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2022 ◽  
Yulia Shokina ◽  
Yulia Kuchina ◽  
Ksenya Savkina ◽  
Elena Novozhilova ◽  
Katya Tatcienko ◽  

The high content of iodine in dried algae has allowed it to be used as a physiologically functional food ingredient in the technology of fortified foods, which can help prevent iodine deficiency. The aim of this research was to develop a technology for food products enriched with iodine (Italian crispbreads), as well as fermented dairy products (thick and drinking yoghurts with various fruit fillings). The brown algae Laminaria saccharina, which originates from the islandFrøya (in Norway), was used to enrich the products with iodine. This algaewas grown on the farms of the company ”Energy Solutions AS” and was dried by various methods of low-temperature drying (heat pump at a temperature of minus 10 ∘C, drying in 1-3 layers; vacuum freeze drying with pre-storage at a temperature of minus 8 ∘C; and pre-freezing and storing at a temperature of minus 25 ∘C for 2-6 days). The chemical composition of the algae was studied. The findings showed that the modes of pretreatment of algae and the method of cold drying did not influence the following indicators (in % of the total mass of dried algae): the mass fraction of water (6.00±0.50% to 6.93±0.50%),ash (46.40-50.14%), andsodium chloride (31.00±1.75%). The above technological factors substantially affected the content of protein and iodine in the dried algae. Thus, the mass fraction of protein varied from 5.88% to 12.35% per total mass, and iodine varied from 0.367% to 0.522% in terms of dry matter. The optimal dosage of dried algae for adding to raw material was calculated (which provided anabove-stated iodine content of % of the recommended level of adequate consumption in 100g of the developed products): from 66% in crispbreads to 88% in fermented dairy products. All new products provided a high level of organoleptic evaluation. Keywords: brown algae, Laminaria saccharina, iodine, functionalproduct, crispbreads, drinking yoghurts, thick yoghurts

2022 ◽  
Uidemar Morais Barral ◽  
Alexandre Christófaro Silva ◽  
Cristiano Christófaro ◽  
Camila Rodrigues Costa ◽  
Aparecido Penafort Filho ◽  

Abstract Peatlands are ecosystems formed by organic matter (~ 15% of the total mass) and water (~ 85% of the total mass), and constitute a particular type of free aquifer. They perform important hydrological functions by storing excess water during rainfall events, contributing to the baseflow of its rivers throughout the year. Degradation affects the dynamics of the water table, which, in turn, can influence the decomposition of organic matter content and the release of carbon into its waters. Its water retention capacity may also be compromised and reduce the volume of water available downstream, especially in the dry season. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of anthropic interference on variations in groundwater, water storage, and carbon flow in two tropical mountain peatlands, located at the head of the Araçuaí River, in Serra do Espinhaço Meridional (SdEM), Minas Gerais, Brazil. Groundwater levels were installed in piezometers distributed on a peatland located in a protected area (Natural Park) (Protected - TP) and in a peatland located outside the conservation unit (Anthropized - TA). Data were analyzed considering the daily rainfall recorded by an automatic weather station installed in the study area. From the data on precipitation and water table level variation, the specific yield (Sy) in the two peatlands was calculated. The observed flows and the mean monthly Sy on each piezometer were correlated and their significance was verified using the t test (p <0.05). The relationship between the observed flow and the mean monthly values of Sy obtained for the piezometers were verified through multiple regression. The specific yield correlated significantly with flow in both peatlands (p < 0.05). Multiple linear regression showed a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.92 in both peatlands, indicating a direct relationship between Sy and observed flow. The TP presented a 43% smaller variation in the water table, a 7% higher specific yield and a specific flow rate of 13% higher in relation to the TA. The peatland located in a protected area retains more water, with less variation in flow throughout the year, and has less carbon output in the water compared to the anthropized peatland. The results demonstrated that anthropization is causing degradation of the peatland, reducing its water holding capacity and accelerating its carbon losses. In the medium term, these effects may lead to a drastic reduction in flow in the upper course of the Araçuaí River.

C. Tortora ◽  
N. R. Napolitano

Dark matter (DM) is predicted to be the dominant mass component in galaxies. In the central region of early-type galaxies it is expected to account for a large amount of the total mass, although the stellar mass should still represent the majority of the mass budget, depending on the stellar initial mass function (IMF). We discuss latest results on the DM fraction and mean DM density for local galaxies and explore their evolution with redshifts in the last 8 Gyr of the cosmic history. We compare these results with expectations from the ΛCDM model and discuss the role of the IMF and galaxy model through the central total mass density slope. We finally present future perspectives offered by next-generation instruments/surveys (Rubin/LSST, Euclid, CSST, WEAVE, 4MOST, and DESI), which will provide the unique chance to measure the DM evolution with time for an unprecedented number of galaxies and constrain their evolutionary scenario.

Malcolm A. MacIver ◽  
Barbara L. Finlay

The water-to-land transition in vertebrate evolution offers an unusual opportunity to consider computational affordances of a new ecology for the brain. All sensory modalities are changed, particularly a greatly enlarged visual sensorium owing to air versus water as a medium, and expanded by mobile eyes and neck. The multiplication of limbs, as evolved to exploit aspects of life on land, is a comparable computational challenge. As the total mass of living organisms on land is a hundredfold larger than the mass underwater, computational improvements promise great rewards. In water, the midbrain tectum coordinates approach/avoid decisions, contextualized by water flow and by the animal’s body state and learning. On land, the relative motions of sensory surfaces and effectors must be resolved, adding on computational architectures from the dorsal pallium, such as the parietal cortex. For the large-brained and long-living denizens of land, making the right decision when the wrong one means death may be the basis of planning, which allows animals to learn from hypothetical experience before enactment. Integration of value-weighted, memorized panoramas in basal ganglia/frontal cortex circuitry, with allocentric cognitive maps of the hippocampus and its associated cortices becomes a cognitive habit-to-plan transition as substantial as the change in ecology. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Systems neuroscience through the lens of evolutionary theory’.

Pharmacia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (4) ◽  
pp. 933-939
Oksana Strus ◽  
Mariana Fedorovska ◽  
Serhii Holota ◽  
Natalia Polovko

Methodological bases and uniform standardization criteria of humic compounds as substances for drug products have not been developed yet. This is due to the structural complexity of humic compounds, the variety of ways to extract them from natural objects, the impossibility of using many classical methods of analytical chemistry to identify and quantify humic substances (HS), the lack of standard samples. The identification of humic acids (HA) in the aqueous sapropel extract (ASE) is identified after extracting from ASE by alkaline hydrolysis by the quantification method. After further precipitation with a concentrated sulfuric acid solution characteristic dark brown color is appeared. It was carried out the HA extraction from the sample of ASE, the precipitation of HA, the oxidation of HA and Mohr’s salt titration in accordance with the methodology developed on the basis of SSTU 7083:2009. It was determined that the total mass fraction of HA in the ASE sample was 83.8 mg/g± 0.12%. The methods of identification and quantification of the total mass of HA in ASE have been developed and validated. The ASE has been standardized.

yin zhu

It is discovered that the gravitational field on the surface of a neutron star is with a relativistic mass density of 2.65*1016~5.87*1018kgm-3 which can be larger than the mass density of the neutron star (~1017kgm-3). And, the total relativistic mass of the gravitational field of the Sun is ~107 times the mass of the Sun. For different stars, the relativistic mass of the gravitational field is larger as the mass density of the star is larger. In the Milky Way, the total relativistic mass of the gravitational fields is much larger than the total mass of the stars, planets and gas. And, the relativistic mass density of the observed strongest magnetic field is 2.17*108kgm-3. This discovery should be a new frame to understand the fundamental problem of physics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 922 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
N. K. Bhadari ◽  
L. K. Dewangan ◽  
P. M. Zemlyanukha ◽  
D. K. Ojha ◽  
I. I. Zinchenko ◽  

Abstract We report an observational study of the Galactic H ii region Sh 2-305/S305 using the [C ii] 158 μm line data, which are used to examine the gas dynamics and structure of photodissociation regions. The integrated [C ii] emission map at [39.4, 49.5] km s−1 spatially traces two shell-like structures (i.e., inner and outer neutral shells) having a total mass of ∼565 M ⊙. The inner neutral shell encompasses an O9.5V star at its center and has a compact ring-like appearance. However, the outer shell is seen with more extended and diffuse [C ii] emission, hosting an O8.5V star at its center, and surrounds the inner neutral shell. The velocity channel maps and position–velocity diagrams confirm the presence of a compact [C ii] shell embedded in the diffuse outer shell, and both the shells seem to expand with v exp ∼ 1.3 km s−1. The outer shell appears to be older than the inner shell, hinting that these shells are formed sequentially. The [C ii] profiles are examined toward S305, which are either double peaked or blue skewed and have the brighter redshifted component. The redshifted and blueshifted components spatially trace the inner and outer neutral shell geometry, respectively. The ionized, neutral, and molecular zones in S305 are seen adjacent to one another around the O-type stars. The regularly spaced dense molecular and dust clumps (mass ∼10–103 M ⊙) are investigated around the neutral shells, which might have originated as a result of gravitational instability in the shell of collected materials.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 395-403
M. Koleva ◽  
M. Radevska

Abstract. Seeds of five Bulgarian cotton varieties, stored for one and two years, were subjected to five pre-sowing electromagnetic treatments with different intensity and duration of exposure. It was found that the selected values of controllable factors had stimulating effect on the total length and total mass of sprout and root. The total length of sprout and root increased by 7.5-16.4% (p<0.05), the total mass of sprout and root increased by 7.8-12.7% (p<0.05). The best treatment options were 1[U=(8…5)kV, τ =(15…35)s] and 4[U=(6…3)kV, τ =(5…25)s]. Electromagnetic treatments had stronger positive effect on seeds stored for one year. Compared to the untreated control, corresponding to each storage period, the electromagnetic impact had stimulating effect for both storage periods: for the total length of sprout and root the increase was by 7.6-21.1% and 2.3-11.0% at option 4; for the total mass of sprout and root it was by 10.8-16.5% at option 1 and 4.5-9.1% at option 4, respectively, at one-year and two-year storage of seeds. In comparison with the control Chirpan-539 variety, untreated seeds, one-year storage, higher values for both studied characteristics were found only for seeds stored for one-year: for the total length of root and sprout at the varieties Natalia, treatment options 1 and 4, Nelina and Helius, options 2 and 4 and Chirpan-539, option 1; for the total mass of root and sprout at the varieties Nelina, options 1, 2 and 3 and Chirpan-539, option 5. Compared to the untreated control corresponding to each variety, the stimulating effect of the pre-sowing electromagnetic treatment for the two characteristics was found for all varieties, for both storage periods. The Helius variety was the most responsive to the electromagnetic impact, with the strongest stimulating effect for both characteristics, at the one-year storage of seeds the total length of sprout and root increased most strongly by 34.8-43.9% at options 1, 4 and 2[U=(6…3)kV, τ =(15…35)s], and the total mass of sprout and root increased by 48.5% at options 1.

Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 467
Fayçal Hammad ◽  
Alexandre Landry ◽  
Parvaneh Sadeghi

The relativistic wave equation for spin-1/2 particles in the interior Schwarzschild solution in the presence of a uniform magnetic field is obtained. The fully relativistic regime is considered, and the energy levels occupied by the particles are derived as functions of the magnetic field, the radius of the massive sphere and the total mass of the latter. As no assumption is made on the relative strengths of the particles’ interaction with the gravitational and magnetic fields, the relevance of our results to the physics of the interior of neutron stars, where both the gravitational and the magnetic fields are very intense, is discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 64-74
Oksana Strus ◽  
Nataliia Polovko ◽  
Sergey Gushcha ◽  
Anna Filipska

For use in veterinary medicine for the treatment of the wound process and the prevention of mastitis, the composition and technology of an emulsion-based cream, conventionally called “Saprocream”, has been developed. Clinical trial of the drug “Saprocream” proved its effectiveness and safety for use in the healing of microtraumas, erosions and cracks (wounds) of the udders of cows. The aim of the research were was the standardization of the cream under the conventional name “Saprocream” for use in veterinary medicine as a wound healing agent, the development of methods of identification and quantification and their validation. Materials and methods. Test samples of emulsion cream type o / v, containing 15 % aqueous extract of sapropel (VES), 10 % oil extract of sapropel (OES), 6 % emulsifier No. 1, 1 % cetylstearyl alcohol, preservatives – 0.01 % nisin, 0.1 % euxil K 100 and purified water up to 100 g were made by phase inversion. The methods of pharmacopoeial articles of the European Pharmacopoeia of the 10th edition, SPhU 1.0, as well as industry standards were used to develop methods for identification and quantification of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) in the developed cream and its standardization. Results. The chromatographic profile of the acetone extract from the cream coincides with the chromatographic profile of the reference solution ((PRS) β-carotene), which indicates the presence of substances of carotenoid structure. The absorption spectrum of hexane extraction from the cream in the range from 500 nm to 750 nm has a maximum absorption at a wavelength of 670±2 nm, which coincides with the maximum absorption of hexane solution OES, indicating the presence of chlorophyll. A method for quantifying the total mass fraction of humic acids (HA) has been developed and it has been established that the total mass fraction of HA in cream samples with sapropel extracts is 0.828 %. The results of the validation of the method show that there is a linear relationship between the concentration of the total mass fraction of HA and the mass of the AES sample with a correlation coefficient of 0.9981 (³ 0.9981). The developed technique is precise, because the value of the relative confidence interval is less than the critical value for the convergence of the results: D %=1.34≤1.60 and the criterion of insignificance of systematic error d=0.51 is fulfilled. Conclusions. An emulsion-based cream under the conventional name “Saprocream” has been standardized, methods for identification and quantification of active substances have been developed and validation of the developed methods for use in veterinary medicine as a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent has been carried out.

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