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К. В. Кичеева

Статья посвящена форме на - залах, являющейся изоглоссой тюркских языков Сибири, которая также представлена за ее пределами в киргизском и языке фуюйских кыргызов. Автор прослеживает ее становление в грамматической системе этих языков. Установлено, что ее грамматический статус в тюркских языках не однороден: в одних языках форма выполняет более широкую функцию, выступая в роли причастия и глагольной формой времени (наклонения), в других языках - менее значимую функцию, служа глагольным отрицанием. Приведен анализ взглядов исследователей, вызывающих дискуссии по поводу этимологии данной формы. На основании анализа предположений об ее происхождении выделяются и описываются монгольская и тюркская этимологии, излагаются взгляды о двух - и трехкомпонентной структуре формы на - залах. The article is devoted to form -galakh, which is an isogloss of the Turkic languages of Siberia, which is also represented outside of it in Kyrgyz and the language of the Fuyu Kyrgyz. The author traces its formation in the grammatical system in these languages. It is established that its grammatical status in the Turkic languages is not uniform: in some languages, the form performs a broader function, acting as a participle and a verb form of the tense (mood), in other languages - a less significant function, serving as a verbal negation. The article analyzes the researchers' views that cause discussions about the etymology of this form. Based on the analysis of the assumptions about its origin, the Mongolian and Turkic etymologies are distinguished and described, and views on the two - and three - component structure of form - gahkh are presented.

2022 ◽  
pp. 016502542110643
Tina Zhai ◽  
Phoebe E. Bailey ◽  
Kris D. Rogers ◽  
Ian I. Kneebone

This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI) in younger adults. Participants were 212 younger adults age M = 22 (range = 17–53) years. They completed a demographic information questionnaire and self-report measures: the GAI, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS), the Generalized Anxiety Disorder–7 (GAD-7), the Patient Health Questionnaire–9 (PHQ-9), the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), and the Worry Behaviors Inventory (WBI). Data from the GAI were collected at two time points, one week apart, and data from other self-report measures were collected once via Qualtrics, an online survey platform. The internal consistency and test–retest score reliability of the GAI were excellent. It had good congruent validity with other anxiety measures, limited divergent validity with depression measures, and sound convergent validity with worry measures. The GAI showed good discrimination between probable cases and noncases of generalized anxiety disorder (participants who scored ⩾8 on the GAD-7) and its optimal cutoff score for probable cases of GAD was ⩾12. A unidimensional component structure of the GAI best fit this study’s data. This study has provided preliminary evidence that the GAI is reliable and valid for use in an Australian sample of younger adults.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
I. L. Buchbinder ◽  
A. S. Budekhina ◽  
B. S. Merzlikin

AbstractWe study the quantum structure of four-dimensional $${{\mathcal {N}}}=2$$ N = 2 superfield sigma-model formulated in harmonic superspace in terms of the omega-hypermultiplet superfield $$\omega $$ ω . The model is described by harmonic superfield sigma-model metric $$g_{ab}(\omega )$$ g ab ( ω ) and two potential-like superfields $$L^{++}_{a}(\omega )$$ L a + + ( ω ) and $$L^{(+4)}(\omega )$$ L ( + 4 ) ( ω ) . In bosonic component sector this model describes some hyper-Kähler manifold. The manifestly $${{\mathcal {N}}}=2$$ N = 2 supersymmetric covariant background-quantum splitting is constructed and the superfield proper-time technique is developed to calculate the one-loop effective action. The one-loop divergences of the superfield effective action are found for arbitrary $$g_{ab}(\omega ), L^{++}_{a}(\omega ), L^{(+4)}(\omega )$$ g ab ( ω ) , L a + + ( ω ) , L ( + 4 ) ( ω ) , where some specific analogy between the algebra of covariant derivatives in the sigma-model and the corresponding algebra in the $${{\mathcal {N}}}=2$$ N = 2 SYM theory is used. The component structure of divergences in the bosonic sector is discussed.

2022 ◽  
Maik Bieleke ◽  
Katarzyna Gogol ◽  
Thomas Goetz ◽  
Lia Daniels ◽  
Reinhard Pekrun

The Achievement Emotions Questionnaire (AEQ) is a well-established instrument for measuring achievement emotions in educational research and beyond. Its popularity rests on the coverage of the component structure of various achievement emotions across different academic settings. However, this broad conceptual scope requires the administration of 6 to 12 items per scale (Mdn = 10), which limits the applicability of the AEQ in empirical studies that necessitate brief administration times. We therefore developed the AEQ-S, a short version of the AEQ, with only 4 items per scale that nevertheless maintain the conceptual scope of the instrument. We validated the AEQ-S based on a reanalysis of Pekrun, Goetz, Frenzel, Barchfeld, and Perry's (2011) dataset (N = 389 university students) and by administering them to a new and independent validation sample (N = 471 university students). Despite their brevity, the AEQ-S scales achieved satisfactory reliability and correlated substantially with the original AEQ scales. Moreover, structural relationships and intercorrelations between the scales and their relations with external measures of antecedents and outcomes of achievement emotions were highly similar for the AEQ-S and AEQ scales. These findings suggest that the AEQ-S is a suitable substitute for the AEQ when administration time is limited.

2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-91
Dmitry Tugay ◽  
Olexandr Shkurpela ◽  
Valentyn Akymov ◽  
Ivan Kostenko ◽  
Oleksandr Plakhtii

A new model for decomposition of the total power losses, which includes four components is proposed. Each of the components of the proposed model has a certain physical meaning due to the nature of electromagnetic processes in a three-phase four-wire system. Definitions to describe each of the proposed components are formulated. It is shown that each of supplementary components of the total loss power is proportional to the minimum possible loss power and to the square of the RMS value of the power, which is caused by its occurrence in three-phase four-wire power supply system, and it is inversely proportional to the mean square of the net power loss. The synthesized Matlab-model for verification of the four-component structure of power losses showed a high degree of its adequacy. The proposed model allows us to rethink the description of power losses in three-phase AC circuits and can be used in specialized measuring instruments for electrical networks monitoring. Using the information obtained in the monitoring process, it is possible to plan technical measures to reduce losses of electrical energy in the power supply system, as well as to estimate the capital costs of these measures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
pp. 65-86
Larysa Lukashenko

The considerable progress of Ukrainian ethnomusicology in the field of structural and typological researches in the recent decades has generally clarified the melotypology and melogeography of the most ritual genre cycles of ethnic Ukraine and the adjacent areas, except the birth and christening songs. This is due to the small number or complete absence of recordings of this kind of songs in most regions of Ukraine. However, there are some areas where birth and christening songs exist in more than a few numbers and form a sufficiently integral melotypological complex. These areas are Northern Pidlassiaand Nadsyannia (the Syan river region). Generally, Western Ukraine is represented by a small number of records of birth and christening songs, but this nevertheless dominate over the rest of the territory, which is represented mainly by single samples. In the represented study, an attempt to fill the existing gap in the typological study of birth and christening songs of the western territories of Ukraine is made. The sources are published recordings, the author’s own materials, as well as materials from the Archive of the Laboratory of Music Ethnology at the Lviv National Music Academy named after Mykola Lysenko. Musical and folklore studies of birth and christening rites are not numerous. Among them it is necessary to mention a sizable monograph of Anatolyi Ivanytsky «Songs are from Birth and Christening» (Ivanytsky, 2013) and also collections of Halyna Sokil, Stephan Copa and others.Iryna Klymenko dedicated a special paragraph to this genre in the monograph «Ritual Melodies of the Ukrainians in the Context of the Slavic-Baltic Early-Traditional Melomassive: Typology and Geography» (2020). The comparative analysis of the total amount of the birth and christening tunes reveals a significant role in this genre cycle of the melotypological group on the basis of the spondeic seven-component structure, which is the most represented in the western Ukrainian and adjacent territories. The next melotypological group combines various forms based on the five component structure. Melodic type with a lyric structure V(5+5)2 has two rhythmic versions. Quite often, the same texts can be performed in different rhythmic variants. It has been observed that the tunes of the first rhythmic type are connected mainly with ritual lyrics. Instead, the second type combines mainly with common plots. A unique type based on a five-component structure, which has no analogues, is a three-part form V(5+5+5)2, which spreads on Nadsianna, less on Opillia territories. These melodies usually are combined with the same poetic lines «Early on Sunday, early on Sunday as a white day» rarely with some slight variants in the first line. Speaking of five-syllable structures we should mention songs with the so-called «arrow-like» rhythm. Although only a few fixations are known in Western Ukraine, the central and eastern territories of Ukraine and Belarus are represented more richly. Instead, the West part represents a kind of «hybrid» form based on this rhythmic structure. Perhaps the most widely used ritual melodic type in Eastern Europe with the verse structure V(5+5+7)2 and birth and christening function distribute on the territory of north-western Ukraine with a concentration on Nadsyannia. Another widespread ritual rhythmical form based on the iambic six-component structure is represented in tirade and strophic compositions, but the records of these songs, unfortunately, are rare. Summarizing the melotypological and meloareological characteristics of the birth and christening melodic types of the ethnic west of Ukraine, it should be noted that the two densest centers of their existence are Northern Pidlassiaand Nadsyannia. However, Northern Pidlassiais characterized by a richer melotypological set: six melotypes, while in Nadsyannia there are only three ones. In addition, the folk melodic types of these two areas actually differ. In general, the birth and christening genre cycle of Nadssiannia seems to be separated from the surrounding territories with its «unique» song «Early on Sunday», which partially spread to neighboring territories. Additionally, there is no any recorded sample based on the seven-component structure, as well as no samples of six-syllable melodies were encountered. The range of melotypes based on the five-component structure is the most numerous and most widespread in the territory of the ethnic west of Ukraine. A group of related seven-components melodic types is spread in the BelarusianUkrainian area. The melodic basis of the vast majority of the birth and christening songs is a system of stable tones at a distance of a fifth with a minor inclination of the scale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 564-575
Olga Alexandrovna Arzamazova ◽  
Rif Shakrislamovich Nasibullin

The article discusses the Udmurt dialect names of the snipe bird (Gallinago gallinago), which is from the snipe family of the Charadriiformes order. The main sources are field dialect materials of the Laboratory of Linguistic Mapping and Historical Lexicology of Udmurt State University, collected within the project “Dialectological Atlas of the Udmurt language”. In this paper methods of linguo-geographical description, structural-semantic and etymological analysis of words are used. Udmurt names for snipe appeared during the period of independent development of the language. In the Udmurt dialects, the most frequently recorded word is n'urtaka , formed from the n'urvyltaka form due to contraction. We believe that it is the most ancient name for the snipe. The main motivation used in the snipe nomination is a sound similar to the bleating of a ram, which is emitted by a displaying male snipe. Most of the lexical variants have a two-component structure formed from original and borrowed nouns. The first component is an attributive noune. It indicates the habitat / nesting place of the bird ( n'ur ‘marshy’, muvyr ‘terrestrial’), characterizes its nocturnal lifestyle ( uy ‘nocturnal’), expresses belonging to the wild nature ( lud , kyr ‘wild’) and the class Birds ( in' ‘heavenly’). The second component is the name of domestic animals ( taka ‘ram’, ketchtaka ‘goat’, kaza ‘she-goat’). Typological similarity of the snipe nomination processes is observed in some related and unrelated languages. Such coincidence of motivation and semantic structures of words is due to the biological characteristics of this bird.

Vira Syniakova 

The urgency of the problem of social and biological orphanhood in modern Ukraine is determined by constant growth and is determined by socio-economic, moral and ethical, psychological difficulties of functioning. Most children deprived of parental care are in state educational institutions, which unfortunately are not able to exercise individual educational influence on each child. Accordingly, the priority form of placement of orphans of family education. The success of the functioning of these forms is possible under the conditions of the effectiveness of their social support. The purpose of the article is to analyze the leading areas of social support of foster families and to determine the psychological basis of social support for the creation and functioning of a foster family. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were applied: at the first stage, we conducted a theoretical analysis, in particular, analysis of the scientific literature and semantic analysis of concepts to identify the component structure of social support; the second stage is the stage of expert evaluation using the method of focal objects (model of the psychological climate of the foster family). The article proves that the condition for successful socialization of a child in a foster family is a favorable psychological climate, which is realized through the following components: (i) Cognitive (intellectual) − objective ideas and knowledge about the specific psychological characteristics and needs of a child left without parental care; taking into account the individual characteristics of the child's development; understanding of its interests and values; (ii) Personal − motivation of potential parents, their expectations and attitudes towards the unborn child, personal characteristics (empathy, flexibility, resistance to stress); conducting pathocharacterological diagnosis; (iii) Activity − the presence of experience in raising children, the peculiarities of existing educational skills, taking into account their own children's experience; (iv) Family − the functioning of the family as a system, the peculiarities of relations in the family, in its subsystems (child-parent, marital), the involvement of the family in social life, the willingness to cooperate with professionals. Improving each component is a prerequisite for the successful functioning of the foster family.

Veldbrekht O.O. ◽  
Bovdyr O.S. ◽  
Samkova O.M.

Nowadays, the profession is regarded as an important part of a person, which should promote his/her self-development, meet some social and existential needs. Thepurposeof the article is to cover the diagnostic scope of the job satisfaction questionary (JSQ) in individual counseling and monitoring of organizational space. Methods: it is presented an original tool with proven validity and reliability consisting of 38 items – job components (process, conditions of implementation, results) which render individual needs in professional activity. It allows assessing the five components of satisfaction: the resourcefulness of working space, work organization, work & life balance, the social value of work, the space of professional self-realization. Qualitative analysis of individual items demonstrates fundamental motivators, frustrated needs, and “pain points” of employees. The research has analyzed diagnostic results of 104 representatives of medical professions who have 3-35 years of experience: 55 paramedics and emergency doctors, 26 employees of a private clinic, 23 volunteers. Results of the comparative analysis of groups show that, depending on working conditions, representatives of different teams are characterized by unlike components of job satisfaction. This uniqueness is the key to developing programs for social and psychological support of employees, training activities, and organizational interventions. Group satisfaction profiles make it possible to assess the individual results of some team members objectively. This is the background against which the subjective perception of professional life unfolds; common factors can mitigate or exacerbate existing problems. Common features of the sample comprise dissatisfaction with tangible and intangible remuneration for work, awareness of the social usefulness of work, continuous training. Conclusions emphasize that different professional groups are distinguished by challenging aspects of work and their intensity. Regular monitoring of teams using the job satisfaction questionnaire makes it possible to timely respond to the relevant challenges ensuring the psychological well-being of professionals.Keywords: motivation of professional activity, frustration, professional stress and burnout, psychological well-being, organizational counseling, organizational space. Сьогодні професія розглядається як важлива частина особистості, що має сприяти її саморозвитку, задовольняти ряд соціальних та екзистенційних потреб.Мета статті – розкрити діагностичні можливості опитувальника задоволеності роботою в індивідуальному консультуванні та моніторингу організаційного простору. Методи:представлено оригінальний інструмент з доведеною валідністю та надійністю, що складається з 38 пунктів – складових роботи (процесу, умов реалізації, результатів), які представляють потреби особистості, реалізовані у професійній діяльності. Він дозволяє оцінити п’ять компонентів задоволеності: ресур-сність простору, організованість праці, баланс роботи і життя, соціальну цінність праці, простір професійної самореалізації. Якісний аналіз окремих пунктів демонструє провідні мотиватори діяльності, фрустровані потреби та “точки болю” працівників. Проаналізовано результати діагностики 104 представників медичних професій зі стажем 3-35 років: 55 фельдшерів та лікарів швидкої допомоги, 26 працівників приватної клініки, 23 волонтери. Результатипорівняльного аналізування груп показали, що залежно від умов діяльності, представники різних колективів достовірно відрізняються складовими задоволеності роботою. Ця своєрідність є ключем до побудови програм соціально-психологічноїпідтримки працівників, навчальних заходів та організаційних втручань. Групові профілі задоволеності дають можливість об’єктивно оцінити індивідуальні результати окремих членів колективу. Це фон, на якому розгортається суб’єктивне сприйняття професійного життя; загальні чинники можуть пом’якшити або загострити наявні проблеми. Спільними особливостями вибірки виявилась незадоволеність матеріальної і нематеріальною винагородою за роботу, усвідомлення соціальної корисності праці, постійне вдосконалення кваліфікації. Висновки підкреслюють, що різні професійні групи суттєво відрізняються за переліком проблемних аспектів роботи та їх інтенсивністю. Регулярний моніторинг колективів з використанням опитувальника задоволеності працею дозволяє вчасно реагувати на ці проблеми, забезпечуючи психологічне благополуччя фахівців.Ключовіслова: мотивація професійної діяльності, фрустрація, професійні стреси та вигорання, психологічне благополуччя, організаційне консультування, організаційний простір.

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