Place of media in the formula of national consensus: Kazakhstan experience// Social Sciences: Achievements and Prospects Journal 2(10), 2019/ OEAPS Inc.(Open European Academy of Public Sciences); Chief Editor Mark Freeman - Barcelona, Spain. 16.02.2019: OEAPS Inc., 2019. - pp. 90-94.

2019 ◽  
Saule Viktorovna Ashenova

The article discusses the role of mass media in creating and supporting a tolerant, democratic society in a country that is multi-ethnic and multi-religious.В статье рассматривается роль СМИ в вопросе создания и поддержки толерантного, демократического общества в стране, отличающейся полиэтничностью и поликонфессиональностью.Ключевые слова: мультикультурное общество; толерантность; национальное согласие; СМИ; информационные риски

2019 ◽  
Лариса Дмитриевна Артемьева

В статье говорится о роли внеурочной деятельности в формировании личности ребенка в образовательном учреждении. Формирование личности - это комплексный процесс, возможный лишь в ус.ловиях взаимопонимания, взаимопомощи и качественного взаимодействия общественных институтов.The article deals with the role of extracurricular activities in the formation of the child's personality in an educational institution. The formation of personality is a complex process, which is possible only in the conditions of mutual understanding, mutual assistance and high-quality interaction of public institutions.

2019 ◽  
Ольга Батыровна Цагараева

В статье рассматривается роль психологических знаний в процессе обучения, анализируются современные подходы к организации подготовки преподавателей высшей школы в Узбекистане, выявлены основные тенденции и этапы формирования их компетентности, выявлены наиболее эффективные методы и формы повышения методической и психологической квалификации будущих преподавателей.The article discusses the role of psychological knowledge in the learning process, analyzes modern approaches to the organization of training of high school teachers in Uzbekistan, identifies the main trends and stages of formation their competencies, the most effective methods and forms of improving the methodological and psychological qualifications and future teachers.

2019 ◽  
Агриппина Александровна Дорофеева ◽  
Алексей Валерьевич Алтухов ◽  
Алексей Дмитриевич Федоров

Городская среда один из важнейших предметов исследования урбанистики, рассматривается как целостный природно-антропогенный комплекс, подкрепленный развитыми технологическим, научным, производственным, социально-культурным потенциалом города. The urban environment is an integral natural and anthropogenic complex, supported by developed technological, scientific, industrial, social and cultural potentials of the city.

2019 ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova ◽  
Olga Alexandrovna Manankova

The article deals with the analysis of distance education in the modern globalization, as well as the problems and difficulties faced by teachers and students in the process of this form of training. Distance learning system provides an excellent opportunity for higher education to those who did not have or want to get a second education with the aim of improving the quality of life, as well as their material and spiritual needs. This article, highlighting some of the difficulties and problems of training in modern globalization, can help teachers to allow and overcome some of these new problems.

2019 ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova

Some words about attitudes to technology: many people are afraid of new technology and, with the increasing presence of the Internet and computers, the term technophobe has appeared to refer to those of us who might be wary of these new developments. More recently, the term digital native has been coined to refer to someone who grows up using technology, and who thus feels comfortable and confident with it there is a tendency to call computer users either technophobes or technogeeks ( a term for a technology enthusiast) the truth is that most of us probably fall somewhere between the two extremes. A large part of the negative attitudes teachers have towards technology is usually the result of a lack of confidence, a lack of facilities or a lack of training, resulting in an inability to see the benefit of using technologies in the classroom. It is also often the case that teachers may not be fully in control of their work situations. A teacher may want to use more technology in their teaching, but the school may not have the facilities, or, on the other hand, a teacher may be instructed to start using technology for which they feel unprepared or untrained.

2019 ◽  
Мария Викторовна Жижина

В статье рассматриваются основные направления проблемы медиапсихологической безопасности в контексте медиапсихологических исследований, анализируются детерминанты, влияющие на формирование информационно-психологической безопасности личности. Теоретический анализ междисциплинарных исследований, показал, что понятие информационно-психологическая (медиапсихологическая) безопасность рассматривается исследователями в одном ряду с такими понятиями как информационная безопасность, медиазащищенность, медииммунитет, медиакомпетентность, медиакультура, культура медиапотребления, психоэкология.The article deals with the main directions of the problem of media psychological security in the context of media psychological research. It also analyzes the determinants that affect shaping the information and psychological security of an individual. The theoretical analysis of interdisciplinary research has shown that researchers consider the concept of informational and psychological (media psychological) security along with concepts such as information security, media security, media immunity, media competence, media culture, the culture of media consumption, and psychoecology.

2019 ◽  
Aigerim Toleutayevna Murzatayeva ◽  
Zhanna Borisovna Erzhanova

He article deals with the scheme (network) of relations between the elements of the object is the structure of the object, and the place of the element in this structure is the importance of the element. In conclusion, it was noted that the following concept of the system approach was formed because of the application of ideas and methods developed to solve engineering and physical problems, to solve linguistic problems related mainly to the problems of language typology. Besides, the experimental training on the approbation of the developed methodology was described, the results of the study were presented, general conclusions were formulated, and prospects for further study of the problem were outlined.

2019 ◽  

Social Sciences: Achievements and Prospects is a major international forum for the analysis and debate of trends and approaches in social science research. The journal provides a space for innovative theoretical as well as empirical contributions to issues that transcend the framework of the traditional disciplines. Given its international orientation, contributions of a comparative or cross-cultural nature are particularly welcome. Social Sciences: Achievements and Prospects aims to contribute to overcoming fragmentation and over-specialization in current social-science research. Comprehensive and original contributions will tend to be of a tentative nature, trying out new avenues on terrains that are far from being well known. The journal welcomes trend reports on intellectually stimulating new developments to make them more widely known and to offer a space to assess their significance in answering key questions of scholarship in our time.Chief Editor Mark Freeman Doctor of Philosophy, Estonia.

2019 ◽  
Виктория Петровна Устинова ◽  
Жанна Толеуовна Балмагамбетова ◽  
Татьяна Викторовна Стеничкина ◽  
Gulnar Dmitrievna Sharakpaeva ◽  
Olga Alexandrovna Manankova ◽  

Social Sciences: Achievements and Prospects is a major international forum for the analysis and debate of trends and approaches in social science research. The journal provides a space for innovative theoretical as well as empirical contributions to issues that transcend the framework of the traditional disciplines. Given its international orientation, contributions of a comparative or cross-cultural nature are particularly welcome. Social Sciences: Achievements and Prospects aims to contribute to overcoming fragmentation and over-specialization in current social-science research. Comprehensive and original contributions will tend to be of a tentative nature, trying out new avenues on terrains that are far from being well known. The journal welcomes trend reports on intellectually stimulating new developments to make them more widely known and to offer a space to assess their significance in answering key questions of scholarship in our time.

2019 ◽  
Раиса Маликовна Садвакасова ◽  
Сауле Суюндыковна Касимова

В статье рассматривается экономические и юридические отношения собственности как единство двух сторон: вещных отношений, закрепленных в нормах права, и экономические отношения, определяющиеся через содержание собственности, полезности и ограниченности материальных и нематериальных благ. Подход к содержанию собственности с позиции единства экономики и права предлагает рассматривать экономические и правовые отношения собственности в качестве двух взаимосвязанных сторон, как диалектическое соотношение содержания и формы.The article deals with economic and legal relations of property as a unity of two sides: property relations embodied in standards of law, and economic relations defined by the content of the property, usefulnessand modesty of tangible and intangible values.The approach to the content of property from the standpoint of the unity of economics and law offers to consider the economic and legal relations of property as two interrelated parties, as a dialectical correlationof content and form.

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