scholarly journals Kelayakan Operasional Hotel Nonbintang di Sulawesi Selatan

Daniel Adolf Ohyver ◽  
Nursjam Nursjam ◽  
Kurnia Yusniar Rahman

This research aims to know the condition of non-star hotels in relation to product, service and management aspects. In addition, this research was also carried out with the intention of evaluating the feasibility of operating non-star hotels in South Sulawesi. This type of research is applied research with a qualitative approach. Information is obtained through observation using check lists, interviews, and documentation in the form of assessment guidelines. Determination of informants was taken in 10 regions with a total of 56 hotels, each hotel has one informant, plus 10 informants from the Regional Tourism Office, so the number of informants became 66 people. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The results showed that, of the 56 non-starred hotels studied there were 23 that were less feasible, 19 were feasible and 14 were very feasible.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Rizky Mauldan Muhammad Yusuf ◽  
Nani Ratnaningsih

This study aims to analyze student errors in solving Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) questions. This research was carried out in class XI MIPA 1 SMA Islam Cipasung with the instrument that had been prepared, namely the numeracy ability test sheet. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. By means of purposive sampling, the determination of the subject was based on the test results of the students who answered all the numeracy indicators, so that 3 subjects were taken. The research instrument includes test sheets, and unstructured interviews and the data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that S - 8 made mistakes in analyzing the information in the question, S - 33 made mistakes in analyzing the information obtained and made mistakes in making decisions from the conclusions obtained.

Dandy Ashghor Dawudi ◽  
Kamidjan Kamidjan ◽  
Agus Sulton

This research takes the object of Sebening Syahadat by Diva SR, this work is a novel that tells the story of the journey ofa teenager named Sam who is in the process ofsearching for identity. The journey is filled with interesting twits and turns embelissed with a love story that is very suitable if consumed by the younger generation who are learning to find identit. This study aims to reveal the value motives that led Sam’s character in finding his identity, which expected to be a material for reflection for readers, especially young people who are in the process of discovering his identity, the scope of the problem in this study is to reveal the value motives that affect the character’s psyche. Sam is told to have a rascal character.The research method used in this study took a descriptive qualitative approach, data colletion used was a literature study technique with stages of reading, note taking, coding for futher analysis. The analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis technique.The result of the research in this research process indicate that the mental process of Sam’s character influenced by several factors, including: a. Motives in cultural factors (Situasional Factors), b. The motive for love begins with admiration for the attitude of someone who is full of noble values of character, c. The motive of curiosity and fulfillment of his needs for true value.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
pp. 743
Kiki Novitasari ◽  
Suherman Rosyidi

The aim of this study was to know the impact of macroeconomic indicators changes toward the total amount of collected zakah in BAZNAS during the period 2012-2016. This study uses qualitative approach by using liniear regression analysis technique. Futhermore dependent variable used in this study is the amount of zakah, while the independent variable are inflation, gold price, money supply and industrial production index. The determination of sampling uses non probability sampling with saturated sample method, on the other hand, the whole population was used as the sample of this study. Moreover, the data used in this study is secondary data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 120
Arisni Kholifatu ◽  
Tengsoe Tjahjono

ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pengaruh tahta tertinggi dan perlawanan kaum subaltern pada novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan menggunakan teori postkolonialisme Gayatri Spivak. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini  mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena dalam penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data novel Arok Dedes  yang berkisah tentang kudeta di Tanah Jawa. Data penelitian ini adalah kata, kalimat, paragraf, yang terdapat dalam novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dengan menggunakan teori poskolonial Ggayatri Spivak. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode dokumentasi atau pustaka. Teknik analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisia deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian adalah pengaruh tahta tertinggi dan perlawanan kaum subaltern pada novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer.Kata kunci: Subaltern, poskolonial, pengaruh tahta, perlawananABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe the influence of the highest throne and the resistance of the subalterns on the novel Arok Dedes by Pramoedya Ananta Toer by using the postcolonialism theory of Gayatri Spivak. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The approach in this study using a qualitative approach because in this study used Arok Dedes story novel as data sources  which is about a coup in Java. This research data is words, sentences, paragraphs, contained in Arok Dedes novel by Pramoedya Anan ta Toer by using postcolonial Ggayatri Spivak theory. Data collection techniques in this study used the method of documentation or literature . The data analysis technique of this study used descriptive analysis techniques. The results of the study are the influence of the highest throne and the resistance of the subalterns on the novel Arok Dedes by Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Keywords: Subaltern, postcolonial, influence of throne, resistance

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-73
Fransina Thresiana Nomleni ◽  
Yanti Daud ◽  
Ferdi Tae

Abstract The Communities in Huilelot and Uiasa Village have the knowledge of traditional medicine by using various types of plants that have medicinal ingridient around them starting from the yard of the house, garden, roadside to the forest. From the Information obtained, this study was aim to determine the types of plants that have medicinal ingridient, medicinal parts/organs of medicinal properties, methods of treatment, diseases that are cured by using medicinal plants by the community and the cultivation of medicinal plants in Huilelot and Uiasa village. This research was conducted in October - November 2017. The method used in this study was roaming, while sampling and data collection of medicinal plants was carried out by exploration methods around the site. The Work procedures include preparation consisting of observation, determination of informants, and preparing tools and research materials. The implementation phase consists of interviews, exploration and documentation and identification. The data analysis technique used was descriptive analysis, which was presented in the form of a table then matches plants with images or examples according to the source of the literature. Based on the results of the study, 31 types of plants with medicinal properties were used by the community. Plant organs used were leaves, stems, fruits, seeds, tubers, roots and all organs. The most widely used part is leaves. The method of concocting is boiling, pounding, chewing, eating directly, trimming, blending and boiling. Most of mixing  methode used was boiled. Diseases that can be cured include high blood pressure, blood sugar, intestines, scabies, liver, abdominal pain, hernias, stomach, vaginal discharge, goiter, malaria and heat, uterine tumors, cancer and breast tumors, pain during childbirth, rheumatism, kidney, urine stones, diabetes, myopic eyes, cuts, bleeding, and broken bones or accidents. From the results of the study there were 12 species cultivated at home and in the garden, while 19 other species grew wild (sabana) or not cultivated by the community

Mulono Apriyanto ◽  
Muhammad Ramli

Abstract Money is any object that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services essential to modern civilization. It also serves as an instrument to accumulate wealth and at the same time as an asset to ensure prosperity. The problem in this research is about the study of household financial management according to Islamic teachings. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and content analysis. The results of this study are directed at personal development for the financial management of every Muslim household, developing Islamic financial management, developing the practice of Islamic teachings, especially in the fields of economics and finance, and developing socialization and delivery to others.   Abstrak Uang adalah setiap benda yang diterima secara umum sebagai pembayaran atas barang dan jasa yang penting bagi aperadaban modern. Ia juga berfungsi sebagai instrumen untuk mengumpulkan kekayaan dan sekaligus sebagai aset untuk menjamin kemakmuran. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah seputar kajian tentang pengelolaan keuangan rumah tangga menurut ajaran Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskiptif. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis isi. Hasil penelitian ini diarahkan pada pembinaan kepribadian terhadap manajemen keuangan setiap rumah tangga muslim, pengembangan manajemen keuangan secara Islami, pengembangan pengamalan ajaran Islam khususnya dibidang ekonomi dan keuangan, dan pengembangan sosialisasi dan penyampaian kepada orang lain.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-103
Idah Tresnowati ◽  
Gilang Nuari Panggraita

The determination of this research is to support the artistic gymnastics coaching program in Pemalang district of Central java. The approach used in the assessment of this program is the CIPP Model of Daniel Stufflebeam in terms of context, input, process, and product. There are three elementary schools that thrived in representing the name of Pemalang Regency to become champions in the artistic gymnastics competition in Central Java, the schools are from SDN Padek 01, SDN Pamutih 02 and MI Muhammadiyah. The collecting data used observation technique, interviews and documentation in the form of archives as supporting data. While the informant sources were the Principal, sport teacher/trainer, students as the gymnasts and parents of students. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that: At the input stage, the athlete recruitment as a trainee was done voluntarily in accordance with the interests and talents sought since he/she entered first grade, for the determined criteria are applied well, inadequate facilities, insufficient and simple infrastructure. Keywords: Evaluation, Artistic Gymnastics Development Program, Elementary School AbstrakTujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi program pembinaan senam artistik di kabupaten pemalang.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian evaluasi program ini  adalah CIPP Model (Daniel Stufflebeam’s) ditinjau dari tahap  context, input, proces, dan product. Ada tiga sekolah dasar  yang berhasil membawa nama kabupaten pemalang untuk menjadi juara dalam kompetisi senam artistik  tingkat Jawa Tengah, yaitu dari SDN Padek 01, SDN Pamutih 02 dan MI Muhammadiyah. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik  Pengamatan(observasi), wawancara (interview) dan dokumentasi berupa arsip sebagai data pendukung. Sedangkan informan yang digunakan adalah Kepala Sekolah, Guru Penjasorkes/pelatih, siswa sebagai pesenam serta orang tua siswa. penelitian menunjukan bahwa: Pada tahap input  perekrutan atlet sebagai peserta pelatihan secara suka rela sesuai dengan minat dan bakat dicari sejak dia masuk kelas satu,untuk kriteria yang ditetapkan dilaksanakan dengan baik,fasilitas yang kurang memadai,sarana prasarana kurang memadai dan sederhana. Kata kunci: Evaluasi, Program Pembinaan Senam Artistik, sekolah Dasar

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 61-71
Dwi Bima Cakra Borti ◽  
Izzat M. Daud

Imam Al-Bur'i's An-Nabawiyyah poem consists of 43 verses, which contain anxiety, hope and strangeness in his heart as well as praise for the Prophet Muhammad. In this thesis discussion, the author discusses the wazan and bahar and the benefits found in the An-nabawiyyah poem by Imam Al-Bur'i The purpose of this discussion is to know the wazan 'arudh and bahar 'arudh and the benefits found in this Shia An-Nabawiyyah by Imam Al-Bur'i. This research uses a qualitative approach or library method that is a method of data collection with documentation methods through books, journals, and other literature related to this research with the aim of establishing a theory foundation. The data analysis used is a descriptive analysis that is an analysis technique used to analyze the data by describing the data that has been collected without any intention of making generalisasai from the results of the study.The results of this study show that the wazan and bahar arudh found in this An-Nabawiyyah poem are bahar Towil with wazan fa'ulun-mafa'iylun-fa'ulun-mafa'iylun 2x. and there are also some changes in wazan namely zihaf and illal in imam Bur'i's an-nabawiyyah poem.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Ni Luh Putu Septiani ◽  
I Nyoman Sudiarta ◽  
Putu Agus Wikanatha Sagita

The purpose of this research is to know the effectiveness of using Bali Go Live Channel as media promotion digital of Bali Tourism by using EPIC Model approach. Effectiveness measurement is done by obtaining value of empathy dimension, persuation dimension, impact dimension, and communication dimension from digital promotion conducted by Bali Go Live Channel to know how effective promotion is done. Determination of samples in this study using accidental sampling method as much as 100 respondents tourists. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis technique in this research is quantitative descriptive analysis, validity and reliability analysis, simple tabulation analysis, and EPIC Model analysis. From the results of quantitative descriptive analysis can be seen that the measurement of dimensions empathy, dimension persuasion, dimension impact, and dimension communication entered in the range of effective scale. The results of this study show the use of Bali Go Live Channel as a digital promotion media of Bali tourism declared effective. This is shown from the EPIC Rate of 3.98 which fall into the effective category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Amanda Finck Drehmer ◽  
Fabiano Maury Raupp

The objective of the article was to investigate the contributions of the information platforms of the branches of governments of Brazilian states to build passive transparency. A descriptive study was carried out, through documentary research, with a predominantly qualitative approach. The object of investigation comprises the executive, legislative and judicial branches of governments of Brazilian states. The data were collected in February 2017 using the structured observation technique, through a protocol for recording information. The data obtained were analyzed using the descriptive analysis technique. The indicators for evaluation of the platforms were ‘communication’, ‘login and receipts’ and ‘barriers’, and they presented different configurations in each of the branches. In terms of ‘communication’ and ‘login and receipts’, in general, the state executive branch received better scores compared to the judiciary and legislative branches. On the other hand, the indicator ‘barriers’, was better evaluated in the judiciary and legislative branches. From the results obtained, it is not yet possible to confirm whether the platforms of the executive, judicial and legislative branches of the Brazilian states contribute to build passive transparency.

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