scholarly journals A Comparative Study of Educational Texts for Native, Foreign, and Bilingual Young Speakers of Russian: Are Simplified Texts Equally Simple?

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Anna Dmitrieva ◽  
Antonina Laposhina ◽  
Maria Lebedeva

Studies on simple language and simplification are often based on datasets of texts, either for children or learners of a second language. In both cases, these texts represent an example of simple language, but simplification likely involves different strategies. As such, this data may not be entirely homogeneous in terms of text simplicity. This study investigates linguistic properties and specific simplification strategies used in Russian texts for primary school children with different language backgrounds and levels of language proficiency. To explore the structure and variability of simple texts for young readers of different age groups, we have trained models for multiclass and binary classification. The models were based on quantitative features of texts. Subsequently, we evaluated the simplification strategies applied to readers of the same age with different linguistic backgrounds. This study is particularly relevant for the Russian language material, where the concept of easy and plain language has not been sufficiently investigated. The study revealed that the three types of texts cannot easily be distinguished from each other by judging the performance of multiclass models based on various quantitative features. Therefore, it can be said that texts of all types exhibit a similar level of accessibility to young readers. In contrast, binary classification tasks demonstrated better results, especially in the R-native vs. non R-native track (with 0.78 F1-score), these results may indicate that the strategies used for adapting or creating texts for each type of audience are different.

2018 ◽  
Vol 79 (8) ◽  
pp. 35-40
M. I. Kuznetsova

One of the goals of the Russian language course in the primary school is the formation of the communicative literacy. The content of the course should be aimed at understanding the wealth of linguistic means by primary school children; the formation of the ability to detect a violation of linguistic norms and the inadequacy of the linguistic means used in the speech situation; the accumulation of the experience in choosing of linguistic means in accordance with the peculiarities of the speech situation; the creation of oral and written texts that meet the criteria of content, connectivity, compliance with the norms of the Russian literary language. The article considers the classification of exercises that contribute to the formation of communicative literacy. The author gives the examples of exercises where the student acts in different roles: the student is an observer of the speech situation and analyzes the adequacy of the choice of linguistic means; the student is a direct participant in the given speech situation and makes a choice of language facilities; the student is offered to create the speech situation himself, to independently construct an oral and written text.

Yana V. Datiyeva ◽  
Tatiana Yu. Tameryan

The paper covers a range of issues related to the specifics of Russian language mastering by Indian students studying in English and Russian. The research is based on an integrative methodological platform that combines approaches to multilingualism formation from the standpoint of psychological linguistics, cognitive linguistics, the theory of language contacts, discourse and communication science. The research involves the techniques of psychological and semantic analyses and verbal associations, the methods of contextual analysis and comparison. The material of the paper is the data obtained from online surveys of Indian students who have been studying at universities in North Ossetia-Alania for six years (elementary and pre-intermediate levels of Russian language proficiency). The study is aimed at identifying perception channels that represent the features of foreign students cognitive style in the Russian natural environment, descripting level-by-level interfering influence of native languages and weak interference of English. Based on text fragments and lexical units, vectors and methods of interlingual interference were demonstrated, its leading types were determined, that are phonetic, phonemic, graphemic, phonemic-graphemic, morphological and lexical. The role of English as a communicative mediator is defined. The analysis done confirmed complex application of auditory, visual and kinesthetic channels at the information input, and revealed the dominance of the auditory perception channel at the information output while learning the Russian language by Indian students. The Indian students cognitive style tends to be simplified through contamination of written and oral speech, compression, abbreviations usage, intensification of associative and semantic links. Strategies for using Internet translation, imitation of mastering the Russian language, literal translation from English into Russian, strategies for the implementation of graphic, phonetic-graphic principles of writing, phonemic and grammatical reduction were identified as the basic communication strategies of Indian students learning Russian.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 26-34
T. Yu. Vladimirova ◽  
L. V. Aizenshtadt ◽  
T. V. Rozhkova ◽  
E. V. Aleksandrova ◽  

To date, an otorhinolaryngologist has no single Russian language screening questionnaire for patients with complaints of tinnitus in the practice. At the same time, it is important to describe its qualitative characteristics in the diagnosis of tinnitus, including monitoring the effectiveness of treatment, which is impossible when using existing score questionnaires. The aim of the work was the translation, adaptation, and validation of the Russian language version of the questionnaire of The European School for Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research Screening Questionnaire (ESIT-SQ) for the diagnosis of hearing loss in patients of different age groups. After cultural and linguistic adaptation, the ESIT-S was validated by the test-retest method among patients of two groups: Group I – persons with tinnitus and normal hearing (77 people), group II – persons with tinnitus and hearing loss from mild to profound (79 people). The results of the study demonstrated the reliability of the questionnaire, as well as clinical validity in the study groups. The assessment of the qualitative characteristics of hearing using the Russian version of the ESIT-SQ before and after complex treatment of tinnitus confirmed the sensitivity of the questionnaire. Thus, the Russian language version of the ESIT-SQ can be used in the practice of an otorhinolaryngologist as an additional diagnostic tool for subjective ear noise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 98 ◽  
pp. 01016
Yuliia Vyatleva ◽  
Natalia Grigorenko ◽  
Yuliia Pokrovskaya ◽  
Natalia Bal

The Russian language, as the state language, is given an honorable and important role, uniting all nationalities together. For its mission to serve the unity, solidarity, and mutual understanding of all the peoples of Russia, a mandatory national educational program has been approved, operating throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. The present article is dealing with the problem of mastering the Russian language. The goal of the research is to study the etiology and specifics of writing disorders in primary school children studying at general education school and to develop differentiated strategies for teaching pupils with various manifestations of dysgraphia. Methods used during the preparation of the article included theoretical research, such as learning, generalization, analysis, synthesis, axiomatics, as well as empirical techniques, namely, observation and comparison. Results and novelty of the research consist of clarifying information about the state of the problem of writing disorders in contemporary schoolchildren, updating scientific ideas about the contingent of primary school children in need of correctional assistance from specialists; applying an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the etiology, mechanisms, causes, and specifics of various manifestations of dysgraphia in primary general school children; supplementing the scientific data on the impact of didactogenia on the quality of learning writing and the formation of dysgraphia in pupils with difficulties in the assimilation of the program learning material on the Russian language; as well developing high-performance speech technologies for the early detection and elimination of violations of written language and difficulties in learning academic courses of the Russian language.

Светлана Алексеевна Москвичева ◽  
Маммадали Магсад оглы Гасанов

Целью настоящей статьи является анализ условий и факторов, влияющих на передачу и сохранение азербайджанского языка в азербайджанской общине города Москвы в среде хорошо интегрированных и социально успешных мигрантов первого и второго поколения. Работа вписывается в проблематику языковых контактов в городе в аспекте социолингвистической динамики поддержания и сохранения языка. Выбор азербайджанской общины был обусловлен сложностью ее социальной структуры, развитыми связями внутри сообщества, наличием языковой среды в различных доменах, сложной социолингвистической конфигурацией используемых языков, включающей отношения между литературными и диалектными формами азербайджанского языка и русским языком. Использование и передача языка молодыми азербайджанцами рассматривалась с учетом символического и инструментального измерений языковой ситуации. Анализ как реальных языковых практик, так и языковых идеологий носителей идиома позволил решить две задачи: выявить направления динамики использования и передачи азербайджанского языка в условиях миграции и проанализировать, насколько желания носителей языка, их аттитюды и языковые репрезентации соответствуют реальным усилиям по поддержке и сохранению языка. Методология исследования включала проведение социолингвистического анкетирования (70 анкет) и серии исследовательских интервью с представителями общины (6 интервью). Интерес к уровню владения и передачи языка в молодом поколении обусловил деление информантов по критерию возраста на две когорты: от 18 до 29 лет и от 30 до 65+ лет. Далее анализировались и сравнивались языковые практики этих когорт. Результаты исследования показывают высокую сохранность и уровень передачи языка, высокую лояльность его носителей и положительный тип репрезентаций в обеих когортах. Вместе с тем в молодом поколении отмечается повышение роли русского языка, сдвиг в использовании диалектных и литературной форм азербайджанского языка, в социальном образе языка отмечено превалирование символических репрезентации и оценки языка аффективного типа. The purpose of this article is to analyze the conditions and factors influencing the transmission of the Azerbaijani language in the Azerbaijani community in Moscow among well-integrated and socially successful migrants of the first and second generation. The research complies with the problem of linguistic contacts in the city in the aspect of the sociolinguistic dynamics of maintaining and preserving the language. The choice of the Azerbaijani community was due to the complexity of its social structure, developed connections within the community, the presence of linguistic environment in various domains, a complex sociolinguistic configuration of the languages used, including the relationship between the literary and dialectal forms of the Azerbaijani language and the Russian language. The use and transmission of the language by young Azerbaijanis was considered taking into account symbolic and instrumental dimensions of the language situation. The analysis of both real linguistic practices and linguistic representations of native speakers of the idiom made it possible to solve two problems: to identify the directions of the dynamics of the use and transmission of the Azerbaijani language in conditions of migration and to analyze how the desires of native speakers, their attitudes and linguistic representations correspond to their real efforts to support and preserve the language. The research methodology involved a sociolinguistic questionnaire (70 questionnaires in total) and a series of research interviews with community representatives (6 interviews). Interest in the level of language proficiency and transmission in the younger generation led to the division of informants according to the age criterion into two cohorts: from 18 to 29 years old and from 30 to 65+ years old. Further, we analyzed and compared the language practices of these cohorts. The results of the study show a high preservation and level of language transmission, strong loyalty of its speakers and a positive type of representations in both cohorts. Meanwhile, among the younger generation we observe the dynamics of linguistic practices towards increasing the role of the Russian language and a shift in the use of dialectal and literary forms of the Azerbaijani language; symbolic representations and overvaluation of the affective type prevail in the social image of the language.

Kathryn McCarthy ◽  
Danielle McNamara ◽  
Marina Solnyshkina ◽  
Fanuza Tarasova ◽  
Roman Kupriyanov

Reading comprehension relies on a variety of complex skills that are not effectively assessed by existing Russian language tests. At the same time, Russian textbooks are criticized both for their low text quality and high text complexity. This study addresses issues of Russian language proficiency and comprehension assessment with the development of the Russian Language Test (RLT). The RLT was constructed to measure proficiency relevant to textbook comprehension, such as grammar and vocabulary knowledge, establishing propositional meaning and inferencing. Results from this initial study including 81 fifth-grade and 94 ninth-grade students confirm that students struggle with grammatical inferences and identifying the main idea in a text. Additionally, three standardized Russian exams, VPR, OGE, EGE are analyzed, affording an overview of the testing system for the Russian language from the elementary through high school education levels. This study demonstrates promise for the use of the RLT as a language proficiency assessment and provides a broad context for understanding the current state of Russian language tests for native speakers.

Kalbotyra ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 72 ◽  
pp. 87-106
Nijolė Tuomienė

The dialectological and sociolinguistic material from the Southern Aukštaitian borderland is under the investigation in this article. The most recent records of the speaker of the Lithuanian Southern Aukštaitian in Šalčininkai district are analyzed in order to study the changes in the syntax. The peripheral area of the Southern Aukštaitian located in Šalčininkai district is surrounded or, speaking more precisely, in contact with languages other than Lithuanian, i. e. Belarusian and Polish, and relatively recently with the Russian language as well. The purpose of this article is to reveal the process of interception and convergence of syntactic compounds in the Lithuanian dialect of Šalčininkai district. The paper is based on ideas by Vytautas Ambrazas (2006) on this topic.Because of continuous language contact a lot of variants in the present Lithuanian dialect of Šalčininkai region have developed. For example, very frequently the prepositions ant ‘on’, dėl ‘for’, į ‘to’, po ‘after’ used in combination with case tend to acquire more specific meanings. A lot of them become analogous to those found in the neighbouring Slavic languages and thus are often alien for Lithuanian. The impact of standard Lithuanian cannot be totally disregarded either.The Lithuanian and Slavic languages are in active contact in these neighbourhoods, that is’ why they tend to develop the same patterns and constructions. In many cases the local Belarusian dialect, known as the poprostu (‘plain language’ – a local variant of the Belarusian northwestern dialect), plays a stimulating role here. Relatively recently all three contact languages, i.e. Lithuanian, Belarusian and Polish, have acquired numerous lexical and grammatical borrowings in the dialects of Šalčininkai neighborhoods. This is one of the conditions for accelerating the incorporation and adoption of alien syntactic patterns in the Lithuanian language.In intense contact, borrowing is not limited to several different patterns because syntactic rules could be adopted as well. Surely, the archaic constructions could acquire entirely new semantic content. The prepositional phrases have been adopted and used not instead of pure cases, but rather alongside with them.

2018 ◽  
Vol 212 ◽  
pp. 10005
Svetlana Maximova ◽  
Oksana Noyanzina ◽  
Daria Omelchenko ◽  
Margarita Maximova

The purpose of this article is to analyze migration activity in the post-Soviet space, changes in ethnic composition in the CIS countries and their role in peculiarities of preservation, functioning and representations about the Russian language, its main characteristics and proficiency among population from CIS countries. Empirical data was collected during the sociological research, fulfilled in 2017 in six countries members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, n = 1400. Information-gathering methods included formal interviews in the place of residence of population aged 18 to 75 years. Several indicators were used to achieve the goal: representations about the Russian language; assessment of the role of the Russian language; main characteristics of the Russian language; Russian language proficiency. The article states that in considering principal peculiarities of functioning of Russian in the post-Soviet space demographic indicators such as number of population, number of ethnic groups, proportion of Russian and indigenous population in CIS countries, changes in number of Russians after the dissolution of the USSR, external migration indicators should be taken into account. It was concluded that the Russian language proficiency is important for its preservation and functioning on the territory of CIS countries, the Russian language is well preserved in Belarus, at the middle level in Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and at the lowest level in Tajikistan. The popularity of Russian in respondents’ evaluations is determined by non-linguistic factors and characteristics, and associated with successful foreign policy of Russia and development of economic and trade relations of Russia with other countries. The development of the tourist sector and attractiveness of Russia for immigration are significant catalysts of interest towards the Russian language, influence of targeted programs, aimed at enhancing the positions of the Russian language and popularization of the Russian culture estimated as less significant. Attractiveness of Russia for immigration, increase of migration streams are important incentives for development and preservation of the Russian language.

2010 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 54
Natalʹja Vladimirovna Gagarina ◽  
Annegret Klassert ◽  
Nathalie Topaj

The 'Russian language proficiency test for multilingual children' is a linguistically and psycholinguistically-grounded test for L1-Russian bilingual children of pre-school and elementary school age. It allows the evaluation of language proficiency in Russian for scientific, therapeutic, and pedagogical purposes. The test is based on preliminary norms: data of 167 German-Russian bilingual children between the ages of 3 years and 6 years 11 months were evaluated. Bilingual children's proficiency is examined in the following language domains: - productive and receptive lexicon for verbs and nouns - production of morphological marking on verbs (first and second-person singular present verbal inflection) and nouns (accusative and dative case singular) - comprehension of grammatical constructions on the sentence level The test should be administered by a competent – ideally native – speaker of Russian, and takes approximately 60 minutes to administer. In addition to the test itself, the 'Russian language proficiency test for multilingual children' contains a questionnaire for gathering detailed information on the input situation as well as the child's previous linguistic and extra-linguistic development. The questionnaire is written in English and Russian and is intended to be filled out by the parents.  

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