2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1023
Dharul Jannah ◽  
Ermawati Samsiah ◽  
Liona Amalia Dewi Widyandana ◽  
Emfadhil Tribruari Hadist ◽  
Fiba Eka Maharani ◽  

ABSTRAKPembelajaran matematika berbasis game saat ini sangat diminati oleh siswa SD terlebih lagi oleh siswa SD penyandang tunanetra, sehingga dapat mempermudah siswa-siswi tunanetra dalam memahami materi. Memperhatikan permasalahan yang ada, dilakukan program pengabdian masyarakat melalui media BLIND’S PLAYPAD sebagai upaya dalam inovasi media pembelajaran matematika di SDLB-A YPAB Surabaya. Tujuan dari program ini adalah untuk menarik minat siswa tunanetra di SDLB-A YPAB Surabaya pada pembelajaran matematika sehingga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam belajar matematika, serta mengenalkan media BLIND’S PLAYPAD sehingga dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika secara mandiri. Metode pelaksanaan program ini dilakukan secara luring dengan mematuhi protocol Kesehatan dan daring melalui video conference (zoom). Pada program ini terdiri dari lima kegiatan. Pertama, tahap persiapan yang terdiri dari melakukan diskusi tim dengan mitra hingga tahap terakhir yakni membahas keberlanjutan program. Hasil yang dicapai dari program Blind’s Playpad adalah adanya media BLIND’S PLAYPAD, laporan, serta publikasi pada media elektronik dan artikel ilmiah. Program ini berhasil dilaksanakan karena siswa mampu menyelesaikan soal-soal yang diberikan dan mendapat nilai lebih dari sama dengan 70, dimana 70 itu merupakan satuan ketentuan mata pelajaran SDLB-A YPAB. Kemudian adanya peningkatan keaktifan siswa minimal 80 persen. Kata kunci : blind’s playpad; inovasi; matematika; pembelajaran; tunanetra. ABSTRACTGame-based mathematics learning is currently in great demand by elementary school students especially by elementary school students with visual impairments, so that it can make it easier for blind students to understand about the lesson. Taking into account the existing problems, a community service program was carried out through the BLIND'S PLAYPAD media as an effort to innovate mathematics learning media at SDLB-A YPAB Surabaya. The purpose of this program is to attract the interest of blind students at SDLB-A YPAB Surabaya in learning mathematics so as to improve students' abilities in learning mathematics, and to introduce BLIND'S PLAYPAD media so that it can be used in independent mathematics learning. The method of implementing this program is carried out offline by complying with the health protocol and online via video conference (zoom). This program consists of five activities. First, the preparation stage which consists of conducting team discussions with partners to the last stage, which is discussing the sustainability of the program. The results achieved from the Blind's Playpad program are the existence of BLIND'S PLAYPAD media, reports, and publications in electronic media and scientific articles. This program was successfully implemented because students were able to solve the questions given and got a score of more than equal to 70, of which 70 was the unit of provision for SDLB-A YPAB subjects. Then there is an increase in student activity of at least 80 percent. Keywords: blind's playpad; innovation; mathematics; learning; visually impaired.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 1087-1096
Supriadi Supriadi

COMMUNITY SERVICE INNOVATION OF THE SCHOOL MATHEMATICS HEALTH CENTER (PUSKESMAS) IN LEARNING MATHEMATICS BASED ON THE TOWN SQUARE. The purpose of this study was to develop an innovation in the school’s mathematics health center in mathematics learning through city square-based mathematics learning. Descriptive method is used with subjects in early childhood and elementary school students who are in the location of the school mathematics health center. The instrument used by the researcher itself, data collection techniques using structured interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used triangulation, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the media presented at the Puskesmas were all new and they had not yet gotten them in their respective schools. The attitude of students who become happy, like, cheerful in learning mathematics and easy to understand mathematical concepts, and bring out the creativity of early age and elementary school students in learning mathematics. Student concentration also increases because the learning model used uses an individual approach, so that they can focus more on seeing the student learning process. Parents who accompany their children generally feel happy because their children enjoy learning mathematics. Puskesmas activities have an impact on early age and elementary school students to be happy learning mathematics, like learning with mathematics media, cheerful in following math tutoring and enjoy learning mathematics. This program is also highly supported by parents because it is very helpful in the learning process of their children and eases the family’s economic burden in education.

For some people with dyslexia, success in the field of mathematics may be something that must be achieved with great struggle. There are various studies that report this problem that 10% of dyslexic children are geniuses in mathematics and show very good achievements in mathematics, but there are a majority of people with dyslexia experience dyscalculia or learning difficulties in mathematics. To overcome this requirement,an effort or strategy can make children absorb and understand learning mathematics well and can learn normally

MaghfirohIzza Maulani ◽  
Ashma Nur Hanifah Heninda Putri ◽  
Faddliyah ◽  
Afifatul Muslimah ◽  
Aji Pangestu

Elementary School is a place to understand all learning for the next level, especially mathematics. Mathematics is also considered difficult by elementary school students because of its abstract and complex nature, especially with the large number of mathematical formulas, and its lack of interest in learning. So that student interest in learning is reduced. One interesting way to learn mathematics is by using learning media. This research introduces MagicBook contains a collection of formulas and mathematical games. This Magicbook is arranged in such a way with an attractive layout and color. Sources of data obtained from questionnaires and direct research on elementary school students in one of the lessons in Yogyakarta. The data of this study were analyzed descriptively quantitative and qualitative. The results showed that the magic book learning media can increase elementary school students' mathematics learning interest.the effect.

Gregonius Sebo Bito

Abstract: Plays is joyfull activity for Elementary School Students.  This reality as something advatages for using that in mathematics learning. There are  some spaces in Realistic Mathematics Education Approach for using plays as starting point to developing mathematical concept. This paper describes some examples about using play activities as context for facilitate students learning mathematics with meaning and joyfull.Abstrak: Bermain merupakan kegiatan yang menyenangkan bagi anak usia Sekolah Dasar. Kenyataan ini merupakan sesuatu yang menguntungkan untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika. Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik (PMR) memberi ruang untuk menggunakan aktivitas bermain sebagai starting point pengembangan konsep matematika. Makalah ini menyajikan contoh bagaimana sebuah aktivitas bermain dapat digunakan sebagai konteks untuk memfasilitasi siswa belajar matematika secara bermakna dan  menyenangkan.Kata Kunci: aktivitas bermain, konteks, matematika realistik

2021 ◽  
pp. 855
Clara Ika Sari Budhayanti ◽  
Pricilla Anindyta

Mathematics is one of the subjects that study abstract objects. The abstraction of material or mathematical concepts requires specific strategies or techniques in teaching it, especially for elementary school students who still have a concrete way of thinking. Learning mathematics in schools should reduce the abstraction of mathematical objects tobe more concrete for students. Learning mathematics in elementary schools tends to use an abstract approach. The dominant learning activities carried out are lectures and assignments. At the same time, the demands of the 2013 curriculum on the implementation of mathematics learning require teachers to creatively find and develop mathematics learning strategies that can direct students in finding, understanding, and applying mathematical concepts in solving problems, especially math problems in everyday life. PGSD Unika Atma Jaya and SD XaveriusMetro Lampung conducted a mathematics learning training that aims to reflect and refresh the knowledge needed to develop the learning required by students. In addition, with the rapid development of technology, teachers also need to learn to use technology, especially tools and applications, to support the implementation of innovative learning. The training results show that teachers are again motivated to develop technology-based mathematics learning by mathematical knowledge and the characteristics of elementary school students. Matematika merupakan salah satu pelajaran yang mempelajari obyek-obyek yang bersifat abstrak. Keabstrakan materi atau konsep matematika membutuhkan strategi atau teknik-teknik tertentu dalam mengajarkannya, terutama bagi siswa sekolah dasar yang masih memiliki cara berpikir yang kongkrit. Pembelajaran matematika di sekolah hendaknya dapat mengurangi keabstrakan obyek matematika menjadi lebih kongkrit bagi siswa. Pada kenyataannya, pembelajaran matematika di sekolah dasar cenderung menggunakan pendekatan abstrak. Aktivitas pada pembelajaran yang dominan dilakukan adalah ceramah dan pemberian tugas. Padahal tuntutan kurikulum 2013 terhadap pelaksanaan pembelajaran matematika mengharuskan guru secara kreatif menemukan dan mengembangkan strategi-strategi pembelajaran matematika yang mampu mengarahkan siswa dalam menemukan, memahami, dan mengaplikasikan konsep-konsep matematika dalam memecahkan masalah terutama masalah-masalah matematika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu bersama Prodi PGSD Unika Atma Jaya, SD Xaverius Metro Lampung melaksanakan pelatihan pembelajaran matematika yang bertujuan untuk merefleksikan dan menyegarkan kembali pengetahuan-pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran yang dibutuhkan siswa. Selain itu dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, guru perlu juga belajar memanfaatkan teknologi, khususnya pemanfaatan tools (alat) dan aplikasi untuk mendukung pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang inovatif. Hasil pelatihan menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru kembali termotivasi untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran matematika berbasis teknologi yang sesuai dengan karakteristik keilmuan matematika serta karakteristik siswa sekolah dasar. 

Reza Syehma Bahtiar ◽  
Diah Yovita Suryarini

Mastery in creative thinking ability on Elementary school students have become a central issue in Indonesia education system. The ability to think creatively in learning Mathematics is needed in solving the problems, especially the problem in the form of stories. This study aimed to investigate the use of Problem Posing approach on creative thinking ability of elementary school students. The study is descriptive qualitative study. The students of fourth grade of elementary school were chosen as subject of the research. The data collected from the result of observation sheet and test and then analyzed using the scoring indicator rubrics, developed by Siswono. The result of this study showed that (1) By applying the problem posing approach, the activities of fourth grader elementary school students have increase in mathematics learning about the story problem on calculating mixed operations and (2) the application of the problem posing approach can improve the creative thinking ability of fourth grade students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 250
Gregonius Sebo Bito

Abstract: Plays is joyfull activity for Elementary School Students.  This reality as something advatages for using that in mathematics learning. There are  some spaces in Realistic Mathematics Education Approach for using plays as starting point to developing mathematical concept. This paper describes some examples about using play activities as context for facilitate students learning mathematics with meaning and joyfull.Abstrak: Bermain merupakan kegiatan yang menyenangkan bagi anak usia Sekolah Dasar. Kenyataan ini merupakan sesuatu yang menguntungkan untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika. Pendekatan Pendidikan Matematika Realistik (PMR) memberi ruang untuk menggunakan aktivitas bermain sebagai starting point pengembangan konsep matematika. Makalah ini menyajikan contoh bagaimana sebuah aktivitas bermain dapat digunakan sebagai konteks untuk memfasilitasi siswa belajar matematika secara bermakna dan  menyenangkan.Kata Kunci: aktivitas bermain, konteks, matematika realistik

Zuhri D ◽  
Sehatta Sehatta

The meaning of numbers which is often referred to as Number Sense is very important for students to understand specifically in elementary school. Correspondingly, elementary school students who are new to numbers must be given a real experience that they experience as a means of building an understanding of the meaning of numbers. In connection with that, this study aims to investigate the understanding of elementary school students in class I who are taught with instructional media in the design of coastal areas. The subjects of this study consisted of 2 elementary schools with a total of 42 subjects who were located on the coast. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of learning and its impact on number sense. The results of the data analysis showed that the effectiveness of learning mathematics using media designed in the coastal area was in a good category and students' understanding of the meaning of numbers after treatment significantly increased by 21.3%.

Widyasari Widyasari ◽  
Hadi Sutopo ◽  
Murniati Agustian

Mathematics in elementary school is difficult to understand, boring, formal, theoretical, and book-based learning, which makes students tired of listening and paying attention. The purpose of this study is to create a learning prototype based on QR codes, especially mathematics learning in elementary schools. Using the QR code, students can access math games related to the course. This learning model could encourage students to learn mathematics. The research included seven steps in research and development named after Borg & Gall, such as need assessment, plan, early product development, first test, revise early product, field test and revise product. The object of the research is QR code-based learning, and the respondents are elementary school students and teachers. After analyzing data in the first and field test, researchers found the result. QR code-based learning could support children for learning mathematics.

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