removable partial denture
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2022 ◽  
Foteini Touloumi ◽  
Shivani Suvarna ◽  
Catherine M. Florentine ◽  
Thomas D. Taylor

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-3
Manisha Yadav ◽  
Shilpi K Pandey ◽  
Poonam Agrawa ◽  
Devikarani S Khurpade ◽  

Progressive carious and inflammatory involvement of teeth if left untreated will ultimately lead the loss of tooth structure in the oral cavity. Earlier clinician was left with no option but extraction of such hopeless teeth followed by replacement with fixed partial denture, removable partial denture or implants. Hemisection is a removal of compromised root and the associated crown portion. It is one of the treatment options for preserving remaining part of molar having sound periodontium. This case report presents a patient in which distal half of the teeth was carious but with sound periodontium and the periodontally compromised mesial root was resected, and after healing, fixed dental prosthesis was delivered to restore proper form and function

Pedro Conceição ◽  
Margarida Franco ◽  
Nuno Alves ◽  
Jaime Portugal ◽  

Objectives: To assess the effect of a CAD-CAM protocol fabrication on the clinical fit accuracy of removable partial denture metal frameworks to abutment teeth. Methods: Fifteen patients with partial edentulism were selected to participate in this clinical study, and twenty dental arch rehabilitations were planned. For each dental arch (n=20), two cobalt-chromium frameworks were produced through two protocols: CAD-CAM production (experimental group); and conventional lost-wax casting technique (control group). Clinical fit accuracy was assessed using an indirect quantitative method to evaluate the gap between the framework occlusal rest and the corresponding rest seat. A silicone mold of that gap was obtained, digitized, and analyzed by micro-computed tomography. The two silicone molds obtained for each occlusal rest were overlapped and evaluated for thickness and volume. Data were analyzed with the paired t test for silicone thickness results and the Wilcoxon test for silicone volume results (α= 0.05). Results: Considering the two dependent variables under study, no statistically significant (p=0.441 for silicone thickness and p=0.204 for silicone volume) differences were found between groups. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the CAD-CAM protocol applied is a viable method for the production of removable partial denture metal frameworks. (Rev Port Estomatol Med Dent Cir Maxilofac. 2021;62

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Sharaf Eldeen M. Abbas ◽  
Mohamed A. ELKhashab

Patients. This clinical report describes the detailed prosthodontic management of a 23-year-old male patient suffering from soft tissue complication following the placement of a 3d-printed titanium patient-specific implant. This implant was implemented simultaneously with the resection of a calcifying cystic odontogenic tumor related to the maxillary arch. Later, soft tissue dehiscence and implant exposure were encountered with subsequent food impaction, infection, and pus discharge. The treatment plan was to fabricate removable partial denture. The prosthesis was planned to be retained by bar and clip attachment on the patient-specific implant side, while on the other side, the removable prosthesis was allowed to engage two abutments with an embrasure clasp assembly in addition to covering the palatal tissues to offer protection for the soft tissue dehiscence against food impaction. Discussion. Soft tissue dehiscence and implant exposure are among the frequently reported complications associated with the patient-specific implant. The resulting infection complicates the prognosis of the implemented implant and necessitates, in some occasions, its removal. The selection of the removable prosthesis to cover soft tissue dehiscence was a conservative alternative to the implant removal as it protects the exposed titanium surface from food impaction while maintaining the implant functionality. Conclusion. Three-year follow-up showed complete resolution of the patient’s complaints while fulfilling the patient’s aesthetic and functional demands and indicates that the use of detachable overlay prosthesis could be one of the proposed treatment options.

Prosthesis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 428-436
Anthony Pugliese ◽  
Enrico Cataneo ◽  
Leonzio Fortunato

A partial removable denture is a device that allows the patient to recover from a partial edentulism. This case report describes the realization of a chrome–cobalt partial removable denture by using two different realization methods: (1) analogic framework and (2) hybrid framework. This allowed us to compare the stability, retention as well as clasp quality of both the products and to highlight their respective advantages, disadvantages, and limitations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Aryen Kaushik ◽  
HarshVardhan Sinha ◽  
M. N. Hombesh ◽  
Pooja Rani ◽  
Taranjeet Kaur

This case report presents a 19-year-old male patient with hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, having a chief complaint of multiple missing teeth. Atraumatic extraction of the teeth with hopeless prognosis was done, and teeth with grade 2 mobility were submerged using cast dowel and coping. Following this, incremental increase in the vertical dimension was made using removable flexible splint of two-millimeter thickness. After facebow transfer and making appropriate eccentric bite records to program the semiadjustable articulator, wax-up was done at the desired vertical dimension (VD). The upper arch was finally restored using a long-span fixed partial denture and lower arch using bilateral attachment (Rhein 83) retained cast removable partial denture as a definitive prosthesis. Therefore, in conditions like hypodontia or oligodontia caused due to ectodermal dysplasia, attachment retained removable partial denture may prove beneficial by effectively distributing the occlusal forces. In clinical scenarios where implant is not feasible or not opted by the patient, this combination treatment may be a viable option.

Lisiane Cristina Bannwart ◽  
Clóvis Lamartine de Moraes Melo Neto ◽  
Daniela Micheline dos Santos ◽  
André Luiz de Melo Moreno ◽  
Aldiéris Alves Pesqueira ◽  

Abstract Objective The aim of this study is to verify whether removable dentures of patients admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) are niches of microorganisms that can cause pathologies (Staphylococcus aureus, Candida spp., and enterobacteria). Materials and Methods Fifteen patients who were denture wearers (removable partial denture and complete denture) were included in this study. Patients must wear their dentures daily, and these dentures must have acrylic parts. Microbial biofilm was collected from the acrylic part of one denture of each patient. Then, the biofilm was seeded on different culture media: Sabouraud agar, blood agar, MacConkey agar, and mannitol salt agar. In this study, biochemical evaluations of microorganisms were performed. Statistical analysis The percentage of dentures with the microorganism identified by each culture medium was calculated. Results In total, 100% of the dentures were positive for Staphylococcus spp. (blood agar) and Candida spp. (Sabouraud agar); 33.3% of the dentures were positive for S. aureus (Mannitol salt agar); and 13.3% of the dentures were positive for Shigella spp. (MacConkey agar). Conclusion Removable dentures of patients (removable partial dentures and complete dentures) admitted to an ICU are niches of microorganisms that can cause pathologies.

e-GIGI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 357
Adine V. K. Herwanto ◽  
Christy N. Mintjelungan ◽  
Vonny N. S. Wowor

Abstract: Behavior of maintaining denture hygiene is an important factor in the success of denture care. Poor denture hygiene maintenance can cause problems for dental and oral health such as caries, gingivitis, stomatitis, xerostomia, candidiasis, and periodontal disease, especially in users of acrylic-based removable dentures. This study was aimed to obtain the oral hygiene maintenance behavior of denture wearers. This was a literature review study using secondary data sources of the Google Scholar and PubMed databases with keywords, as follows: maintenance behavior, oral hygiene, denture users, acrylic removable partial dentures. Data selection were carried out based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, followed by a critical appraisal. The selection results in six literatures consisting in the form of cross-sectional studies. The results showed that the hygiene behavior of acrylic-based removable dentures in the community was classified as poor. In conclusion, maintenance of oral hygiene behavior of acrylic removable partial denture wearers is classified as poor due to lack of knowledge of most denture wearers to keep their dentures clean.Keywords: maintenance behavior of oral hygiene; denture wearers; acrylic removable partial dentures Abstrak: Perilaku memelihara kebersihan gigi tiruan merupakan faktor penting dalam keberhasilan perawatan gigi tiruan. Pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi tiruan yang kurang baik dapat menimbulkan masalah bagi kesehatan gigi dan mulut seperti karies, gingivitis, stomatitis, xerostomia, kandidiasis, dan penyakit periodontal, terutama pada pengguna gigi tiruan lepasan berbasis akrilik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku pemeliharaan kebersihan mulut pengguna gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan (GTSL) akrilik. Jenis penelitian berbentuk literature review dengan menggunakan sumber data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui pencarian database Google Scholar dan PubMed dengan kata kunci: maintenance behavior, oral hygiene, denture users, acrylic removable partial dentures. Seleksi data dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, dilanjutkan dengan critical appraisal. Hasil seleksi mendapatkan enam literatur berbentuk cross-sectional study. Data hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku pemeliharaaan kebersihan gigi tiruan lepasan berbasis akrilik pada masyarakat tergolong kurang baik. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi mulut pengguna gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan akrilik masih tergolong kurang baik karena kurangnya kesadaran dan pengetahuan dari sebagian besar masyarakat mengenai pentingnya menjaga kebersihan gigi tiruan.Kata kunci: perilaku pemeliharaan kebersihan mulut; pengguna gigi tiruan; gigi tiruan sebagian lepasan akrilik

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