescents that leads them to commit delinquent acts. Aim: To determine the correlation between emotional intelligence and juvenile delinquency in middle adolescence. Method: Method used in this study was a literature review from three electronic databases including Google Scholar, PubMed, and ScienceDirect. This study based on an examination of 24.840 clinical papers and research published between 2011 and 2020. Result: Seven out of eight articles used in this literature review show significant correlation between emotional intelligence and juvenile delinquency in middle adolescence. Conclusion: Emotional intelligence is one of most the significant factors that influences behavioral deviations in the second stage of adolescence. Keyword: Emotional Intelligence, Delinquent Behaviour, Juvenile Delinquency

Ryan C. Meldrum ◽  
George M. Connolly ◽  
Jamie Flexon ◽  
Rob T. Guerette

2017 ◽  
Vol 62 (10) ◽  
pp. 3058-3076 ◽  
Lisa R. Muftić ◽  
Alexander H. Updegrove

This study aims to clarify the relationships between parenting techniques, low self-control, and juvenile delinquency in Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime while controlling for alternative explanations of delinquency. We relied on a sample of 35,511 adolescent students from 31 countries from the International Self-Report Delinquency 2 Study. Results indicate that parenting exhibits a direct effect on adolescents’ violence perpetration and property offending, and that while self-control weakens the strength of this relationship, it fails to fully mediate it. Males reported lower levels of self-control, exposure to poorer parenting techniques, and higher rates of violence perpetration and property offending. The relationship between parenting, self-control, and juvenile delinquency was similar for females and males. These results provide evidence that parenting has important implications for adolescents’ involvement in delinquency above and beyond its influence on their level of self-control.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-106 ◽  
V.N. Bochkova ◽  
N.V. Meshkova

We present the results of research of relationship of antisocial creativity, negative and prosocial creativity in social interaction and their behavioral predictors. The sample consisted of 97 students in grades 9–10 (71 of them boys). We used the questionnaires "The malevolent creativity behavior scale" (adapted by N.Meshkova et al.), Bass-Perry, Machiavellianism, NEO-FFI, "Portrait value questionnaire of Schwartz – revised PVQ-R, Emotional intelligence and social situations to identify prosocial and negative creativity in social interaction. Hypotheses about a) the relationship of malevolent creativity and low self-control («Conscientiousness»); b) emotional intelligence, Machiavellianism, the features of "Agreeableness", aggression and behavioral characteristics of malevolent creativity; c) the negative relationship of emotional intelligence with fluency of harmful decisions in prosocial situation; d) the relationship between fluency in prosocial situation and situation of lies, have been confirmed. The psychological profile of malevolent and negative creativity are described. The directions of further research are proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Yola Suryani ◽  
Rini Palupi ◽  
Anggi Kusuma

Parents are the smallest social unit that has an important role and are the basis of children's development, where parents are the deciding factors for the successful formation of children's attitudes and behaviors. A mother who has children must have knowledge. Often we meet many parents who give gadgets to early childhood (3-6 years). The use of gadgets continuously will have a negative impact on children's behavior in their daily lives, children tend to be very dependent and become more emotional, get bored easily when someone advises, complains a lot, self-control is uncontrolled, personal is closed, health is disturbed, sleep disorders , aloof, mental illness, aggressive, addictive. This literature review uses critical review of full text articles in the last ten years, from 2010-2020 in Indonesian and English. Because of the limitations of the article, quantitative studies are used to obtain a more accurate review. Google Scholar data base search, National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, PubMed, Proquest with the keywords “Role of Parents”, “Early Childhood”, “Gadgets”, “Modeling Approach “to get articles that match the topic and purpose. 47 articles in Google Scholar, Then the article is read intensively and a summary of each article is made. Knowledge of the mother who is the closest person to the child in health care has a significant influence on children's attitudes and behavior in looking after and educating children. It is recommended that mothers of children aged 3-6 years give gadgets to their children and choose applications according to their age, and limit the time to use gadgets so that children do not experience addiction so that children can adapt to the environment and avoid developmental delays, especially social and emotional. Abstrak: Orangtua merupakan unit sosial terkecil yang memiliki peranan penting dan menjadi dasar perkembangan anak, dimana orang tua menjadi faktor penentu bagi keberhasilan pembentukan sikap dan perilaku anak. Seorang ibu yang memiliki anak wajib memiliki pengetahuan. Sering kita temui banyak orang tua yang memberikan gadget pada anak usia dini (3-6 tahun). Penggunaan gadget secara terus-menerus akan berdampak buruk bagi perilaku anak dalam kesehariannya, anak-anak cenderung akan sangat tergantung dan menjadi lebih emosional, cepat bosan ketika ada yang menasehati, banyak mengeluh, egois tidak terkendali, pribadi yang tertutup, kesehatan terganggu, gangguan tidur, suka menyendiri, penyakit mental, agresif, adikasi. Literature review ini memakai critical review artikel full text sepuluh tahun terakhir  yaitu  dari  tahun  2010-2020  dalam  bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris. Karena keterbatasan  artikel  maka  digunakan  studi  kuantitatif untuk mendapatkan hasil review yang lebih akurat. Pencarian data base Google Scholar, Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia, PubMed, Proquest dengan kata kunci “Peran Orang tua”, “Anak Usia Dini”, “Gadget”, “Pendekatan Modelling” untuk mendapatkan artikel yang sesuai dengan topik dan tujuan. Didapatkan 47 artikel di Google Scholar, Selanjutnya   dilakukan   pembacaan   artikel secara intensif dan dibuatkan ringkasan dari setiap artikel. Pengetahuan ibu yang merupakan orang terdekat dengan anak dalam pemeliharaan kesehatan memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap sikap dan perilaku anak dalam menjaga dan mendidik anak. Sebaiknya ibu anak usia(3-6tahun) memberikan gadget kepada anaknya dan memilih aplikasi sesuai dengan usianya, serta membatasi waktu penggunaan gadget agar anak tidak mengalami kecanduan sehingg aanak dapat beradaptasi dengan lingkungan dan terhindar dari keterlambatan perkembangan khususnya social dan emosional.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 314-324
Ryan C. Meldrum ◽  
Teresa M. Encalada ◽  
George M. Connolly

The concept of self-control has been used to account for a wide variety of outcomes, both criminal and otherwise. Recently, researchers have started investigating associations between parental self-control and family functioning. This study expands this area of research by assessing the extent to which parental low self-control and official involvement in juvenile delinquency is associated with parental exasperation among a sample of parents ( N = 101) whose children have been processed through a juvenile justice assessment facility. The results indicate that parents who are lower in self-control and whose children have had more extensive involvement in officially recorded delinquency report greater exasperation regarding their children. In addition, the data indicate the effect of parental low self-control on parental exasperation is stronger at higher levels of delinquent behavior. The implications of the study and directions for future research are discussed.

2007 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Batool Pashang ◽  
Mridula Singh

The present study examines the role of Emotional intelligence, as measured by Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS), in relation to Traits of anxiety (Emotional instability, Suspiciousness, Guilt proneness, Low integration and Tension), as measured by Anxiety Scale (IPAT). A total of 599 adults, between the ages of 20 to 50 were asked to complete the questionnaires. The mean score on total anxiety verified that the highest level of El tolerated the lowest anxiety, which was followed by subjects with medium and low levels of El. The results of the Low self control (Q3) and Emotional Instability(C) traits, displayed that the highest level of El yielded the lowest scores on those traits. The findings reported that the trait of Suspicion was tolerated same among the groups. On the other hand both the Apprehension and Tension traits pushed up on the high level of El. In the case of medium level of El, people were engaged with all of the traits on an average but the Apprehension was increased in this group in comparison to the other traits.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 340-351
Kamila Perederenko

Creative specialists are highly demanded in the tourism labour market. This fact is highlighted in the significance of the study on how creativity is fostered in tourism higher education. The objective of this study is to develop a tool for creativity evaluation. In order to attain this objective a  literature review to identify underlying variables used to measure creativity has been done. The most significant models and tools have been analysed. The empirical part of the research provides an analysis of the evaluation of creativity needs of Latvian tourism students. This report analyses the findings of the second stage of the research  – a  questionnaire survey conducted in a well-acknowledged higher education institution in Latvia providing internationally accredited tourism programs. For this stage of the research questionnaires were randomly distributed among local and international students of tourism programs. The results of the study enabled identification of the most significant factors in evaluating creativity.

Pedro Pechorro ◽  
Matt DeLisi ◽  
Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves ◽  
João Pedro Oliveira

Trauma exposure and low self-control are robustly associated with youth antisocial/criminal problems, but the interrelation of these constructs is unclear when taking into account both traumatic events and reactions. The objective of the present study is to examine self-control mediation effects related to trauma and juvenile delinquency, conduct disorder, crime seriousness, and aggression outcomes. The sample consisted of N = 388 male youth from Portugal (age, M = 16.01 years, SD = 1.03, age range = 13–18 years). Path analysis procedures revealed that self-control partially mediates the relation between trauma events and the examined outcomes and fully mediates the relation between trauma reactions and the examined outcomes. Research on youth trauma should examine both trauma events and trauma reactions because they have differential effects on low self-control and antisocial/criminal outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 744-749
Arsy Andriyanto ◽  
I Isytiaroh ◽  
Windha Widyastuti

AbstractIn the delivery process, the position of the mother giving birth has an effect on the smoothness of the process. This scientific paper aims to determine the description of giving oblique position and half-sitting position to the duration of the second stage of labor based on a literature review. It has taken three articles from Google scholar with tilt nosition half cit-fino nosition and the second stncre as the kevwords A Il Are full-text the first article was published in 2014, the second one was in 2019, and the latter was in 2020. The analysis result showed from 206 respondents, the average of labor duration on the second stage was 23.786 minutes In tilt position. Meanwhile, In halt Sitting position, it was 43.34 minutes. Furthermore, the first position was 19.554 minutes faster than the second one. And. the result is the conclusion. Therefore- it is suggested for the birth attendant to recommend a maternity mother to apply tilt position to speed up the delivery processKeywords: Tilt position; halfsitting position; second stage. AbstrakPosisi pada ibu bersalin berpengaruh terhadap proses persalinan. Pemilihan posisi yang tepat dan benar akan berdampak pada jalannya proses persalinan. Karya tulis ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pemberian posisi miring dan posisi setengah duduk terhadap lama persalinan kala II berdasarkan literature review. Desain dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah literature review dengan jumlah artikel tiga yang diambil dari laman jurnal google scholar dengan kata kunci “posisi miring”, “posisisetengahduduk” dan “lama kala II”, berupaartikel fultext. Artikel 1 terbit tahun 2019, artikel 2 tahun 2020 dan pada artikel 3 tahun 2014. Hasil analisis dari ketiga artikel menunjukan jumlah responden 206, rata-rata lama persalinan kala II menggunakan posisi miring adalah 23,786 menit dan posisi setengah duduk 43,34 menit. Poisisi miring 19,554 menit lebih cepat saat persalinan kala II dibandingkan posisi setengah duduk. Simpulannya adalah pada ibu bersalin persalinan kala II dengan posisi miring lebih cepat waktu persalinannya dibandingkan posisi setengah duduk. Saran bagi penolong persalinan dapat menganjurkan ibu bersalin menggunakan posisi miring pada proses persalinan kala II.Kata kunci: Posisi miring ;posisi setengah duduk; lama kala II.

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