tsunami height
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2021 ◽  
Vol 936 (1) ◽  
pp. 012013
Haryo Dwito Armono ◽  
Adryanto Rama Putra ◽  

Abstract Indonesia is an archipelago located at the meeting point of 3 tectonic plates which constantly collide over time, the energy due to the collision will accumulate and be able to cause large earthquakes that can generate tsunamis. The island of Java is in the subduction zone of these plates, which causes the southern part of Java to have a high earthquake potential. On April 10, 2021, an earthquake measuring M 6.1 occurred in the south of Blitar and Malang. This earthquake was felt by most of the people of East Java, If the earthquake is large enough, it can cause a tsunami on the southern coast of East Java. Therefore, modeling was carried out using the FLOW module of Delft3D software while using earthquake parameters with a strength of M 9.1 which is the worst possible scenario on the southern coast of East Java. The results of this study indicate the fastest tsunami arrival time is 21 minutes, the highest maximum tsunami height is 20 meters, the highest run-up reaches 17,5 meters, and the furthest inundation reaches 765 meters along the southern coast of Blitar and Malang Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Toshitaka Baba ◽  
Naotaka Chikasada ◽  
Kentaro Imai ◽  
Yuichiro Tanioka ◽  
Shuichi Kodaira

AbstractAlthough tsunamis are dispersive water waves, hazard maps for earthquake-generated tsunamis neglect dispersive effects because the spatial dimensions of tsunamis are much greater than the water depth, and dispersive effects are generally small. Furthermore, calculations that include non-dispersive effects tend to predict higher tsunamis than ones that include dispersive effects. Although non-dispersive models may overestimate the tsunami height, this conservative approach is acceptable in disaster management, where the goal is to save lives and protect property. However, we demonstrate that offshore frequency dispersion amplifies tsunamis caused by outer-rise earthquakes, which displace the ocean bottom downward in a narrow area, generating a dispersive short-wavelength and pulling-dominant (water withdrawn) tsunami. We compared observational evidence and calculations of tsunami for a 1933 Mw 8.3 outer-rise earthquake along the Japan Trench. Dispersive (Boussinesq) calculations predicted significant frequency dispersion in the 1933 tsunami. The dispersive tsunami deformation offshore produced tsunami inundation heights that were about 10% larger than those predicted by non-dispersive (long-wave) calculations. The dispersive tsunami calculations simulated the observed tsunami inundation heights better than did the non-dispersive tsunami calculations. Contrary to conventional practice, we conclude that dispersive calculations are essential when preparing deterministic hazard maps for outer-rise tsunamis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 873 (1) ◽  
pp. 012054
I.R. Pranantyo ◽  
A. Cipta ◽  
H.A. Shiddiqi ◽  
M. Heidarzadeh

Abstract We studied the February 23rd, 1969 M7.0 Majene, Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami. It was followed by tsunami reported at five locations. At least 64 people were killed and severe damage on infrastructures were reported in Majene region. Based on damage data, we estimated that the maximum intensity of the earthquake was MMI VIII. Focal mechanisms, derived using first motion polarity analysis, indicated that the earthquake had a thrust mechanism. Furthermore, we built hypothetical earthquake scenarios based on a rectangular fault plane of 40 km × 20 km with a homogeneous slip model of 1.5 m. We run the Open Quake and the JAGURS code to validate the macroseismic and tsunami observation data, respectively. Our best-fitted earthquake model generates maximum intensity of 8+ which is in line with the reported macroseismic data. However, the maximum simulated tsunami height from all scenario earthquakes is 2.25 m which is smaller than the 4 m tsunami height observed at Pelattoang. The possibility of contribution of another mechanism to tsunami generation requires further investigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Dong-Jiing Doong ◽  
Yang-Ming Fan ◽  
Jin Yih Chen ◽  
Chia Chuen Kao

A service platform (referred to as Taiwan Marine Environment Monitoring Service) was designed to integrate marine environmental parameters, including wind, wave, tide, current and temperature components, from in-situ and remote sensing observations, ship reports and numerical models to support the safety of various marine-related activities in Taiwanese waters. Independent modules were developed and plugged into the platform to facilitate advanced analyses via the safe sea, particle tracking module, extreme waves, oil spill simulation, tsunami warning (TW), sea level rise, dangerous swell warning (DSW), and SST drop modules. This paper introduces the service platform and DSW and TW module analysis methods. A real-time analysis method for tsunami height is developed and validated; a criterial analysis of hazardous swells is also performed. This service platform is now in operation and has served more than 10 governmental institutions and numerous members of the public in Taiwan.

2021 ◽  
Finn Løvholt ◽  
Matthias Rauter ◽  
Thomas Zengaffinen-Morris ◽  
Carl Harbitz

<p>Landslide tsunamis, despite their importance for the overall tsunami hazard, is not as well understood as earthquake tsunamis. Several uncertain factors contribute to the lack of understanding, such as the variability in the source mechanisms, the dynamics of the landslide and the tsunami generation, as well as the temporal probability of occurrence of landslide events. Here, we present an overview of research activities on landslide tsunami analyses in the H2020 ITN-SLATE project. This research originates from two PhD student projects within SLATE, which have so far resulted in at least six publications with several more in the pipeline. In the SLATE project, we show that both translational and rotational dynamic attributes of the landslide are good indicators of the tsunamigenic potential of slumps using the visco-plastic landslide model BingClaw, by correlating the acceleration times mass and also angular momentum with the induced tsunami height. Moreover, we have employed Navier-Stokes simulations to hindcast model experiments of subaerial landslide tsunamis. By using the experience modelling this benchmark to model tsunamis in many other geometrical settings, the Navier-Stokes model is further employed to test generality and discuss several existing parametric relationships from literature so far available only empirically. New 3D formulations for granular landslide dynamics have further been established. Numerical models have also been set up to simulate real cases such as Anak Krakatoa. Finally, a broad parametric study that constrain the landslide dynamics for a landslide probabilistic hazard analysis is undertaken, to show how using past observations can effectively reduce uncertainties related to landslide dynamics. Combining an overview of the study with some highlights, we show how SLATE has contributed to increasing our understanding of landslide tsunamis and their hazard. We also discuss how the outcome of this project provides a platform for further research. This work has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 721403.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ignatius Ryan Pranantyo ◽  
Athanasius Cipta ◽  
Hasbi Shiddiqi ◽  
Mohammad Heidarzadeh

<p>An M7.0 earthquake followed by moderate tsunami destructed Majene region, western Sulawesi on 23 February 1969. This event claimed at least 64 lives and caused severe damage to infrastructure. In this study, we reconstructed the earthquake and tsunami source of this event by optimising macroseismic and tsunami dataset reported as well as analysed the earthquake focal mechanism. We estimated that the maximum intensity of the earthquake was VIII (in Modified Mercalli Intensity). From the first motion polarity analysis, the earthquake had a thrust mechanism which was plausibly from the Makassar Thrust. Further, deterministic ground motion modelling successfully fits the intensity data. However, thrust earthquake from the Makassar Thrust was unable to reconstruct 4 m tsunami height observed at Pelattoang. The estimated ratio between maximum tsunami run-up height and lateral distribution distance (<em>I<sub>2</sub></em>) from the dataset indicates that the tsunami was generated by a local coastal landslide.</p><p>(This study is funded by the Royal Society (UK) grant number CHL/R1/180173)</p>

Yoshiki Ogawa ◽  
Yoshihide Sekimoto ◽  
Ryosuke Shibasaki

For the establishment of precise disaster prevention measures in response to the Nankai megathrust earthquakes predicted to occur in the future, it is necessary to conduct numerous earthquake simulations and evaluate the vulnerability of the urban environment quantitatively. This vulnerability is evaluated on the basis of factors such as the extent of damage from earthquakes, as well as the attributes of residents, urban infrastructure, and systems in the environment. In this study, we propose a sparse modeling (SpM)-based technique for the evaluation of potential damage to urban environments due to Nankai megathrust earthquakes in Japan. As explanatory variables, any variables related to urban environments in Kochi Prefecture are considered. The results show that, unlike the so-called “complex disaster” events, the number of critical variables that characterize damage states when external disaster forces data (e.g. estimated seismic motion and tsunami height) and urban environment data are available is low, regardless of the magnitude of damage. In other words, urban system variables selected for damage states may be extracted as variables indicating vulnerability to earthquake damage. In addition, we evaluated the characteristics of different cities by visualizing the SpM results on a radar chart. The proposed technique is useful for gaining a deeper understanding of the influence of urban environment variables on earthquake damages. Furthermore, it is expected that measures for improving urban system resilience will be explored based on the proposed technique.

Takuya MIYASHITA ◽  
Kazuki KURATA ◽  
Tomohiro YASUDA ◽  
Nobuhito MORI ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
Della Ayu Lestari ◽  
Novi Sofia Fitriasari ◽  
Taufiq Ejaz Ahmad ◽  
Amien Rais ◽  
Dhea Rahma Azhari

Pandeglang Regency is an area that has the potentiel to be hit by tsunamis. The plate subduction paths of Indo-Australia and Anak Krakatau Volcano make Pandeglang Regency a region with a high tsunami potential. One step that can be taken to overcome and minimize losses is to do spatial planning to protect it against potential tsunami damage. This research aimed to evaluate the spatial area of Pandeglang Regency based on the identification of potential tsunami hazards.  The concept of modelling the tsunami inundation height developed by Berryman and based on Head Regulation No.4 of 2012 of the Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management has been used to identify potential tsunami hazards. The modelling was carried out by calculating the potential distribution of tsunami wave heights in coastal areas.  Three scenarios were used to estimate the distribution. The results showed that the first scenario predicted a maximum tsunami height   of 7.5 meters above sea level with the furthest tsunami inundation reaching 1,700.12 meters. Second scenario predicted maximum height of 15 meters, with the furthest tsunami inundation reaching 3,384.62 meters. Meanwhile, the last scenario was able to predict a height of 20 meters and showed the furthest tsunami inundation reaching 5.155,11 meters. These results proved that in all scenarios, the widest inundation would occur in Panimbang Regency. This is due to the relatively small variations in roughness and slope of the surface. The same condition also occurs in the last two scenarios, in which Sumur District was the area most ffected. Therefore, the spatial plan of Pandeglang Regency needs to be evaluated and the function of residential area changed to reduce and prevent large losses.

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