cultural shock
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2021 ◽  
Firda Puspa Ringga Ramadhani

Masalah sosial merupakan masalah yang timbul akibat dari interaksi sosial antara individu, antara individu dengan kelompok, antara kelompok dengan kelompok. Interaksi sosial berkisar pada ukuran nilai, adat istiadat, ideologi dan tradisi yang ditandai dengan suatu proses sosial yang disosiatif. Bahkan masalah sosial timbul dari proses perkembangan masyarakat. Apalagi kalau proses perkembangan itu berlangsung dengan cepat sehingga menimbulkan keguncangan di dalam masyarakat. Sehingga masyarakat kekagetan budaya (cultural shock) dan kesenjangan budaya (cultural cultural lag).

2021 ◽  
Anne Grace Hadfield

<p>In the 1993-4 Northern Hemisphere academic year, I had the privilege of studying at Birmingham University and the Mission Studies department of the Selly Oak Colleges. I also had the opportunity to peruse original letters and reports from London Missionary Society and Church Missionary Society missionaries who came to Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific Islands last century. The content of these documents revealed personal stories of dramatic proportions; childbirth, death, drownings, loneliness and cultural shock. Alongside the personal stories lay the pragmatic accounts of establishing schools and mission stations with appropriate accompanying statistics in order to ensure continued funding Interwoven throughout were intensely evangelical sentiments about the salvation of the heathen.</p>

2021 ◽  
Anne Grace Hadfield

<p>In the 1993-4 Northern Hemisphere academic year, I had the privilege of studying at Birmingham University and the Mission Studies department of the Selly Oak Colleges. I also had the opportunity to peruse original letters and reports from London Missionary Society and Church Missionary Society missionaries who came to Aotearoa New Zealand and the Pacific Islands last century. The content of these documents revealed personal stories of dramatic proportions; childbirth, death, drownings, loneliness and cultural shock. Alongside the personal stories lay the pragmatic accounts of establishing schools and mission stations with appropriate accompanying statistics in order to ensure continued funding Interwoven throughout were intensely evangelical sentiments about the salvation of the heathen.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-45
Dr Savita Yadav

The present study explores and analyses the existential perspective in Bharati Mukherjee’s novel The Holder of the World; she tries to represent the fluid nature of immigrants due to frequent dislocations and relocations, which facilitate the characters to transform and assimilate into a new environment. The protagonist, Hannah Easton, discards nostalgic feelings and celebrates the latest opportunities in a liberal environment. Being a fearless, brave, and bold, spirited woman, she chooses her ways of life freely and accepts the consequences frankly. Bharati Mukherjee, one of the path breaking Indian American novelists and short story writers, has constantly made efforts to voice the immigrant experience of women. Hannah initially suffers from cultural shock, but being resourceful establishes her authentic existence by understanding the new environment utilising her full potential via free choices.

A. D. Palkin

The images of motherland in Russian and Japanese linguocultures are juxtaposed on the basis of association experiments. Russian culture is analyzed along two samplings – that of the early 1990s and that of the early 21st century. In order to compare their data, relevant associative fields were first split into four major semantic components, namely: logical perception, moral and ethic perception, bodily perception, and emotional perception. It was demonstrated that in both linguocultures the image of motherland was perceived in large part positively. It was evidenced once again that Russians of both periods tended to epitomize individualism, while the Japanese were obviously collectivist. Predictably, the worldviews of Russian respondents of both time periods saw much more congruence than the worldviews of Russians (from both samplings) and the Japanese. Meanwhile, post-perestroika Russians weren’t inclined to reflect over the image of their motherland or critisize it which is most noticeably evidenced by the percent-age of data pertaining to components of the associative fields under study related to bodily perception. The reason for such a reflection fatigue lay highly likely in the cultural shock provoked by the collapse of the Soviet Union and ac-companied by the discredit of its public ideology. Such an attitude was not registered in 21st century Russians and the Japanese. Love for the wild nature of their respective countries is a characteristic feature mostly of the 1990s Russians and the Japanese, but not salient in the 21st century Russians who expressed it to a lesser extent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-145
Svitlana Sysoieva ◽  
Natalia Dichek

In the context of intensification of Europe's migration processes at the beginning of the 21st century, intercultural communication of people resulted in readjustment of traditional systems of their norms and values; new values are being shaped while traditional ones are losing their dominant status. It is deemed necessary to shape a new cross-border and multicultural identity in the younger generations in order to prepare them to life in various cultural environments. A new standard of cultural awareness is to prevent possible effects of cultural shock, minimize such negative attitudes as national and racial prejudice. The objective of the paper is to outline results of the massive survey which involved students of higher educational institutions as well as senior students of secondary education institutions in Ukraine. The survey reflects the latest ethnic and intercultural ideas (representations) and values of Ukrainian youth, in particular their attitudes to the Poles as a separate nation and a close neighbour or ethnic minority residing in Ukraine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 47-55
Slutskiy Ya.S.

The article is devoted to the theoretical study of the scientific conclusions of domestic and foreign scientists concerning the process of foreign students’ social and pedagogical support and problematic aspects associated with staying in unfamiliar socio-cultural environment, which is highlighted as aim of our work. For achieving this aim, we used the general theoretical methods, including: classification (allowed to systematize a scientific works and conclusions of researches to outline the chosen direction of own research – the problem-oriented), analysis (contributed to the study of scientific conclusions), synthesis (was directed on the analyzed elements’ association for identifying our own conclusions).Results. In the article the results of scientific searches of scientists, which are united by a common subject, which is formulated as a problem-oriented direction was analyzed. The key meaning of cultural shock as the main negative element of the adaptation process, which affects the academic and social activities of a foreign student through psychological problems was highlighted. The directions that are the most susceptible to the negative influence of adaptation problems, namely behavioral, cognitive and social, are indicated. It is emphasized the role of linguistic training in the framework of the process of socio-pedagogical support, which should be carried out simultaneously with familiarization with the sociocultural norms of the host country, which will allow to form and learn how to practically apply a linguistic and cultural templates when building a contact with a representative of other society. The role of foreign student motivating during adaptation activities has been updated. It was considered the role of ethnic organizations and groups in which a foreign student can take part, provided that this interaction is short-term; otherwise, such kind of activity may have negative consequences for the process of socialization of the individual.Conclusions. The result of the analytical work is the theoretical results, which should subsequently be applied in practically directed activities when creating a promising, individual training programs for a foreign student; developing complexes of exercises, auxiliary materials and so on.The author considers the prospect of further researches in the study of the works of scientists in other areas of foreign students’ social and pedagogical support and questions of problematic nature (psychological, social) that accompany the adaptation process.Key words: analytical and corrective measures, structuring, adaptation, consultant, academic and social activities, interpersonal interaction, motivation. Стаття присвячена теоретичному дослідженню наукових висновків вітчизняних і зарубіжних учених щодо процесу соціально-педагогічного супроводу іноземних студентів і проблемних аспектів, пов’яза-них із перебуванням у незнайомому соціокультурному середовищі, що виділено як мета нашої роботи. Для досягнення поставленої мети нами були використані загальнотеоретичні методи, серед яких слід назвати класифікацію (дає змогу провести систематизацію наукових праць та висновків учених задля окреслення вибраного напряму власного дослідження – проблемно-орієнтованого), аналіз (сприяв вивченню наукових висновків), синтез (був спрямований на об’єднання проаналізованих елементів для окреслення власних висновків).Результати. У статті проаналізовано результати наукових пошуків учених, що об’єднані єдиною тематикою, сформульованою як проблемно-орієнтований напрям. Виділено ключове значення культурного шоку як основного негативного елементу адаптаційного процесу, що впливає на академічну й соціальну діяльність іноземного студента через проблеми психологічного характеру. Позначено напрями, які є найбільш схильними до негативного впливу адаптаційних проблем, а саме поведінковий, когнітивний і соціальний. Підкреслено роль лінгвістичної підготовки в рамках процесу соціально-педагогічного супроводу, який повинен проводитися одночасно з ознайомленням із соціокультурними нормами країни перебування, що дасть змогу сформувати і навчитися практично застосовувати лінгвокультурні шаблони під час вибудовування контакту з представником іншого соціуму. Актуалізовано роль мотивування іноземного студента під час вжиття адаптаційних заходів. Розглянуто роль етнічних організацій та груп, у яких може брати участь іноземний студент за умови короткочасності цієї взаємодії; інакше така діяльність може мати негативні наслідки для процесу соціалізації особистості.Висновки. Підсумком проведеної аналітичної роботи є теоретичні результати, що повинні застосовуватися в практично спрямованій діяльності, а саме під час створення перспективних індивідуальних програм підготовки іноземного студента; розроблення комплексів вправ і допоміжних матеріалів.Автор розглядає перспективу подальших досліджень у вивченні робіт учених в інших напрямах соціально-педагогічного супроводу іноземних студентів і питань проблемного характеру (психологіч-них, соціальних), що супроводжують адаптаційний процес.Ключові слова: аналітичні та корекційні заходи, структурованість, адаптація, консультант, академічна й соціальна діяльність, міжособистісна взаємодія, мотивація.

Muhammad Nuryanto

The research aimed to examine (1) the anxiety experienced by Pattani Students when they first mingled with Kembangarum residents, (2) the anxiety management used by Pattani Students, (3) the model of intercultural communication between Pattani students and Kembangarum residents. The type of the research used in this study is a case study. While the approach was qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews and participatory observation. The subject of the study is Pattani students and Kembangarum residents. The findings showed there was a cultural shock experienced by Pattani students when they first lived in Kembangarum. The cultural shock resulted in anxiety and uncertainty when they communicate with the locals. To overcome this anxiety, Pattani students used Gudykunst’s three anxiety management, those are the self-concept, motivation and, reaction to the locals. The communication model used by Pattani students was intercultural approaches by prioritizing dialectics and interpretation of community behavior.

Novalia Tanasy ◽  
Sitti Aisyah ◽  
Nashruddin Nashruddin

Children can naturally acquire languages easily and quickly even without formal teaching from teachers. English shows provided the children new knowledges and updates without leaving the comfort of their homes due to lock down. This study was designed to analyse the use of English shows to build the children’s English developmental for learning English as foreign language, including discussion of its advantages and weaknesses. Library research and qualitative method were used to explain the findings. The data collection was documented from 3 working papers, 25 journal articles and 4 renowned books related to the topics. The analysis reveals that the children were able to retell the shows scenes, characters, topics, stories, opinions and they can pronounce English words alike as the natives do. From English shows, the children can learn some positives values and habit from the characters. The weaknesses of this strategy is control means that parents must spare time to accompany their children while watching the shows which may boring and tiring them. The other weakness is cultural shock. The English shows were mostly created by American and European whom have different basic cultures from Indonesian, therefore parents must ready to explain some scenes which are unfamiliar to ours. Lastly, watching English shows from television and YouTube also considered as more expensive instead of learning from classroom since it still need payment, subscription, fast internet connection, gadget and electricity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-138
Alla Marchyshyna ◽  
Anatolii Skrypnyk

The late twentieth century is notable for the outburst of interest in gender as a construct formed by a definite social and cultural milieu and existing in certain discourses. The discourse of Ann Oakley’s fiction presents a broad spectrum of gender identities mirroring societal mores. The present study qualifies feminine identities in terms of autonomy–connectedness as stereotyped attributes. The transformation of deep-rooted patterns of behaviourist and speech practices results in a specific verbal form and character depiction. The female characters in question differ from the generally acknowledged model of women subject to masculine dominance. Oakley’s feminine characters are active in constructing their own lives: they are strong and decisive, self-confident and determined. These traits are verbally represented in relevant lexical and stylistic ways, directing an interpretation of the contents of the texts.

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