scholarly journals Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer sebagai salah satu upaya pencegahan Covid-19 di Kota Pekanbaru, Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 325-328
Arisman Adnan ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Maria Erna ◽  
Ari Sulistyo Rini ◽  
Ody Azis Saputra

In early 2020, the world was shocked by the outbreak of new pneumonia that started in Wuhan, Hubei Province which then spread rapidly to more than 190 countries and territories. This outbreak is named coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) which is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). People are not aware that their hands are often contaminated with bacteria and viruses during their activities. One of the simplest ways and can be done to prevent this is to wash your hands using soap or antiseptic, hand sanitizer. Washing your hands can reduce the number of bacteria by up to 58%. The advantages of hand sanitizers can kill germs in a relatively fast time. The active ingredients of hand sanitizers are generally alcohol group compounds with a concentration of ± 60% to 80% and the phenol group (triclosan) so that they have a mechanism of action by denaturing and coagulating cell protein germs. Therefore, making hand sanitizers in simple stages can be done alone in community service activities. This service aims to find out how high public awareness is in dealing with the Covid-19 outbreak in everyday life. Evaluation of the service activities that will be carried out is to see how many people are aware of the importance of protecting themselves and the environment and maintaining distance in order to break the chain of spreading the virus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-284
Bayu Eko Prasetyo ◽  
Effendy De Lux Putra ◽  
Sri Yuliasmi ◽  
Henny Sri Wahyuni

Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) was declared a pandemic (a disease whose spread has spread throughout the world) by WHO on March 9, 2020. This disease can be transmitted to everyone regardless of age and has a very detrimental impact both in the health and economic fields. Cempedak Lobang Village is one of the villages in Serdang Bedagai Regency which was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the precautions that can be taken to reduce the spread of Covid-19 is the application of physical distancing and maintaining hand hygiene through the use of a hand sanitizer. However, the availability of hand sanitizers has become scarce and very expensive so that it is difficult for the public to reach. In addition, there is a lack of compliance and public awareness of the importance of implementing physical distancing, using masks and maintaining personal hygiene, so it is feared that the spread of the virus will become more widespread. This community service is beneficial in providing one solution and alternative to the community of this village in solving health problems that are currently endemic. The team will disseminate and educate on how to prevent Covid-19 infection. Hand sanitizers provided with formulas according to WHO standards and prepared by the community services team as well as educating on how to use and manufacture them so that they can stimulate the community to make their hand sanitizers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 08-13
Dewi Rury Arindari ◽  
Dessy Suswitha ◽  
Shinta Maharani ◽  
Lela Aini

ABSTRAKCovid-19 merupakan penyakit yang penyebabnya adalah virus corona yang menyerang sistem pernapasan. Pemerintah sudah menghimbau masyarakatnya dengan memberikan protokol kesehatan untuk menghindari penularan wabah COVID-19, untuk dapat menerapkannya dibutuhkan kesadaran masyarakat. Salah satu hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang Pencegahan COVID-19 berbasis Keluarga dengan Menerapkan 5M. Tujuan Pengabdian adalah untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat RT 22 Kelurahan Pahlawan Palembang tentang Pencegahan COVID-19 berbasis Keluarga dengan Menerapkan 5M dapat terlaksana dengan baik. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah berbentuk pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode ceramah dan demontrasi. Kesimpulan adanya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat berbasis keluarga di RT 22 kelurahan Pahlawan Palembang dalam menerapkan protokol Kesehatan 5M. Disarankan bagi peneliti selanjutnya agar dapat mengimplementasikan dan memberikan informasi terbaru tentang pencegahan virus Covid 19 selain penerapan 5M pada masyarakat yang lebih luas. Kata Kunci: Peningkatan Kesadaran Masyarakat, Menerapkan 5M, Pencegahan        Covid 19 ABSTRACTCovid-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus that attacks the respiratory system. The government has appealed to the public by providing health protocols to avoid the transmission of the COVID-19 outbreak, to be able to implement it, public awareness is needed. One of the things that can be done to increase public awareness is to provide counseling about Family-based COVID-19 Prevention by Implementing 5M. The purpose of this service is to increase public awareness of RT 22 Pahlawan Palembang Village regarding Family-based COVID-19 Prevention by Implementing 5M can be carried out properly. The method used in community service activities is in the form of health education with lecture and demonstration methods. The conclusion is that there is an increase in family-based community awareness in RT 22, Pahlawan Palembang village in implementing the 5M Health protocol. It is recommended for further researchers to be able to implement and provide the latest information about the prevention of the Covid 19 virus in addition to the application of 5M to the wider community. Keywords: Increasing Public Awareness, Implementing 5M, Prevention of Covid             19

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 07
Mamik Ratnawati ◽  
Monika Sawitri Prihatini ◽  
Rini Hayu Lestari

Abstrak: Penyakit    diare    masih    menjadi    masalah  global      dengan      derajat      kesakitan      dan  kematian    yang    tinggi    di    berbagai    negara terutama   di   negara   berkembang,   dan   juga sebagai   salah  satu penyebab  utama  tingginya  angka    kesakitan    dan    kematian    anak    di  dunia. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi kepada ibu balita agar mengerti dan paham tentang diare dan pencegahannya di posyandu Desa Kali Kejambon Kecamatan Tembelang kabupaten Jombang. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan Pemberdayaan Ibu Dalam Mengenali Diare Pada Anak Dan Cara Pencegahan Diare di Posyandu Kali Kejambon Kecamatan Tembelang Kabupaten Jombang berjalan dengan baik, sebanyak 50 orang ibu balita yang hadir dalam kegiatan ini dan terdapat 80% ibu balita paham dengan materi yang disampaikan oleh tim pelaksana pengabdian masyarakat serta terdapat umpan balik dengan memberikan pertanyaan kepada pelaksana kegiatan untuk pembahasan yang belum dimengerti. Bagi para ibu balita agar selalu waspada dengan kejadian diare pada balita karena diare merupakan bukan kasus yang bisa diremehkan dan bagi tenaga kesehatan agar selalu memberikan edukasi tentang penyakit-penyakit yang sering terjadi pada anak-anak agar tidak terjadi bahaya dan komplikasi.Abstract: Diarrhea is still a global problem with high degrees of illness and death in various countries, especially in developing countries, and also as one of the main causes of high child morbidity and mortality in the world. The purpose of this activity is to provide education to mothers of children under five to understand and understand diarrhea and its prevention at the Posyandu in Kali Kejambon Village, Tembelang District, Jombang Regency. Community service activities with the Empowerment of Mothers in Recognizing Diarrhea in Children and How to Prevent Diarrhea in the Kali Kejambon Posyandu in Tembelang District, Jombang Regency went well, as many as 50 under-five mothers attended this activity and 80% of toddlers understood the material delivered by the team implementing community service and providing feedback by giving questions to the implementers of activities for discussions that have not been understood. For mothers of toddlers to always be aware of the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers because diarrhea is not a case that can be underestimated and for health workers to always provide education about diseases that often occur in children so that there is no danger and complications.

Ikha Nadia Lilfitri ◽  
Dewi Candra Ciptosari ◽  
Widya Nur Aisa ◽  
Ratih Puspita Dewi

This article is the result of community service activities. The purpose of this activity is to disseminate information about Covid-19 to children in Talang Hamlet. This socialization activity was carried out online with the Google Meet application with 19 children as participants from elementary to high school levels. The technique of delivering socialization uses the lecture method with PowerPoint media. This activity increased the knowledge of children in Talang Hamlet about the Covid-19 pandemic, especially about the dangers of Covid-19, prevention of Covid-19, and the application of health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic. At the final stage of the activity, assistance was provided in necessities and hand sanitizer to local hamlet residents. This activity concluded that COVID-19 socialization activities for children could increase their knowledge about Covid-19.AbstrakArtikel ini merupakan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk menyebarluaskan informasi tentang Covid-19 kepada anak-anak di Dusun Talang. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini dilakukan secara online dengan aplikasi Google Meet dengan peserta 19 anak dari tingkat SD hingga SMA. Teknik penyampaian sosialisasi menggunakan metode ceramah dengan media PowerPoint. Kegiatan ini menambah pengetahuan anak-anak di Dusun Talang tentang pandemi Covid-19 khususnya tentang bahaya Covid-19, pencegahan Covid-19, dan penerapan protokol kesehatan selama pandemi Covid-19. Di akhir kegiatan, diberikan bantuan sembako dan hand sanitizer kepada warga dusun setempat. Kegiatan ini menyimpulkan bahwa kegiatan sosialisasi COVID-19 kepada anak-anak dapat menambah pengetahuan mereka tentang Covid-19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 84-89
Hengki Firmanda ◽  
Gian Juliano

This community empowerment activity in making hand sanitizers was carried out in the Nagari Persiapan Aia Manggih Utara, Kecamatan Lubuk Sikaping. WHO officially declared COVID-19 a pandemic due to the increasingly massive spread of COVID-19 in various countries. One of the efforts to avoid this virus is to maintain hand hygiene. Currently, many hand sanitizers are offered in the form of hand sanitizers because their use is more practical. Hand sanitizer is practical to use and can be carried anytime and anywhere. Generally, hand sanitzers are made using alcohol-based ingredients, but the use of alcohol on the skin is considered unsafe, besides that during the Covid-19 pandemic, hand sanitizers have become rare in the market. Therefore, one way to overcome this problem is to make a hand sanitizer made from natural ingredients from betel and lime leaves. The formulation of the problems that arise due to COVID-19 in the Nagari Persiapan Aia Manggih Utara, namely how to educate the public in making hand sanitizers made from natural ingredients, Techniques used in community empowerment related to the manufacture of hand sanitizers with natural ingredients are community participation, discussion and outreach. Based on the results of surveys and interviews conducted at the end of community service activities, 87% of the community understands how to make hand sanitizers made from natural ingredients, 95% of the community understands about COVID-19 and its symptoms of infection, 91% of the community understands efforts to prevent transmission of COVID-19, 88 % of people have understood the new normal policy (new normal habits), and 97% of people have experienced a decrease in income.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rissa Hanny ◽  
Ahmad Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Nurismalatri Nurismalatri ◽  
Yhonanda Harsono ◽  
Juwita Ramadani Fitria

AbstractThis community service is entitled "Empowerment of Creative Businesses with Financial Management to Maximize Profits at Rumah Gemilang Indonesia Al Azhar, Sawangan Depok". The purpose of this service is to give guidance to students (participants) that they must become young people who have creativity in entrepreneurship, and empower creative businesses that are always innovating, in addition to providing knowledge to participants (students) about financial management methods that can provide maximum profit in entrepreneurship so that they can become successful entrepreneurs in the future. The method of implementing this service is carried out in a number of activities, namely the survey phase by visiting Gemilang Indonesia's House and then socializing there with the leadership of Gemilang's house after that compiling various things to be conveyed during the service activities to be carried out which include: preparation of material to be given, preparation of schedules provision of material, division of tasks of the devotion team and surveys to the service location. The socialization phase is before the community service activities are carried out first, the socialization phase is to make a friendship with the leaders of Rumah Gemilang Indonesia, conveying the aims and objectives of this service. At this stage also carried out the fabric of cooperation and determine the schedule of service activities. The implementing team of community service activities is 9 lecturers at the Faculty of Economics majoring in management. The dedication team provided material on Creative Business Empowerment with Financial Management to Maximize Profit at Gemilang Indonesia Al Alzhar House, Sawangan Depok, conducted by lecturers from the Faculty of Economics, Management Study Program at the University of Pamulang. The conclusion of this dedication is that participants initially did not understand how to be able to create creative businesses and implement financial management so that their businesses could obtain maximum profits. Our hope with this dedication can open insight from female and female students who will face the world of society. The material we provide is learning and practice in the field of management, especially good financial management as well as study material and input for these students to be able to implement it in daily life, so that it can help and improve scientific levels and be inspired in making home-based businesses that are will be very useful in their lives in the future.Keywords: Creative Business, Financial Management, Profit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 126-135
Lalu Ahmad Didik ◽  
Farizal Wahyudi

[Bahasa]: Pandemi Covid-19 yang terjadi di seluruh dunia, khususnya di Pulau Lombok mengakibatkan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilaksanakan mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram dalam bentuk Kuliah Kerja Partisipatif (KKP) dilaksanakan di lingkungan rumah mahasiswa masing-masing. Program ini selanjutnya disebut dengan Kuliah Kerja Partisipatif dari rumah (KKP-DR). Tema yang menjadi fokus dalam program ini adalah sosialisasi pencegahan penularan covid-19 dengan menekankan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) yang sekaligus merupakan tuntunan agama Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam program ini adalah sosialisasi kepada masyarakat di beberapa desa di Pulau Lombok yang merupakan desa asal mahasiswa. Program ini terdiri dari beberapa kegiatan seperti pemasangan pamflet dan penyebaran brosur, sosialisasi kampung sehat, seminar Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS), pelatihan mencuci tangan, pembiasaan physical distancing, senam bersama, pemberian bantuan masker, pemberian bantuan hand sanitizer, dan bersih lingkungan masjid. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan manfaat program, ketepatan sasaran dan ketepatan metode yang diberikan kepada 10 orang kepala desa tempat mahasiswa melaksanakan KKP-DR. Hasil dari pelaksanaan program ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden menyatakan sangat setuju dimana 100% responden menyatakan kegiatan ini bermanfaat, 80% tepat sasaran dan 90% menyatakan kegiatan ini menggunakan metode yang tepat. Kegiatan ini dapat membantu masyarakat mengetahui informasi seputar Covid-19 dan mampu memberikan bekal pencegahan penularan Covid-19 dengan menerapkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Kata Kunci: kuliah kerja partisipatif dari rumah (KKP-DR), sosialisasi, pencegahan Covid 19 [English]: The Covid-19 pandemic that hit the world, especially on the island of Lombok, makes students of the State Islamic University (UIN) Mataram carry out Participatory Community Service (KKP) program in their surroundings. This program is called  home-based community program (KKP-DR). The focus of the program is the socialization on the transmission of COVID-19 prevention by emphasizing Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Behavior (PHBS), which is also an Islamic religious guidance. The method used was outreach to the community in several villages on the island of Lombok, where the students come from. The program was held in several activities such as the installation of pamphlets and distribution of brochures, socialization of healthy villages, seminars on Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS), hand washing training, physical distancing habituation, joint exercise, providing masks, providing hand sanitizer, and cleaning the mosques. The evaluation was carried out by 10 village heads considering the benefits of the program, the accuracy of the targets and the accuracy of the methods. The results of the implementation of this program are: 100% of respondents do agree that the program is useful; 80% of the respondents state that the program is effective; and 90% agree that the program apply the right method. In conclusion, KKP-DR can help the public find out information about Covid-19 and be able to provide provisions for preventing the transmission of Covid-19 by implementing a clean and healthy lifestyle. Keywords: KKP-DR, socialization, prevention of Covid-19 transmission

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-49
Dabella Yunia ◽  
Nada Shafa Soraya Gandakusumah ◽  
Nina Safitri Zahra ◽  
Musdalifah ◽  
Farlina Fajrianti ◽  

The Covid-19 pandemic has hit Indonesia since March 2020 until now. All components of the Indonesian state must unite to overcome the pandemic. One of the tangible forms of community service from Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University is to increase public awareness of Covid-19 during the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities in Cibodasari Village. Community service activities carried out include socializing covid-19, spraying disinfectants, and socializing the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities. The activity was carried out in a hybrid manner by implementing a strict health protocol. The result of the implementation of these activities is that the residents of the Cibodasari sub-district are increasingly aware of Covid-19 so that the discipline in applying health protocols is felt, the wider impact is felt at the Tangerang City level by decreasing the level of the Bed Occupancy Ratio.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Lela Aini ◽  
Lenny Astuti ◽  
Dessy Suswitha ◽  
Dea Mega Arini ◽  
Shinta Maharani ◽  

ABSTRAKKonstipasi merupakan kondisi di mana feses mengeras sehingga susah dikeluarkan melalui anus,dan menimbulkan rasa terganggu atau tidaknya pada rektum. Konstipasi dapat terjadi akibat kurangnya makan berserat, kurang minum putih dan pengaruh obat yang dikonsumsi. Salah satu hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang Pencegahan konstipasi pada anak melalui penyuluhan impementasi evidence based practice tentang makanan berserat dan air putih. Tujuan Pengabdian adalah untuk Meningkatkan pemahaman anak mengenai pencegahan konstipasi melalui penyuluhan implementasi evidence based practice tentang makanan berserat dan air putih di Panti Asuhan Darussalam Palembang. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah berbentuk pendidikan kesehatan dengan metode ceramah dan demontrasi. Kesimpulan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan anak (100%) di Panti Asuhan Darussalam Palembang tentang makanan berserat dan konsumsi air putih untuk mencegah kejadian konstipasi. Kata Kunci: Konstipasi, Makanan berserat, dan Air Putih ABSTRACT Constipation is a condition in which the stool hardens so that it is difficult to expel it through the anus, and causes discomfort or discomfort in the rectum. Constipation can occur due to lack of fiber eating, drinking less mineral water, and the influence of drugs consumed. One of the things that can be done to increase public awareness is to provide counseling on the prevention of constipation in children through counseling on the implementation of evidence-based practice about fibrous food and water. The purpose of this service was to increase children's understanding of preventing constipation through counseling on the implementation of evidence-based practice about fibrous food and mineral water at the Darussalam Orphanage in Palembang. The method used in community service activities through health education with lecture and demonstration methods. The conclusion is that there was an increase of knowledge of children (100%)at the Darussalam Orphanage in Palembang about fibrous food and water consumption to prevent constipation. Keywords: Constipation, Fibrous Food, And Mineral Water.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 954-961
Ira Rahmiyani ◽  
Ruswanto Ruswanto ◽  
Anna Yuliana ◽  
Vera Nurviana ◽  
Tita Nofianti ◽  

ABSTRAK Dengan meningkatkan kasus covid-19 yang terjadi di dunia dan khususnya di Indonesia serta munculnya konsep new normal, maka perlu langkah-langkah untuk antisipasi mengurangi penyebaran covid-19 di era new normal ini. Sehingga Prodi Farmasi STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada telah melakukan beberapa kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Kota Tasikmalaya tentang penyuluhan proteksi diri di era new normal dan workshop pembuatan sediaan herbal sebagai imunomodulator. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah ceramah, diskusi dan workshop. Peserta kegiatan ini adalah kader-kader kecamatan dan Penanggung jawab kesehatan tradisional di tiap puskesmas Kota Tasikmalaya. Dari kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan sukses serta peserta dapat memahami materi yang disampaikan. Keyword: covid-19, new normal, proteksi diri, imunomodulator  ABSTRACT By increasing cases of Covid-19 that have occurred in the world and especially in Indonesia and the emergence of the new normal concept, steps are needed to anticipate reducing the spread of Covid-19 in this new normal era. So that the Pharmacy Program at STIKes Bakti Tunas Husada has carried out several community service activities in the Tasikmalaya City regarding self-protection counseling in the new normal era and workshops on making herbal preparations as immunomodulators. The methods used in community service activities are lectures, discussions, and workshops. Participants in this activity are sub-district cadres and people in charge of the traditional health of each puskesmas at Tasikmalaya City. The service activities carried out can run smoothly and successfully and participants can understand the material presented. Keywords: covid-19, new normal, immunomodulator, self-protection

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