2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-306
Ava Swastika Fahriana

Abstract This article aims to explore new epistemological paradigm of Islamic education of qodrati potency-based learning. The development of various views, understandings and theories about the learning process is essentially tge development of the essence of the learning process, along with the demands of the development of society where the learning process itself takes place. It is undeniable that today globalization era will always go on with the increasing complexity of society's need for educational graduates who are expected to have complete capabilities in various fields. Historically, it has been has noted that there are many changes and developments in the world of education, both related to the management of education and learning process. Learning theories that have been used and continue to develop include behaviorism, connectionism, and classical habituation, and behavior habituation, habituation of close association, cognitive theory, and social learning theory. The ongoing changes in society require that every graduate of a school has the ability to act, learn and manage its own future independently by integrating the best elements of successful systems. Meanwhile, Islamic epistemology has a very strategic role in the effort to combine and choose the various approaches of learning so that the learning pattern leads to the development of the potential qodrati of learning participants. Thus, educational objectives can be reached through potential qodrati-based learning. ملخص يهدف هذا البحث إلى التعمق في البحث عن نظرية المعرفة الجديدة في التربية الإسلامية المعتمدة على الكفاءة الطبيعي. إن ديناميكية ميلاد ونمو مختلف الأنظار والمفاهيم والنظريات في عملية التعليم هي إكمال لعملية التعليم وفقا لمتطلبات تطور المجتمع موضع عملية التعليم نفسه. ومما لاينكر اليوم أن متطلبات العولمة لا يمكن دفعها مع كثرة حاجات المجتمع تجاه خريجي المؤسسات التربوية الذين يملكون الكفاءات المتكاملة في كل المجالات. وقد سجل التاريخ أن عالم التعليم حدثت فيه تغييرات وتطورات كثيرة، سواء كانت تتعلق بإدارة أم بعملية التعليم. ومن النظريات المستخدمة التي تحدث فيه التغييرات هي: السلوك، والترابط، وتعويد السلوك العملي، وتعويد ارتباط وثيق، ونظرية معرفية، ونظرية التعليم الاجتماعي. إن حدوث التغييرات المستمرة في المجتمع يطالب كل الخريجين في المدارس أن يكون لهم كفاءة في العمل والتعلم وإدارة المستقبل بأنفسهم باتخاذ أحسن العناصر من النظم الناجحة. ومن ناحية، فإن نظرية المعرفة الإسلامية لها دور استراتيجي في محاولة اختيار مقاربة التعليم حتى وجد نمط التعليم الذي يتجه إلى تنمية كفاءة طبيعية للطلبة. ومن ذلك، يمكن تحقيق أهداف التعليم عن طريق التعليم المبني على تنمية الكفاءة الطبيعية. Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan mendalami pembahasan tentang kajian epistemologis paradigma baru pendidikan Islam dalam pembelajaran berbasis potensi qodrati. Dinamika lahir dan tumbuhnya berbagai pandangan, paham dan teori tentang proses pembelajaran pada hakikatnya merupakan penyempurnaan esensi proses pembelajaran, seiring dengan tuntutan perkembangan masyarakat tempat berlangsungnya proses pembelajaran itu sendiri. Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa dewasa ini, tuntutan era globalisasi semakin ta terbendung dengan semakin kompleksnya kebutuhan masyarakat akan lulusan dunia pendidikan yang diharapkan memiliki kemampuan yang komplit di berbagai bidang. Sejarah telah mencatat bahwa banyak terjadi perubahan dan perkembangan di dunia pendidkan, baik yang berkaitan dengan manajemen pendidikan maupun proses pembelajarannya. Teori-teori belajar yang selama ini digunakan dan terus mengalami pengembangan diantaranya yaitu behaviorisme, koneksionisme, pembiasaan klasik, pembiasaan perilaku proses, pembiasaan asosiasi dekat, teori kognitif, dan teori belajar sosial. Terjadinya perubahan terus menerus dalam masyarakat mengharuskan setiap lulusan sekolah memiliki kemampuan dalam bertindak, belajar dan mengatur masa depan sendiri secara mandiri dengan memadukan unsur-unsur terbaik dari sistem-sistem yang terbukti berhasil. Sementara itu, epistomologi Islam memiliki peran yang sangat strategis dalam upaya menggabungkan serta memilih berbagai pendekatan pembelajaran tersebut sehingga didapatkan pola pembelajaran yang mengarah pada pengembangan potensi qodrati peserta didk. Dengan demikian, tujuan pendidkan dapat dijangkau melalui pembelajaran berbasis potensi qodrati.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 289-306
Ava Swastika Fahriana

This article aims to explore new epistemological paradigm of Islamic education of qodrati potency-based learning. The development of various views, understandings and theories about the learning process is essentially tge development of the essence of the learning process, along with the demands of the development of society where the learning process itself takes place. It is undeniable that today globalization era will always go on with the increasing complexity of society's need for educational graduates who are expected to have complete capabilities in various fields. Historically, it has been has noted that there are many changes and developments in the world of education, both related to the management of education and learning process. Learning theories that have been used and continue to develop include behaviorism, connectionism, and classical habituation, and behavior habituation, habituation of close association, cognitive theory, and social learning theory. The ongoing changes in society require that every graduate of a school has the ability to act, learn and manage its own future independently by integrating the best elements of successful systems. Meanwhile, Islamic epistemology has a very strategic role in the effort to combine and choose the various approaches of learning so that the learning pattern leads to the development of the potential qodrati of learning participants. Thus, educational objectives can be reached through potential qodrati-based learning. يهدف هذا البحث إلى التعمق في البحث عن نظرية المعرفة الجديدة في التربية الإسلامية المعتمدة على الكفاءة الطبيعي. إن ديناميكية ميلاد ونمو مختلف الأنظار والمفاهيم والنظريات في عملية التعليم هي إكمال لعملية التعليم وفقا لمتطلبات تطور المجتمع موضع عملية التعليم نفسه. ومما لاينكر اليوم أن متطلبات العولمة لا يمكن دفعها مع كثرة حاجات المجتمع تجاه خريجي المؤسسات التربوية الذين يملكون الكفاءات المتكاملة في كل المجالات. وقد سجل التاريخ أن عالم التعليم حدثت فيه تغييرات وتطورات كثيرة، سواء كانت تتعلق بإدارة أم بعملية التعليم. ومن النظريات المستخدمة التي تحدث فيه التغييرات هي: السلوك، والترابط، وتعويد السلوك العملي، وتعويد ارتباط وثيق، ونظرية معرفية، ونظرية التعليم الاجتماعي. إن حدوث التغييرات المستمرة في المجتمع يطالب كل الخريجين في المدارس أن يكون لهم كفاءة في العمل والتعلم وإدارة المستقبل بأنفسهم باتخاذ أحسن العناصر من النظم الناجحة. ومن ناحية، فإن نظرية المعرفة الإسلامية لها دور استراتيجي في محاولة اختيار مقاربة التعليم حتى وجد نمط التعليم الذي يتجه إلى تنمية كفاءة طبيعية للطلبة. ومن ذلك، يمكن تحقيق أهداف التعليم عن طريق التعليم المبني على تنمية الكفاءة الطبيعية. Artikel ini bertujuan mendalami pembahasan tentang kajian epistemologis paradigma baru pendidikan Islam dalam pembelajaran berbasis potensi qodrati. Dinamika lahir dan tumbuhnya berbagai pandangan, paham dan teori tentang proses pembelajaran pada hakikatnya merupakan penyempurnaan esensi proses pembelajaran, seiring dengan tuntutan perkembangan masyarakat tempat berlangsungnya proses pembelajaran itu sendiri. Tak dapat dipungkiri bahwa dewasa ini, tuntutan era globalisasi semakin ta terbendung dengan semakin kompleksnya kebutuhan masyarakat akan lulusan dunia pendidikan yang diharapkan memiliki kemampuan yang komplit di berbagai bidang. Sejarah telah mencatat bahwa banyak terjadi perubahan dan perkembangan di dunia pendidkan, baik yang berkaitan dengan manajemen pendidikan maupun proses pembelajarannya. Teori-teori belajar yang selama ini digunakan dan terus mengalami pengembangan diantaranya yaitu behaviorisme, koneksionisme, pembiasaan klasik, pembiasaan perilaku proses, pembiasaan asosiasi dekat, teori kognitif, dan teori belajar sosial. Terjadinya perubahan terus menerus dalam masyarakat mengharuskan setiap lulusan sekolah memiliki kemampuan dalam bertindak, belajar dan mengatur masa depan sendiri secara mandiri dengan memadukan unsur-unsur terbaik dari sistem-sistem yang terbukti berhasil. Sementara itu, epistomologi Islam memiliki peran yang sangat strategis dalam upaya menggabungkan serta memilih berbagai pendekatan pembelajaran tersebut sehingga didapatkan pola pembelajaran yang mengarah pada pengembangan potensi qodrati peserta didk. Dengan demikian, tujuan pendidkan dapat dijangkau melalui pembelajaran berbasis potensi qodrati.

2018 ◽  
Reni Uswatun Hasanah

Some ideologies in learning theory has various characteristics, one of them focus moreto “result” than the learning process itself. While an example of theory which focuse on learning “process” is the cognitive theory. Humanistic theory is focus on “content” or any other things to learn. And many other theories which have certain characters based on the types and will be described completely in this paper. The differences between the characters of those learning theories caused by the various types of learning that observed. There are some high and low stages in the character of learning. There are also some characters of learning such as skill and rationale. So, in evaluating wheter the opinions of those learning theory experts are correct or wrong, we have to understand the certain characteristic related with types of the observed learning.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Sulistyowati Sulistyowati

Textbook is one of learning components that plays an important role in determining the success of learning. Textbook as a media and one of main resources in the learning process has a strategic role to be developed to improve the quality of learning and cultivate religiosity of the students. The cultivation of religious characters will be effective, efficient, and interesting if the available textbooks are combined with the Islamic education and characters contents. Those contents will create religious atmosphere and familiarize the students in practising their religiosity in everyday life. In this way, the competency of Islamic education and characters are combined with the competency of other subjects that are packaged in a learning experience. Thus the Islamic values will be formed in students characters.

2011 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-179
B. P. Sitepu

Paradigm shift in education has made significant change in the roles of teacher and student in teaching and learning process. In the new paradigm the student become the axis of teaching and learning process. The student makes the choice in learning objective, learning materials, and learning resources based on his/her learning style. The teacher acts more as a learning designer, learning manager, and tutor. The learning theory development tends to provide the learner with learning skills to enable them to be independent learners to life-long learning. However, the learning theories are mostly discussed in the formal eduacation situation, though the theories are also apllicable for nonformal education. This article discusses how the current learning theories can be implemented in nonformal education. The discussion is limited on the application of learning resources development in early childhood education and learning community centers. The discussion ends with a strong conclusion that resources based learning theory are potential and need to apply in nonformal education under a condition that there should be some changes in the roles of teachers/instructors, learners, and the nonformal institution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Mahrus Mahrus ◽  
Zubdatul Itqon

This study aims to describe the implications of humanistic learning theory and multiple intelligences on learning Islamic education. This research is library research. Research data were obtained from books and scientific journal notes. The results showed that Abraham Maslow's humanistic theory aims to humanize humans as early as possible as their nature. The learning process is considered effective if students understand themselves and their surroundings. Students in a series of learning should try so that sooner or later they can actualize themselves as best as possible. Meanwhile, Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences is oriented towards understanding the potential abilities of various intelligences so that their potential can be optimized according to the nature of their creation.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implikasi teori pembelajaran humanistik dan kecerdasan majemuk terhadap pembelajaran pendidikan Agama Islam. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari buku dan catatan jurnal ilmiah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Teori humanistik Abraham Maslow bertujuan untuk memanusiakan manusia sedini mungkin sebagaimana fitrahnya. Proses pembelajaran dianggap efektif jika siswa memahami dirinya dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Siswa dalam suatu rangkaian pembelajaran hendaknya berusaha agar cepat atau lambat ia dapat mengaktualisasikan dirinya sebaik mungkin. Sedangkan teori kecerdasan majemuk Howard Gadrdner berorientasi pada memahami kemampuan potensi berbagai kecerdasan agar potensinya dapat optimal sesuai dengan fitrah penciptaannya.

Rod Sims

<span>The role and function of interactivity within computer enhanced learning is undergoing increased scrutiny. Through a reappraisal of learning theories in terms of their implications for interactivity and identifying the major interactive constructs, this paper provides a context for better understanding computer based interactivity and achieving its potential for enhancing the learning process.</span>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-164

Speaking on integrative thematic issues, it is inseparable from the 2013 curriculum. It is said so because the content or content of lessons in class presentations has been polished into one theme in which there are several subjects that have been integrated and one of them is the integration of Religion with Mathematics . The idea of integration of religious and general values is not a discourse to achieve academic sympathies, but rather an urgent need that must be carried out as a guide to existing education, given that education has been influenced by a strong dualism between the religious sciences and general sciences. In addition, the degradation of ethical values, morals and character of students also makes it a necessity for an institution to continue to teach all students about values without ignoring general lessons. So by presenting the integration of religious subjects and general subjects (mathematics), it is expected that all students have character values in themselves. This suggests that the implementation of Islamic education has a strategic portion in complementing the general education curriculum. That is, the learning process between general education and religion becomes the main process in creating human resources with the insight of science and technology, so that the added values obtained by students with the implementation of Islamic learning which certainly leads to the cultivation of morals, morals, and behavior of participants better students.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Ni Nyoman Perni

<p>Students are human beings whose human identity as a conscious subject needs to be defended and enforced through educational systems and models that are "free and egalitarian". The future challenge of education is to realize the process of learning democratization. A democratization process that reflects that learning is on children's initiative. To develop so that humans become mature, it is not enough if they are only trained, but also must be educated. Students must be educated for realists, recognize a life that is multidimensional, not uniform and invited to live a complementary diversity. Whereas in training, what is primarily formed is outward behavior. This learning theory talks more about the concepts of education to shape human beings who are aspired to, and about the learning process in its most ideal form. In other words, this theory is more interested in the notion of learning in its most ideal form than the understanding of the learning process as it is, as has been studied by other learning theories. In its implementation, this humanistic theory, among others, also appears in the learning approach proposed by Ausubel.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-29

Abstract The purpose of this research is to know the Humanism learning theory and how the Humanism Learning theory according to the perspective of Islamic education This research includes the type of library research (library-research). through words or sentences in the form of discussion to draw conclusions. From the results of the research that the authors do, according to humanistic theory, the purpose of learning is to humanize humans. The learning process is considered successful if the student understands his environment and himself. Students in the learning process must try to gradually achieve self-actualization as well as possible. This learning theory seeks to understand learning behavior from the point of view of the doer, not from the point of view of the observer. Humanism education is a process of awareness and improvement of human dignity and its potential in a directed manner, as well as producing a dynamic discussion so as to create a progressive, innovative critical climate as a whole by promoting a humanist dialogical approach pattern between educators and students and students with their environment.   Keywords : Learning Theory, Humanism, Islamic Education ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah dalah untuk mengetahui teori belajar Humanismedan bagaimana teori Belajar Humanisme menurut perspektif pendidikan Islam Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kepustakaan  (library-research), sumber data dalam penelitian ini bersifat primer dan sekuder kemudian menganalisis data dengan menggambarkan data melalui kata-kata atau kalimat yang berupa pembahasan untuk diambil kesimpulannya. Dari hasil penelitian yang penulis lakukan  bahwa Menurut Teori humanistik, tujuan belajar adalah untuk memanusiakan manusia. Proses belajar dianggap berhasil jika si pelajar memahami lingkungannya dan dirinya sendiri. Siswa dalam proses belajarnya harus berusaha agar lambat laun ia mampu mencapai aktualisasi diri dengan sebaik-baiknya. Teori belajar ini berusaha memahami perilaku belajar dari sudut pandang pelakunya, bukan dari sudut pandang pengamatnya. Pedidikan humanisme merupakan sebuah proses penyadaran dan peningkatan terhadap harkat kemanusiaan  dan potensi yang dimiliki secara terarah, sekaligus memproduksi suatu pembahasan yang dinamis sehingga tercipta iklim kritis progresif, inofatif secara utuh dengan mengedepankan  pola pendekatan dialogis humanis antara pendidik dengan peserta didik dan peserta didik dengan lingkungannya.    Kata Kunci: Teori Belajar, Humanisme, Pendidikan Islam  

1991 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
C. J. A. Simpson ◽  
B. C. Lessing

Learning theory basis of andragogy. A cursory glance at andragogy creates the impression that humanistic learning theory plays an all encompassing role in the learner centered approach andragogy espouses. A closer look, however, reveals that Knowles (1973), after having made an intensive study of learning theory, created an extensive framework within which human resource development can take place. The fact that Knowles attracted critique from different areas, led to a need to ascertain the role different learning theories, if any, played in the emergence of andragogy. Having looked at the assumptions displayed by the andragogical approach, as well as a comparison of different learning theories and their connection with andragogy, it became clear that andragogy contains elements of various learning theories in an adapted way. These adaptations resulted in an approach to adult education in which learners are given the opportunity to be part of the learning process in such a way that they themselves contribute to the development which takes place. Opsomming Met 'n eerste oogopslag wil dit voorkom asof humanistiese leerteorie 'n oorheersende rol in die leerdergesentreerde benadering van andragogie speel. By nadere ondersoek blyk dit egter dat Knowles (1973), na 'n deeglike studie van verskillende leerteoretiese beginsels, 'n omvangryke raamwerk geskep het waarbinne, aan die hand van verskeie aangepaste leerteoretiese beginsels, menslike hulpbronontwikkeling kan plaasvind. As gevolg van die feit dat Knowles vanuit verskillende oorde kritiek op die lyf geloop het, is besluit om die rol wat verskillende leerteorieë in andragogie speel, te bestudeer. Dit blyk dat andragogie nie net elemente van verskillende leerteorieë bevat nie, maar dat toepaslike aspekte van die teoriee wat ondersoek is, benut en aangepas is om 'n geintegreerde benadering te bewerkstellig waarin veral volwassene-leerders by leergeleenthede en hulle selfontwikkeling betrek word.

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