methylation array
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Azadeh Ebrahimi ◽  
Andrey Korshunov ◽  
Guido Reifenberger ◽  
David Capper ◽  
Joerg Felsberg ◽  

AbstractPleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) in its classic manifestation exhibits distinct morphological features and is assigned to CNS WHO grade 2 or grade 3. Distinction from glioblastoma variants and lower grade glial and glioneuronal tumors is a common diagnostic challenge. We compared a morphologically defined set of PXA (histPXA) with an independent set, defined by DNA methylation analysis (mcPXA). HistPXA encompassed 144 tumors all subjected to DNA methylation array analysis. Sixty-two histPXA matched to the methylation class mcPXA. These were combined with the cases that showed the mcPXA signature but had received a histopathological diagnosis other than PXA. This cohort constituted a set of 220 mcPXA. Molecular and clinical parameters were analyzed in these groups. Morphological parameters were analyzed in a subset of tumors with FFPE tissue available. HistPXA revealed considerable heterogeneity in regard to methylation classes, with methylation classes glioblastoma and ganglioglioma being the most frequent mismatches. Similarly, the mcPXA cohort contained tumors of diverse histological diagnoses, with glioblastoma constituting the most frequent mismatch. Subsequent analyses demonstrated the presence of canonical pTERT mutations to be associated with unfavorable prognosis among mcPXA. Based on these data, we consider the tumor type PXA to be histologically more varied than previously assumed. Histological approach to diagnosis will predominantly identify cases with the established archetypical morphology. DNA methylation analysis includes additional tumors in the tumor class PXA that share similar DNA methylation profile but lack the typical morphology of a PXA. DNA methylation analysis also assist in separating other tumor types with morphologic overlap to PXA. Our data suggest the presence of canonical pTERT mutations as a robust indicator for poor prognosis in methylation class PXA.

Cancers ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 295
John Alexander ◽  
Odette Mariani ◽  
Celine Meaudre ◽  
Laetitia Fuhrmann ◽  
Hui Xiao ◽  

Mutations and loss of E-cadherin protein expression define the vast majority of invasive lobular carcinomas. In a subset of these cases, the heterogeneous expression of E-cadherin is observed either as wild-type (strong membranous) expression or aberrant expression (cytoplasmic expression). However, it is unclear as to whether the two components would be driven by distinct genetic or epigenetic alterations. Here, we used whole genome DNA sequencing and methylation array profiling of two separately dissected components of nine invasive lobular carcinomas with heterogeneous E-cadherin expression. E-cadherin negative and aberrant/positive components of E-cadherin heterogeneous tumours showed a similar mutational, copy number and promoter methylation repertoire, suggesting they arise from a common ancestor, as opposed to the collision of two independent tumours. We found that the majority of E-cadherin heterogeneous tumours harboured CDH1 mutations in both the E-cadherin negative and aberrant/positive components together with somatic mutations in additional driver genes known to be enriched in both pure invasive carcinomas of no special type and invasive lobular breast cancers, whereas these were less commonly observed in CDH1 wild-type tumours. CDH1 mutant tumours also exhibited a higher mutation burden as well as increased presence of APOBEC-dependent mutational signatures 2 and 13 compared to CDH1 wild-type tumours. Together, our results suggest that regardless of E-cadherin protein expression, tumours showing heterogeneous expression of E-cadherin should be considered as part of the spectrum of invasive lobular breast cancers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Zhuang Xiong ◽  
Mengwei Li ◽  
Yingke Ma ◽  
Rujiao Li ◽  
Yiming Bao

The Illumina HumanMethylation BeadChip is one of the most cost-effective methods to quantify DNA methylation levels at single-base resolution across the human genome, which makes it a routine platform for epigenome-wide association studies. It has accumulated tens of thousands of DNA methylation array samples in public databases, providing great support for data integration and further analysis. However, the majority of public DNA methylation data are deposited as processed data without background probes which are widely used in data normalization. Here, we present Gaussian mixture quantile normalization (GMQN), a reference based method for correcting batch effects as well as probe bias in the HumanMethylation BeadChip. Availability and implementation:

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Chi T. Viet ◽  
Xinyu Zhang ◽  
Ke Xu ◽  
Gary Yu ◽  
Kesava Asam ◽  

Abstract Background Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) has poor survival rates. There is a pressing need to develop more precise risk assessment methods to tailor clinical treatment. Epigenome-wide association studies in OSCC have not produced a viable biomarker. These studies have relied on methylation array platforms, which are limited in their ability to profile the methylome. In this study, we use MethylCap-Seq (MC-Seq), a comprehensive methylation quantification technique, and brush swab samples, to develop a noninvasive, readily translatable approach to profile the methylome in OSCC patients. Methods Three OSCC patients underwent collection of cancer and contralateral normal tissue and brush swab biopsies, totaling 4 samples for each patient. Epigenome-wide DNA methylation quantification was performed using the SureSelectXT Methyl-Seq platform. DNA quality and methylation site resolution were compared between brush swab and tissue samples. Correlation and methylation value difference were determined for brush swabs vs. tissues for each respective patient and site (i.e., cancer or normal). Correlations were calculated between cancer and normal tissues and brush swab samples for each patient to determine the robustness of DNA methylation marks using brush swabs in clinical biomarker studies. Results There were no significant differences in DNA yield between tissue and brush swab samples. Mapping efficiency exceeded 90% across all samples, with no differences between tissue and brush swabs. The average number of CpG sites with at least 10x depth of coverage was 2,716,674 for brush swabs and 2,903,261 for tissues. Matched tissue and brush swabs had excellent correlation (r = 0.913 for cancer samples and r = 0.951 for normal samples). The methylation profile of the top 1000 CpGs was significantly different between cancer and normal samples (mean p-value = 0.00021) but not different between tissues and brush swabs (mean p-value = 0.11). Conclusions Our results demonstrate that MC-Seq is an efficient platform for epigenome profiling in cancer biomarker studies, with broader methylome coverage than array-based platforms. Brush swab biopsy provides adequate DNA yield for MC-Seq, and taken together, our findings set the stage for development of a non-invasive methylome quantification technique for oral cancer with high translational potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Zongli Xu ◽  
Liang Niu ◽  
Jack A. Taylor

Abstract Background Illumina DNA methylation arrays are high-throughput platforms for cost-effective genome-wide profiling of individual CpGs. Experimental and technical factors introduce appreciable measurement variation, some of which can be mitigated by careful “preprocessing” of raw data. Methods Here we describe the ENmix preprocessing pipeline and compare it to a set of seven published alternative pipelines (ChAMP, Illumina, SWAN, Funnorm, Noob, wateRmelon, and RnBeads). We use two large sets of duplicate sample measurements with 450 K and EPIC arrays, along with mixtures of isogenic methylated and unmethylated cell line DNA to compare raw data and that preprocessed via different pipelines. Results Our evaluations show that the ENmix pipeline performs the best with significantly higher correlation and lower absolute difference between duplicate pairs, higher intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and smaller deviations from expected methylation level in mixture experiments. In addition to the pipeline function, ENmix software provides an integrated set of functions for reading in raw data files from mouse and human arrays, quality control, data preprocessing, visualization, detection of differentially methylated regions (DMRs), estimation of cell type proportions, and calculation of methylation age clocks. ENmix is computationally efficient, flexible and allows parallel computing. To facilitate further evaluations, we make all datasets and evaluation code publicly available. Conclusion Careful selection of robust data preprocessing methods is critical for DNA methylation array studies. ENmix outperformed other pipelines in our evaluations to minimize experimental variation and to improve data quality and study power.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Margaret Shatara ◽  
Kathleen M. Schieffer ◽  
Darren Klawinski ◽  
Diana L. Thomas ◽  
Christopher R. Pierson ◽  

AbstractPrimary spinal cord tumors contribute to ≤ 10% of central nervous system tumors in individuals of pediatric or adolescent age. Among intramedullary tumors, spinal ependymomas make up ~ 30% of this rare tumor population. A twelve-year-old male presented with an intradural, extramedullary mass occupying the dorsal spinal canal from C6 through T2. Gross total resection and histopathology revealed a World Health Organization (WHO) grade 2 ependymoma. He recurred eleven months later with extension from C2 through T1-T2. Subtotal resection was achieved followed by focal proton beam irradiation and chemotherapy. Histopathology was consistent with WHO grade 3 ependymoma. Molecular profiling of the primary and recurrent tumors revealed a novel amplification of the MYC (8q24) gene, which was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization studies. Although MYC amplification in spinal ependymoma is exceedingly rare, a newly described classification of spinal ependymoma harboring MYCN (2p24) amplification (SP-MYCN) has been defined by DNA methylation-array based profiling. These individuals typically present with a malignant progression and dismal outcomes, contrary to the universally excellent survival outcomes seen in other spinal ependymomas. DNA methylation array-based classification confidently classified this tumor as SP-MYCN ependymoma. Notably, among the cohort of 52 tumors comprising the SP-MYCN methylation class, none harbor MYC amplification, highlighting the rarity of this genomic amplification in spinal ependymoma. A literature review comparing our individual to reported SP-MYCN tumors (n = 26) revealed similarities in clinical, histopathologic, and molecular features. Thus, we provide evidence from a single case to support the inclusion of MYC amplified spinal ependymoma within the molecular subgroup of SP-MYCN.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 372-372
Albert Higgins-Chen ◽  
Yaroslav Markov ◽  
Raghav Sehgal ◽  
Morgan Levine ◽  
Kyra Thrush

Abstract The current era of multi-omics data collection has enabled researchers to obtain exceptionally comprehensive profiling of disease subjects. However, exceptionally high dimensionality can ultimately be an obstacle to biological insight. Previously, we presented a method in which penalized regression of methylation principal components reduces noise and improves prediction of age, disease, and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) pathophysiology. However, strictly linear methods may overly simplify the complex epigenetic aging landscape. We hypothesized that non-linear deep learning methods could identify molecular signatures that better reflect individual resilience to AD. Through the use of an autoencoder to represent high dimensional methylation array data, and supplemental machine learning methods, we connect latent nonlinear representations of the brain to aging, resilience, and indications of AD. In particular, resultant age-predicting representations of methylation were correlated with enrichment of methylation regions and biological pathways. Contextualized within AD pathology, this work provides valuable, ongoing insight into resilience in AD.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
U. Schagdarsurengin ◽  
C. Luo ◽  
H. Slanina ◽  
D. Sheridan ◽  
S. Füssel ◽  

Abstract Background Ten–eleven translocation methylcytosine dioxygenase 1 (TET1) is involved in DNA demethylation and transcriptional regulation, plays a key role in the maintenance of stem cell pluripotency, and is dysregulated in malignant cells. The identification of cancer stem cells (CSCs) driving tumor growth and metastasis is the primary objective of biomarker discovery in aggressive prostate cancer (PCa). In this context, we analyzed TET1 expression in PCa. Methods A large-scale immunohistochemical analysis of TET1 was performed in normal prostate (NOR) and PCa using conventional slides (50 PCa specimens) and tissue microarrays (669 NOR and 1371 PCa tissue cores from 371 PCa specimens). Western blotting, RT-qPCR, and 450 K methylation array analyses were performed on PCa cell lines. Genome-wide correlation, gene regulatory network, and functional genomics studies were performed using publicly available data sources and bioinformatics tools. Results In NOR, TET1 was exclusively expressed in normal cytokeratin 903 (CK903)–positive basal cells. In PCa, TET1 was frequently detected in alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (AMACR)–positive tumor cell clusters and was detectable at all tumor stages and Gleason scores. Pearson’s correlation analyses of PCa revealed 626 TET1-coactivated genes (r > 0.5) primarily encoding chromatin remodeling and mitotic factors. Moreover, signaling pathways regulating antiviral processes (62 zinc finger, ZNF, antiviral proteins) and the pluripotency of stem cells were activated. A significant proportion of detected genes exhibited TET1-correlated promoter hypomethylation. There were 161 genes encoding transcription factors (TFs), of which 133 were ZNF-TFs with promoter binding sites in TET1 and in the vast majority of TET1-coactivated genes. Conclusions TET1-expressing cells are an integral part of PCa and may represent CSCs with oncogenic potential.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (Supplement_6) ◽  
pp. vi11-vi11
Johannes Weller ◽  
Andreas Waha ◽  
Matthias Schneider ◽  
Clemens Seidel ◽  
Joachim Steinbach ◽  

Abstract BACKGROUND The CeTeG/NOA-09 trial showed that lomustine/temozolomide chemotherapy prolongs survival for newly diagnosed MGMT-methylated glioblastoma patients. Previous reports on temozolomide monotherapy suggested, that the survival benefit of temozolomide in MGMT-methylated tumors may be restricted to the RTK II methylation subgroup and absent in RTK I and MES subgroups. To identify patients with a particularly strong benefit from CCNU/TMZ, we explored the association of methylation subgroups with outcome after lomustine/temozolomide therapy. METHODS All patients from the CeTeG/NOA-09 trial with sufficiently available tumor tissue (n = 98) underwent 850K methylation array analysis of their tumor and methylation subgroup annotation (Heidelberg brain tumor methylation classifier v11b4; calibrated score > 0.5 required). Overall survival (OS) was compared between a pooled cohort of tumors of the RTK I/MES subgroups and RTK II tumors. RESULTS In the CCNU/TMZ arm of CeTeG/NOA-09, OS was prolonged in RTK I/MES (n = 16; median not reached, 4-year OS 69%) as compared to RTK II patients (n = 14; median 20.6 months, 4-year OS 23%; p = 0.004 logrank test). In the standard temozolomide arm of CeTeG/NOA-09, OS tended to be shorter in RTK I/MES (n = 7; median 23.7 months, 4-year OS 17%) as compared to RTK II patients (n = 17; median 35.2 months; 4-year OS 38%, p = 0.15). CONCLUSION The CCNU/TMZ-dependent survival prolongation in patients with RTK I/MES tumors as opposed to RTK II seen in CeTeG/NOA-09 suggests that methylation-based subgrouping could be predictive for CCNU/TMZ efficacy in newly diagnosed MGMT-methylated glioblastoma.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Anna Starnawska ◽  
Lina Bukowski ◽  
Ana Chernomorchenko ◽  
Betina Elfving ◽  
Heidi Kaastrup Müller ◽  

Abstract Background Depression is a common, complex, and debilitating mental disorder estimated to be under-diagnosed and insufficiently treated in society. Liability to depression is influenced by both genetic and environmental risk factors, which are both capable of impacting DNA methylation (DNAm). Accordingly, numerous studies have researched for DNAm signatures of this disorder. Recently, an epigenome-wide association study of monozygotic twins identified an association between DNAm status in the KLK8 (neuropsin) promoter region and severity of depression symptomatology. Methods In this study, we aimed to investigate: (i) if blood DNAm levels, quantified by pyrosequencing, at two CpG sites in the KLK8 promoter are associated with depression symptomatology and depression diagnosis in an independent clinical cohort and (ii) if KLK8 DNAm levels are associated with depression, postpartum depression, and depression symptomatology in four independent methylomic cohorts, with blood and brain DNAm quantified by either MBD-seq or 450 k methylation array. Results DNAm levels in KLK8 were not significantly different between depression cases and controls, and were not significantly associated with any of the depression symptomatology scores after correction for multiple testing (minimum p value for KLK8 CpG1 = 0.12 for ‘Depressed mood,’ and for CpG2 = 0.03 for ‘Loss of self-confidence with other people’). However, investigation of the link between KLK8 promoter DNAm levels and depression-related phenotypes collected from four methylomic cohorts identified significant association (p value < 0.05) between severity of depression symptomatology and blood DNAm levels at seven CpG sites. Conclusions Our findings suggest that variance in blood DNAm levels in KLK8 promoter region is associated with severity of depression symptoms, but not depression diagnosis.

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