assessment techniques
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Electronics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 238
Attiq Ur-Rehman ◽  
Iqbal Gondal ◽  
Joarder Kamruzzaman ◽  
Alireza Jolfaei

The development of cyber-assured systems is a challenging task, particularly due to the cost and complexities associated with the modern hybrid networks architectures, as well as the recent advancements in cloud computing. For this reason, the early detection of vulnerabilities and threat strategies are vital for minimising the risks for enterprise networks configured with a variety of node types, which are called hybrid networks. Existing vulnerability assessment techniques are unable to exhaustively analyse all vulnerabilities in modern dynamic IT networks, which utilise a wide range of IoT and industrial control devices (ICS). This could lead to having a less optimal risk evaluation. In this paper, we present a novel framework to analyse the mitigation strategies for a variety of nodes, including traditional IT systems and their dependability on IoT devices, as well as industrial control systems. The framework adopts avoid, reduce, and manage as its core principles in characterising mitigation strategies. Our results confirmed the effectiveness of our mitigation strategy framework, which took node types, their criticality, and the network topology into account. Our results showed that our proposed framework was highly effective at reducing the risks in dynamic and resource constraint environments, in contrast to the existing techniques in the literature.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-24

  In the world of education, it is very common for curriculum changes to be carried out with various considerations in accordance with changing times. In line with changes in the curriculum in Indonesia, the Ministry of Religion also issued a new curriculum written in KMA No. 183 of 2019 replacing KMA No. 165 of 2014 concerning 2013 curriculum guidelines for PAI and Arabic language materials. In KMA No. 165 of 2014 and KMA No. 183 of 2019, it is stated that the basic framework of the Madrasah Curriculum (PAI and Arabic) has been developed on philosophical, sociological, psycho-pedagogical, and juridical basis. Regarding the assessment of PAI and Arabic, KMA No. 183 of 2019, still has some similarities with KMA No. 165 of 2014, among others, assessment objectives, assessment principles, assessment methods, assessment techniques and tools as well as assessment aspects (attitudes, knowledge and skills). However, the highlight of KMA No. 183 of 2019 is the assessment of aspects of knowledge that require higher-order thinking skills or HOTS which has never been discussed at KMA No. 165 of 2014 before. ABSTRAKDalam dunia pendidikan sangat lumrah jika perubahan kurikulum terus dijalankan dengan berbagai pertimbangan sesuai dengan perubahan zaman. Sejalan dengan perubahan kurikulum di Indonesia, Kementerian Agama juga mengeluarkan kurikulum baru yang tertulis dalam KMA No. 183 tahun 2019 menggantikan KMA No. 165 tahun 2014 tentang pedoman kurikulum 2013 materi PAI dan Bahasa Arab. Dalam KMA No. 165 Tahun 2014 dan KMA No. 183 Tahun 2019, disebutkan bahwa kerangka dasar Kurikulum Madrasah (PAI dan Bahasa Arab) telah dikembangkan atas dasar falsafah, sosiologi, psiko-pedagogis, dan yuridis. Terkait penilaian PAI dan Bahasa Arab, KMA No. 183 Tahun 2019, masih memiliki beberapa kesamaan dengan KMA No. 165 Tahun 2014, antara lain tujuan penilaian, prinsip penilaian, metode penilaian, teknik dan alat penilaian serta aspek penilaian (sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan). Namun yang menjadi sorotan dari KMA No 183 Tahun 2019 ini adalah penilaian aspek pengetahuan yang membutuhkan kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi atau HOTS yang belum pernah dibahas di KMA No 165 Tahun 2014 sebelumnya.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 173-180
Dedi Mulyadi ◽  
Tanti Kirana Utami ◽  
Hilman Nur ◽  
Kuswandi ◽  
Cucu Solihah ◽  

The MBKM policy provides opportunities for students to gain more comprehensive learning experiences and new competencies through several learning activities. Service activities are carried out by holding two types of activities, namely the socialization of MBKM policies and workshops on preparing the MBKM curriculum. The target of this activity is the leadership of the study program, lecturers, and education staff; with this activity, the participants become more familiar with preparing the curriculum, starting from making learning outcomes to assessment techniques. Furthermore, the impact of this training realizes the fulfillment of higher education performance indicators.

2022 ◽  
pp. 192-215
Sandra Kadum

Going to school today means living a creative life worthy of a young man. The school is a living community of students, teachers, and parents. Problems arising from the school environment are very common today and are present at all levels of education. The pursuit of a quality, free, and democratic school has become a reality in many parts of the world, but due to the complexity of certain curricula, and rigorous assessment techniques, schools are sometimes still a place of coercion to learn. It is especially important to know the prerequisites for proper school education, the problems faced by students, and the measures that can be taken to prevent, reduce, or eliminate them. In order for school education to be realized in accordance with positive educational outcomes, it is necessary to organize, realize, and monitor its outcomes and results in an appropriate manner.

2022 ◽  
Vol 100 (S267) ◽  
Paul Goin ◽  
Tomy Sagnial ◽  
Lydia Belameiri ◽  
Sylvain Poinard ◽  
Anne Sophie Gauthier ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-203
Almighty Cortezo Tabuena ◽  
Glinore Santiago Morales ◽  
Mary Leigh Ann Corpuz Perez

The primary objective of this study is to review and characterize research-based music assessments that might be used to guide and assist teachers and students in transforming their attitudes and perceptions, ability to express their ideas and concepts during the assessment process openly. This study employed descriptive and autoethnographic methods to elicit information about current conditions and practices through the library approach and literature review. The identified music assessment techniques were used to determine how well students comprehend important points in a session. It includes the Music Concept Memory Exercise and Instrumental and Vocal Schematic Processing for music lesson instructions and the Five-Letter Name Pitch Memory Test and Three-Chord Familiarization Assessment for basic instrumental music instructions. They are used as a core component deliberately designed to expose classroom teachers and prospective teachers to the essentials for effective instructional practices. Effective evaluation ensures that learners’ knowledge, understanding, and skills are transferred effectively in future contexts.

Reima Al-Jarf

This article proposes a model for teaching interpreting for tourism purposes. It shows the aims of the model, interpreting materials, training strategies, training environment and assessment techniques. The model aims to train students to interpret in English with or without prior preparation or knowledge of the topic and without taking or reading form notes. The training model consists of the following exercises: (i) breathing exercises; (ii) memory training exercises; (iii) shadowing exercises; (iv) sentence paraphrasing; (v) summarizing sentences, then whole paragraphs about tourism; (vi) listening to single words, sentences, and a short paragraph about tourism and interpreting them; (vii) listening to familiar and easy tourism topics, then more difficult ones with a variety of tourism sub-topics. In a multimedia language lab, the students may listen to tourism podcasts, watch tourism documentaries or TED Talks and interpret the content from English to Arabic and vice versa. Simulations (role playing) of tourists and interpreters in teams of three or more may be conducted. Students may also visit a local tourist attraction, interpret, or give a commentary on-site. The training program objectives, types of interpreting, interpreting exercises, training materials, teaching and learning strategies and assessment techniques are described in detail.

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