scholarly journals Makna Simbolik Liang Erong Bagi Masyarakat Tana Toraja

LaGeografia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Indrikal Saputra ◽  
Erman Syarif ◽  
Ibrahim Abbas

Cultural diversity in Indonesia is something that cannot be denied, which is caused by the geographical conditions of the Indonesian territory. The continuity and development of local culture needs to be preserved and avoided from obstacles. This study aims to determine: 1). Form of liang erong, especially the people of Tana Toraja. 2). The meaning of the carvings of each type of liang erong, especially the Tana Toraja people. This type of research is qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The data in this study were taken by means of observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed: 1) The forms of Erong burrows found in the Tana Toraja area consisted of boats, mortar, buffalo and pigs. Differences in shape, size, cover form, decoration and orientation are strongly influenced by factors of belief, social stratification, mass and natural conditions around them. 2) The meaning of the erong carvings as a sign of hope for the ancestors, a sign that a person is smart and wise, a sign of courage, nobility and nobility, an appreciation, a meaning as a warning to society, a sign that symbolizes wealth or glory, the meaning that to link property to the house must be in an honest way and need cooperation within the family or community, meaning as a symbol of the greatness of the Toraja nobility. The findings of this study can help the development of disciplines in the field of cultural geography and as an inventory of existing national cultures, especially the diversity of symbolic meanings of erong. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-320
Rika Kusdinar ◽  
Dewi Inggit Pergiwa

The purpose of the research that researchers do is to find out the extent of the Implementation of the Family Hope Program in Cisitu District of Sumedang Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method which is used in research based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine the natural conditions of objects, where researchers act as key instruments, data collection techniques are carried out by triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive, and qualitative research results emphasize more meaning than generalization. The technique used in taking samples is to use purposive sampling, which is sampling based on needs, so the samples in this study were 4 people. As for what is determined to be the informant in this study are the executors who are considered to have authority, information, and are involved in implementation of the Family Hope Program in Cisitu District of Sumedang Regency. Based on the results of the study, the researchers can describe that the Implementation of the Family Hope Program in Cisitu District of Sumedang Regency can be side to be quite well run according to the success factor of the implementation. But on the other hand there are problems related to facilities, both facilities and infrastructure provided are not yet fully adequate, there are still many shortcomings, this is because the government and the organizers only provide basic facilities.

Panggung ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
Vita Alfanikmah ◽  
Zulkarnain Mistortoify

ABSTRACTThis paper aims to find out the form of the tradition of tinilo pa’ita present at the ceremony commemoratingthe 40th day of someone’s death because currently the tradition of tinilo pa’ita is fairly difficult to find inits community. This study uses qualitative research methods using an ethnographic approach by Spradleyto understand a culture from the point of view of their owners of culture. Tinilo pa’ita is a tradition inthe form of chants. Tinilo Pa’ita is present in the tradition of wopato pulu huyi. This song containsan apology for the person who has died, advice to the family left behind to remain patient and sincere,advice to the other peolple who is left to always remember death and always carry out the religious ordersadopted by the community, namely Islam. In its implementation, tinilo pa’ita attended several stagesof the wopato pulu huyi ceremony. The presence of tinilo pa’ita in Gorontalo society can only be foundduring the wopato pulu huyi because, the community believes this song can only be sung when it is sideby side with the tomb that will be delivered to the tomb. Until now the tradition of tinilo pa’ita is stillbeing carried out even though it is only in certain areas.Keywords: Oral Tradition, Tinilo Pa’ita, Funeral ceremonyABSTRAKTulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk tradisi tinilo pa’ita yang hadir dalam upacaraperingatan hari ke 40 kematian seseorang sebab saat ini tradisi tinilo pa’ita terbilang cukupsulit untuk dijumpai dalam masyarakatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitiankualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi oleh Spradley untuk memahami sebuahkebudayaan dari sudut pandang mereka pemilik kebudayaan. Tinilo pa’ita merupakan sebuahtradisi yang berbentuk lantunan nyanyian. Tinilo Pa’ita hadir dalam tradisi wopato pulu huyi.Nyanyian ini berisi permohonan maaf atas orang yang telah meninggal, nasihat kepada keluargayang ditinggalkan agar tetap sabar dan ikhlas, nasehat kepada handaitaulan yang ditinggalkanuntuk selalu mengingat kematian dan senantiasa menjalankan perintah agama yang dianutoleh masyarakat yakni agama Islam. Dalam pelaksanaanya, tinilo pa’ita hadir dalam beberapatahapan pelaksanaan upacara wopato pulu huyi. Kehadiran tinilo pa’ita dalam masyarakatGorontalo hanya dapat dijumpai saat wopato pulu huyi sebab, masyarakat percaya nyanyianini hanya bisa dilantunkan pada saat berdampingan dengan nisan yang akan diantarkan kemakam. Hingga saat ini tradisi tinilo pa’ita masih terus dilaksanakan meskipun hanya padadaerah-daerah tertentu saja.Kata Kunci: Tradisi Lisan, Tinilo Pa’ita, Upacara Pemakaman

Putu Ersa Rahayu Dewi ◽  
I Nyoman Suadnyana ◽  
Luh Putu Widya Fitriani

<p class="p2">Every human individual is always in the process of forming his character, because a character is formed starting from the family, school, and environment. Formally, the formation of human character is formed consciously and systematically in developing self-potential. Tenganan Pegringsingan Traditional Village has a religious tradition which is considered as a place for internalizing character values which is devoted as a form of cultural resilience in the Tenganan Pegringsingan Traditional Village, which is held annually and every three years for <em>muran </em>which is marked with <em>sasih kapat </em>twice in one year which is right on <em>sasih kalima </em>according to the calendar system of the Tenganan Pegringsingan Traditional Village is called <em>Ngusaba Sambah</em>. The results of this scientific paper using a qualitative research with an ethnographic approach.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p>

2020 ◽  
Prasetio Rumondor ◽  
Anisa Jihan Tumiwa

The Purpose of writing this articles is to find out the interactions and habits of the people on major holidays between religious communities in North Sulawesi. This study uses qualitative research methods, with data collection techniques based on observations, interviews and documentation studies, as well as sociological approaches with studies cross-sectional. The results of this study show that interfaith visits, especially by each family, are still strongly bound by kinship but have distance and boundaries from each religion. Then, there are legal causes and legal consequences that occur from customary law visit when religious feast day are smaller in scope, namely the family which will automatically influence the interaction of the people of North Sulawesi.

As-Sibyan ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-66
Dina Suprihatiningrum ◽  
Siti Anisatun Nafi'ah ◽  
Roikhatul Janah

Abstract This study aims to determine the teacher's strategy in improving the discipline of students at SD Negeri Tanjunganom and to find out the obstacles and supporters in improving the discipline of students at SD Negeri Tanjunganom. This research uses qualitative research methods, which relies on humans as the main data collection tool which will produce descriptive data in the form of written data or oral data from the people being observed. The method used by researchers is by interview, observation and documentation. The results showed that first, in instilling and improving student discipline, teachers can use various strategies, namely; Making teachers as role models, Performing the process of habituation, Delivering directly to children, Giving understanding to children, Application of various rules by the teacher, Imposing sanctions or warnings for violators, Teaching children about the importance of obeying a rule. Second, the obstacles in improving the discipline of SD Negeri Tanjunganom include; The condition of the student itself, the condition of the parents, the family background, the teacher's time with the students. Third, the supporting factors in increasing discipline, among others; Schools, Facilities, Teachers, Students and Parents' Attention. Abstrak Peran Guru dalam Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa SD Negeri Tanjunganom Banyuurip Kabupaten Purworejo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi guru dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa SD Negeri Tanjunganom dan mengetahui kendala dan pendukung dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan siswa SD Negeri Tanjunganom. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, yaitu mengandalkan manusia sebagai alat pengumpul data utama yang akan menghasilkan data deskriptif berupa data tertulis atau data lisan dari orang-orang yang diamati. Metode yang digunakan peniliti adalah dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pertama, dalam menanamkan dan meningkat kedisiplinan siswa, guru dapat menggunakan berbagai strategi antara; Menjadikan guru sebagai suritauladan, Melakukan proses pembiasaan, Penyampaian secara langsung kepada anak, Pemberian pengertian kepada anak, Penerapan berbagai aturan oleh guru, Pemberian sanksi atau peringatan bagi yang melanggar, Pengajaran kepada anak tentang pentingnya mematuhi sebuah aturan. Kedua, kendala dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan SD Negeri Tanjunganom antara lain; Kondisi siswa itu sendiri, Kondisi orang tua, Latar belakang keluarga, Waktu guru dengan siswa. Ketiga, Faktor pendukung dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan antara lain; Sekolah, Fasilitas, Guru, Siswa dan Perhatian orang tua.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Rahmi Abd Radjak ◽  
Sitti Ummi Novirizka Hasan

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris">Indonesia is one of the great nations and countries. Indonesia has a unique cultural diversity or diversity. This diversity is reflected in various fields of life, including the arts, social and family fields. In the family, cultural patterns have a role in influencing rituals in the family, one of which is the ritual the birth of a baby. The Peta Ega Ritual is a ritual to welcoming the birth of a baby in Tidore Island and North Maluku communities. The Ega Map ritual has its peculiarities. The people of Tidore believe that suggestions through the Peta Ega ritual can have an impact on children's behavior in the future. The Peta Ega ritual itself has a element of suggestion given by parents or pious people to the baby. The approach in this research is qualitative with descriptive methods. Respondents from communities on the island of Tidore. The pattern of forming children's behavior in the Peta Ega ritual is carried out in two ways, that is direct suggestions given directly and indirectly. Direct suggestions are given by people who Peta Ega to the baby, while indirect suggestions are through suggestions on the placenta and behavioral associations given by parents and close relatives that are repeated repeatedly until the baby grows up. The words of suggestion are also considered as prayers that strengthen children's behavior.</p><p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris"> <strong>Abstrak</strong><strong> </strong></p><p>Indonesia adalah salah satu bangsa dan negara besar. Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman atau keragaman budaya yang unik. Keberagaman ini tercermin dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan, termasuk bidang seni, sosial, dan kekeluargaan. Di dalam keluarga, pola budaya berperan dalam mempengaruhi ritual dalam keluarga, salah satunya adalah ritual kelahiran bayi. Ritual Peta Ega merupakan ritual penyambutan kelahiran bayi di masyarakat Pulau Tidore dan Maluku Utara. Ritual Peta Ega memiliki kekhasan tersendiri. Masyarakat Tidore percaya bahwa sugesti melalui ritual Peta Ega dapat berdampak pada perilaku anak di masa depan. Ritual Peta Ega sendiri memiliki unsur sugesti yang diberikan oleh orang tua atau orang yang shalih kepada sang buah hati. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Responden dari masyarakat di Pulau Tidore. Pola pembentukan tingkah laku anak dalam ritual Peta Ega dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu sugesti langsung yang diberikan secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Secara langsung diberikan oleh orang yang mempeta ega peta pada bayi, sedangkan sugesti tidak langsung melalui sugesti pada ari-ari bayi dan asosiasi perilaku yang diberikan oleh orang tua dan kerabat dekat yang diulang-ulang hingga bayi tumbuh besar. Kata-kata sugesti juga dianggap sebagai doa yang menguatkan perilaku anak</p>

Lilit Biati ◽  
Abdul Aziz ◽  
Moh. Imam Khaudli

The Klenik Tourism of the Alas Purwo National Park is visited by many groups of people especially shamans who come to the Alas Purwo National Park from various regions and various religious identities. They did not come alone but by bringing their men to Alas Purwo National Park to perform rituals in the caves and Pancur Beach in the Pancur Resort. In the caves they do semedi also bring the necessary equipment such as incense, flowers, and incense. Because the place is indeed in the forest and still sacred, they still come back to Alas Purwo National Park with certain needs including seeking peace, penance, rituals with a specific purpose. obstacles encountered in efforts to develop the occult destinations of the Alas Purwo National Park, Analyze and Explain the factors that support the success in the development of the occult destinations of the Alas Purwo National Park in Banyuwangi Regency. That is why this research was conducted using qualitative research methods and the analysis used an interactive model (Miles and Hubermen), namely by reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions. From several research findings, it was concluded that there were factors that triggered them to do heresy including: insufficient economic needs, repentance or calming down to pray, meditation with specific goals, economic adequacy, shifting life in the family. The occult process is basically the same as people doing rituals, meditation or the like in different ways and places according to the stability of the individual with all kinds of equipment that they think are important for example by bringing offerings, flower flowers, flower flowers, telon flowers, incense or incense. According to the study of occult marketing theory conducted by visitors of the Alas Purwo National Park, it can add to the income of the Alas Purwo National Park, this can be proven by looking at visitor data through the increasing entrance of Rowobendo, due to the increasing number of people from various regions visiting the Park The Alas Purwo National Park which was invited by previous visitors who had performed the ritual by directly speaking to the people who had never visited Alas Purwo National Park, so that those who had never been to the Alas Purwo National Park had a curiosity by joining with those who have performed rituals in Alas Purwo National Park with various successes which according to them have changed their lifestyle after visiting Alas Purwo National Park.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Restia Gustiana

This research conducted to see the position of the husband in a traditional Pariaman marriage known as a Bajapuik marriage. Pariaman is a part of the Minangkabau region, which had opted for the matrilineal system, which affects customary marriages, namely, after marriage, some rights and obligations of the husband are more controlled by the mamak (chiefs who come from the wife's family). This study uses qualitative research in a field research system (Field Research) with an anthropological (ethnographic) approach. The subject of this study leads to key informants that researcher chooser and only (random) based on specific criteria and categories that can describe condition subjectively in the field. The findings of this study indicate that Bajapuik marriage affects the position of the husband in the family. The husband's position in family decisions only an input because the husband is considered a newcomer. The findings of this study reinforce the opinion of Poloma, an action someone will get social sanctions that is along with the times the husband's position began to shift as well as mamak. Mamak is no longer able to carry out her role all rights and obligations are handed over to her husband as well as her husband, who had previously had no burden in providing for his wife and children, bécame an obligation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Intan Pratita ◽  
Agung Dwi Laksono

Background: Several studies have found that the nutritional status of children was much influenced by childcare patterns. While other studies reveal that parenting patterns were influenced by children's values. The higher the value of the child in the eyes of parents, the better the pattern of care provided is expected, including the habit of dietary given to the child. The study was aimed to explore the value of children (psychology, social, and economy) in Besowo.Methods: Qualitative research was carried out through an ethnographic approach. The researcher lived in Besowo for six months (June-November 2019). Informants were determined purposively on 23 women and 6 men. The main focus of the research was on the values of children and parenting patterns, including a child's diet.Results: The value of children psychologically, children were everything. This value makes parents try to be able to fulfill all the wishes of children. When the child did not want to eat, then whatever the child wants will be fulfilled, including eating snacks that were categorized as unhealthy. Value of children socially, children were considered as successors in the family, including those who were obliged to continue and maintain the good name of the family. Parents want children to follow in the footsteps of parents. Unconsciously the parents in question were male parents. The value of the child economically, the child was an investment or an asset. Children were where parents depend on old age. The pattern of parenting showed that even though the value of the child was considered very high, the pattern of care, especially the pattern of food intake in children, tend to be ignored.Conclusion: Javanese children in the village of Besowo have psychological, social and economic values. Although assessing children was everything, parenting patterns, including intake patterns, showed the opposite treatment.ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Beberapa penelitian menemukan bahwa status gizi anak banyak dipengaruhi pola pengasuhan anak. Sementara penelitian lain mengungkap bahwa pola pengasuhan dipengaruhi oleh nilai anak. Semakin tinggi nilai anak di mata orang tua, maka diharapkan semakin baik pola pengasuhan yang diberikan, termasuk pola makan yang diberikan pada anak. Penelitian ditujukan untuk mengeksplorasi nilai anak (psikologi, sosial,  dan ekonomi) di Desa Besowo.Metode: Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan melalui pendekatan etnografi. Peneliti lived in di Desa Besowo selama enam bulan (Juni-November 2019). Informan ditentukan secara purposif pada 23 perempuan dan 6 laki-laki. Fokus utama penelitian pada nilai anak dan pola pengasuhan, termasuk pola makan.Hasil: Nilai anak secara psikologi, anak adalah segalanya. Nilai ini membuat orang tua berusaha untuk dapat memenuhi semua keinginan anak. Pada saat anak tidak mau makan, maka apapun maunya anak akan dipenuhi, termasuk makan jajanan yang masuk kategori tidak sehat. Nilai anak secara sosial, anak dianggap sebagai penerus dalam keluarga, termasuk yang berkewajiban untuk meneruskan dan menjaga nama baik keluarga. Orang tua menginginkan anak mengikuti jejak orang tua. Secara tidak sadar orang tua yang dimaksud adalah orang tua laki-laki. Nilai anak secara ekonomi, anak adalah investasi atau aset. Anak adalah tempat orang tua bergantung di hari tua. Pola pengasuhan anak menunjukkan bahwa meski menganggap nilai anak sangat tinggi, tetapi pola pangasuhan, terutama pola asupan makanan pada anak, cenderung diabaikan.Kesimpulan: Anak pada suku Jawa di Desa Besowo memiliki nilai psikologi, sosial dan ekonomi. Meski menilai anak adalah segalanya, tetapi pola pengasuhan, termasuk pola asupan, menunjukkan perlakuan yang bertolak belakang.

LaGeografia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Wardiman Wardiman ◽  
Rosmini Maru ◽  
Nasiah Badwi

This research is included in a qualitative research that aims to determine public perceptions about the structure of macrocosm and symbol of the construction of a Bugis traditional house in Manurungnge village Tanete Riattang sub-district based on cultural geography. Macrocosm is an understanding of Bugis Bone society's trust in the universe that implemented into a form of dwelling. This understanding has been around for decades. After conducting research, it can be concluded that with the times, the understanding of this macrocosm has begun to fade among the people, the structure of the macrocosm is very closely related to the symbol of Bugis traditional house construction, because every time when building a traditional house, the public always includes the symbol of construction on the Bugis traditional house

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