skin scraping
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M. Sandhya Bhavani ◽  
G. R. Baranidharan ◽  
B. Rubinibala ◽  
L. Nagarajan

Aim: Ectoparasites associated dermatological disorders are frequently encountered in laboratory and pet rabbit medicine practice, however, L. gibbus is the only ectoparasite rarely reported in either pet and laboratory rabbits or hares as L. gibbus are usually asymptomatic. The aim of the present report is to describe a case of alopecia and dermatitis associated with Lepoarcarus gibbis in a rabbit from India. Presentation of Case: A 1.5 year old female New Zealand White rabbit was presented to the Dermatology Unit with erythema and poorly demarcated alopecia on the dorsal neck and face. A skin scraping and coat brushings were performed. On microscopic evaluation of hair samples, L. gibbus infestation was confirmed. Treatment with ivermectin (0.3 mg/kg) biweekly once for 3 doses proved effective. Discussion and Conclusion: L.gibbus may be presented with severe hairfall in the absence of other mites and treatment with ivermectin is effective. Based on the literature research this may be the first case report on alopecia and dermatitis due to L.gibbus in rabbit from India. Further studies should be planned on the prevalence of the mite as it is reported to have zoonotic potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-46
Adik Putri Fatma Hariono ◽  
Ajeng Erika Prihastuti Haskito ◽  
Reza Yessica ◽  
Ida Bagus Gede Rama Wisesa ◽  
M. Fadli

Scabies merupakan penyakit kulit pada ternak maupun hewan kesayangan yang disebabkan oleh tungau Sarcoptes scabiei atau Notoedres cati pada lapisan korneum kulit. Pemilik mengeluhkan kucing jantan mix-persia bernama Simba keluar rumah selama beberapa hari, kemudian pulang dalam kondisi ada luka diwajah, sering terlihat gelisah dan menggaruk bagian wajah, sedangkan makan dan minum kucing normal. Pemeriksaan fisik tampak rambut kusam, alopesia, terdapat lesi dibagian kepala, terdapat hiperkeratosis dibagian kepala dan telinga bagian luar. Pemeriksaan sitologi dilakukan dengan teknik superfisial skin scraping dan terlihat tungau Notoedres cati. Diagnosa kucing tersebut terkena penyakit scabies/scabiosis. Terapi yang diberikan adalah wormectin® (avermectin) dosis 0,05 ml/kg bobot badan injeksi tunggal. Hari ke 9 pasca-terapi menunjukkan pemulihan berupa keropeng mulai hilang, lesi akibat garukan kucing mulai mengering dan beberapa bagian rambut yang rontok mulai tumbuh kembali.

Chaithanya Chandran ◽  
Biju P. Habeeb ◽  
Biju P. Habeeb ◽  
O. K. Sindhu ◽  
Janus A. ◽  

Out of 34 caprine dermatological cases examined, 12 were detected positive for Chorioptes texanus. Pruritus, alopecia, crusts, thickening, wrinkling, cracks and fissures on legs, axillae, inguinal region and perineal region were the symptoms noticed in caprine chorioptic mange. In affected animals, reduction in haemoglobin concentration and per cent lymphocytes were noticed, along with elevation in the values of the total leukocyte count, per cent neutrophils and per cent monocytes. Values of serum glucose, zinc and copper were normal. All the 12 cases were treated with ivermectin at 10 days interval till two consecutive skin scrapings were negative for mites. In addition, all goats were treated with vitamin A supplements throughout the period. Six goats were treated topically with permethrin spray while other six animals were treated topically with lime sulphur spray. Both treatment protocols caused recovery of the animals from clinical symptoms, however, a skin scraping after 1 year revealed the presence of mites.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 194-198
A.M. H. AL-Judi

Abamectin activity against mange in buffaloes was evaluated by using 0.2 mg/kg. B. W. of this drug as a single subcutaneous injection for treatment of 50 naturally affected buffaloes with Sarcoptic mange. There were no mites in the skin scraping of treated animals two weeks after treatment , new hair growth appeared in the infected areas four weeks after treatment, along with healing of the skin lesions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 904 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
S S Shahatha ◽  
I M Ayyed ◽  
N M Abood

Abstract The current study was conducted to find out the prevalence of Microfilaria in cows in the western regions of Iraq, by examining 382 cows of both sexes and for ages from 1-11 years during the year 2020. The parasite was diagnosed by examining the skin scraping collected from the infected animals in the laboratory, and the results showed that the cows were infected with the microfilariae parasite by 34%, and the highest infection rate was recorded in Al-Qa’im area 51.6% and Haditha 49.%. Significant differences were observed between males (21.9%) and females (44.6%). The highest incidence rate was recorded in cows aged 3-5 years, at 45.3%, with significant differences from the rest of the ages. Furthermore, the highest incidence rate was observed in Summer seasons, reaching 64.8%. The current study concludes that cattle in the western regions of Iraq are infected with the microfilariae parasite at a high rate, and this necessitates the establishment of an integrated control approach to control parasitic diseases and prevent their spread in farm animals because they cause serious disease effects and heavy economic losses.

Christoph J. Klinger ◽  
Teresa M.S.A. Boehm ◽  
Marco Roller ◽  
Tobias Knauf-Witzens

AbstractTwo female South American coatis (Nasua nasua) kept in a zoo in Southern Germany presented with pruritus and moderate hair loss at the dorsal trunk, thigh areas and alongside the tail. Otherwise the animals showed no clinical signs. While the clinical general examination as well as cytology of dermatologic samples showed no pathologic changes, Chorioptes sp. mites could be identified in a superficial skin scraping. Two consecutive topical applications of a selamectin/sarolaner spot-on formulation 4 weeks apart lead to a complete resolution. No side effects were observed.

Shraddha Dalvi Nilma Hirani ◽  
Ritesh Shirpurkar Shrikant G. Joshi ◽  
Abhay Chowdhary Ameeta Joshi

Dermatophytes are keratinophilic fungi responsible for dermatophytoses which are superficial mycoses affecting skin, hair and nails. The aim of the study was to isolate dermatophytes from clinically suspected cases of superficial fungal infections. This study was carried out at the Department of Microbiology, Grant Government Medical College & Sir J.J Group of Hospitals, Mumbai. A total of 279 clinically suspected cases of superficial fungal infections were included in the present study. The specimens like skin scraping, nail and hair were collected with all aseptic precautions and were first examined under microscope on KOH mount and then inoculated on to duplicate slopes of Sabouraud dextrose agar (plain) and SDA (Chloramphenicol and Cycloheximide). Lactophenol cotton blue preparations were made of each fungal growth and were identified using specific tests like slide culture, hair perforation and urease test. Out of the 279 clinically suspected cases of superficial mycoses, maximum involved the skin (65.23%) and a total of 216 (77.42%) cases were of clinically suspected dermatophytoses. KOH mount examination alone could detect 144 (66.66%) cases out of the 216 clinically suspected cases of dermatophytoses. A total 162 isolates were confirmed in which maximum dermatophytes 122 (75.30%) were found. Amongst the dermatophytes, T. rubrum was the commonest pathogenic species isolated followed by T. mentagrophytes. Other species isolated were T. tonsurans, M. gypseum, E. floccosum, T. verrucosum and M. audouinii, T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes were mainly isolated from Tinea unguium followed by Tinea corporis cases. M. gypseum was isolated only from Tinea capitis cases whereas M. audouinii was isolated only from Tinea unguium cases. Dermatophytoses are the most common types of superficial cutaneous fungal infections. The incidence of Dermatophytoses is increasing in India due to widespread and indiscriminate use of corticosteroids and antifungal agents without performing appropriate microbiological investigations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 794-803
Oktryna Hodesi Sibarani ◽  
I Nyoman Suartha ◽  
I Gusti Made Krisna Erawan

Demodekosis adalah penyakit kulit yang disebabkan oleh perkembangbiakan tungau Demodex sp. secara berlebihan. Demodekosis diklasifikasikan berdasarkan distribusi lesi yaitu demodekosis lokal dan demodekosis general/umum. Demodekosis terjadi pada hewan yang mengalami penurunan sistem imun, hewan tua, dan anak anjing yang berumur kurang dari satu tahun. Seekor anjing lokal berumur satu tahun dengan bobot badan 5,6 kg datang ke Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Udayana dengan keadaan anjing tidak mau makan, lemas, dan kerontokan rambut pada wajah, sekitar mata, telinga, bagian punggung, serta pada bagian ekstremitas. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan eritema dan pustula pada bagian kaki belakang dan perut. Anjing menunjukkan rasa gatal. Pemeriksaan hematologi rutin menunjukkan hewan kasus mengalami anemia dan peningkatan limfosit. Diagnosis demodekosis diteguhkan berdasarkan pemeriksaan kerokan yang dalam pada kulit ataudeep skin scraping ditemukan tungau Demodex sp. Prognosis anjing kasus adalah fausta. Anjing kasus diterapi dengan ivermectin (0,4 mg/kg BB) dan amitraz. Anjing kasus juga diobati dengan cefalexin (22 mg/kg BB, q12h) dan cyproheptadine HCl (1.5 mg/kg BB, dua kali seminggu) selama seminggu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 231
P.M Ridzuan ◽  
Manuel Ruth ◽  
Kamarulzaman Siti-Arffah

Background: Dermatophytosis is the most prevalent fungal infection found in cats and one of the most serious infectious skin diseases that affect this species. Dermatophytosis can be endemic in cats, particularly in poor environments, and it is difficult to eradicate in such cases. Purpose: The aim of this research was to determine the macroscopic and microscopic identification of various types of dermatophytes present in stray cats. Methods: The research was designed as a laboratory-based study. The sample was determined through physical examination of stray cats infected with fungi and was selected based on the infection site (nail, hair, and skin) of infected cats. A total of 125 samples were collected from infected stray cats through skin scraping, haircutting, and nail clipping. The collected samples were then cultured in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) medium and incubated for two weeks at 26°C. Following incubation, fungi were stained using Lacto-phenol Cotton Blue (LPCB) for microscopic identification. Results: The identification showed that Trichophyton spp. is the most common isolated fungal species on the hair, nails, and skin of stray cats. This is followed by Aspergillus spp. and Microsporum spp. The least common dermatophytes include Curvularia spp., Absidia spp., Epidermophyton spp., Neosytallidium spp., Alternaria spp., Scopulariopsis spp., Mucor spp., and Penicillium spp. Conclusion: The research focussed exclusively on stray cats with clinical evidence of mycotic lesions and confirmed the role of stray cats in transmitting dermatophytosis through their hair, nails, and skin. The prevalence of dermatophytes on stray cats was identified in the Selangor region.

Feng-Zeng Li ◽  
Meng Jia ◽  
Ke-Jun Chen ◽  
Qian Ye ◽  
Sheng Fang

Bullous scabies (BS) is a rare atypical clinical variant of scabies and is easily confused with bullous disorders. The diagnosis of BS is always a challenge, and physicians often misdiagnose BS patients. Patients with BS admitted from 2012 to 2020 were enrolled in this study. The clinical, dermoscopic, and pathological characteristics of the patients were analyzed retrospectively. Ten patients with BS were enrolled in this study. Seven of the 10 patients were male. The bullae were most commonly found on the thighs and arms (80% of patients). Only 30% of patients (3/10) tested positive for mites and/or eggs by the initial skin scraping, but 100% (5/5) of the patients who received dermoscopy tested positive. Among these 10 patients, only five received a skin biopsy. Subepidermal (4/5) and intraepidermal (1/5) bullae with eosinophil and neutrophil infiltration were observed in five patients. Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) indicated linear deposition of IgG in the basement membrane zone in three patients. Physicians should consider the possibility of BS in patients with blisters, pruritus, and poor response to corticosteroids. Dermoscopy should be prioritized for the differential diagnosis of BS to exclude other bullous disorders. Finally, a biopsy should be performed on each patient with bullae.

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