Prinsip Pertumbuhan Gereja Mula-Mula Ditinjau Dari Kisah Para Rasul 2:1-47 Dan Aplikasinya Bagi Gereja Masa Kini

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-111
Ferderika Pertiwi Ndiy ◽  
S Susanto

Church growth is an important study in church history. The Bible has important principles in church growth, therefore these principles need to be analyzed so that they can contribute to the study of church growth. The Acts of the Apostles is a book that has a history and principles of church growth, therefore the author conducted research on church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The author uses a qualitative approach to literature study to find the principles of church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The results showed that there were three principles for the growth of the early church. The first principle based on the fourth verse is to depend on the Holy Spirit, the second principle based on verses 14-36, 42 is to preach the Word of God, the third principle based on verses 42-46 is to live in fellowship. For the growth of the church today the church must depend on the power of the Holy Spirit, teaching based on the word of God, and the church lives in fellowship.

Gerald O’Collins, SJ

Dealing with biblical inspiration within the scheme of the Word of God in its threefold form (as preached, written, and revealed), Karl Barth distinguished between divine revelation and the inspired Bible. He insisted that the revelation to prophets and apostles preceded proclamation and the writing of Scripture. He interpreted all the Scriptures as witness to Christ. While the human authors of the Bible ‘made full use of their human capacities’, the Holy Spirit is ‘the real author’ of what is written. Raymond Collins, in dialogue with Thomas Aquinas, Barth, and others, interpreted biblical inspiration in the light of the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on Divine Revelation. He spoke of the Holy Spirit as the ‘principal, efficient cause’ (with the human authors as the ‘instrumental’ causes), rejected dictation views of inspiration, and examined the scope of biblical truth and the authority of the Bible for the Church.

Kairos ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-100
Monika Bajić

The Bible, which is indisputable regarded as the inspired word of God, is written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Man, as an earthen vessel, was used by the Holy Spirit to pen the revelation of God’s truth in Jesus Christ. The Holy Scriptures are “God breathed” words to the Church and are key in interpreting and fulfilling God’s telos for creation. This write-up wishes to emphasize and survey the critical role of the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures. Due to the inspiring role of the Spirit, the word of God is not a dead letter, rather a life-giving word that spills new life into the believer and the Church. Precisely this connection of Spirit and letter marks the Holy Scripture as living and active and conveys the desired transformative dimension for the individual believer and the faith community.

Kairos ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-91
Stanko Jambrek

In order to have a fruitful understanding of the nature of the Church, the Bible uses a variety of pictures, which when taken together form Church models by which believers live and act by. We have reviewed Church models in three categories: the first category is taken by Church models which are formed today by our everyday life; the second one are Church models which have been created by man throughout history; and third, the Church models which have a foundation in the Word of God. Church models formed by everyday life and man-made Church models can be used as negative examples of models to be changed and avoided, especially models of the Church as an institution and as a denomination. The Bible shows a particular reality and nature of the Church by using numerous different pictures from everyday life. These include pictures from the ownership system; the picture of the way the human body works; pictures from premarital, marital, and family life; pictures from architecture, agriculture, cattle breeding, fishery, and citizenship and patriotism. Each of the used pictures communicates one or more God’s truths in a way that is experientially very close and familiar to the listeners and readers. These pictures reflect life and point towards life. The 21st century Christianity needs to adopt and apply Biblical pictures of Church which, when taken together, form the Biblical Church model. As we establish this model, we need to focus on God and His purposes and plans for a specific time, place, and culture. Our communication with God needs to be completely open, and the Church needs to be prepared to follow God’s plans and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Biblical Church model contains God’s (immutable) and human (mutable) elements. God is immutable, which is why anything that is permanent and immutable in Church comes from God, and what can and needs to be changed is anything that came from people. The human elements need to be aligned with God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, so that the Church would be able to obey God’s will fruitfully.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-57
Paulus Purwoto

AbstractThe church is a chosen group or congregation, namely those who are called by God to come out of the world, go away from sin and enter into the realm of grace. The church has a relationship with God's people in the Old Testament, where in the Old Testament God chose Abraham as the embryo of the birth of the nation of Israel, which was God's chosen nation. Theologically, the idea of God's people being called out clearly existed in Old Testament times, as well as in New Testament times. Linguistically the Greek word ekklesia appears repeatedly in connection with Israel in the Septuagint translation. The elements in the Old Testament exist in the New Testament church, however, they cannot be correctly equated between the Old Testament congregation and the church, because the church is a new product, founded on the Lord Jesus, made by the Holy Spirit and contains people from all the races of all nations become one new people of God. The true church has the signs as described in the Word of God. The purpose of this research is to conduct a theological review of the true church and its application to the contemporary church. The method used in this research is literature study method. The true church has signs, joy, holiness, truth, mission, unity, love, proclaims the Word of God properly, uses the sacraments properly, and exercises church discipline. The conclusion of this study is that the true church has signs that can be applied in contemporary church ministry.Key words: Chruch, Contemporer, True, Ministry AbstrakGereja adalah kumpulan atau jemaat pilihan, yaitu mereka yang dipanggil Allah keluar dari dunia, pergi dari dosa dan masuk ke dalam wilayah anugerah. Gereja memiliki relasi dengan umat Allah dalam Perjanjian Lama, dimana dalam Perjanjian Lama Tuhan memilih Abraham sebagai embrio lahirnya Bangsa Israel yang merupakan bangsa pilihan Allah. Secara teologis gagasan tentang umat Allah yang dipanggil keluar jelas telah eksis pada masa Perjanjian Lama, sebagaimana pada masa Perjanjian Baru.  Secara linguistik kata Yunani ekklesia muncul berulang kali dalam kaitannya dengan Israel dalam terjemahan Septuaginta. Unsur-unsur dalam Perjanjian Lama tersebut ada dalam gereja Perjanjian Baru, namun demikian tidak dapat disamakan dengan tepat antara Jemaah Perjanjian Lama dengan gereja, oleh karena gereja adalah sesuatu produk baru, didirikan diatas Tuhan Yesus, dijadikan oleh Roh Kudus dan berisi orang-orang dari segala ras dari seluruh bangsa menjadi satu umat Allah yang baru. Gereja sejati memiliki tanda-tanda sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Firman Tuhan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan tinjauan teologis tentang gereja sejati dan aplikasinya bagi gereja kontemporer. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi literatur. Gereja sejati memiliki tanda-tanda, sukacita, kekudusan, kebenaran, misi, kesatuan, kasih, memberitakan Firman Tuhan dengan benar, menggunakan sakramen dengan benar, dan menjalankan disiplin gereja. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa gereja sejati memiliki tanda-tanda yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam pelayanan gereja kontemporer.Kata kunci: Gereja, Kontemporer, Sejati, Pelayanan. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-233
Jan Van Doleweerd

Modern Hermeneutics is rooted in the realities of the readers and their culture. But what if readers are going to be their own Hermes? What kind of authority is left for the Bible as the Holy Word of God? The Calvinistic concept of autopistia, the self-convincing of Scripture, attempts to preserve the balance between tradition and inner light, between objectivity and subjectivity. It ties the Bible to God and the Holy Spirit but also to the readers and their context. With the autopistia as background this article contributes with a new hermeneutic frame with three vantage points: (1) the Text as Viva Vox Dei, (2) the reader, and (3) the historical and present hermeneutical community of readers, the church.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 162-174
Deiby Ketlin Najoan

Teaching about the Holy Spirit is an important theme in the teaching curriculum for the formation of adult members of the church. Paul's letter to the Ephesians emphasized the importance of living under the leading of the Holy Spirit. The church must carry out the teaching of the Holy Spirit in the formation of the members of the congregation, so that the congregation has a correct understanding. Through a literature study approach related to the study of the Ephesians, it was found that the teaching of the Holy Spirit in Ephesians is the Holy Spirit as a seal, believers are sealed with the Holy Spirit when they believe which signifies that believers belong to God. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee that believers will receive what He has promised. Believers are the abode of the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit indwells believers. The Holy Spirit empowers believers by His Spirit within. Believers should not grieve the Holy Spirit, but believers are commanded to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who guides believers in prayer. The Bible study in Ephesians about the Holy Spirit can be a reference for the church to implement a curriculum for teaching about the Holy Spirit for the formation of adult members of the congregation. The teachings of the Bible in the letter of Ephesians are the basis for the importance of teaching the Holy Spirit to adult members of the church.Pengajaran mengenai Roh Kudus merupakan tema penting dalam kurikulum pengajaran bagi pembinaan warga jemaat dewasa di gereja. Surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Efesus menekankan pentingnya hidup dalam pimpinan Roh Kudus. Gereja harus melaksanakan pengajaran mengenai Roh Kudus dalam pembinaan warga jemaat, supaya jemaat memiliki pemahaman yang benar. Melalui pendekatan studi literatur terkait dengan kajian surat Efesus, ditemukan bahwa pengajaran Roh Kudus dalam surat Efesus ialah Roh Kudus sebagai meterai, orang percaya dimeteraikan dengan Roh Kudus sewaktu percaya yang menandakan bahwa orang percaya adalah milik Allah. Roh Kudus menjadi jaminan bahwa orang percaya akan menerima apa yang telah dijanjikan-Nya. Orang percaya adalah tempat kediaman Roh Kudus, karena Roh Kudus yang mendiami orang percaya. Roh Kudus memberi kekuatan kepada orang percaya oleh Roh-Nya di dalam batin. Orang percaya tidak boleh mendukakan Roh Kudus, melainkan orang percaya diperintahkan untuk terus menerus dipenuhi oleh Roh Kudus. Roh Kuduslah yang menuntun orang percaya dalam berdoa. Kajian Alkitab dalam surat Efesus mengenai Roh Kudus dapat menjadi acuan bagi gereja untuk pelaksanaan kurikulum pengajaran tentang Roh Kudus bagi pembinaan warga jemaat dewasa. Ajaran alkitab dalam surat Efesus menjadi landasan tentang pentingnya pengajaran Roh Kudus bagi jemaat dewasa di gereja.

1967 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 183-197
H. F. Woodhouse

What is the ultimate seat of authority to which Christian theology makes its appeal?' Dr Whale in posing this question says that answers fall into three great and distinctive types. ‘The first type emphasises the authority of the Church’ while ‘the second type emphasises the sole authority of the Bible’ and ‘the third type may be loosely described as mystical—its constitutive principle is the “Inner Light”'.1

Religions ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 89
Pan Zhao

During China’s Republican Era (1912–1949), the True Jesus Church, comprising one of the largest indigenous Pentecostal/charismatic churches in China, created a whole set of exclusive salvation doctrines based on its unique biblical interpretation. This paper attempts to illustrate the role that the Bible played in the development of the True Jesus Church (TJC for short) and how its biblical interpretations functioned in the shaping of its exclusive identity based on certain aspects of its charismatic experiences and unique doctrinal system. The founding of the TJC relied upon charismatic experiences, which were regarded as the work of the Holy Spirit to prove the authority of the Church. Doctrinally, the approaches to biblical interpretation employed by TJC leaders were another source of the church’s unique identity: The exclusive status the church assigned to itself was evident in its distinct interpretive approaches, as well as in its innovative rituals, especially facedown immersion baptism. Along with various influences of the Pentecostal tradition and the Chinese social context, these hermeneutics were an important reason for the TJC’s development as an independent denomination in the Republican era.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-128
Marlon Butarbutar

Kristologi adalah merupakan pokok terpenting dalam ajaran iman Kristen. Kristologi juga bisa disebut sebagai pusat kekristenan itu sendiri, dengan itu kristologi adalah pusat dari ilmu theologia. Karenanya mempelajari Pribadi dan karya Kristus, berarti sedang berada pada pusat theologi Kristen. Yesus Kristuslah yang memberikan identitas kepada kekristenan, yang sekaligus membedakannya dari agama atau kepercayaan yang lain. Keistimewaan doktrin ini terletak dalam pribadi dan karya Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan yang menjadi finalitas jalan menuju kepada keselamatan yang kekal. Pemahaman yang benar terhadap doktrin kristologi tidak lepas dari pengetahuan yang sehat terhadap Alkitab, sebab Alkitablah satu-satunya sumber utama yang dengan jujur dan terbuka memberikan kesaksian mengenai pribadi Yesus sebagai juruselamat dunia. Memang realita historis tulisan-tulisan di dalam Alkitab itu ditulis oleh manusia, akan tetapi proses penulisannya diilhami oleh Allah melalui pimpinan Roh Kudus sehingga apa yang diucapkan atau ditulis sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan (bnd. 2Tim 3:16). Alkitab secara keseluruhan dipercaya dengan akurat dalam mengambarkan Yesus Kristus. Akan tetapi dalam prosesnya banyak ditemukan bahwa kristologi yang dihasilkan bertentangan dengan Alkitab. Sejarah membuktikan bahwa gereja selalu berhadapan dengan pengajaran-pengajaran sesat yang menyerang gereja dari dalam. Dalam hal ini berbentuk ajaran-ajaran (doktrin) yang menyesatkan atau bidat-bidat yang menyelewengkan ajaran murni Alkitab. Bahaya ajaran-ajaran sesat ini tidak saja timbul pada abad-abad belakangan ini, melainkan sudah ada sejak gereja didirikan. Karenanya penulis hendak menguraikan kristologi yang akan menjadi dasar apologetika di era postmodern sekarang ini.   Christology is the most important point in the teachings of the Christian faith. Christology can also be called the center of Christianity itself, so that Christology is the center of theological science. Therefore studying the Person and work of Christ, means being at the center of Christian theology. It is Jesus Christ who gives identity to Christianity, which also distinguishes it from other religions or beliefs. The specialty of this doctrine lies in the person and work of Jesus Christ as Lord who becomes the finality of the path to eternal salvation. A correct understanding of the doctrine of Christology is inseparable from a healthy knowledge of the Bible, because the Bible is the only major source that honestly and openly testifies about the person of Jesus as the savior of the world. Indeed the historical reality of the writings in the Bible was written by humans, but the process of writing was inspired by God through the leadership of the Holy Spirit so that what was said or written was according to God's will (cf. 2Tim 3:16). The Bible as a whole is believed to be accurate in describing Jesus Christ. However, in the process it was found that the resulting christology was in conflict with the Bible. History proves that the church is always dealing with false teachings that attack the church from within. In this case the form of teachings (doctrines) are misleading or heretics who distort the pure teachings of the Bible. The danger of these heresies has not only arisen in recent centuries, but has existed since the church was founded. Therefore the author wants to elaborate on the Christology that will be the basis of apologetics in the current postmodern era.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 24-39
Sylwester Jaśkiewicz ◽  

Cardinal Wyszyński continues teaching about the Holy Spirit as love and as a gift, which comes from the Bible and patristic tradition (eg St. Augustine). The basic text of his reflections on the God of Love are the words from the First Letter of St. John: “God is love” (1 Jn 4: 8, 16). He reads these words, or the shortest definition of God, from the perspective of the Christian and his life experience. In the Holy Spirit, God communicates as love. To be gifted and loved by God means for man to elevate him to the supernatural order. The Holy Spirit, who in the interior life of God is the Love of the Father and the Son, in his self-giving to the world (ad extra), pours God’s love into human hearts (Rom 5: 5), enlivens and dynamises human life. Love as a proprium of the Holy Spirit is also the criterion of Christian identity and of the Church. Important threads of the discussed issue are also the spiritual motherhood of Mary and the establishment of her as the Temple and Bride of the Holy Spirit.

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