multivariate statistical method
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Sunardi Ginting

This research was conducted in Pontianak, involving marketing employees at PT AJMI Pontianak Branch. Respondents of this research consisted of 35 men and 84 women with an age range between 24 s.d. 62 years old, with take home pay based on commission from their sales. This research data processing uses Multivariate Statistical Method, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), WarpPLS6 Approach. Research findings state that organizational climate is a positive and significant builder for job satisfaction and OCB, job satisfaction is also a positive and significant shaper for OCB and job satisfaction is a significant mediation between organizational climate and OCB in marketing employees of PT AJMI Pontianak Branch.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Ekrem Karakoç ◽  
Mesut Özcan ◽  
Sevinç Alkan Özcan

Abstract This study delves into how non-Shi‘a Lebanese assess Hezbollah and its activities. Having provided empirical evidence that Hezbollah has garnered positive perception in Lebanon, it asks what explains a substantial increase or decrease in favorable attitudes toward Hezbollah among Christians, Sunnis, and Druze? It argues that those who perceive Hezbollah as a resistance organization, as it often describes itself; the political alliance across sectarian groups; as well as insecurity caused by armed groups such as Sunni militant groups and ISIS, all combine to moderate people's views toward Hezbollah. Using an original, nationally representative face-to-face survey in Lebanon in 2015 and employing a multivariate statistical method, it finds that those who hold unfavorable views of the United States, those who support the political alliance of which Hezbollah is part, and those who support the Assad regime in Syria are likely to have a positive perception of Hezbollah and or its activities in the region.

Paleobiology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 337-355
Yifan Xiao ◽  
Noritoshi Suzuki ◽  
Weihong He ◽  
Michael J. Benton ◽  
Tinglu Yang ◽  

AbstractThe classical taxonomy of fossil invertebrates is based on subjective judgments of morphology, which can cause confusion, because there are no codified standards for the classification of genera. Here, we explore the validity of the genus taxonomy of 75 species and morphospecies of the Follicucullidae, a late Paleozoic family of radiolarians, using a new method, Hayashi's quantification theory II (HQT-II), a general multivariate statistical method for categorical datasets relevant to discriminant analysis. We identify a scheme of 10 genera rather than the currently accepted 3 genera (Follicucullus, Ishigaconus, and Parafollicucullus). As HQT-II cannot incorporate stratigraphic data, a phylogenetic tree of Follicucullidae was reconstructed for 38 species using maximum parsimony. Six lineages emerged, roughly in concordance with the results of HQT-II. Combined with parsimony ancestral state reconstruction, the ancestral group of this family is Haplodiacanthus. Five other groups were discriminated, the Parafollicucullus, Curvalbaillella, Pseudoalbaillella, Longtanella, and Follicucullus–Cariver lineages. The morphological evolution of these lineages comprises a minimum essential list of eight states of four traits. HQT-II is a novel discriminant analytical multivariate method that may be of value in other taxonomic problems of paleobiology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Himayati Himayati ◽  
Ni Wayan Switrayni ◽  
Desy Komalasari ◽  
Nurul Fitriyani

Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical method that tries to explain the relationship between a number of independent variables by grouping these variables into factors. With this grouping, the existing variables will be easier to interpret. In increasing the power of factor interpretation, a matrix loading factor transformation must be performed. The transformation can be done by choosing the method that is in orthogonal rotation, the varimax or quartimax or equamax method. In order to find out which rotation techniques is the most appropriate, the minimum square distance values () generated from the procrustes method used. In this study three data were used from the results of the questionnaire, for data I obtain the value of the minimum distance squared with a varimax rotation that is  with ; for data II obtain the value of the minimum distance squared with a quartimax rotation that is  with ; for data III obtain the value of the minimum distance squared with a varimax rotation that is  with .

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1-2) ◽  
Predrag Ilić ◽  
Dragana Nešković Markić ◽  
Zia Ur Rahman Farooqi

For hospital personnel, a number of harmful chemicals exist. The paper deal with very different harmful chemicals, but all chemicals are important and continuing problems where the risks to health, if uncontrolled, are serious. In the research was used descriptive statistical operations and multivariate statistical method, factor analysis (FA), i.e. principal component analysis (PCA). An analysis of 24 organic and inorganic parameters was performed. Results of the correlation analysis suggest that these pollutants pairs might have similar sources or have been affected by similar factors. PCA she confirmed that the mutually correlated elements constitute a group of elements with a similar origin.

IEEE Access ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 183749-183758 ◽  
N. Deepa ◽  
Mohammad Zubair Khan ◽  
B. Prabadevi ◽  
Durai Raj Vincent P.M. ◽  
Praveen Kumar Reddy Maddikunta ◽  

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