public examination
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 112-122
Valentina Lapaeva

The article analyzes the experience of ethical committees in biomedicine from the standpoint of a legal approach. The Ethics Committee is interpreted as a fundamentally new institution in the system of scientific and technological governance, carrying out public examination of the biomedical research ethical acceptability and the corresponding social control. The author proposes some directions for improving the legal status of ethical (bioethical) committees in Russia, and also notes the need for special efforts by the state to form the proper institutional framework for their activities. Currently, biomedicine is a kind of a proving ground for testing the effectiveness of this new institution in the management system of modern science, performing the function of an intermediary between science, society and the state. An analysis of this experience allows us to conclude that it is advisable to extend it to other areas of scientific and technological activities, covered by the concept of NBIK-convergence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Sajida Perveen, Syed Abdul Aziz

The objective of the study was to analyze the Educational Polices of Pakistan with specific focus on examination reforms during 1992 to 2009. .The scope of the study focused on the recommendations made by the policy makers regarding examination reforms which were included in the educational policies of 1992, 1998 and 2009. It reviews the observed phenomenon of service delivery failures in public examination in Pakistan although various initiatives ,programs and policies since 1947 to were introduced to increase the inputs to examination but do not produce effective services outputs where it may counts as students cognitive development as it required for competing the international education system. This was a mix-method study using a phenomenological approach for which a questionnaire and an interview protocol were designed to collect the data. Participants were identified through stratified random sampling design in which teachers were included from secondary and higher secondary level schools/colleges. Two hypotheses were formulated for the study. Data was analyzed by using t- test and through content analysis and it was found that education policies do not comprehensively focus on this important area of education system by which students and teacher learning may be measured due to dearth of research culture. This results in no major reforms in the process of reforms and improvement in the examination process both in academic and administrative sides and working of Boards of Education. On the basis of the findings concrete recommendations have been made

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Karly O.W. Chan ◽  
Maggie K.W. Ng ◽  
Joseph C.H. So ◽  
Victor C.W. Chan

PurposeA new academic structure for senior secondary and higher education was introduced to Hong Kong in 2009/2010. This paper aims to: (1) compare the cohort from the old academic structure (Cohort 2010) and the cohort from the new academic structure (Cohort 2015) on the 14 categories of generic competencies; and (2) compare these attributes among students from different divisions in a tertiary institution in Hong Kong.Design/methodology/approachSelf-Assessment of All-Round Development (SAARD) questionnaires were distributed to students who took the two-year sub-degree programmes offered by the College of Professional and Continuing Education, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2010 and 2015 on a self-administered basis. A total of 4,424 students have returned the questionnaires. Data were analyzed with t-test to compare between the two cohorts.FindingsWhen comparing Cohort 2015 with Cohort 2010, significantly higher scores were observed on five areas such as global outlook and healthy lifestyle (p<0.05). Significantly lower scores were observed on the other five areas such as problem solving, critical thinking and leadership (p<0.05). Students from all divisions unanimously showed higher perceived rating on social and national responsibility but lower perceived rating on leadership (p<0.05).Originality/ValueThe elimination of one public examination, the newly included components such as Other Learning Experiences (OLE) and the compulsory Liberal Studies were believed to contribute partially to the diverse responses of the two cohorts. The dramatic change of the curriculum has not changed the examination culture in Hong Kong which may hinder the development of generic skills among students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-50
Ching Ho Cheng

It is becoming more common for students in Hong Kong to take extra lessons after school. Several surveys indicate that more than 70% of students need to take private tutoring classes after school in their final year of secondary school (Bray, 2013). This indicates that “shadow education” has become a trend in Hong Kong. There are different types of private tutoring classes in Hong Kong, such as one-on-one tutoring or tutorial classes for groups of five to eight students. These classes aim to help students to perform better in public examination, but it has become more competitive in recent years. Even if students have satisfactory results at school, they may be expected to take extra classes, since doing so has become a societal trend. However, do students really need to take so many classes after school? Does the quantity of private tutoring lessons taken correlate with good academic results? This study investigates why parents in Hong Kong are sending their children to learning centers after school. Do these children really need extra classes, or are they being affected by the surrounding area?

Марина Сергеевна Якушкина ◽  
Марина Римантасовна Илакавичус

Введение. Неформальное (или неформализованное) образование рассматривается сегодня как сфера услуг, направленная на удовлетворение потребностей населения. Вместе с тем обращается внимание на потенциал неформализованного образования отвечать на запросы общества в трансляции ценностных ориентаций, идеалов, способов и форм социальной деятельности и, по сути, влиять на трансформацию современного гражданского общества, динамику личности сограждан. Необходимо отметить, что нормативно-правовая база сферы неформализованного образования, достаточная для интенсивного развития и активной подготовки его субъектов, отсутствует. Для продвижения образовательной деятельности структур неформализованного образования необходим поиск способов и форм подготовки субъектов, способных выстраивать событийные образовательные сети. Цель – представить характеристику способов и форм самоорганизации разновозрастных сообществ, реализуемых в развивающихся событийных сетях с активным использованием практик сферы неформального образования (они трактуются в литературе как динамическая совокупность взаимосвязанных друг с другом педагогических событий). Материал и методы. Выявление на основе анализа отечественных и зарубежных исследований научных работ, результаты которых можно трактовать как способы разрешения проблем, обозначенных в данной разработке, методы моделирования, анализа и обобщения педагогического опыта, педагогические опросы, интервьюирование, включенное наблюдение, общественно инициированная и организованная экспертиза. Результаты и обсуждение. Обосновано: если речь идет об образовательном учреждении, где активно развиваются событийные практики сферы неформального образования, важно создать условия, чтобы (само)организация разновозрастной (прежде всего с участием детей и взрослых) общности стала приоритетным процессом в образовательной организации. Результативные формы самоорганизации разновозрастных сообществ, активно использующих практики сферы неформального образования: школьные общности неформального общения (клубы, музыкальные группы, проч.), семья (семейное образование и досуг); читательские клубы по интересам; религиозные сообщества прихожан; группы путешественников и участников экскурсионных маршрутов. Способы самоорганизации разновозрастных сообществ, активно использующих образовательные практики сферы неформального образования: игровая и проектная деятельность, самостоятельная групповая творческая деятельность, краудсорсинг, участие в социальных сетевых сообществах. Заключение. Деятельность разновозрастных сообществ в сфере неформального образования по созданию событийных образовательных сетей требует изменений в деятельности руководителей системы формализованного образования, в том числе в создании условий для детей и взрослых и соответствующим образом организованной территории для неформального приложения творческих сил и фантазии. Introduction. Non-formalized (the notion «non-formal» is often used) education is considered today as a service sector aimed at meeting the needs of the population. At the same time, attention is drawn to the ability of non-formalized education to respond to the needs of society in the translation of value orientations, ideals, methods and forms of social activity and, in fact, influence the transformation of society, the development of its citizens. At the same time, the scope of non-formalized education still has an insufficient regulatory framework for the intensive development and active preparation of its subjects. To promote the educational activities of non-formalized education structures, it is necessary to search for methods and forms of training for subjects capable of building event-based educational networks. The purpose of the article is to analyze the methods and forms of the (self)organization of different age’s communities in the development of event networks of non-formalized education. We are considering it as a dynamic set of interrelated pedagogical events). Material and methods. Analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the research problem, modeling, comparative analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience, opinion polls, interviewing, observation, public examination method. Results and discussion. It is justified: if it is an educational institution where event practices of non-formalized education are actively developing, it is important to make the (self)organization of different age’s adult-child communities as a dominant process. Effective forms of (self)organization of non-formalized education of differentaged communities: school informal communities (clubs, music groups, etc.), family (family education and leisure); hobby reader’s clubs; religious communities of parishioners, groups of travelers and participants of excursion routes. Methods of (self)organization of different age’s communities in the fields of non-formalized education: game and project activities, independent group creative activity, crowdsourcing, participation in social network communities. Conclusion. The activities of different age’s communities in the fields of non-formalized education in creating event-based educational networks require changes in the activities of the leaders of the formalized education system, including the creation of conditions for children and adults and an appropriately organized territory for the nonformalized application of creative forces and imagination.

Jade Potot-Warren

Sex work is defined as ‘a person who on at least one occasion and whether or not compelled to do so, offers or provides sexual services to another person in return for payment or a promise of payment to A or a third person’ . Sex work law is often controversial, and must balance the interests of the workers, the clients and the public. Examination of the relevant law relating to sex work, and the history and policy considerations that influenced it are crucial to understanding the principles that underpin the current law, as well as its application and flaws. There are a variety of critiques of England and Wales’ current approach to sex work and the reforms put in place thus far, including criticism suggesting that the current law is in places confusing, dated and ineffective. I will suggest proposals for reform, aimed at clarifying and modernising UK sex work legislation. These proposals for reform will explore and compare existing alternative models that could potentially be adopted. The issues raised by legal transplants (i.e. ‘the moving of a rule or a system of law from one country to another or from one people to another’ in order for it to function as it did in the host jurisdiction ) are also a necessary consideration in the development of reform proposals.

2021 ◽  
Stefania Schamuells ◽  
Olaya Dorado ◽  
Joaquin Hopfenblatt ◽  
Meritxell Aulinas ◽  
Adelina Geyer

&lt;p&gt;Earth Sciences are booming in social media, an unexampled scenario a few years ago. In the last year, these numbers have increased because of the COVID-19, citizens are consuming even more digital information, at the same time they are looking for more simplified and easy-understanding scientific concepts. It is very important to remark the value of entertainment, humor, and visual contents, which have a light universal language to approach Earth Sciences to citizens and experts beyond the pure academic frontiers. In this work, we share some successful examples through the use of illustration, comic, and infographic content between two Instagram accounts (&lt;strong&gt;@ohmagmamia&lt;/strong&gt; and &lt;strong&gt;@salirconunageologa&lt;/strong&gt;) which addend more than 13,000 followers and have a potential reach up to 37.1k (based on their account insights). The audience for this content is international although it has gained great popularity among the Spanish-speaking public (the initial target audience), little by little creating an interesting and growing movement. Countries such as Chile, Argentina, Colombia, and Spain have the greatest impact according to statistics. Age range is between 18-34 years for 87% of the audience, with a clearly female predominance (55% in @Ohmagmamia and 60% in @Salirconunageologa).&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;One of the principal goals of these accounts is to develop visual, artistic and easy-understanding content that fits the audience. On one hand @Ohmagmamia uses photographic material (e.g. landscapes, outcrops, hand specimen samples or micro-photographies), simple geological sketches and infographic content along with small descriptions in the post captions. This approach has been well received by both Earth Science students and non-professional enthusiasts, as well as biology-geology teachers and public examination trainers. On the other hand, @Salirconunageologa (Dating a geologist) uses cartoons, humour and comics to approach Earth Sciences to professionals and the general public. Its visual material focuses on storytelling to explain what it means to be a geologist using all its universe of friendly characters. In the first season of &amp;#8220;Dating a Geologist Universe&amp;#8221; (with 17 episodes), the main character, Nia Stone, is involved in different hilarious situations related to Earth Sciences, like volcanoes, trilobites, or Dr. Gems (the main Villain). This &amp;#8220;&lt;strong&gt;geocomics&amp;#8221;&lt;/strong&gt; have been very well received, being the first chapter the one which records the best audience data, with 10k accounts reached on Instagram.&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Social media statistics data provide interesting information about the success of these scientific dissemination&amp;#8217;s new methods. In the last 6 months of the 2020 both accounts reached an average of 11,000 Instagram accounts with an average more than 1,000 &amp;#8220;likes&amp;#8221; per post and with an engagement rate that varies from 9 to 12%. In addition, the use of other social media such as Twitter or YouTube able us to reach more people and/or accounts by using Twitter &amp;#8220;threads&amp;#8221; or sharing videos of invite talks or &amp;#8220;webinars&amp;#8221;, whose popularity grew during the quarantine period. All these results show the importance of a perfect relation between visuals, art and Earth Science and its capability to reach people from all around the globe.&lt;/p&gt;

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-165
Dian Utama Pratiwi Putri ◽  
M. Inggil Prasetyo ◽  
Achmad Djamil

ABSTRACT :CORRELATION OF OBESITY, STRESS WITH HYPERTENSION IN YOUNG ADULTS AT SUMBERSARI’S PUBLIC HEALTH CENTER DISTRICT METRO CITY 2020 Background: Hypertension is a condition of a person suffering from an increase in blood pressure above normal, namely systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg. Based on data from the Sumbersari Metro City Health Center 2019, the number of hypertension cases increased from 833 people in 2018 to 1134 people. Most people with hypertension who visited Sumbersari Health Center were according to age groups, namely at the age of 20-44 years as many as 488 people.purpose: To determine the relationship between obesity and stress and the incidence of hypertension in young adults in the area of Puskesmas Sumbersari, Metro City in 2020.Methods: This was a quantitative study, cross sectional design. Independent variables (obesity, stress) and bound variables (hypertension). The population of this study were all 1427 patients who visited the public examination center at Sumbersari’s Public Health center Metro City, 94 samples taken by accidental sampling. Direct data collection from respondents. Data analysis was univariate and bivariate (chi square) with an alpha of 0.05.Results: The results showed that from 94 respondents, 55 (58.5%) of respondents had hypertension, 36 (38.3%) of respondents were obese and as many as 54 (57.4%) of respondents were in the stress category.Conclusion: From the two independent variables studied, there was a relationship with hypertension, namely obesity (p-value 0.003: 95% CI) with an OR value of 6.6 and stress (p-value 0.000: 95% CI) with an OR value of 5.8. . It is recommended that health workers educate respondents to reduce stress such as listening to music, relaxation with aromatherapy or other coping mechanisms. Encouraging hypertensive patients to be able to lose weight, by adjusting the diet, exercising regularly every day and weighing each month. Keywords: Obesity, Stress, Hypertension  INTISARI : HUBUNGAN OBESITAS, STRES DENGAN KEJADIAN HIPERTENSI PADA USIA DEWASA MUDA DI WILAYAH PUSKESMAS SUMBERSARI KOTA METRO TAHUN 2020 Pendahuluan: Hipertensi merupakan suatu keadaan seseorang yang menderita peningkatan tekanan darah di atas normal, yaitu tekanan darah sistolik ≥ 140 mmHg dan atau tekanan darah diastolik ≥ 90 mmHg. Berdasarkan  data Puskesmas Sumbersari Kota Metro 2019 angka kasus hipertensi meningkat dari tahun 2018 sebanyak 833 orang menjadi 1134 orang. Penderita hipertensi yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Sumbersari terbanyak menurut kelompok umur yaitu pada umur  20-44 tahun sebesar 488 orang.Tujuan:Diketahui hubungan obesitas dan stres dengan kejadian  hipertensi pada usia dewasa muda  di wilayah Puskesmas Sumbersari Kota Metro Tahun 2020.Metode: Jenispenelitiankuantitatif, desin / rancangancross sectional. Variabel  bebas (obesitas, stres) dan Variabel Terikat (hipertensi). Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien yang berkunjung ke balai pemeriksaan umum Puskesmas Sumbersari Kota Metro sebanyak  1427 orang, sampel sebanyak 94 diambil secara accidental sampling. Pengumpulan data langsungkepadaresponden.Analisis data secaraunivariatdanbivariat (chi square) dengan alfa 0,05.Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa dari 94 responden, sebanyak 55 (58,5%) responden mengalami hipertensi, sebanyak 36 (38,3%) responden obesitas dan sebanyak 54 (57,4%) responden dengan kategori stres. Kesimpulan: Dari dua variabel bebas yang diteliti terdapat hubungan dengan kejaidan hipertensi yaitu variabel obesitas (p-value 0,003 :CI 95%) dengan nilai OR 6,6 dan Stres (p-value 0,000 :CI 95%) dengan nilai OR 5,8.Disarankan petugas kesehatan mengedukasi responden untuk mengurangi stres seperti mendengarkan musik, relaksasi dengan aroma terapi atau mekanisme koping lainnya. Menganjurkan pasien hipertensi untuk dapat mengurangi berat badan, dengan mengatur menu makan, berolahraga rutin setiap hari dan melakukan penimbangan berat badan setiap bulan. Kata Kunci : Obesitas, Stres, Hipertensi

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