common language
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2022 ◽  
Özgecan Koçak ◽  
Phanish Puranam

Coordinated action within and beween organizations is easier when individuals share communication codes—mappings between stimuli and labels. Because codes are specific to the groups within which they arise as conventions, collaboration across organizational units that have developed their own distinctive codes is often difficult. However, not all code differences are equal in their implications for communication difficulty and the capacity of individuals starting out with different codes to develop a shared code. Using computational models, we develop a theory about the nature of differences in initial communication codes and how they impact convergence on a common code. Our results show that the difficulty of code convergence lies not as much in learning new codes as in unlearning existing ones. The most severe challenges to communication stem from “code clashes” where codes contain different mappings between the same labels and stimuli. Furthermore, clashes that arise when agents have developed their individual codes in different task environments but draw on a common set of labels are likely to be the hardest to recover from, reflecting the perils of being “separated by a common language.” This paper was accepted by Lamar Pierce, organizations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 532
Konstantina Katsela ◽  
Şeyma Güneş ◽  
Travis Fried ◽  
Anne Goodchild ◽  
Michael Browne

Urban freight distribution has confronted several challenges, including negative environmental, social, and economic impacts. Many city logistics initiatives that use the concept of Urban Consolidation Centers (UCCs) have failed. The failure of many UCCs does not mean that the idea of additional terminals or microhubs should be rejected. There is limited knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of using microhubs, requiring further exploration of this concept. To expand this knowledge, this research combines 17 empirical cases from Europe and North America to develop a framework for classifying different microhubs typologies. This research presents an integrated view of the cases and develops a common language for understanding microhub typologies and definitions. The research proposes microhubs as an important opportunity to improve urban freight sustainability and efficiency and one possible step to manage the challenge of multi-sector collaboration.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 231-249
Pauline Blistène

Abstract This article addresses the issue of realism in relationship to contemporary serial fiction. Drawing on The Bureau (Canal+, 2015–2020), it argues that spy TV series are “realistic” not because they correspond to reality but because of their impact on reality. It begins by giving an overview of the many ways in which “realism,” in the ordinary sense of a resemblance with reality, served as the working framework for The Bureau’s team. It then identifies three distinct types of realisms in the series. The first is a “fictional realism,” namely the ability of The Bureau to conform to the aesthetic and narrative conventions of realistic fictions. The second type of realism, which I qualify as “ordinary,” refers to the possibilities offered by the show’s aesthetics and the enmeshment of The Bureau with viewers’ ordinary experience. The third type of “performative realism” refers to the series’ impact on shared representations and reality. By providing a common language about the secret activities of the state, The Bureau has gone from being a framed version of reality to being one of the defining frameworks through which state secrecy is experienced both individually and collectively, by insiders and the public at large.

2022 ◽  
pp. 1-22
Amy Jo Clark ◽  
Melanie K. Van Dyke ◽  
Jill T. Tussey ◽  
Leslie Haas

This chapter focuses on oral language development in children birth to third grade. Additionally, the effects of poverty on oral language development in children is explored. Subject matter includes typical language development, common language disorders, and current information regarding the interplay of language and technology. Particular attention is paid to the ways the home environment influences early language in infants and toddlers. Strategies to support language development in young children through the language experience approach, literacy, text sets, and technology are explained. Resources, materials, and suggested activities for parents, caregivers, and educators are embedded.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (88) ◽  

After a period of thousands of years as a form of expression in art, since the beginning of the 20th century, the forms have been simplified or changed and the images started to be interpreted differently within the space constitute the subject of this thesis. Research subjects of this article are the definition and features of the concept of space, the definition and characteristics of the concepts of abstract and abstraction, abstract painting uses space in its reflections on Contemporary Turkish painting. In contemporary Turkish painting, the abstract effects of the works of Adem Genç, Adnan Çoker, Adnan Turanî, Ahmet Dalkıran, Alaybey Karoğlu, Devrim Erbil, Hasan Pekmezci and Zafer Gençaydın are limited to examples selected for examination. While abstract and space create a common language in the works of the artists, there are differences in their way of handling the subject in terms of method and application. Qualitative research methods and techniques were used in the study based on the general survey model. The method of "literature research techniques" was used in the research process in order to obtain qualitative data. Keywords: Space, painting, abstract, abstraction, abstract art

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-160
Syaifuddin ◽  
Natalina Asi ◽  
Elanneri Karani

Abstrak: Penelitian ini membahas tentang investigasi pola komunikasi di pasar tradisional “Pasar Sari Mulia” di Kota Kapuas. Masalah utama dalam penelitian ini adalah pola komunikasi yang digunakan di pasar tradisional. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan tentang bagaimana komunikasi nonverbal pembeli dan penjual di pasar tradisional. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan data dianalisis tentang pengaruh budaya suatu bahasa dan bagaimana bahasa itu sendiri akan membentuk suatu budaya dalam suatu domain. Data diperoleh dari observasi dan menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bahasa Banjar merupakan bahasa yang umum digunakan di pasar tradisional. Alih kode dan kalimat persuasif biasa digunakan dalam melakukan transaksi. Pembeli dan penjual menggunakan pola komunikasi yang unik dan komunikasi non-verbal terutama dalam menarik, proses tawar-menawar dan ekspresi penutupan perdagangan. Namun bagi penjual, komunikasi yang digunakan cenderung membujuk pembeli untuk segera membeli barangnya. Abstract: This research deals with the investigation of communication patterns in the traditional market “Pasar Sari Mulia” in Kapuas City. The major issues in this research were the communication patterns which were used in the traditional market. Besides, this research also found about how are non-verbal communication of buyer and seller in the traditional market. Using qualitative approach and the data were analyzed about culture influences a language and how language itself will make a culture in a domain. The data were gotten from observation and used library research. The results showed that the Banjarese language was a common language which was used in the traditional market. Code switching and persuasive sentence were commonly used in doing transaction. The buyers and sellers used unique communication patterns and non-verbal communication especially in attracting, bargaining process and closing expression of trading. However, for the sellers, the communication used tends to persuade buyers to immediately buy their goods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Yalçın Karali ◽  

Life is a set of relationships in which countless factors interact and go on together. Each of the interacting factors is handled and used as a different discipline when the time comes. Depending on the spirit of the times and the structure of societies, the importance of some discipline areas may change and their place in the agenda may decline. However, this does not apply to mathematics. Because mathematics has served as a constant reference tool for the development of all other scientific fields. Activities that are put forward by ignoring this relationship of mathematics with other disciplines, turn out to be a waste of time and energy. This situation is also valid for educational activities. When mathematics is isolated from other disciplines, ambiguity of meaning and purpose emerges, loses its importance, and becomes a source of concern. The resulting confusion causes mathematics to be perceived as an academic obstacle to be overcome, rather than as a useful tool. It is in the hands of teachers to eliminate this perception and to teach mathematics as the common language of all disciplines. To achieve this, understanding must be changed, and mathematics must be taught based on an interdisciplinary approach.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
Мирослава Володимирівна Мамич ◽  
Олена Валентинівна Шевченко-Бітенська

Semantic Structure of the Term “Child” in Legislative Texts and Professional Competence of Law Students: Associative-Semantic Aspect This article presents the principles of reconstruction of the semantic struc­ture of the concepts of legal discourse and the methodology of evaluation of the results by involving a professionally oriented audience. The procedure was applied on the example of semantic structuring of the term “child” according to texts of international and Ukrainian legislation in the field of child protec­tion. The article concretises and deepens the idea of the conceptual meaning of the term “child”, which combines common language (non-professional) and professionally oriented idea about reality. The associative-semantic experi­ment held for the purposes of the study set three areas of work: (1) checking the level of students’ knowledge of provisions on the rights of the child; (2) checking the knowledge of key legal terms in this domain and the ability to use them in legal proceedings; (3) teaching students to differentiate correctly between legal and general vocabulary in a given field. It was also established that the semantic structure of the term “child” in legislative texts is determined by associative subcomponents – semantic microfields “child and life”, “child and protection”, “child and health”, “child and family”, “child and freedom”, “child and dignity”, “child and development”, “child and work”, “child and well-being”, “child and crime”, “child and war”, the verbalisers of which are syntactic nominations of the child and the corresponding stereotypical state­ments that mean a right of the child. Struktura semantyczna terminu „dziecko” w tekstach prawnych a kompetencje zawodowe studentów prawa: Aspekt asocjacyjno-semantyczny Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia zasady rekonstrukcji struktury semantycznej pojęć dyskursu prawniczego oraz metodologię oceny jej wyników przy udziale odbiorców ukierunkowanych zawodowo. Procedurę zastosowano na przykładzie struktury semantycznej terminu „dziecko” zgodnie z tekstami ustawodawstwa międzynarodowego i ukraińskiego w zakresie ochrony dziecka. Artykuł kon­kretyzuje i pogłębia koncepcję pojęciowego znaczenia terminu „dziecko”, który łączy w sobie potoczne i zorientowane zawodowo wyobrażenie o rzeczywistości. Przeprowadzony na potrzeby badania eksperyment asocjacyjno-semantyczny wyznaczył trzy kierunki pracy: (1) sprawdzenie poziomu znajomości przez studentów przepisów dotyczących praw dziecka; (2) sprawdzenie obeznania z kluczowymi terminami prawnymi w tym zakresie i umiejętności posługiwania się nimi w postępowaniu prawnym; (3) wdrożenie studentów do prawidłowej dyferencjacji słownictwa prawniczego i ogólnego w danym zakresie. Ustalono również, że strukturę semantyczną terminu „dziecko” w tekstach prawnych wyznaczają asocjacyjne subkomponenty – mikropola semantyczne „dziecko i życie”, „dziecko i ochrona”, „dziecko i zdrowie”, „dziecko i rodzina”, „dziecko i wolność, „dziecko i godność”, „dziecko i rozwój”, „dziecko i praca”, „dziecko i dobrostan”, „dziecko i przestępczość”, „dziecko i wojna”, których werbaliza­torami są nominacje syntaktyczne dziecka i odpowiadające im stereotypowe stwierdzenia, które oznaczają prawo dziecka.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Suvi Korpi

This article evaluates the translation of neologies in professional subtitling of audiovisual science fiction from the point of view of genre-specific features. Neologies are seen to be the most important linguistic element of science fiction as they produce the science fiction genre-specific cognitive estrangement and hence cognitively estrange the viewer from reality. Evaluating the translation of neologies is thus used as a tool to evaluate the transfer of the source text genre to the target text and to hypothesise whether the target text meets the expectations of the viewers. When the neologies are retained as genre-specific features of science fiction, the target text genre is seen to be generically fluent and the target text meets the viewer’s expectations. Even though the translation solutions which render the genre unfluent (misplace the science fiction cognitive estrangement produced by the source text) are in minority in the study material, the neologies can be seen to normalise towards common language in the translation process. This means that as neologies are considered as one of the producers of the science fiction genre-specific cognitive estrangement, the source text genre becomes less accessible for the target text viewer. Lay summary Science fiction is one of the most popular contemporary film and tv-series genres. The audience has expectations on the content of a science fiction film or tv-series based on their previous experiences with the genre, in other words, the genre-specific features. This article evaluates the translation of neologies in professional subtitling of audiovisual science fiction from the point of view of these genre-specific features. Neologies are seen to be the voice of science fiction as they cognitively estrange the viewer from reality. Evaluating the translation of neologies is used as a tool to evaluate the transfer of the source text (the original tv-series) genre to the target text (the subtitled tv-series) and to hypothesise whether the translation meets the expectations of the viewers. When the dialogue’s neologies are retained in the subtitles, the target text is seen to meet the viewer’s expectations. The study revealed that the neologies can be seen to normalise towards common language in the translation process. This means that as neologies are considered as one of the producers of the science fiction genre-specific cognitive estrangement, the source text genre becomes less accessible for the target text viewer.

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