dominance hierarchy
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2022 ◽  
Sourav Paul ◽  
Samya Karan ◽  
Bhaskar Deb Bhattacharya

Abstract Tropical cyclones are increasingly affecting the estuarine communities. Impacts of category-5 tropical cyclone Amphan (landfall on 20 May 2020 near Ganges estuary mouth) on the copepod community of Muriganga section of Ganges estuary was studied by sampling the copepod assemblages before (February to December 2019), shortly after (31 May to 12 June 2020) and post (September to November 2020) cyclone. Hypothesis was shortly after Amphan a relatively homogenous community consists of a few estuarine specialist copepods would succeed but within months that community would be replaced by a heterogenous one but those estuarine specialists would continue their dominance. Shortly after Amphan, species richness declined but the recovery process completed within months led by herbivorous Paracalanus parvus, omnivorous Bestiolina similis, Acartia spinicauda, Acartiella tortaniformis, and carnivorous Oithona brevicornis. Spatial homogeneity of the community that prevailed in Muriganga in pre-Amphan and shorty after Amphan was lost in post-Amphan. Community composition changed from pre- to shortly after to post-Amphan. Unilateral dominance of B. similis observed in pre-Amphan was challenged by P. parvus, A. spinicauda, A. tortaniformis and O. brevicornis shortly after Amphan and in post-Amphan. Acartia spinicauda proliferated shortly after Amphan and co-dominated the estuary along with A. tortaniformis but the latter replaced the former in post-Amphan. Copepods did rebuild their community within a few months from Amphan but experienced rearrangements of species composition, abundance, dominance hierarchy and feeding guilds, which may strain benthic-pelagic linkages of Ganges estuary so shall be monitored regularly by coastal institutions following uniform methods and best practises.

Elizabeth A. Tibbetts ◽  
Juanita Pardo-Sanchez ◽  
Chloe Weise

Animal groups are often organized hierarchically, with dominant individuals gaining priority access to resources and reproduction over subordinate individuals. Initial dominance hierarchy formation may be influenced by multiple interacting factors, including an animal's individual attributes, conventions and self-organizing social dynamics. After establishment, hierarchies are typically maintained over the long-term because individuals save time, energy and reduce the risk of injury by recognizing and abiding by established dominance relationships. A separate set of behaviours are used to maintain dominance relationships within groups, including behaviours that stabilize ranks (punishment, threats, behavioural asymmetry), as well as signals that provide information about dominance rank (individual identity signals, signals of dominance). In this review, we describe the behaviours used to establish and maintain dominance hierarchies across different taxa and types of societies. We also review opportunities for future research including: testing how self-organizing behavioural dynamics interact with other factors to mediate dominance hierarchy formation, measuring the long-term stability of social hierarchies and the factors that disrupt hierarchy stability, incorporating phenotypic plasticity into our understanding of the behavioural dynamics of hierarchies and considering how cognition coevolves with the behaviours used to establish and maintain hierarchies. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The centennial of the pecking order: current state and future prospects for the study of dominance hierarchies’.

Elizabeth A. Hobson

Dominance hierarchies have been studied for almost 100 years. The science of science approach used here provides high-level insight into how the dynamics of dominance hierarchy research have shifted over this long timescale. To summarize these patterns, I extracted publication metadata using a Google Scholar search for the phrase ‘dominance hierarchy’, resulting in over 26 000 publications. I used text mining approaches to assess patterns in three areas: (1) general patterns in publication frequency and rate, (2) dynamics of term usage and (3) term co-occurrence in publications across the history of the field. While the overall number of publications per decade continues to rise, the percent growth rate has fallen in recent years, demonstrating that although there is sustained interest in dominance hierarchies, the field is no longer experiencing the explosive growth it showed in earlier decades. Results from title term co-occurrence networks and community structure show that the different subfields of dominance hierarchy research were most strongly separated early in the field’s history while modern research shows more evidence for cohesion and a lack of distinct term community boundaries. These methods provide a general view of the history of research on dominance hierarchies and can be applied to other fields or search terms to gain broad synthetic insight into patterns of interest, especially in fields with large bodies of literature. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The centennial of the pecking order: current state and future prospects for the study of dominance hierarchies’.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Brenno Bozi ◽  
Jeane Rodrigues ◽  
Monica Lima-Maximino ◽  
Diógenes Henrique de Siqueira-Silva ◽  
Marta Candeias Soares ◽  

Zebrafish anxiety-like behavior was assessed in the novel tank test after the formation of dominant-subordinate hierarchies. Ten pairs of animals were subjected to dyadic interactions for 5 days, and compared with control animals. After this period, a clear dominance hierarchy was established across all dyads, irrespective of sex. Social status affected parameters of anxiety-like behavior in the novel tank test, with subordinate males and females displaying more bottom-dwelling, absolute turn angle, and freezing than dominant animals and controls. The results suggest that subordinate male and female zebrafish show higher anxiety-like behavior, which together with previous literature suggests that subordination stress is conserved across vertebrates.

2021 ◽  
Laís Aline Grossel ◽  
Manoel Lucas Javorouski ◽  
Nei Moreira ◽  
Emygdio Leite de Araujo Monteiro-Filho

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 2694
Anna Stachurska ◽  
Anna Wiśniewska ◽  
Witold Kędzierski ◽  
Monika Różańska-Boczula ◽  
Iwona Janczarek

Horses in a herd develop and maintain a dominance hierarchy between all individuals. There are many situations in riding facilities and studs in which horses have to be separated out of a group. The aim of the study was to determine the rate of behaviours, level of locomotor activity and cardiac activity variables in a herd of horses during a short social separation of individuals differently ranked in the dominance hierarchy. Twelve adult Arabian mares were involved. A behavioural test had been performed before the main experiment to determine the rank order of the mares in this social herd. Three tests were performed when a dominant, mixed and submissive three-member group of mares was separated for 10 min. The response of the remaining herd was determined by a rate of behaviours, time of locomotor activity and cardiac parameters. The results of the experiment reveal evident changes towards emotional arousal in the social herd elicited by a short separation of some conspecifics. The herd created by humans preserves the sensitivity to a temporary loss of its members. The response of the remaining herd does not depend strictly on the composition of the separated mares regarding their rank in the dominance hierarchy.

2021 ◽  
Jeremy SunderRaj ◽  
Jack W. Rabe ◽  
Kira A. Cassidy ◽  
Rick McIntyre ◽  
Daniel R. Stahler ◽  

Gray Wolves (Canis lupus) are territorial, group living carnivores that live in packs typically consisting of a dominant breeding pair and their offspring. Breeding tenures are relatively short and competitive, with vacancies usually occurring following a breeder’s death, and are often filled by unrelated immigrants or by relatives of the previous breeder. The frequency and conditions of active breeder displacements are poorly understood. Position changes in the dominance hierarchy are common yet rarely documented in detail. We describe a turnover in male breeding position in a wolf pack by males from a neighboring pack in mid-summer 2016 in Yellowstone National Park. Over the course of two months, three males from the Mollie’s pack displaced the breeding male of the neighboring Wapiti Lake pack, joined the pack’s two adult females, and subsequently raised the previous male’s four approximately three-month old pups. In the four years following the displacement (2017 to 2020), at least one of the intruding males has successfully bred with the dominant female and most years with a subordinate female (who was one of the pups at the time of displacement). The pack reared pups to adulthood each year. Male breeding displacements are likely influenced by male-male competition and female mate choice. These changes are the result of individuals competing to improve breeding position and may lead to increased pack stability and greater reproductive success. We report in detail on the behavior of a closely observed breeding displacement and we discuss the adaptive benefits of the change.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Leanne Proops ◽  
Camille A. Troisi ◽  
Tanja K. Kleinhappel ◽  
Teresa Romero

AbstractEcological factors, such as predation, have traditionally been used to explain sociability. However, it is increasingly recognised that individuals within a group do not associate randomly, and that these non-random associations can generate fitness advantages. The majority of the empirical evidence on differentiated associations in group-living mammals, however, comes from a limited number of taxa and we still know very little about their occurrence and characteristics in some highly social species, such as rats (Rattus spp.). Here, using network analysis, we quantified association patterns in four groups of male fancy rats. We found that the associations between rats were not randomly distributed and that most individuals had significantly more preferred/avoided associates than expected by random. We also found that these preferences can be stable over time, and that they were not influenced by individuals’ rank position in the dominance hierarchy. Our findings are consistent with work in other mammals, but contrast with the limited evidence available for other rat strains. While further studies in groups with different demographic composition are warranted to confirm our findings, the occurrence of differentiated associations in all male groups of rats have important implications for the management and welfare of captive rat populations.

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